I suppose you could try and interpret as me attempting to tap into a rich love mine. There are dozens of potential shaft locations (pun not actually intended, but damn if it ain't a good one), but I am unsure as to which one has the highest density. And due to the very high cost and risk of starting up a rig, I want to make sure that the location I pick is going to give me the most for my money, so to speak. As such, I've been trying to prospect the available areas to get an idea as to how rich each one is.
Unfortunately, my prospector is a drunken gibbon with a foot fetish. Progress has been slow.
The mineral is an incredibly valuable substance with uses that vary according to taste. Some people use it as a purely decorative metal, others absorb the rare nutrients found naturally within it in order to induce feelings of euphoria and ecstasy, and there are those who use it simply to barter for other goods. Whatever the case, it is also a highly addictive substance with some of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms possible should the person suddenly stop receiving their supply.
Also of note is that the withdrawal symptoms can be caused directly through second-hand consumption, without any of the beneficial qualities.
Consumption of tainted or impure love will also cause certain side effects, and although these versions are normally cheaper and/or widely available, it is recommended you find a trustworthy source with high-quality raw materials in order to avoid these side effects.
But in all reality, it's just that I actually do give a damn about other people. Including people who really don't deserve one of my damns. Personality quirk, my brain is physically wired to experience such emotions.
Also, I think I just made one of the coolest analogies for love that I've ever seen, and it's one in the morning.
Yes folks, this post does indeed indicate that I am back from happy-slappy cigar and communism land (C.C.C.P. Cigars, Communism, Che, PERIOD). I'm beaten to a pulp from the flight and in no state to even start on the Cuba trip updates. Y'all will just have to wait.
And there's a party tomorrow night, last party of the year. I'm thinking of attending. This means even less update time, but even more material.
For those of you who are planning on taking a trip to Cuba, remember this: If you find a Che Guevara t-shirt that is the right size and the right style, BUY IT IMMEDIATELY. Those things are impossible to find in just the right combination. Also, "Guantanamera" can bite horse rump and burn. I'm sick of that friggin' song...