Concurrent programming has a notorious reputation for looking easy in many cases, appearing to work just fine during testing, and then blowing up later, or on a different machine.
The two biggest things to worry about in this case are:
1) Does the pathfinding algorithm write to public data? For example, if it is storing temporary values in a map grid that is allocated once near the beginning of the program (rather than inside the pathfinding function itself, each time it is called), then multiple pathfinding threads running at once are going to destroy each other's efforts in some way or another. If something like this is the case, then additional code would be needed to ensure that multiple pathfinding threads aren't trashing each other, and that would almost definitely require some concurrent programming knowledge, not to mention additional time/effort, on Toady's part.
2) Does the pathfinding algorithm read public data that might be written by other parts of the program? If so, then the algorithm might get confused as the map actually changes before the algorithm is complete. Toady would have to ensure that pathfinding threads only start during a region of game processing where everything relevant to the pathfinding algorithm is read-only, and also ensure that all pathfinding threads complete before this region of game processing is over. A generic form of this checking could be provided, but Toady would need to determine where these regions are.
Additionally, another problem comes to mind: Toady might be calling the pathfinding function just in the middle of other algorithms, as needed. But with concurrent programming, it's generally easier and safer (especially if we're trying to have a nice generalized piece of code that Toady can insert into DF easily) to start all the threads, wait until all the information has been calculated, and then use it. So all the paths would need to be stored in some format, and then the code would need to execute that would actually make use of the paths. This would likely involve a decent amount of shifting around of code and algorithms. And again, it would require some knowledge and time/effort on Toady's part; it isn't something that others could do themselves without seeing the actual DF source code.
If KQ is close to DF regarding its pathfinding, then it is possible that Toady might be able to utilize changes that other people make. But there would probably be a substantial number of changes, and copying lots of code without knowing what it does very well is just asking for trouble. Especially when it involves multithreading.