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This game of Multiworld Madness has grown too large for me to handle. What would you have me do?

Muster up remaining strength and complete the current chapter. Bring the game to a logical close, then reboot it.
- 32 (37.2%)
Same as 1, but a whole new game will be started instead, still Multiworld, but no longer Madness.
- 9 (10.5%)
Get just this last turn done and reboot the game. No point wasting energy if updating takes so long.
- 31 (36%)
Get the last turn done and start a new game project.
- 14 (16.3%)

Total Members Voted: 86

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Author Topic: RTD - Multiworld Madness! Final Update: Parts 1 and 2, out of ~4.  (Read 404024 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1065 on: September 28, 2008, 05:37:25 am »

First: I TK heal Chaoticag
Second: I attack the Heavy that is near me.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1066 on: September 28, 2008, 06:52:36 am »

I'll take your second action if you don't mind. I kinda skipped over the fact that Frelock healed the two perfectly (and even gained a skill increase, though I didn't omit that) when doing statuses.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 06:55:10 am by Sean Mirrsen »
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1067 on: September 28, 2008, 08:08:31 am »

if somebody ask anything, i DON'T know rooster. never seen before.

oh, forget that... i am already travelling with a person that is wearing a dwarf bone armor...
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 08:14:46 am by andrea »


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1068 on: September 28, 2008, 08:39:21 am »

riight  ;)
@Sean - I know what I ment Loki is a god of treachery in nordic myths

and I pretty like Mr. Lordi ...
ever heard "devil is a looser and he's my bitch" ? 8)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1069 on: September 28, 2008, 12:54:55 pm »

OK then Sean:
First: I attack the Heavy
Second: I kill the heavy or attack a different Heavy


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1070 on: September 28, 2008, 02:49:37 pm »

I'm very much interested in joining this later on. I have to say that JK's character is pretty much my favorite right now. He reminds me a bit of a Khorne Berserker, only much more badass.

Oh, and I intend to start (if and when I can join) by growing tentacles. Because that's awesome. It's either that or turning myself into a cyborg.

Sean Mirrsen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1071 on: September 28, 2008, 03:27:23 pm »

Alright, next turn coming up. I think I didn't miss anything, but don't trust me with that. :P

Turn 34      
Quote from: chaoticag
   I TK blast the heavy in the face!   
|   You focus your telekinesis in your hand into a powerful bolt, and discharge it into the elf heavy on the ground! In a brilliant flash and a burst of sparks, the runes on the armor of the elf explode, making his armor shatter into many tiny splinters! His head and upper body are heavily hit by the TK blast, and the splinters worsen the damage! | The sheer force of the blast leaves his head broken, and his ribcage crushed, and the numerous splinters have found their way into his lungs, heart, and brain. His body is propelled away from you, smashed against a nearby tree, and blown apart. You feel exhausted. (You can now form direct blasts of TK as a melee-range weapon, but currently doing so wears you out, giving a -1 to constitution and strength for the next turn. The blast itself has a +1 against anything not resistant to blunt damage.)   
Quote from: andrea
   i try to free myself   
|   With a cry of pain from the strain it puts you to, you push the debris up enough for Elica to get a better grip and push them away. You're lying in a depression in the ground. Elica looks over you in concern.   
Quote from: Boksi
   I'll attack one of the heavies with as much brutality as I can muster. RAAAGHH!   
|   Hollering in rage, you charge at the nearest heavy with your halberd raised! As you near him, you turn a roundhouse, striking at him with the halberd with full force! | The runes on his armor shine brightly, and your halberd bounces off of his chest, but it still transfers enough kinetic energy to the heavy to send him flying! | He lands onto soft dirt, tumbles several times, and comes to a stop on the ground. He picks himself up, holding onto his head. The hit left him battered, but relatively unharmed.   
Quote from: Gantolandon
   I try to find a baron. Or a mayor. Or anybody who's looking important enough to make decisions.   
|   You go down onto the lower floors and try to find a mayor of the town. However, you cannot discern anyone who looks to be of the nobility among the civilians. You think you should have probably checked among the military, and knowing the dwarven language would have helped as well.   
Quote from: LASD
   I pray to the gods to make my shield become sentient (preferably without being able to feel pain) and learn to speak.   
|   You call out to the gods, but your prayer remains unheard.   
Quote from: Jay Kayell
   I grab the elven leader, smack him against the ground a few times, and then absorb him and everything he is carrying into my armor.   
|   Grabbing at the elven leader proves to be a hard task. In your lumbering hulk-armor, you cannot move fast enough to catch the nimble elf.   
Quote from: Frelock
   I try to understand the elven runes, their purpose, how they work, and most importantly, how to make them.   
|   Realising you would need to look at the runes from up close, you start thinking of a way to obtain a suit of that armor. However, consumed by thought, you let your concentration slip! Your force bubble dissipates and you fall! | Having nothing more productive to do, JK catches you as you fall. Your white robes are now stained with blood. In the meantime, you figure that the safest way to deal with the matter is employing some form of paralysis and taking the armor off.   
Quote from: korora
   Clearly the elves are too pansy to come out and fight, choosing instead to pepper me with their futile arrows.  Well, I'll take the fight to them, then: I rush the leader with the Aschraver.   
|   Not more than two steps in the leader's direction, you are again assaulted by archers! | Again your Ashcraver protected you from most of the arrows, but the small cuts are starting to add up to bigger cuts. You'll be in danger if this continues. You are bleeding.   
Quote from: Rooster
   I try to get the ability to devour souls (by pleasing the ultimate evil god !)   
|   Your call to the heavens remains unheard. You are surprised, because you felt that you would certainly achieve an effect. Maybe you asked the the wrong god for the wrong thing?   
Quote from: Kashyyk
   I attack the Heavy   
|   You run up to the elf, then strike at him with your axe! | The runes on the elven armor shine again, and your attack leaves no mark on it, but the elf is thrown away by the force of the attack! | He turns a somersault in flight, and lands onto his feet, sliding to a stop. He doesn't look too hurt.   
NPC Actions:      
Quote from: Elica Larifera
   Elica is a swordself. Recently hired by Frelock. He's armed with a wooden longsword, and dressed in (somewhat pierced) green-grey close-fitting clothing with scarce leaf-shaped decoration. Is badly burned, but otherwise alright, standing in the completely destroyed tavern.   
|   He helps andrea out of the depression in the ground.   
Quote from: Ballista operator dwarf
   This is the ballista operator dwarf who was resurrected by Frelock. He practically LOVES Frelock. Has brown hair and wears clothes of indiscernable blackish leather.   
   He decides to go take a bite on the fourth floor.   
Quote from: Horde of elves
   A sizeable threat to anything wearing leather or sleeping in wooden beds, this force of several thousand elves now surrounds the keep, and pretty much occupies the entire town. The elves seem hesitant. It seems they are waiting for a command.   
Quote from: Keep Defenders
   The dwarves and humans watch from their various emplacements as the elf army waits. Whoever have the skills are treating the wounded.   
Quote from: Elf Leader
   An elf clad in shimmering cloth-like armor, wielding a shortbow of shimmering metal. He momentarily stops paying attention to JK and shoots an arrow at Boksi!   
|   The arrow flies true, | but Boksi manages to deflect it with the head of his halberd.   
Quote from: Elf Heavy 1
Quote from: Elf Heavy 2
   An elf clad in heavy wooden armor lined with a shimmering material, and armed with a broadsword with shimmering edges. Standing not to far from Kashyyk and the rest of the gang.   
|   Trying the battering ram approach again, he charges at Kashyyk shoulder first! | But Kashyyk avoided his attack, and tripped him, making him fall to the ground.   
Quote from: Elf Heavy 3
   An elf clad in heavy wooden armor lined with a shimmering material, and armed with a broadsword with shimmering edges. Standing near Jay Kayell and the elven leader.   
|   As he raises his sword again to strike at Jay Kayell, the latter intercepts his move with a powerful punch to the upper body! | The runes on the armor shine brightly, letting off a few clouds of sparks, but the armor is only slightly cracked, and the elf just falls backwards, unharmed.   
Quote from: Elf Heavy 4
   An elf clad in heavy wooden armor lined with a shimmering material, and armed with a broadsword with shimmering edges. Standing not too far from Jay Kayell and the elven leader.   
|   Attempting a different approach, the elf throws his sword at Jay Kayell! | The sword strikes JK straight in the upper body, | punching through the armor, and inflicting severe damage! | It does not go beyond a large cut, several broken ribs, and a punctured lung though. It'll heal, but JK is starting to be dizzy with the blood loss. The armor adds the wooden sword with shimmering edges to its arsenal.   
Elven assault!   No players are in conditions applicable for the roll.   
Status after turn:      
Standing upright out in the field not too far from the horde of elves.      
Wearing a reddish-black jacket of Karl Moebius leather, underwear, and slightly torn jean shorts. Wielding a masterwork steel halberd. Holding a wooden arrow covered in andrea's blood.      
Minor scars on several places on the body.      
Abilities: Basic TK Manipulation.Basic TK Healing. Big Bully. Special status: Carbon Flesh Interweave. Can only speak goblin. Activated Visual Omnisensor.      
Standing upright in the cellar of the destroyed tavern ruins.      
Wearing underwear and fairly comfortable greyish trousers. Also wearing a armor set: -Iron splint-mail-, a shirt of leather, Bronze plated greaves, <<Iron high boots>>. Wields a +Steel maul+.      
Head battered. Bleeding. Hands burnt, in pain.      
Abilities: Shrapnel Self. Basic TK Healing. Empowered by Lightning (currently Depleted, 1 turn to next level).      
Standing upright out in the field near the horde of elves.      
Wearing underwear, and makeshift bra-scarf clothing. Also wearing the armor set: <<+Iron breastplate+>>, a soft leather shirt, an Iron helmet, some hard leather greaves and -Aluminum high boots-.  Owns an Iron handaxe and a -Black bronze warhammer-, both on the third floor of the keep for now. Wields The Ashcraver.      
Legs and arms bruised, lots of small cuts all over the body, bleeding.      
Abilities: Mighty. Extremely Agile. Basic TK Healing (!).      
Standing upright, out in the field near the elven leader.      
Wearing the armor set: +Steel Chestplate+, -Copper chainmail-, Aluminum cap, hard leather leggings and <<Copper plated boots>>. Wielding a wooden longsword.      
Abilities: Basic TK Healing. Basic TK Bolt.       
Standing upright on the first floor of the keep.      
Wearing underwear, a thin silky sweater, and a set of armor: A <<*Bone full plate armor*>>, +Bone gauntlets+, +Bone high boots+, and +Bone full helm+. Holding a paperclip and a nice pair of white socks. Wielding a +Bone Axe+.      
Much of the skin is burned and causes pain. Right hand seriously burned. Face and most of the body bruised. Hands pierced by numerous splinters. Left wrist sprained. Nasty scratch along the head. Minor bleeding.      
Abilities: Basic TK Healing(!).      
Standing upright near JK, the elven leader, and his cohort.      
Wearing underwear, a somewhat dirty <<*Giant cave spider silk robe*>>, and +hippo leather sandals+. Wielding a Steel Quarterstaff and a -Small Iron throwing knife- as a backup weapon.      
Abilities: Slightly improved strength. Meagerly improved agility. Can be cautious while calm. Improved TK Healing III. Stone Frank's Revivification. Basic TK Field. Special status: Activated Selective Translator.      
Standing in field near the elven leader and his cohort.      
Naked. Wielding a -Steel Greataxe- and a makeshift Willow Buckler.      
Flesh turned into iron, three arrows sticking out of abdomen, right leg, and left shoulder, numerous small dints and cuts.      
Abilities: Enrage Other. Enrage Self. Basic TK Healing(!). Special status: Activated Selective Translator (2). Steel scales. Extra: Rollerblades in the forearms.      
Standing upright on the roof of the keep.      
Wearing underwear (probably), a set of armor consisting of hard black studded leather armor and greaves, iron plated high boots, and fur-quilted iron shoulderpads with horns. Wields a +Steel Battleaxe+.      
No outstanding abilities.      
Standing upright on the roof of the keep.      
Wearing underwear, and a white/pink/yellow suit and top hat made of underwear. Also wearing the armor set: <<+Iron chain Cuirass+>>, -Iron chain gloves-, Iron chain greaves, and Iron low boots. Wielding a *Aluminum tower shield*      
Battered head and upper body(back). Bruised left foot. Sprained right wrist. Minor burns on various parts of body.      
Abilities: Power of Peace. Power of Persuasion (suit bonus does not apply).Special status: Peacekeeper.      
Jay Kayell:      
Standing upright near the elven leader.      
Wearing purple stretchy shorts. Useless shreds of underwear on right arm. Wielding a +Iron flanged mace+. The armor is armed with a collection of axes and swords (including one shimmering elven blade and one wooden with shimmering edges), and its steel clawed fists as well. The armor has 5 unspent arrows.      
Unharmed, dizzy from blood loss (-1 agility and concentration).      
Abilities: Novice Wrestler. Basic TK Healing. Blood of the Blood God. Blood Rage. Special status: Wearing Improved Corpse-steel power armor.      
Tavern:   Was a two-floor building. Now it's a mangled ruin, thoroughly blasted apart. The building used to contain your enter/exit point, but how to use it is completely up to you now.   
Human/Dwarven Capital:   Large city on the outskirts of hell knows where. Holds a modest amount of homes, from hovels to two-floor apartment buildings, a set of shops, a temple, and a keep. Currently being surrounded by a verily horde of elves. The dwarves are mounting a large defence using siege engines atop the keep.   
Food store:   Square one-floor building with long tables laden with salted and fried meats of all kinds. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it. There's a mighty fine hole broken through the ceiling.   
Cloth store:   Rolls of cloth and various cloth, silk, and leather articles of clothing are on the many shelves inside this building. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it. The entire building is barely standing, most of its roof is collapsed. There's a pile of elf-paste near the building, and some elven corpses.   
Armor store:   Everywhere in the shop various pieces of armor are thrown about, shields of different sizes litter the floor, and arrayed under the now-broken shelves and tables are enough various boots to outfit a battalion. At the far end of the building, there is a single wide table. The heavy chest is on the floor, broken, a large supplement of coins from it now covers the floor.   
The Keep:   Large four-floor building. The first floor is almost devoid of furniture. A lot of civilians are huddled together in groups all over the floor. At least a dozen and a half guards are also there. The second floor is a massive stockpile of wood, metal, and stone. Dwarves constantly lug the materials to the upper floors. The third floor is turned into a massive workplace, with many workshops constantly working. The fourth floor is a large storage of siege ammo and some strange barrels. The roof of the keep is fortified with 9 ballistae and 3 catapults. There is some strange metal safe in the center of the roof, with 4 small keyholes and 1 large depression.   
The Temple:   Tall and proud, beautiful building of white marble, a solid first floor surrounded by columns is supporting several ring-shaped floors held up by beautiful marble supports. A deep pool of shiny, clear water can be seen inside the building. Well, it probably was like that. The entire thing has recently tried to rise up in mighty wrath as a gigantic statue of a carp, but failed miserably and broke to pieces. Afterwards, the overpowered Rooster single-handedly sent the whole place into oblivion along with the elves, who now cannot be seen, heard, or even smelled by anyone other than themselves.   
Background: [6]   Those fighting the elf heavies realise at this point that their armor is actually very resistant to slashing attacks, but can be destroyed with sheer blunt force. LASD on the keep roof notices the dwarf in bright armor again, and sees him give out orders to other defenders. Everybody notices that the sun is slowly starting to sink into the west. In the tavern, andrea hears faint beeping from above, on what was the first floor of the tavern.   
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1072 on: September 28, 2008, 03:34:37 pm »

Seriously?  I would have thought two sixes would have been more...dramatic than that.  Oh well, so paralysis is needed, eh? *looks at LASD*
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1073 on: September 28, 2008, 03:36:48 pm »

Yeah, dramatic. Since the action you were taking involved thinking, so by going too deep into thinking you disabled your levitation bubble. Makes sense to me. Remember, magnitude of the consequences here depends on the original action.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1074 on: September 28, 2008, 03:38:59 pm »

Agreed, it does make sense, it's just that considering how destructive other sixes could be (remember andrea's lighting-fest?) I would have thought it would have been something more dramatic than my TK bubble popping and JK catching me (thanks for that, by the way)...
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 03:41:57 pm by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1075 on: September 28, 2008, 03:43:23 pm »

I can retcon that into "Ur Head A Splode" from thinking... if you like... :P
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India

Jay Kayell

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1076 on: September 28, 2008, 03:52:10 pm »

I smash the nearest heavy into a bloody pulp with my fists while reciting the holy texts of Armok
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1077 on: September 28, 2008, 03:59:46 pm »

So the runes are weak against TK, eh? Interesting.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1078 on: September 28, 2008, 04:00:08 pm »

it is true that my 6 was more destructive, but do you remember my action? i was saying that i owuld do anything possible to keep elves away. only thing that saved you was that i don't have unlimited electricity (that, and good rolls)

i heal myself .
i hope not to get a 6.

after healing myself, i'll go to fight. i wanted to learn elven language, but i think it is better if i help against the leader.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1079 on: September 28, 2008, 04:31:19 pm »

I stomp the ground and hope for my earth-manipulation non-power to kick in so I can split the ground beneath elven feet. Any elven feet, really, though I would prefer it to be under one of the heavies'.

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