Thursday. I think.
Today was a standard school day, so we got to work on our old projects a little bit. The first nothing commercial was finished off, and we managed to begin and complete the "nothing: eXtreme edition" commercial in record time.
But there was something else as well. Every day at morning collective, a few people from one particular major will do something. They can do whatever they want in ten minutes. We've had slideshows, musical performances, "name that song" competitions where the other students have to come up with the answer, and all sorts of other stuff.
Well, next week is Film and TV's turn to "host" collective. Every day with collective (in other words, Monday - Friday) requires at least one person in charge of setting up what's going to happen on that day. He/She does not have to do it alone, but they do have to take responsibility for providing something good.
Well, the students of Film and TV decided to have two responsible people per day instead of just one. Since we've got ten people, that means everyone gets used. There was a bit of a shuffle as people picked their days.
You know have every school has one? Well, I got buddied up with him.
This guy has somehow earned the nickname "Drops", which is a type of candy. He has braces, glasses, nervous tics in both eyes, a truly unfortunate hairstyle, and one of the most befuddling brains I have yet encountered.
He insisted that our discussion about the plans for Thursday's collective (the one we've got) be held in as private a place as possible, as no one should hear about it. He was going to hide inside a storage closet with me, but I convinced him that the empty gymnasium was private enough for something so trivial.
I can understand a certain amount of cloak-and-dagger stuff for the Boy/Girl party, mainly because half the fun is surprising the other gender. But ten minutes on Thursday morning? Ten minutes that no one really pays attention to anyways?
Then he wanted to find out where we would sit and talk over the plans. I felt like stretching my legs, and I tend to like pacing around when I'm thinking anyways. I said that I like to walk when I'm thinking.
This was not intended, in any way, to come across as an invitation. Apparently, it was received as such. He started walking alongside me.
I don't "do" organized walking. I meander around. As such, he kept changing direction in order to maintain the exact same position next to me while I wandered around and entertained myself with a hockey stick.
This gymnasium does not have problems with sound. I could have heard him just fine if he had decided to sit down on the sidelines and talk in a normal voice to me. Nope. He followed me. He even ended up blocking me on a few occasions, since he was walking so close and kept misjudging where I was going to go.
What we're going to do for Thursday is have a little competition, wherein we will play various movie themes and people will have to guess the movie it is from (the original idea was to show scenes from various movies, but that ended up being more hassle than it was worth). I really had to fight for that one.
No, we are not going to have "acting cards" for some volunteers to follow. No, we are not going to mime Star Wars. No, we are not going to show pictures of you. No, we are not going to play the themes ourselves.
If he were working with people about ten years younger, he would have fit in just fine. Unfortunately for me, he's not. I hope it works out.
We also have to agree on a song from the songbook that we'll have for collective. That's going to be an interesting ordeal...
Uggh. But enough Drops, lemme talk about the FUN STUFF.
The sketch deal is still looking pretty sketchy. We've written one sketch and had a start-from-scratch spontaneous change on another. We haven't practiced anything yet.
But. Yesterday (I think it was yesterday...) one of the other party-planning groups was working on filming some music videos for a compilation film that they'll show at some point. We bumped into them while they were setting up for the death metal video.
After some last-minute band member changes, a request for some help with the filming, and various questions as to who had good clothes, I ended up as one of the band members.
Now, I don't have any really good death metal shirts. But I do have black leather police boots, tight black jeans, and some extra-long fingerless gloves (that's the best description I can give you for them. They're basically cloth tubes with a thumb-hole). I figured that I could just wear those articles of clothing, without a shirt, and then headbang with my hair in front of my face (I got in a little late for the white facepainting).
The effect was actually pretty damn good. But it was also pretty damn cold, since we were filming this outside.
Man, what a blast... Prancing around like idiots while scraping our fingers in random patterns against our instruments. Just the messing around part was fun, but when we got around to actually editing the thing and putting the music in? Abso-fuckin'-lutely priceless.
We managed to get a lot of things to sync up almost perfectly with the music, which was amazing considering how we were just randomly hitting stuff. There's a masterful bass solo that is just painfully beautiful to watch (the guy doing it is wearing some awesome Ozzy-shades), and I even get to have a nice little riff where it looks like I'm actually playing.
I am personally going to make sure that film goes on the site when it's finished. You really have to see it.
The song is something from Cannibal Corpse, but for the music video we changed a few names around to make it more personal. The song is now "Dollrape Rectum", from the band "Satan's Forhud" (Satan's Foreskin). The music video is dated 1992.
We've also got a very homoerotic version of "Take On Me", and we're planning on having a gospel video in there as well.
We really need to do this stuff more often... It's just too much fun.