Eh, I don't wanna sound rude, but you must have some very low standards if you like Spore. Not my business of course, but I find it weird that someone who likes DF also likes Spore. 
I don't want to sound rude either, but I found that remark very narrow-minded. You
seem to assume that everyone likes DF for the same reasons as you do and so likes the same kinds of games that you do (and therefore should notice why Spore is as horrible as you say), but just in the scope of DF it's hard to find two people who like it for the same reasons.
For example the thing I like the most in DF is something that isn't quite implemented yet. It's the consistent world that grows every single time the game is played. Currently, the world in DF can be broken very easily, even accidentally, whereas in Spore I'll come by my creatures, empires, buildings and vehicles constantly with every game I play. Also every creature I make (and the behaviour of that particular creature) is saved and used later on.
Your remark probably wasn't completely serious considering the

, but I still didn't want you to think that everyone agrees with it.

Also, what is it about games that there seems to be some kind of universal truth of which game is good and which is crap. Why isn't it like music or literature, where people are (usually) allowed to have different opinions? Or is this caused by so many gamers (or people) being stubborn enough to not even try to understand other peoples' opinions?
Well okay, the universally truthful crap-scale doesn't do it's thing with every game out there, but there's just certain games, like the Half-lives (which I personally dislike), Fallout (which I like), or now here Spore (which I like at least at the moment) that are thought to be so good or so bad that people thinking otherwise are considered stupid as they are "wrong".
I understand that you, Tormy, don't like Spore and I'm not trying to convert you to do that, but constantly repeating that Spore sucks won't make it the game you wanted and it won't achieve anything but possible arguments.