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Author Topic: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]  (Read 6226 times)


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2008, 12:18:04 pm »

Hey I was wondering if I could get a turn on this fortress? You know after everyone is done?

I promise I won't fuck it up

Intentionally :P

and also, if you need to save wood, then don't make beds, make the barrels, dwarves don't care all that much if they don't
sleep on a bed, though they can barely work if they don't get enough booze

Just like in real life :D
Perpeptual Motion Machines

Dwarf Fortress' way of saying "Up Yours!" to physics


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2008, 05:05:17 pm »

Pretty uneventful - no sign of elves, humans, goblins or kobolds.
The tower-cap farm is finally slowly flooding, not sure if it will all the way though. Couldn't find the magma at all and with only 1 caravan bringing wood, for most of the year the dwarves had to put up with no booze at all!  :o
After autumn we got a few barrels of booze made though. :)

Log of Kazindir Taronerush, 203

1st of Granite
There are troglodytes at the walls and I've been promoted to overseer. Wonderful.

3rd Granite
There's a dead dark gnome on one of the traps. I suppose people expect me to clean it up whilst resetting the trap, I don't think so.

8th Granite
There is rumour of a magma vent around here somewhere. A survey of the surface didn;t show up any obsidian though, just dolomite. Lots and lots of dolomite. We did find a coal vein right next to a small limonite deposit though, so the miners have been sent out to get that.

10th Granite
We have no wine because we have no barrels, we have no barrels because we have no wood. Damn. Still no sign of that magma either and everyone is too busy dumping rocks down the chasm to be bothered to either look or do anything else.

17th Granite
Inod, the gem cutter, has been possessed!

23rd Granite
A miner finally started digging, looking for the magma. No success but he did find another vein of coal. Now we just need a stockpile for the coal, metal and gems we're finding.

27th Granite
Vimbus Niral Agoth, "Tearscreams the oPortents of Competing".
A Tigereye grate. Encircled with bands of tigereye, the craftdwarfship is of the highest quality.

16th Slate
Construction of some fortifications around the top of the trade depot are almost complete. I saw almost because the ramps up there are, I'm told, dangerously non-euclidean, so dwarves often get lost trying to walk up them. Have ordered some stairs to be built instead.

24th Slate
The boulders blocking the way for wagons to reach the trade depot have all been smoothed away now. Or at least, they have if wagons arrive from the east.

27th Slate
Hematite, talc and petrified wood have been found, still no magma though.

4th Felsite
Migrants arrived today and walked straight into a group of troglodytes. The troglodyte were either killed or driven off but several fo the migrants were wounded, one pretty badly. I wonder if anyone will rescue him?

6th Felsite
No, he rescued himself and is walking the whole distance from the chasm to the fortress entrance with a  broken hip.

Now he's being attacked by a bat man.

Batman flew off, the migrant is very unhappy now.

He survived to reach the fortress! Jakey has just rushed off out to "save" him. Hm.

13th Felsite
Liwjatan, the Mayor, has demanded something to be made out of electrum. As we don't have any electrum or any fuel to melt anything, he's going to have to cope without.

24th Felsite
Lucid has become the new Mayor and is now demanding platinum items. See above.

5th Malchite
The voices! They tell me...must have...yessss!

7th Malachite

15th Malachite
Ow my head. After a week of solid work afer those fools finally brought the rigth sort of rock, I have created:

Koltased, "Wheeledstopped", a gabbro mechanism.
Encrusted with gabbro, studded with silver and encircled with bands of gabbro, the craftdwarfship is of the highest quality!

25th Malachite
More migrants and more troglofytes and batmen. One of the migrants has been kileld ans several more wounded. Jakey's squad has been sent out to met out some punishment.

26th Malachite
A giant cave swallow!

27th Malachite
The giant cave swallow hat taken flight by the time Jakey arrived, but they wrestled a batman apart instead.

24th Galena
Had a tunnel dug to flood the tower cap cave, so spent today installing a floodgate.

26th Galena
Oddom, one of the latest migrants and former hunter has shot a frogman in the river and then managed to shoot the giant cave swallow enough to bring it down to earth. It'll harass migrants no longer!

15th Limestone
The caravan arrived today, the wagons managing to pass over the smoothed boulders without trouble. They broughta lot of wood, which has all been bought along with some meat and some bins of leather. No booze though.

1st Sandstone
More migrants!

8th Sandstone
A woodcrafter has withdrawn form society and claimed a craftsdwarfshop. I guess he was depressed about never having any wood.

26th Sandstone
The floor is too bumpy, I cannot play marbles. :(
I've ordered all the slackers to get busy smoothing the fortress, this is ridiculous!

14th Moonstone
The woodcrafter has reemerged! Seems he decided to make an idol celebrating my mechanisms, although he made it out of some of our very precious wood.

Ibeleshik, "Zenithrent" a Tower-cap Idol.
Encrusted with slate and encircled with bands of tower-cap and slate. Also adorned with hanging rings of slate and menaces with spike of tower-cap. On the item is an image of Wheeledstopped the gabbro mechanisms in giant mole leather.

11th Opal
There is a cistern above the big tower-cap-farm-to-be. The idea was to fill that first so there would be more pressure when the farm was flooded, to make the process quicker. However the cistern itself seems tohave trouble filling as water keeps evapourating.

6th Obsidian
After quite a bit of effort I've installed a pump in the lower river to help pump water in to flood the tower cap farm. The cistern is finally filling up now.

22nd Obsidian
The tower cap farm is slowly flooding now, although it won't be until sometime next year that we see if it all floods. Many dwarves are pumping now but it's exhausting work.



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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2008, 06:08:46 pm »

You guys survived my augoeidis disguised as a dwarf,lurking to bring forth the dawn of the fortress being the major?Wow.Just the heck did that happen?)

On an entairly different note:the thread´s topic is wrong.Should have called it:Let´s rush through as many turns as possible in one day - the succession!

Mreh..downloading the latest version of DF,setting up my init,then take a short peek at the map.Don´t expect my updates to be presented here in a "short" period of time,unlike those ofKazindir/EchoP,becouse ... obviously my native language ain´t english.


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2008, 08:51:21 pm »

Wow, in the time it takes me to go to class, work, and get mildly intoxicated, another turn is completed, and another is about to begin. snap son. Well, updating the list now and all, by the way, it'd be nice if you start adding tidbits at the end of your logs as to where the current leaders are and what they are doing so I can add it to the section. For example: am I still "guarding" the booze stockpiles?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2008, 05:58:15 am »

Currently working on my first post..expect it to be uploaded today.(After i abused my mad paint skills)

*edit scrap that whole idea of updating today.ImageShack is not going to give me the love i want :/
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 11:27:22 am by Liwjatan »


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2008, 01:29:02 pm »

Alright...time to sum up my first impressions.I cleverly hid all pictures below spoiler-tags :3

1st Granite,204
For some odd bizzare reason, Kazindir appointed me as the new „ruler“ of Inod Shash. I don´t know how he did it, he must be some kind of telepathic superdwarf. Eugh,screw it..
Ready to take up my new duties, i wander around in search for the current ruler´s apartment. Needless to say there´s none. However, Kazindir - oh, this fiend! - houses as the „Captain of the Guard“ - he probably gave himself that title- in his own fine quarter´s. Did i mention that i, the fortress´s trader,mechanic and record keeper, beloved by everyone lifes in a 3x3 quarter with only a shabby bed and a chair, which i am forced to use as my office?
Dear diary, that´s on top of my „to-fix“ list.
Here´s a little sketch i did of Kazindir´s quarters; on the second one is my own. Why the heck am i showing you this diary? It´s not like anyone else reads this besides me.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Next on the agenda is the general situation; concerning food, wood and escpecially booze. What in armok´s name.. all the stockpile records are inaccurate! This can´t be my fault! I spend hours upon hours to index every single plump helmet we grow and my precessor just threw away all those reports! I might have been bussy drinking, yet this is never in the name of  Etur, glittering jewel of the mountains, my faul! I deny it!

Alright..calm down..i´ll pin down what i was able to gather from all those randomly assorted records in Kazindir´s office.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Booze has always been somehwhat of a problem ... i should probably clear out some of the barrel´s used to conserve plump helmets. That reminds me.. i´ll have to pay a visit to the farm plots.

2nd Granite, 204
Dear diary
after running around the whole fortress for an entire day i finaly found one (?) of the farm plots. Its an unimpressive plot sorrounded by irrigated mud and a few fully grown Tower caps. I´ve already considered cutting those mushrooms that are fully grown, but by doing so, alot of the young and still wournerable settlings will be damaged. Oh,by the way; it was hidden behind 3 operational doors and a floodgate linked to a lever. I havn´t found out which one though since there´s a severly leaverage going on, not a single one with a notation of some kind.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I´d send Beardless, that filthy little undwarfenly ..dwarf! But he´s doing a good job at mining, hence i´ll keep him around. For the current time at least..

3rd Granite, 204
I´ve send out a squad of peasants to do some counting in the storage-rooms. It´s up to me to analyse and write down the restults. On the plusside, I´ve stopped smoothing the stone, i was forced to do so under Kazindir´s reign. My talent´s are to be used elsewhere, in the fine craftdwarfship of mechanics or the intelectual discussion with incoming traders, but for nought it seems.

5th Granite, 204
Dear diary
Today, with the intention to take a short relxing stroll from the record keeping i inspected our trade depot – which is littered with trade-goods! Leatherbins, Silk and precious wood is lying around, awating to be stolen by a fiendish thief.
But on top of that, not a single stonefaltrap is ready to let it´s deadly load fall upon a careless foe! I´ll have to look into that as well..prety sure assigning a bunch of idlers to reload them will suffice.

7th Granite, 204

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A peasant run into my office, telling my that Bormik Kikro..something, known for his abscence of being useful due to the fact that he´s a bone carver, has been acting weird lately. If he constructs a crappy bone-amulet, he´ll be the army´s newest recruit.

8th  Granite, 204
After checking through my precessor´s notes, this part of the cave is supposed to become a tower-cap farm. I can understand why we need more wood – but the only access to irrigate the cave of giant proportions is one single staircase. What the heck was he thinking? It´s going to take forever!
Dear Etir, i need a drink..

9th  Granite, 204
I´ve told the miners to dig out a room, used for stocking cloth close to the ressembling workshop. He told me that we din´t build a single clothier´s workshop.
Alrighty, i asked him to put it close to a loom. He proceeded to tell me we don´t have that workshop either.
Oh,guess what? Neither do we have a farmer´s workshop.
After checking up on the farm plot´s again, I´m prety sure noone has ever planted pig tail seeds on it. Need to change that..
I´m going to get that drink right now..

Sidenote:That fey-mooded bone-craver has begun his construction today, using only 3 turtle shells. I told the current 2nd squad leader to be preapared for a new recruit.

13th Granite, 204
Bormik finished his masterwork today, a..turtle shell leggings. Looks very prety sure one of the champions-to-be will appreciate it if he´s trained in the arts of using chainmailarmour.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

15th Granite, 204
A bunch of peasant´s rushed in my „office“ and complained ´bout the lag of beds. Appearantly our barracks feature 2 beds and 8 wrestlers punching each other in the face. One would guess they had some rags assigned and a cheap shield, yet both never happened. Becouse that´s what we need, an useless army that´s specialiced to punch enemys in their face and then get stabbed to death. Repetiadly. Ill make at least sure that our beloved first leader, Jakey, get´s a full plate armour to honor his accomplishments.
Also the major, Lucid Archons showed up, demanding not only 3 platinum items,also questioning why he has no armor stand or a weapon rack. Right now im just a mere quinch away from forcing Kazindir to ressign as the captain of the guard – he´s in charge of not one guard.
Ive ordered to place Lucid´s demands somewhere in his quarters. I´m not even beginning how the heck the „noble“ quarters are supposed to be organised.

20th Granite, 204
Im going to get some armor on the army, no matter if i have a stable support of magma or not...
24th Granite, 204
Why the heck is almost everyone assigned to smooth the walls and floors; not to mention my precessor´s wierd love for masons? Everyone ran around, telling me they either have a wall to flatten or a statue to build. Slowly getting closer to realice that Kazinir might have been insane.
Strangely enough the stockpile for furniture is flooded with statues and tables. I can only imagine how the mason´s workshops look like. Going to assign tables and statue´s of average quality to be chamsed.

26th Granite, 204
Something odd is going on here. I saw an animal caretaker fishing in a well today. Not only violates that task his own profession, additionaly the well is cut off from the rest of the undergroundriver.

28th Granite, 204
Hooray for more levers! Let´s find out what they do and get killed! I might have found what the porpuse on those on the upper levels are; opening and closing floodgates to irrigate the farms. But im not touching these!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

At least i got a decent armor-industry running to equip our army with plate mail armour, however of such a low quality that i don´t know if they withstand a single blow of a golbin with a kopper dagger.

3rd Slate, 204
Finaly a decent office! Moved out of my old one. An unknown gem-setter took it over.
Time for my next plan:strip mining.

6th Slade, 204
Oh..great..a Dungeon Master...the moment he popped up in the fortress he already demands his own quarters. Oh boy, i sure hope that this isnt an omen for more nobles arriving. Together with him several peasants, a hunter (let´s seee how long he lasts), a soap maker and a cheese maker finished their journay to our humble fortress. We must be having a very crappy advertisment back in the mountainhomes...
OH GAWD were running low on drinks again.

7th Slade, 204
Why the heck does a dungeon master need an office? What´s he gonna do inside, have a chat with his tamed beasts?
Sidenote: Becouse of our high idle-list, i recruited a bunch of peasents,all lye/potash/soap/cheese maker into the army. GO forth and punch each other in the face!

18th Slade, 204
Our dungeon master, honored noble has „taken“ over Kazindir´s quarters. Ain´t like he had a choice in that matter.
Unregarding this, nothing special happened. I enlisted a fortress Guard out of „volunteers“ - meaning they had to choose inbetween death via starvation, death via the freezing outside or eventually getting stabbed by an ambushing goblin.

19th Slade, 204
Naming stuff that´s going to kill you as soons as you make a step outside seems to be somehwat of a popular hobby here.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

25th Slade
Gem´s and gold. Ah,finaly some good news.
Also the birth of a baby. I prefer gold and gems if you´d ask me.

Who the heck assigned all those jobs to unskilled peasants? We don´t need armour made by a woodcrafter, unless they´re made of wood, which is not the case.

8th Felsite, 204
How by Armok´s beart did this metalcrafter got wounded so badly?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ah, he didnt met the major´s deadline, hence got punished..but..aint we having any prsion cells for that matter? I should ask around, but i fear my effort will be wasted.
´Bout thirty minutes later the poor dwarf gave in to his wounds. Time to build a prison!

10th Felsite, 204
Rokouogan killed a beatman and severly wounded another one with his bare fists before trotting home go grab a drink. What a dwarf i say! Unlike that wounded hunter he tried to rescue..
The dead metalcrafter´s corpse is still lying around. Nobody bothers to bury him, yet there are enough coffins assigned for that matter.

18th  Felsite, 204
Irrigating the „tower-cap-cave“ has been almost finished, however, alike i expected, to flood the entire cave another hole in the roof of the cave is necessary. Time to send one of the expandable masons down there..

25th Felsite, 204
We´re running low on meat. Time to butcher every Puppy ´nd Kitty! From leg to head, i like the eyeballs the most becouse they´re so squishy and pop open in your mouth!
Finaly someone hauled the metalcrafter´s body in a coffin. I bet noone remembers his name at the end of my term.
Summer has arrived!
*updated stockpilelist:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*OOC:seriously now, why has every single freaking dwarf the mason labory enabled? At least set a skill-minimum-cap to the mason´s workshop next time becouse low level statues aren´t that peachy.

*edit:forget to add the uploaded stockpile list;shows the detailed stocsk of food+population after a bunch of migrants arrived.
We might get problems to get attacked by Golbins[Kobolds].I checked the unit list and didn´t find any deceased goblin snatcher/Kobold masterthief.Nor did we have contact with elves/humans,hence it might get boring up there.

*edit 2:I´m an idiot.Not spirng arrived,summer did.Guaaaah..
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 06:09:34 am by Liwjatan »


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2008, 02:23:56 pm »

Evicted by a power-crazed bureaucrat.  :'(

There was a armour and weapon rack queued for the mayor's rooms and the other nobles rooms but they never got made in time for me to actually place them. Also, my two levers are labelled on the map.  :P


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2008, 09:16:41 pm »

Wow, this is going by quickly. I'm predicting my turn will be soon, hopefully over the weekend when I have more time. Also...

10th Felsite, 204
Rokouogan killed a beatman and severly wounded another one with his bare fists before trotting home go grab a drink. What a dwarf i say! Unlike that wounded hunter he tried to rescue...



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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2008, 09:50:40 am »


2nd Hematite, 204
My plan to boost up our meeting hall´s value from „really nice“ to „REALLY nice“ using the legendary gem-grate „Vimubas Naral agoth“ failed. Most of ´em, eating there or „taking a break“ - ain´t like there´s no work to be done – don´t even recognize the fabled artifact in the floor. Persky non-dwarfenly dwarfes, always looking up to the ceiling instead downwards to the glorious ore´s and gems awating our arrival. I bet it´s an uprising, lead by beartless. Oh how i wish to strangle him...
Alas, there are more important tasks at hand. I send one of my messagers up to the smelters in order to ensure that native gold will be smelted into glorious statues! That ought to improve morale around here...

4th Hematite. 204
Project : „Let´s reconstruct the entire workshop-area“ has started today. Rooms for stockpiles will be dug out and around the magnifecnt space to store ressources, necessary for crafting, smithing and more will be sorrounded by workshops that belong to the storage areas, thus decreasing the path for the poor dwarfes currently working there.

The first big areas will be used for cloth/leather workshops, the second one for foodprocessing. The smaller one´s are to be used for jewelery and bonecrafting. I won´t reorganice the metal industry..yet. Former ruler´s left notes of a potential magmavent somewhere in the mountains.

8th Hematite, 204
Somebody informed we´re running low on refined coal. Our stockpiles are filled up with bitominous coal. I always believed that dwarfs could follow simple orders alike preparing all that raw coal into refined one, yet this fortress´s furnace operators fail me...
Also the idle-count went up today. It seems like the whole „smooth the entire fortress“-plan of my predecessor has been finished. Time to... uh.. smooth even more walls!

17th Hematite, 204
A new major has been elected! No longer shall we bow before Lucid Archon alike we used to do. All hail to .. Logem Asteshust .. a .. trapper. At least he won´t demand platnim..
Oh hey, he likes clear glass!

I should start working on that prison..

24th Hematite, 204
So..many dwarfs sworn to metal...
And not a single one proceeded to fullfill my orders of construting 8 iron chains for the new prison! I´m looking forward to the hammerer´s arrival...

10th Malachite
I bet those dwarfes in the slums are happy to finaly get a door. Now they are proud inhabitennts of a bed AND a door.

Out of nowhere a ranger dies.

Upon closer inspection I see that the ranger tried to wrestle a sasquatch to it´s demise. I´m tempted to send out one of our wrestle-squads, however i doubt that such an ignorant fool had any friends in our fortress. Let him rot i say!

13th Malachite
Our new major mandated the construction of clear glass items. Urgh.. how the heck is a clear glass item gonna benefit us? We need barrels and bins, not windows! I´m just glad that the prison is almost finished..

17th Malachite
Hooray! The prison has been finished! Now our „criminals“ have a place to hang out if one of our noble´s mandates fail.. Ah yes, dear diary, i made a funny!

1st Galena, 204
We´re almost out of booze, the barrels are stuffed with plump helmets. Alright,time to take down a few tower-caps to build a few barrels..

12th Galena, 204
Nothing really happened. New workshopareas are being mined out, stripmining for the magmavent continues, we´re running low on booze. Almost no change whats-o-ever.

Only one thing quite bugs me; the fortress features no dwarfenly brother that knows how to cut wood. Either that or any woodcutter were ordered in the past never to touch a tree.
I send a carpenter to cut ´em down, blasted tower-caps.

24th Galena, 204
Amok be praised!
One of the miners rushed into my office – no longer just a mere chair in my bedroom but a splendid office dcorated with statues! - to tell me that they have finaly found it!
Oh joy, oh bretheren and sisters, let us rejoice!
Magma, gift of our ancients!

The miners are not quite sure how large the magmapipe is, but im sure it will help the fortress mature and grow!

Automn has come;

*Ooc: wow..that was quite uneventful apart from the magmapipe.
Rokuougan, according to my update-shedule (one month per day) my turn should be finished this friday.


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2008, 06:22:45 pm »

awesomeness, magma found, now the good stuff can begin, and I can finally get some armor.

We have tons of dolomite, shittons of dolomite, and plenty of magnetite too, let the steel flow!


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2008, 10:08:41 am »

Okay.. i have to apologize for the lack of updates, i.a. yesterday (and today), becouse I was(am) not in the mood to play Dwarf Fortress.

I will however try to wrap this up till sunday.


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2008, 11:33:07 am »

Okay, here´s the report for automn. Now with less pictures and more text!
[there are, in fact 4 pictures but I´m gonna upload them later...cous im lazy like that!]

1st Limestone, 204
I´ve ordered our most skilled miners to dig out the entire magmapipe, supported by several currently unemployed dwarfs, who are supposed to write down the positions of warmth stones, creating a fully functional map for rulers to come. I´m no optimist – the magma won´t flow till my reign is over. Unlike that fiend, Beardless, i value each and every single miner of our community and I´m not gonna sacrefice one in order to create a magmacanal.

3rd Limestone, 204
Kulet,  Eral and Thob, all  three of the fine profession of carpenters complained about the fact that areas for different workshops are mined out, yet the woodworkers remain without a room to call their own. I´m no philanthropist, but their request seems valid to me.

5th Limesone, 204
Our woodstocks might be complted but I am left with no choice but to use the last few logs to create wooden barrels. If a dwarf is struck by a sudden creativity, one of the towercap´s has to be taken down to guarantee the life of the dwarf. It might not be the wisest action, but, alas, our foodstorage is filled to the very brim with Plump Helmets.

11th Limestone, 204
The caravan from Unib Egul has arrived. Ah, finaly!
I hope my predecessor ordered wood, bins and barrels, yet i fear my hope is for nought. While I myself remain in my office, several dwarfs carry now our finest crafts to the depot. Fourtinaly, all dwarfs seem to know what has to be carried to the depot, making it uneccessary to order a bunch of peasants to do so.

19th Limestone, 204
My fear was in vain; wisely, Kazindir ordered great stocks of tower-capslogs.

I bought every single bin and barrel from them, no matter what was inside them. Syrup, extracts – considering our foodstockpiles, buying them is absoloutly pointless. Perhaps a miserable dwarf will find joy in life again after tasting sweet sugary syrup. But that is not my concern. We need every single container.
Now it is up to me to negotiate with the traders.

22nd Limestone, 204
Using complex maths, knowledge of stone and the known evaluation of the magmapipe on the dug out level, our headminers EchoP, Dastot and, oh how i wish to not give him the glory for the archivement Beartless calculated the precise size of the magmapipe; and that not impressing enough, via the current magmaflow they found out how many foes await us beyond the save obsidian wall.

I granted them the possibility to take a break but they denied; truly, EchoP and Dastot are blessed by Armok himself.

25th Limestone, 204
Mosus, leader of the 2nd infantry squad expressed his worry about the newest recruit Urvad today; he has been missing out alot of sparring sessions lately. Well, I responded that he might be in our main meeting hall; however he denyed that. With a glimse of regret, I told him to order Kazindir and his Fortress Guard to serach for him; inside the fortress and outside. In preperation Kazindir „asked“, more or less demanded to equipt himself and the fortress guard with weapons in case they found the recruit in question in several places. Having no reason to negate his request, I agreed. Hopefuly their search won´t be in vain...

26th Limestone, 204
Urvad had been found today; much to everyone´s reliev, he was alive, yet acting strangely. Unlike a dwarf, he was rushing to the corridors, bumping away his bretheren left and right. Upon following him, I saw the reason. Several dwarfs, sorrounding a workshop, watching in awe. Small holes in the fortification Urvad had created himself allowed us to peer inside the workshop. None of us could understand what he was doing, grumbling, running around inside the workshop, as he seldomly chipped away a part of the wooden log he claimed, afterwards starring at the fine silk, wrapping it around the log himself, suddenly stoping,then chipping away more of the wooden log. Dear diary; whatever he creates inside his little fort, based upon the value of hisd creation I might consider to relief him from the army.

28th Limestone, 204
Dear diary;
I feel silly.
I awaited our mountainhome´s liason to step inside my office any moment now, until i realiced that he is burried deep inside our fortress; he died, during the more chaotic days, struck down by a foe in ambush outside.
Cheers, cheers i say, brave dwarf whose name i can´t remember. This beer is on you, fer traveling all the way to our cursed mountains in hopes of riches, yet everything he found here was nothing but death.

2nd Sandstone, 204
Urvad emerged from his workshop today, helding in his hand a crown upon par on the king´s royal jewelry. A true thing of beauty i must admit. Astounded gasps of those, expecting Urvad to complete his ultimate masterwork. Friends, rivals, even his commander, Mosus showed up. As he slowly descendet trough the rows of dwarfs, raising Kithniral „The scarce Portent“ above his head, slowly one after another one started clapping, whistling, celebrating Urvad, now more than just a mere recruit in the army.
After celebrations took place and Kithniral was placed in the meeting hall, thus veryone will be able to witness it´s glory I offered Urvad if he wanted to ressign from the army to honor is accomblisments. He refused my dignifing proposal, since all his friends serve in the army. Ergo if his life is meant to be ended by invading enemys, he prefers to die at their side, unlike a coward, hiding deep inside the fortress.

12th Sandstone, 204
Ah, my days left as ruler are growing dim. I´ve started my final project to gain access to the magma. I´ve planned out everything; where the pumps will be placed, the levers and gear assemblys...

27th Sandstone, 204
I´ve canceled every last order of strip mining. Any miner, no matter how able is assigned to the magmaproject. I cannot let any other dwarf handle the project. I cant and i won´t! If it can´t be finished under my reign, then this fortress is not worth it´s beauty!

12th Timber,  204
Praised be Ducim, our first fortress´s champion! As his first action, he took over „Jakey´s“ Squad, even though both of them are on one par in the arts of the ancient marterial dwarfen wrestle style.

16th Timber, 204
Thob, the glassmaker was arrested today for not meeting the major´s mandate of clear glass items. I haven´t seen any sand in the entire fortress. Alas, I have more important tasks to tend to. The magmaproject to be precisly.

Winter has arrived!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 01:42:12 pm by Liwjatan »


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2008, 02:47:31 am »

I should have been posting this as we went along instead of waiting for the fifth year, but I'm a lazy bum. ;D  More tomorrow.  (I need my sleep!)

From the diary of Dastot Erithkathil:

1st Granite, 201:
The wagon seems to have broken down again but we can't tell for sure because it got almost completely buried in the snow last night.  Our fearless leader Jakey took one look at the troll tracks in the snow bank and declared that we have finally reached the South Pole.  I have my doubts, but no one seems inclined to argue with him--we'll all feel a LOT safer once we're underground.  Strike the earth!

3rd Granite, 201:
We've been working day and night carving our new home out of this terrible land.  The wind and cold are something dreadful--even worse than that grim night in that place among the peaks above the Mountainhome.  I would almost welcome a dragon right now--its breath might thaw my toes before it froze solid.  Unfortunately, the only monsters living here are trolls, batmen, and troglodytes, all of which want to kill us but lack any sort of flaming breath.

Funny thing is, I'm feeling better than I have in years.  They haven't yet come after me, so maybe they think I've run off to my doom in this frozen waste and turned their attention elsewhere.  I think they're right, but at least I'll meet my end like a true dwarf--swinging my pick and drunk to my frozen gills!

28th Granite, 201:
Jakey found an underground river.  Claims he "knew there was one around here somewhere" the whole time and swaggered around half the day bragging about it.  Does he really think that's going to get Lucid to pay attention to him?  I swear he's the only one that hasn't noticed her trying to flirt with him all this time.  I can't wait for the day those two get private bedrooms a room so I don't have to watch them mooning over each other all day.

Eh, whatever.  Maybe we're going to live after all.

6th Slate, 201:
In celebration of the fact we're going to live, our leader has declared tomorrow a holiday.  I doubt he meant the name as a personal jab.  Yes, my old nickname has come back to haunt me again.  There are times I long for the days when I avoided stares by wearing one of those Grouchod Marxebi spectacles-and-beard disguises so popular among the humans, but I made a decision to leave those times behind me, and I do not regret that.

Enough dwelling in the past.  We're going to live, and they seem to have forgotten me, at least for now.  Until the day they remember, I will live my new life.  The old Dastot is dead.  In recognition of this, I have torn all the earlier pages from my diary.  (I will hardly forget what to do if they return!)  Tomorrow, I will use them to roast plump helmets in celebration of my new life.  Plump helmets... I'm itching to try my hand at a more elaborate meal, but I'm sure I'll be able to adapt my "culinary" skills to civilian life soon enough.  Yes, I could enjoy being a cook, or a miner, or even a farmer... time will tell.

17th Timber, 201:
Remembered my diary today for the first time in months.  In spite of all the hardships, I am happy with this new life.  To the reader, whoever you are:  If you find this amongst my bones in a tomb, I imagine there will be some sort of inscription telling you how it all turned out.  If not, if you find this diary torn and scattered somewhere in the wilds, you can guess that my end was no worse than I deserve.  In any case, I don't need this diary any more.

Um...  "The End"?  Heh.
So it turns out that dumping magma on skeletons is either a really bad idea or maybe like the best idea ever.


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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2008, 08:58:01 pm »

No, I´m not dead and I will end my turn - but somehow today i ended up writting a crapload instead of playing. Reader beware, uninteresting story -which I wrote in a state of poopie-ass-tiredness- and a crappy picture as reward ahead!
„Blasted durn ye!“ Logem, first of the Asteshúst´s residing in Inod Sashs, which is, translated into a more common tongue the gate of Hell cryed out in a new upcoming fit of rage. He kicked away one of the rocks he was carrying before, now spread upon the ground into a thousand directions.

He would´ve continued to loiter the gangway, if it wasn´t for him realicing that recently, he made a truly wise decission; either to grab a drink, alike any other dwarf or sneak into the newly founded clothier´s workingarea to exchange his old – ah, old! Rotten would be a more appropiate term – shoe´s and grab a new pair to claim as his own. Not the most comfortable one´s he had ever worn, escpecially the left one but they  are at least not perforated like his old one´s, granting him a new sensation of pain every day.

Logem stroke  his beart – thick and twirled in itself, not alike the hair of those persky elves, a beart Amok would approve of, proofing his cableabilities as major; At least that is what Logem claims so often -  muttering in a state of anger  „That´s no job fér a major! Collectin´ worthless stones and chuck ém in dat rivér!“

He shook his head in disapproval; „Something had´t be done!“ he declared in a mumling voice. Leaving behind his old task, he made his way towards the office of `Liwjatan´, Inod Shash´s current overseer. Walking the seemingly endless pathage to the living quarters, closeby prior mentioned room was located, Logem tried to come p with a way to convince him to apply to his demands; But what should he bargain for? Inod Shash´s population did not intereset him, any thoughts concerning their benefit was discarded as swift as they entered his mind. Oh, how much he longed for something made out of glass; but not the lesser green one, no, true glass is clear, but visible, unlike crystal clear glass! Yes, that is what he should demand. Jewelry, a door or a coffin, such deeds did not interest him. No matter what his carvings created, he´d take it as his property, stationed in his own appartment.

Upon arrival, he already heart `Liwjatan´s´ shoutings; something about wood. The simple slate door, neither carved in skilled fashion nor engraved in any way was hastly opened. A child rushed outside, close behind him Liwjatan.

„Fobit´it!“ he screamed after the child ontop of his lungs. Afterwards he proceeded to back up in his room. Logem, seeing his chance to convince Liwjatan about the dire needs of a clear glass item made haste to the door in order to keep it open so he might enter behind the overseer. In surprise, Logem hoped he could overcome the clerk´s defence, since last time his mandate was accepted, a dwarf was thrown in prison and before that another one was beaten to death by the captain of the guard Kazindir. Logem calulated his chances that his demands were accepted are looking grim.

Cought offguard, Liwjatan stumbled backwards into his own room when Logem opened the door while he was trying to close it. „I am...In tha nam´ of Armok, I greet ye, humbl´ Overseer!“ Logem squeezed out his lips – royal behaviour was never his forté, but to archieve his goal he had to tend to this desperate strategy to flatter the overseer.

„Ah..ah...Hail to yé.“ Logem´s counterpart stottered. Yes, everything was according to his plan. Soon, he would be the proud owner of a clear glass ring! Or amulet! Oh, he had to focus, otherwise his endavors would´ve been for nought.

„I´m her´ in interest of our belov´d fortress“ Something seemed odd to Logem. First it occoured to him to be nothing but his immagination. But, being inside the overseer´s office for a longer duration of time a certain .. feature was missing. A lingering aroma that was custom to any dwarf. Was not present, however he tried to continue alike nothing happened. „As ma duty as major, I herebé declare that for m...for the benefit of o´r brethern and sisters in thy name of Armok finst´ decoration of clear glass is produced, their numb´r two.“

During Logem´s speech, Liwjatan was searching through his chaotic office; loitered with sciptums of some sort, little notes and a bunch of smaller mechanics, put together to a greater mechanic that obviously was not finished; to Logem it was indeed just a mess of the clerk´s private profession.
After a few moments without an answer, needless to mention how awkward Logem feelt he asked, with a slight hint of anger; „Did yé listen t´ me?“

Liwjatan looked up from his search, for a few seconds just starring at him before he replied „Yes..yes of cours´!“ he headed towards the door – crawling underneath his table to do so – ripping it open he already shouted in a dwarfenly unlike high pitched voice „Kogsak!“. Liwjatan turned around back to his guest, muttering „Where´s that boy if I need´em?“. In the same second, Logem finaly realiced what was missing; the stench of alcohol!

„Two..two crystal?“ unsecurly Liwjatan asked, yet before Logem could react, Liwjatan shook his head. „Clear glass Item´s?Yes? That´ws it, no special interests?“

„Whatev´r seems fit.“ Logem forced himself to smile; unfortionatly he was no good at acting, thus turning his beartinfested face into a goblinglish visage.

„I..I will..gonna pin it down“. While speaking, he lifted one of the papers lying around, followed by a mumbling „two clear,two clear..“. Logem himself felt more and more uncoformtable in the clerik´s room; clearly he had gone insane in a sobber state like his! Due to mentioned, Logem slowly, yet steady backed off to the door.

„Kogsak!“ Liwjatan screamed again standing in the middle of his room, followed by a grumbling voice. „Wher´s he?“ Repedeatly he shook his head in disapproval before tending to his guest again. „That´s all,rite?“
„Ye..yes. Armok with ye!“ Logem hastly spoke before turning around and fleeing into the hallway, leaving behind a dwarf that was scruffing through a ocean of chaotic papers.

*Sorry for the interlude, playing DF has not been my top priority lately :/


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inod Shash (are you dwarf enough?) [succession]
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2008, 12:31:57 pm »

Epic conclusion getz!!

10th Moonstone, 204
The Miners..where were they? Ah, be cursed you foolish dwellers! Partying, taking a drink or chatting with a friend, but were they working on my glorified project? No, why should they? Oh how much I´d love to a pick myself and show them how it is done...

15th Moonstone, 204
Diary, I´ve seen them working...chippinhg away one single layer of stone before returning to our dining room to „take a break“ from their „hard work“. They´re mocking me! While I maintain my position at the top of my creation, they move halfway to attend to their work, only to turn around tending to their own foolish deeds!

25 th Moonstone, 204
No, this can´t be happening!
One of the miners struck into one of the rocks i personaly forbit! Everything I archived so far has been for nought! Oh..Oh, Armok must have cursed me. I can already feel my strength leaving me. Everything is lost.

26th Moostone, 204
Fearful screams halled through the lower levels, slowly filling with a firey death. I won´t save them.. Let them burn for their foolishness! Yes! Die in a burning fire!
After a while the hectic action clamed down. In order to investigate the reason for that, I left my office. A bunch of dwarfes returned from the pathway leading to my failed project, their bearts dirstcrusted, swet peraling down from their foreheads, yet they look alike they were eased for reasons unknown to me.
They sealed off my project to prevent their own demise!

3rd Opal, 204
Aftermath of the miner´s failure: One dwarf burned to his death. Appearantly he misjudged the thread the magma posed, wading right through it, thus ignting his X{left spider silk Shoe}X, eventually soccumbing to his wounds. I´d give my entire stash of personal brew to let him be the one that caused the entire catastrophe.

5th Opal, 204
I feel my strenght is leaving me,my eyes feel warry and my fingertips longer warmed by the feaver of liquid stones and true artisity...this fortress has proven itself as not worthy!
No, I shall not accept the disaster as my own fault, clearly it was due to the cretaín of miner that coused my miserable state!

21st Opal, 204
I´ve come to a conclusion. Dear diary
By the end of the year I shall abadon my position as overseer. There´s nothing left for me to gain in this god forsaken fortress. As my every last order I commandet that several new rooms are mined out, to be used as living quarters as well as another complex for housing the next terms ruler. I won´t furnish it.. they can do so as they please. At the very least I will keep my own appartment.


Alright..that was rather uneventful. I was hoping for a challange, lots of ambushes, miners getting attacked by chasmcreatures at least once per season, however almost nothing happened, apart from the boozeshortage and 2 strange moods...and me not realicing that I channeled directly into the last wall inbetween magma and mininghsaft, due to me not paying attention.

Where are the rulers now?
Jakey:Punching recruits in the face.
EchoP:Brewing alcohol and being a general bad ass.
Kazindir:Beating people to death D:
Liwjatan:Being emo ||_;

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