Players: 4
Turn Duration: 1 Season
Premise: 4 players will take control of a fortress, one controlling each season. Each player will take a turn (1 season) And then the year will change, ending that round.
There will be a 1-2 year start up period, to get the fortress going and being productive. Once each player has taken 1 (or 2) turns, Each player will recieve a "Secret Project" These could range from giant over-the-top constructions, to population or other artistic goals. Each player will try to accomplish these goals (1 season at a time) And try to discover/sabotage the other players goals.
The first player to have their goal requirements met, wins. That simple.
We'll see how interested people are, and then I'll set about creating the save ya'll will use. Gotta make sure all the pieces are there. ^__~
Further Rule Clairfications (A.K.A. how this is gonna work)
Starting file is located here: file is located here: (Not one yet, once you guys start uploading the latest save, I'll slap it here for convince sake)
Turn order is as follows:
Boksi (Spring)
iluogo (Summer)
Mohreb el Yasim (Autumn)
Neoskel (Winter)
When you see the "It is now <season>" Message, immediatly save, and upload. Make a post here after each turn you have, detailing.. well... whatever it is you'd like to detail. Any observations you'd like to publicly share. Of course, any information about others constructions you may want to keep to yourself, or you may wish to share. And you most certainly wanna keep your own dasterdly secret a... well... secret. Just make a post, in any style (although I'm not fond of 1st person narritives) and a link to the new file.
I will check each file to see if the win conditions have been met yet for anyone or not.
When we get back to next spring, I'll check the state of the fortress, and if everything appears to be running smoothly, I'll issue assignments.
Other than that... anything goes. Best of luck, and be careful.