"If we pick the game apart, we get Fl0w"
-NO WE DON'T THEY ARE ALMOST COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!! DAMN IT!!! Can everyone stop comparing Spore to Flow? There are only TWO major similarities and they are overall meaningless.
Sean your kinda stuck within generalisations... I mean, I could apply the same to Dwarf Fortress to make it seem like the most unoriginal game ever with its obvious Rogue-like Rip off gameplay and the fact that its Fortress mode so obviously is stollen from Diggles. (Ohh my they both are dwarves arn't they?). It is almost like your bashing Spore because it has discernable Genres.
In otherwords this is my perception of what your saying in a nutshell leaving some details out
Sean: "Spore isn't original... The editors are completely removed from the gameplay and thus don't count. Notice how it has a RTS section? There are other RTS games like Lord of The Rings except WORSE!!!. Spore sucks... Thus because of the above Spore isn't original"
Note: The above is just my perception... not an attempt to make fun of you or make you angry and I hope it isn't misinterpreted as such
Way to notice an argument late.

Anyways. Spore's Cell phase is similar to Fl0w, because... well, probably because both involve swimming in something, killing other critters not unlike yourself, periodically encountering bigger critters, eating stuff that's both freely floating around and what you get from killing critters, and changing levels as you progress in the game. Apart from the different ways of character advancement (fl0w wins here) and setting/style, the two are very similar.
As for me picking the game apart, I just pointed out that none of the "subgames" are new, nor are they actually improved in any way, gameplay-wise. This would have been fine by me, had the creators of Spore actually thought to blend the genres better. For example, I would like to personally lead an assault on another village. Or posess a citizen and WALK AROUND IN THE CUSTOM BUILT CITY! Why all the customization if you have to squint to look at it? Why no infantry attacks in Civ mode? Why always direct-control in the creature phase, when I could have liked it better to just play point-and-click, especially seeing as the gameplay is so simple it would've been just as viable? Space phase attempts to mitigate that to a certain extent, but even then you always play only one minigame.
Now, let's take the game I like, Space Rangers. If I pick it apart, I get stuff that has more or less existed since, and can be compared. But what do we have? We have an Elite-rogue-like in flat space using a turn-based "we go" system (go ahead, point out a similar one). We have a barely mediocre RTS that's still a combination of Nether Earth and Z, with customizable robots and first-person control thrown in for tactical advantage. We have an arcade shooter akin to Star Control 2's combat, but with A LOT of enemies, and seamlessly integrated into the main game. And we have honest-to-goodness text adventures, which are not only rare in PC games, but are in this case also made with great care, and only add to the over-the-top and ridiculous atmosphere of Space Rangers (I mean, seriously, I had to test a state-of-the-art stealth bomber with three controls ("fly","land","bomb") over a densely populated city, but trying NOT to kill people and NOT to cause destruction). It's a game on an entirely different level compared to Spore.