Exactly? I can't say
exactly. I know that with the way I am and with the way the social system is structured, no matter what idiotic or ingenious ideas I formulate they will never be used. I have no means of testing - as that would require me to obtain specialized equipment, or at least access to that equipment. Therefore I am left with examining what I can and using whatever coherent experiment descriptions I can see to try and devise a different picture than is currently the norm. Additionally, I'm just the average russian lazy man and don't devote myself to research. I read through Wikipedia and other assorted literature, look for interesting stuff on the Discovery channel, and if I see something that can occupy my mind, I think about it. I cannot be called a serious researcher by any stretch of the definition, but I like to look at things and think of logical ways of how these things could work. If I see an experiment with a result that contradicts my earlier view, I keep thinking, sometimes too broadly, to find suitable relationships between similar effects in other fields that would explain the effect. I can't do anything with these thoughts, since I rarely ever express them, but at times it's useful to dump a few kilobytes of thought experiments into a forum and see if anyone can find proof in favor or against them. All I usually see, however, is people pointing me at research by other people, not any sort of experimental or other evidently factual proof that the idea cannot explain.
In other words, there is nothing to discuss here at this point, because there was no point to the discussion in the first place.
"What began as a minor difference in the definition of the word "evolution", escalated into a war that has decimated a billion neurons. Sean Mirrsen and Sordid have all but exhausted the resources of the Internet in their struggle for domination. Both sides now crippled beyond medical help, the remnants of their supporters continue to battle on ravaged forums, their hatred fueled by over four thousand hours of total flamewar. This is a fight to the death. For each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete humiliation of the other."We don't want that to happen now, do we?
Text courtesy of the Total Annihilation intro.