"I suspect you're just a creationist. You seem to enjoy "art for the sake of art""
Naw, I just enjoy the editors and have odd standards, though usually low standards, in videogames.
there's nothing to look at beyond that
I can see that. I usually play for the editors mixed with the Sporepedia which is rather fun. Given that I don't buy games, or play them, too often it was rather fun. Plus I am able to compare it to Freeware.
Though mind you, that I find the Space phase to be very fun though having limited returns rather early on (I feel that by my 3rd playthrough Ill be pretty much done. Currently on my 2nd playthrough)
Your not going to tell me you liked the tribal and civilization stages?
I liked all the stages (yes I can like and dislike something at the same time. Like Oblivion which I love and hate at the same time and often use as the perfect example of a game with a lot of content but lacks substance). Though repetative and boring doesn't begin to describe them, you can get into details such as extreme lack of character and culture in the Tribal Phase. Between the two of them Id say Tribal is the worst.
HOWEVER!!! They are both fun. They are just so shallow and repetative that they won't be fun for very long (3rd playthrough will be enough for me). I am alright with it not bursting from the seams with joy, should I be mad that Spore isn't amazing or just fun for a week or two then toss away?
Unlike MMORPGs which require you to play for months with shallow and repetative gameplay. Spore's phases are done in 1-5 hours which is coincidently the amount of weeks Ill dedicate to a MMORPG before tossing it in the trash