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Author Topic: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress  (Read 209120 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #195 on: October 11, 2008, 01:03:06 pm »

The disturbing part is, the king probably isn't wearing much more than a pair of socks. If that


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #196 on: October 11, 2008, 03:45:16 pm »

He beats them to death with his beard then, since he has no !!+pig tail trousers+!!.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #197 on: December 07, 2008, 01:14:00 am »

Okay, necroing this for a sad/disturbing/funny moment I had, though I think Thuellai may have won the thread with his.

I've been having a problem with baby snatchers in my fort. Two kids are gone already, but the moms don't seem to care, so that's alright. Anyway, the third one I was determined not to lose, so I activated everyone nearby as soon as the snatcher showed. It worked, he was saved, but, uh oh, Mom has a broken arm. She's hauled off to the hospital, and he's left to crawl around the fortress by himself, wearing nothing but a page and a half of goblin blood. So sad.

Today, however, his luck changed. I got an announcement: Ingiz Gikutobok, Stray Cat, has adopted onul Alathcatten, Baby. Yes, the only cat in my fortress, who had spent five years shunning all my other dwarves, has adopted the abandoned baby as his own. I think I'll rename the kid Rrrowl and make him a hunter/trapper/fisher/small animal dissector.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #198 on: January 07, 2009, 03:52:41 am »

The disturbing part is, the king probably isn't wearing much more than a pair of socks. If that
Yeah, royalty is somewhat careless about their dressing code. I had a queen walking around with only one shoe on. Fortunately, she has her dress on too. And nothing else

Another funny thing for me with that fortress was digging into HFS and
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #199 on: January 07, 2009, 07:04:05 am »

The disturbing part is, the king probably isn't wearing much more than a pair of socks. If that
Yeah, royalty is somewhat careless about their dressing code. I had a queen walking around with only one shoe on. Fortunately, she has her dress on too. And nothing else

Another funny thing for me with that fortress was digging into HFS and discovering that every single engraving there was about elves, humans and dwarves commiting depraved acts with each other and themselves. Surely, a horde of tentacle demons emerged next. I was a bit surprised when they started killing dorfs in a plain old bloody way

My lumberjack wears a dress, just like his dear mama....
invention is every dwarf's middle name
that means that somewhere out there theres a dwarf named Urist Invention Mcinvention.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #200 on: January 07, 2009, 07:29:02 am »

The disturbing part is, the king probably isn't wearing much more than a pair of socks. If that
Yeah, royalty is somewhat careless about their dressing code. I had a queen walking around with only one shoe on. Fortunately, she has her dress on too. And nothing else

Another funny thing for me with that fortress was digging into HFS and discovering that every single engraving there was about elves, humans and dwarves commiting depraved acts with each other and themselves. Surely, a horde of tentacle demons emerged next. I was a bit surprised when they started killing dorfs in a plain old bloody way

My lumberjack wears a dress, just like his dear mama....

Did he use to be a barber?


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #201 on: January 09, 2009, 06:55:32 am »

The second I started the irrigation process simultaneously getting rid of a certain feline, it gave birth.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #202 on: January 09, 2009, 09:06:00 am »

Sitting watching my fort. When elves usually show up for trading they don't. I sit there wondering why they weren't there. (at this time I was steadfast on keeping my fort's gate open and closed at trading times only) Opening my gate anyway, I begin to mobalize the defense in case any goblin ambushes. Just as I open the gate, I end up being ambushed by Elves. Sitting there in blank confusion the huge swarm of these cannibals rush through my defenses killing off my defense (all of two dwarfs with obsidian swords) and begin slaughtering my 27 person fort. Needless to say I fully intend to come back there as an adventurer, collect my Artifact Hammer and plan on slaughtering each and everyone one of those damned elves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #203 on: January 09, 2009, 07:41:34 pm »

I was playing on a cold forest map, and although I usually don't employ hunters I decided to send two out to bring in some extra bones for the marksdwarves.  I made sure to give them some training in wrestling just in case they were ambushed, as well as full steel plate mail (no sense in giving the goblins an easy kill).  And off they went.  They rarely seemed to use bolts, and preferred chasing down wolves and deer and beating them to death with crossbows.  Fine by me.

So my fortress is running smoothly.  I never let a fortress with fewer than 100 dwarves have any idlers for more than 30 seconds, so when I see an idler pop up for a bit I go to zoom, expecting a smith or a mechanic to be out of work.

Turns out it was the hunter, with a cougar the next tile over.  The hunter had a broken arm and leg, and was unconscious.  The cougar was only suffering from one brown wound, but it was over-exerted for some reason.  I sent a champion out to kill the cougar, not expecting the hunter to live.

The champions in this fortress were notoriously slow, so it took a few days( in game ) for her to arrive.  I was watching the hunter while I waited for the champion to arrive.

For three days the cougar kept trying to finish off the hunter, passing out every few attacks.  The hunter remained in and out of consciousness the whole time.  Finally the champion arrived and insta-gibbed the cougar before turning around and leaving the hunter behind.

I set a few peasants to medic duty before I noticed that the hunter was slowly crawling back home (the arm had gone from mangled to just broken while she was on her way back).  The hunter eventually makes it across the map to the fortress, then passes out on the first weapon trap and dies.

Bad End.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 07:44:24 pm by Mook »


  • Bay Watcher
  • This headless lover of three
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #204 on: January 11, 2009, 02:59:31 am »

I was building this massive tower...
The child of my legendary miner was in the tower when I decided to cave it in for funniness. The legendary miner tantrumed and pwnt everyone in the fort, including ten champions.
They started to collide~

Emperor Iones

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #205 on: January 11, 2009, 04:27:16 am »

If adventure mode counts...
I was playing a brand new elf with wood armor and a bow, and happened upon a sleeping dwarf.
I walk over to him and begin bashing him with my bow. He doesn't wake up and two minutes later he's still no even yellow wounded. So I drop the bow hoping i'll punch the guy.
You bash the Guard in the face with your =birch long skirt=!
I'm on the ground. Super tired. Tea bagging a sleeping dwarf in the face to death with a skirt I'm wearing.
Even this takes forever (damn weak elves) and I quickly over-exert myself, fall asleep, and a Child comes in, sees me, and promptly bashes my face in with his pig tail sock.
I love this game.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 04:28:53 am by Emperor Iones »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #206 on: January 11, 2009, 12:00:12 pm »

Well, what'd you expect? Elves being TOUGH? But, a wood skirt? What the heck?
Personally, I can't wait for doctors to get possessed and start surgically attaching axes to champion soldier's arms.
And neither can I...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #207 on: January 11, 2009, 01:17:01 pm »

My master engraver has some sort of grudge against the local mayor. She's terrified of cave spiders, and this guy keeps engraving "The dwarf is surrounded by the cave spiders" in her room.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #208 on: January 11, 2009, 02:04:08 pm »

I made an actual mountain-hall fortress instead of the usual thing you see. Well, with a big gaping hole in the side of a mountain I figured it need some defences. So I built two, 3 tile wide pathways leading into a big courtyard, which then narrowed into a 5 tile wide gathouse area. I rigged the very front parts up with the center tile empty, and the outer two tiles as a weapon trap, with a single copper dagger in each. After a while, my fortress is up to 40 dwarves. With a 10 wrestler militia, I've got five dwarves at both tunnels. A kobold thief pops up in one tunnel, while 1 dwarf is out getting a drink, two are a sleep, one is standing on a weapon trap, and one outside the walls, who spotted the kobold. The thing cuts the guy who is outside, a minor leg wound that leaves him unable to catch the kobold. It then runs right past the guy on the trap, and cuts his leg off. The guy teeters there and then passes out on the trap, and it cuts his arm off and his torso is badly wounded.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A Breakdancing Ogre
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Re: Funny but sad/disturbing moments in Dwarf fortress
« Reply #209 on: January 11, 2009, 03:26:05 pm »

When I play with dwarves, I tend to look for areas with everything in them. Sand, flux, magma, the whole works to have a fort which will make Mountainhomes look like an elven outpost given enough time, work and love.

Then one time, I gen'ed a world where I was just unable to find the exact spot with everything I wanted. I could have gen'ed another one, but finally I found one spot which had all the things I wished for. However, there was but one obstacle.

There was a goblin tower there. But because I felt suicidal, I decided to brave the tower, took a bunch of wardogs just to cause as much damage and mayhem as possible(I got about 20 of them, besides a bunch of gear for dwarves to equip before the goblin swarm would fall on us all), then when everyone was dead I could just reclaim the place with a large group, equipped with real weapons.

And so I went, and the moment I got there, I realized a few things. First was the lack of slaughter. This was because everyone was Friendly towards my dwarves.

The second thing I realized was that I was a bit late in my attack. Turns out, that at some point in history, the tower had been captured. There were elves, humans and even a few goblins around the place, some outside, a few in the towers. Well, that made things a lot easier for me because they didn't do anything hostile towards me, so I excused myself, mined a hole through the nearest wall of a tower and settled in.

Now reel forward a few years, 60 or so dwarves, a small militia and even a few fort guards. Things were looking good, my dwarves liked hanging around the obsidian tower, and the elephants roamed peacefully, having trampled all the children and that fisherman who roamed outside when I got there(apparently they all liked to chase and attack elephants, unlike the actual warriors there).

But then, disaster struck. A goblin siege. They didn't waste a lot of time before they began their relentless march towards my tower, and the dwarves who already were shaking in their boots, being the civilians they were.

Then however, something caught my attention. A peasant had been struck down. Odd, given how everyone was inside at the moment, so I checked around.

I found that all the friendly elves and humans on the map had apparently gone to the conclusion that the siege was the fault of dwarves, and only killing all of them would make the goblin force leave. A legendary priest had killed my peasant, being on the ground floor, and was moving threateningly towards a few "On break" dwarves, until the offspring of my wardogs attacked him, and proceeded to tear the guy into pieces. Realizing that I had managed to piss off the entire world, I ordered it so that only soldiers could go outside, and all the civilians retreated into the underground areas, where I had my magma buildings, sand factories and so on.

So now I had a bunch of goblins walking towards my front door, with a number of enemies that had previously been friendly neighbors, right within my fort. I told the militia to get a move on, and began a floor-by-floor sweep. All crossbow-wielders, they made short work of the civilians, that one child and a few legendary thieves that were within the building, and finally after clearing the roof, the whole incident was over with but one injured dwarf.

However, there was still the deal with the goblins, first of which now were walking in. They soon found the number of weapon traps that I had placed as a defense-line for situations just like this, but because most of them were but a single weapon, it only stopped a few of them.

Then, one of my fort guards got aggroed when a goblin walked one tile too far, and going unconscious of a weapon trap. The guard quickly dispatched the goblin by turning him inside out from the looks of it, but it was already too late. The other goblins were so close now that he was constantly getting aggroed. He kills another goblin, which was the last one alive from all the weapon traps, and walks right into the entrance, which was completely without traps or anything but a drawbridge that I used to crush unneeded things, like all those narrow leather loincloth that goblins dropped.

The guy immediately is surrounded by three gobbo wrestlers, and a goblin spearman. Figuring that the guy is a lost case, I told civilians that they could go up again, and gave the order for someone to flip the switch which would lower the drawbridge, and kill the goblins before they would finish the guard and go forward.

However, it was already too late.

The three wrestlers were dead, along the speardwarf, and the siege was apparently over, with goblins fleeing all over the place. The guard had managed to kill his attackers without a single scratch.

But he was still in aggro mode.

So the guy runs out the fort, and chasing after the goblins, he kills them one at a time, until only six of the group of 15-20 goblins(I didn't count, really, all the slaughter got my attention) got away.

I guess fort guards are useful to have around after all.

However, it was only then that I remembered to check his gear. He was wearing full plate and a shield, but apparently I had forgotten to give him, or any of the guard, actual weapons.

So yes, he bashed every goblins face in with his bare fists. Immediately I gave all the guard spears, and they are now the Dwarven Final Defensive Spartan Tactical Weapon Squad.
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