I got to the center of the galaxy within 2 weeks, the game is medicore and yes it is enjoyable for a time, a very short time. I realise everyone will see it differant but lets just put it this way, I noticed at the start of this thread some said "Its a shame they dumbed it down" , now Im not sure if that was a corrolation made with the old and new videos just before release when this thread started but I have to say "Yes" it was indeed dumbed down and badly and after Spore thats exactly when I realised the whole pigeon holing of gamers into hardcore and casual gamers is very detrimental because anything bad said about spore, its said "Ow well its not for hardcore gamers" and thats an excuse for the game seriously under-delivering and WW and his team (what at least in my view) overpromising what his team wasnt capable off.
Add insult to injury they imposed an absolutely crazy stupid terrible 3 install limit rental crap and well if you just look at the piracy stats fo spore gamers have hit back with Spore being billed by the news as one of the most pirated games ever. They then added an extra 2 installs and then in game it was found that there were remnants of a more complex game, i.e cell editor extras etc, like the game had been cut up so they could franchise it in a ridiculous manner like the sims. Next they bring out the parts pack which is waaay overly priced and tbh because spore is massive that kind of thing should have been comming free in patches. I waited on Spore fo 3 to 4 years and its been a HUGE dissapointement to me, all thiss justfied watering down in the name of the casual gamer, lets just get back to what is a quality game for all and what is not (A good game should be both accesible and deep)