Have any of you encountered some unforeseen and amusing consequence of rampant modding? Here's one: A lot of religion spheres equal a lot of gods, rather than a few with a lot of spheres like one might expect. Here's a selection:
Udar, deity: the weather
Baros, deity: murder, death, rebirth, birth, creation (huh?)
Madush, deity: fertility, agriculture, food
ékim Masteredhero, deity: rulership
Anriz, deity: the sun
Nekut, deity: twilight
Litast, deity: courage
Thoth the Radiant Flash, deity: the moon
Tumam, deity: hospitality
Robek, deity: chaos, war, victory
Kithçn the Coast of Wind, deity: hunting, the dawn (odd)
Otik Glitterprincess, deity: light, day, discipline, order
Mothram, deity: treachery
Thabost the Branded Warmth, deity: volcanos, fire
Amug, deity: dusk
NÜzom, deity: nightmares, dreams, the night, darkness, fate
Égoth the Taker of Knights, deity: strength
Arel the Ocean of Splashes, deity: water (this civilization hates it, so I felt it appropriate)
Soshosh Salutelowness, deity: jealousy
Zas, deity: metals, peace (lolwut?)
Dural, deity: truth
Ilon, deity: loyalty, oaths, laws, justice
Rasuk, deity: torture, misery, inspiration (true art!)
Lorbam Kinglegend, deity: duty
Kalur, deity: thralldom
Noram Relievedreleases, deity: freedom
Duthal Stockademirthful, deity: fortresses, sacrifice, charity (not exactly what everyone associates together, do they?)
Aval Silveryarmors, deity: mercy, gambling, luck, games
Z†god Scrapedswords, deity: revenge
Kogsak the Blanketed Clutch, deity: the moon, justice, laws (eh?)
ìtthat, deity: the sun
Nåles Pristinelake, deity: hunting
Enshal the Glitter of Light, deity: the dawn, fertility
ékim the Princess of Kings, deity: order, discipline
Atàsh, deity: storms, torture (how're they so bad?)
An Satinylyrics, deity: inspiration, art
Kenis, deity: peace
Sarvesh Hotflickers, deity: volcanos
Kñbuk, deity: valor
Bothon, deity: freedom, the night (they like the night)
Uzol Mountaingranite the Pale Silvers, deity: metals, minerals, jewels
Ast the Molten Disemboweler, deity: revenge
Odg£b, deity: jealousy, victory, war
âlot Lobstersuns, deity: the rain, nature
Inod Shellcradle, deity: oaths
Alen, deity: fate
Nîkor Burytombs, deity: death
Urem, deity: duty
Nekut, deity: dusk
Zefon the Seed of Dawns, deity: creation
Ud, deity: strength
Stosàth Speckking the Puppet of Queens, deity: thralldom
Tumam the Blameless Ward, deity: sacrifice, charity, generosity (that was a lot of single-spheres)
Zulban Kingmastered, deity: rulership
Zuden, deity: day, light, loyalty
Zalstom the Lovely Citadel, deity: mercy, forgiveness
Duthtish the Fist of Thundering, deity: nightmares, dreams
Usib, deity: hospitality
Amug the Labyrinthine Holes, deity: darkness
Oth Foggyowls, deity: twilight
Nitig Lightningcombats the Splattered Disembowelment, deity: chaos
Kerlåg the Nourishing Help, deity: fortresses
Lñk Truthsaints, deity: truth
Zes the Sparks of Sweltering, deity: fire
Edir the Curses of Twilight, deity: treachery, lies
Disuth Cursedungeon the Skull of Dying, deity: murder
That's a lot of gods for only two civilizations!