>> Conservation of Energy (No perpetual motion machines)
Just rape mah infinite CPU, will you?
Altogether the list seems without purpose, without the math and physics behind it that woult take into account all
the math requirements needed to get decent performance from the resulting world. Indeed, doesn't seem like
anyone pays much thought to it these days. Sure, you can wish for everything, but you will only have so many
CPU cycles and so many gigabytes of memory access per second. Unless you wish to be playing for a very long time.
>>It seems to me that perpetual motion is against the intended realism level of the game, although I imagine that it will be easy enough to mod it in.
I'd say rather it isn't easy to get it out, seeing how stuff now gets powered by a waterwheel lying in a dead-end pond or a channel or ditch, maybe connected to a river. No real flow takes place, no torque and no friction, rather the game just checks this wheel channel is a part of "flowing water" system and therefore it is POWER ON in standard one waterwheel amount produced by "flowing water" in a ditch! That is one path finding operation or check, instead of needing to figure out drag, torque, friction and whether there is sufficient water pressure and flow to enable it to turn every time.
Your list gives me a headache. Why don't you just wish for "THINGS JUST LIKE IN THE REAL WORLD," excluding guns and gunpowder for some weird reason, rather than go at it by a long list?