Needless to say that I am just thrilled!
I find these the most awesome:
Core62, FURTHER DIPLOMACY (Future): Diplomacy in dwarf mode could afford a lot of changes. Aside from trade agreements that are more interesting, fun to uphold and related to the state of the world, all sorts of relationships could be established with both neighboring civilizations and the parent civilization. Though we'll leave quite a bit of work for later versions, the system should be satisfying for version 1 as it merges with the caravan arc, wars, tribute and succession conflicts described in other v1 dev items.
Core72, ROBUST ATTRIBUTE SYSTEM, (Future): Attributes are a sad, sad placeholder right now. There should be more attributes, say those from Armok 1, and their development, to the extent that they change, should depend on use rather than random assignment. They should degrade slowly over time if left completely unused.
Core73, COMBAT OVERHAUL, (Future): This one is a bit vague, mostly because the Combat Arc is consists of so many small changes rather than some large additions. Aside from obvious changes to projectiles and the wrestling interface, skills could afford to overlap, attributes need to be associated to skills properly, skills could become rusty and ultimately degrade as in Armok 1, new general combat related skills can be added, styles/techniques for weapon/weaponless fighting roughly along the path Armok 1 had started, etc. As a dev item, this'll be done when combat more or less makes sense.
Core74, WOUND HANDLING, (Future): Wounds are dull right now and lead to at least one major problem (extreme and long-lasting phantom limb pain). Proper descriptions, scarring, infections and so on are in order here.
Core80, ARTIFACT MAGIC, (Future): An early angle on magic that should find its way into the game. Although ultimately influenced by world parameters, stock DF will likely focus on rare, unique, somewhat mysterious effects without tables, to the extent that that's possible. Some cliches are probably unavoidable, he he he. The artifact process is likely to be changed somewhat to align with this, and artifacts should be created in world-generation and elsewhere during play, though a good player artifact should still have high importance.
Core81, TRIBUTE, (Future): The tribute relationships established during world generation should be fleshed out there and then brought into regular play with tribute being transported across the map. These could also occur as part of dwarf mode diplomacy and dwarf mode world map play.
Core85, CHOP, DIG, BUILD!, (Future): Chop down trees, dig channels, mine into a cliff face, build whatever structure you have the patience for. Your efforts should be saved as a proper site or at least some similar notion (whatever inns and so on along roads end up using), and the contents should remain relatively undisturbed with proper precautions.
Core92, APPEARANCE VARIABLES/DESCRIPTIONS, (Future): This is especially relevant for individualizing civilized critters you meet, but important elsewhere as well, and will be the springboard for randomly-generated beasties and other stuffs.
Core93, RANDOMIZED MEGABEASTS AND POWERS, (Future): (Semi)megabeasts and powers can be randomly generated, in accordance with existing local belief structures or regional sphere alignments when that goes in. The degree of randomization should depend on world parameters so that stock creatures can still be used. Requires Core92.
Core94, RANDOMIZED REGIONS AND THEIR FLORA/FAUNA, (Future): The current good/evil regions should be scrapped and replaced by a system that aligns a region to varying degrees with a set of spheres. In this way you could end up with a desert where the stone sing or a forest where the trees bleed, with all sorts of randomly generated creatures and plants that are appropriate to the sphere settings. It's important that randomly generated objects be introduced to the player carefully during play rather than just being thrown one after another to allow for immersion, though there's also something to be said for cold dumping the player in a world with completely random settings, provided they can access enough information by looking/listening and having conversations, etc. Requires Core92.
Core95, RANDOMIZED ENTITIES AND CIVILIZED CREATURES, (Future): As a further project of random generation, an entire entity definition complete with creature definitions, items, etc. could be generated and introduced into the world. As with other random settings, the degree to which this process is used would depend on world generation parameters, and the generation procedures would be accessible through raw objects. Requires Core93 and Core94.