Are you intentionally ignoring facts in an attempt to prove some point? My comment that you
first quoted was very clearly a response to Rhodan's comment
directly above it about how Spore Hero will be fun because "it won't be criticized by people clinging to a 2005 video of an unfinished concept." Let me quote that for you in case you somehow missed it and read my post completely out of context yet still somehow managed to attribute meaning to it.
Anyone seen the trialer for Spore Hero?
It looks like oodles of fun, especially since it won't be criticized by people clinging to a 2005 demo video of an unfinished concept.
Shame that there probably won't be asymmetry in this one.
The asymmetry patch pretty much revived my interest in Spore.
Then I said:
Look at me, I'm belittling people's legitimate complaints because I don't share them. That shows how manly I am.
Then you said
Look at me, I'm belittling people's legitimate complaints because I don't share them. That shows how manly I am.
Maybe people are belittling your legitimate complaints because they are Freakin'. Tired. Of. Hearing. Them!
Dude, you should take your complaints to EA. This thread is not a good place for that. Here on this thread it does no good for anyone. EA's employees probably won't see them. So it would be better to just let us who enjoy the game talk about it in peace.
As I just said in my last post. People keep buying their shit. So obviously it's not unpopular, neither is fast food and reality television. Popularity has very little to do with quality. It's just common sense for an entity that exists solely to increase it's value to do the most likely thing to increase it's value. Right now that's releasing derivative shit and hyping it to hell. The kind of thing that passes for creativity at EA is:
"Hey! Let's take Dante's Inferno, and make a God of War Clone out of it!"
"What's Dante's Inferno? A Devil May Cry spin off?"
"No no, it's a book. Bear with me. It's this story about a guy that goes through all the levels of hell looking for his wife and sees lot's of fucked up shit."
"Great, so he fights his way through hell looking for his wife. This story sounds bad ass! Why hadn't I heard of this before?"
"Well the actual story doesn't involve Dante doing any fighting at all so you'd hate it, but ripping off a few things from the story like it's name would make a great God of War clone, and EA
needs a God of War clone."
I can't speak for others, but I personally was someone who heard about Spore early on and was greatly impressed with it's original concept, then became greatly disappointed with the way it was suddenly changed to be just like everything else... I didn't even bother getting the game. The change in hype warned me away. It's a bit like the opposite of Sea Dogs 2 where they developed the game for years and then one day it got bought out my Disney and the name suddenly changed to Pirates of the Caribbean, and they removed one of the playable characters and added a few insignificant references to the movie and the fans were very confused and wondered what the heck happened to Sea Dogs 2 and whether it had been canceled or something.