An idea belonging to Class F that I did not see in the list yet:
Should be able to shoot more stuff than just rocks for varying damage/effects. (barrels, spiked ball, cages, corpses and pretty much anything that is not too big to make any sense)
Could be loaded with more than one item resulting in a scattered shot.
Range would have to be affected by weight and maybe other factors like quality. (e.g. exceptional quality catapult that shoots one rock 100 squares shoots 5 rocks 20 squares)
Barrels are the most obvious choice, they can be filled with venom, explosives(rum) and the like for varying effects.
Spiked balls will simply deal more damage than simple rocks.
Cages filled with your enemies or their corpses may not deal a lot of damage but the mental image is great.

Finally if it shoots more than one item at once you could load it with the iron daggers you get from thieves or maybe a load of flasks filled with venom for a larger but less long lasting effect than a single barrel.
It has been suggested in this thread before as a means of transport:
Most of the changes I'd like to see made to the traps involve a change in the physics model. Right now, while the physics system checks flying/falling creatures to see if they've collided with something, it doesn't check to see if creatures have collided with a flying/falling object. So, if you drop a cow 15 z-levels onto a floor, the cow explodes into meaty chunks. If you drop a cow 15 z-levels onto a noble, the cow explodes and the noble is not affected. If you drop a rock 15 z-levels onto a noble, the noble is not affected. I'd love for this to be changed. After that:
- Remove stone traps entirely, and replace them with a trigger mechanism connected to a retracting bridge and/or hatch cover. This would allow for multiple-z-level stone traps, as well as stone traps that dropped rocks in a 10x10 spread when the trigger was hit.
- As a corollary to number 1, allow anything to be used in a falling item trap. Calculate damage based on how massive the object is, and how far it falls. Anvils would be cool. Also elephants. Personally, I would particularly enjoy killing nobles with objects that the noble mandated to be created.
- Add modifiers to in-game objects describing how much force it takes them to break/shatter/explode; rocks and anvils would be extremely hard to destroy, barrels of booze would be easy to shatter, ballista bolts would be somewhere in the middle.
- Add a feature to 'designate catapult ammo'. Allow anything so designated to be fired from a catapult. This would provide a particularly dwarvenly alternative to the conveyor-belt system, since you could use it to move goods around the fortress. It would also be entertaining to watch a dwarf wander into the line of fire, just as the catapult crew dispatched a batch of steel battle-axes on their way to the weapons stockpile.
- Separate catapult and ballista loading from firing. Allow catapult and ballista firing to be triggered by mechanisms. Once a catapult/ballista was fired, it would need to be re-loaded by hand.
- With the new 'semi-artifact' system Toady's putting together, items that are used for cool stuff will get named and used in history. I'd like to see this system extended to traps, where possible. This would let us see trap kills commemorated in engravings and artifacts.
I have highlighted the similarities though the rest are good and valid ideas, realistic reactions to falling/being hit would be a must have for advanced catapults. Same as my idea in general though the idea of using it as a transport system should not be the main focus I think. The remote operated catapults/ballistas would also be great.
The advanced stone-fall traps might be problematic as you can put an unlimited number on top of each other for an insta-kill of pretty much anything. but then you can also place a hundred traps in a row so it doesn't make that much of a difference.
The idea was also suggested in this thread: