Change this to turn sound off.
The sound volume runs from 0 (off) to 255 (full). You can set the volume from the ESC options menu as well.
Change this to skip the wonderful intro movies.
This lets you set the starting windowed/fullscreen setting. Can be YES, NO or PROMPT.
This is the dimensions in tiles of the display grid. Minimum x is 80. Minimum y is 25. Maximums are 200. Make sure the window size or full screen resolution matches the grid/tile size if you don't want the display to be squashed or stretched. The default windowed font has tiles that are 8x12 pixels, for instance, so for a 80x25 grid, you use a 640x300 window, and for a 125x50 grid, you'd use a 1000x600 window.
This is the size and font for windowed mode. Changing to 800x600 and the 800x600 font might make you happier.
Full screen info.
If this is set to YES, the tiles will not be stretched, but rather the game view will be centralized, surrounded by black space. Tiles that are too large will always be compressed rather than running off the screen.
Graphics info, most of it as above. Set GRAPHICS to YES to turn it all on. This will use the "raw/graphics" folder for tile information. Currently this is limited to whatever creature graphics you have downloaded. The game comes with a few pictures to demonstrate. As of August 2008, the Dwarf Fortress Wiki has graphical tilesets available at
Change this to YES to keep the DF window on top of your other windows.
Change this to YES if you want to see an FPS counter at the top left.
Use this to set the maximum frame rate during play. The movies are always capped at 100. A frame in this case is not graphical but related to the movement speed of a creature. A healthy, unencumbered dwarven peasant takes one step every 10 frames.
Use this to set the maximum graphical frame refresh rate during play.
This sets the applications vertical synchronization behavior. Changing this to ON can impact your FPS if your G_FPS is high. The other options are ON and DEFAULT. DEFAULT uses whatever settings you have your system at in general.
Change this to LINEAR if you want the texture values to be averaged over the adjacent pixels.