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Author Topic: Spore  (Read 109052 times)


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Re: Spore
« Reply #525 on: September 20, 2008, 04:51:05 pm »

Wouldn't that be-Creature < Tribal < Civilization < Tide Pool < Space?

Surely either is equally true.
Not when the original was backwards.

No it wasn't. 
< is the mathematical symbol for "less than".  > is the one for "more than".

Can we talk about something that doesn't involve my bad use of the <, >, and = symbols?

Your use of <, > and = are fine.

As for people who say look past the hype, even if you ignore the hype you have a game that is bad. its like being promised some great massive amazing cake, but when you go out and buy it you dont even get a nice passable no-nonsense sponge you got a load of icing surrounding a lump of uncooked cake dough with mould growing on.
Oh yeah baby, you know you like it.  Now stop crying and get in my lungs.
Boil your penis. I'm convinced that's how it happened.
My HoM.


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Re: Spore
« Reply #526 on: September 20, 2008, 06:40:11 pm »

How is it bad?  It's simple and short, but I've been having a blast in the space stage.   I'm not saying the game doesn't have flaws, but the game is much more fun than a lot of other things I've played lately.


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Re: Spore
« Reply #527 on: September 20, 2008, 06:52:27 pm »


That's a very baaad quality image. What did you use? MS Paint, lazy much. -/\-

It's from the Zero punctuation review posted in the post above mine.
The video has this quality, sorry.
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Re: Spore
« Reply #528 on: September 20, 2008, 07:29:21 pm »

How is it bad?  It's simple and short, but I've been having a blast in the space stage.   I'm not saying the game doesn't have flaws, but the game is much more fun than a lot of other things I've played lately.

I'm with ya.  I like the fact that it's not bug riddled and able to be played right out of the box.  I do hope they develop some expansions for it, since the gameplay can only be improved upon.


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Re: Spore
« Reply #529 on: September 20, 2008, 08:12:28 pm »

It's fun times, but oversimplified.

The stages previous to tribe amount to following things around and either eating them or dancing with them.

Tribal is a real time strategy that would never sell on it's own.  It's limited and dull.

Civilization stage is flat.  Conquer city, build tanks, repeat.

Space is fun until you've done everything.  There's just not much to do overall.  Also the galaxy is infected with sameness.  Seen one planet, seen 'em all.

It's just a case of a game trying to do everything and not doing anything well.  Jack of all trades, master of none.


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Re: Spore
« Reply #530 on: September 20, 2008, 10:28:06 pm »

Space is fun until you've done everything.  There's just not much to do overall.  Also the galaxy is infected with sameness.  Seen one planet, seen 'em all.

Actually there's something like 20 special space landmarks like blackholes and binary stars to seek out; I've only found three such types but I have made it my goal to find 'em.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Spore
« Reply #531 on: September 21, 2008, 01:29:42 am »

You can get "Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators: Reboot", for some laughable amount of money, and it includes the first SR game, and has no copy protection whatsoever. It's a lot deeper than Spore could ever hope to be, it's got an RTS mode akin to the Tribal and Civ stages combined, but the construction of your units actually matters, and its text-based quests can do pretty much anything, and can also be played separate from the main game, from the menu.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

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- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Spore
« Reply #532 on: September 21, 2008, 01:48:49 am »

Complaining about the suck isn't going to give us better games.

Toady One is.

Here here! I haven't got spore (my brand new computer cannot run it- I hate that feeling!) but I'm all for enjoying what is and not worrying about what could have been. If I could run it (and afford it, hah) I'd probably buy it and enjoy it for a bit. The creature making part seems to be the core fun-ness to me.

You can get "Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators: Reboot", [...]

When a title of a game has more than one colon in it, I become a tad worried... but it sounds like an exceptionally good game.


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Re: Spore
« Reply #533 on: September 21, 2008, 01:57:56 am »

You can get "Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators: Reboot", [...]

When a title of a game has more than one colon in it, I become a tad worried... but it sounds like an exceptionally good game.

It is.  I've played it myself, and it's amazing just how many different ideas they tried to pack into the game.  With my first character, I won a planetary election in one week by appealing to base emotion and badmouthing scientists, turned a crappy ski resort into a thriving business with slick marketing, kicked ass and took names in the arcade-like hyperspace zones, and died to a massive alien invasion.

The biggest problem with SR2 was that it wanted to be a grind-tastic game, but there's no grindable areas.  Unstoppable alien fleets can appear almost anywhere, pirates outclass you in every possible way, everyone gives you either hunting quests you can't hope to win or fetch quests you have to run perfectly to make in time, and trading is a joke because you can't afford any cargo space and the market is all but random.

Ultimately, another game with a lot of great plans and big dreams, but pretty flawed execution.  Worth checking out though.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Spore
« Reply #534 on: September 21, 2008, 02:16:06 am »

Actually, the markets work according to supply and demand (the planets have government types and culture types for a reason), the quests are scalable to fit into them with any equipment (don't tell me you have to "hurry" to make 3 jumps in 80 days), and the primary source of income isn't grinding, though it does have uses.
If you want to start good, get a warrior type with an improved engine and a missile launcher. The missiles are expensive, but they deal sufficient damage and have quite long range. First you have to do the fed-ex and surface missions to raise some money (get a loan from the business centers if you need money fast), then when the second energy weapons (Lezka in the russian version) come around, search for the lightest ones through the search system, then buy them off and upgrade them.
Three lezkas and a missile launcher will give you enough firepower to start assisting military operations or system defence. When dominators die, they sometimes drop their equipment - I got a lightweight 70-power tractor beam that way. You can also sell their nonstandard equipment (that which you cannot equip at all) to the science stations for double their worth. If you do this consistently with only one station, you will accelerate their research into special anti-Dominator technology. But beside that, you will go up in military rating, and the military bases will give you some free equipment every tim you rise in rank, and provide you with free subroutines to use against Dominators.

There're a lot of things you can do in the game, just remember that at its heart it's a roguelike - don't look for enemies until you can handle them, and you'll be fine.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

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- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Spore
« Reply #535 on: September 21, 2008, 05:28:24 am »

You can get "Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators: Reboot", for some laughable amount of money, and it includes the first SR game, and has no copy protection whatsoever. It's a lot deeper than Spore could ever hope to be, it's got an RTS mode akin to the Tribal and Civ stages combined, but the construction of your units actually matters, and its text-based quests can do pretty much anything, and can also be played separate from the main game, from the menu.

Yeah thats a hella fun game actually, much better than Spore gameplay wise..but again that game is is not for the "masses".


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Re: Spore
« Reply #536 on: September 21, 2008, 06:23:53 am »

I don't know how it's not "for the masses", because while being a pretty clever and unique game it possessed ALL of my friends, from FPS-lovers to quest-lovers.
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Re: Spore
« Reply #537 on: September 21, 2008, 07:05:34 am »

I don't know how it's not "for the masses", because while being a pretty clever and unique game it possessed ALL of my friends, from FPS-lovers to quest-lovers.

Hm interesting...especially since FPS players usually dont give a damn about anything. [at least I know lot of CoD 1-2-4 players, and its pretty much true about all of them here  ;D]


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Re: Spore
« Reply #538 on: September 21, 2008, 08:46:17 am »

I consider myself an FPS-player, anything to escape reality for a few minutes, and I care about stuff; and I've played much more mentally traumatizing FPSs.  The shoggoth in DCotE?  When you're crawling through an air-vent and a huge slime monster starts crushing it behind you, you forget for a few seconds that you're playing a game.  I hate and love the sensation in your spine being chased in a video game brings.


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Re: Spore
« Reply #539 on: September 21, 2008, 09:38:10 am »

The shoggoth in DCotE?  When you're crawling through an air-vent and a huge slime monster starts crushing it behind you, you forget for a few seconds that you're playing a game.  I hate and love the sensation in your spine being chased in a video game brings.
Oh god. Best FPS level EVER.

It doesn't help that prior to the chase scene you keep sensing that you're being stalked at distance by it...
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