Um, what was the challenge? To ignore enough of the details about the Spore 2005 video that it could be seriously compared to PACMAN? I wouldn't challenge someone to do that. That's easy. I've seen it done before with GTA3 and it was just as unimpressive. Every single game that allows you to control a single character and requires you to walk around and fight things can easily be compared to PACMAN if you just ignore everything that makes it unlike PACMAN.
He actually compared the game to PACMAN! How can you dare argue that it's not like Pacman when the developer himself says it's Pacman?
He simplified the game. He told me it's Pacman. You expect me to not believe him?
The challenge was that you were supposed to watch this movie and love Spore 2005 and go into a rage against EA. I'm currently in a rage, but against this video. could you not mention the physics in the 2005 version???
You're telling me the reason that you liked this trailer was for the PHYSICS ENGINE? I don't play games to watch the awesome physics, I play games for the gameplay. What's the point of having a physics engine if you don't have an fun game?
Servant corps: The game is the freaking creating part! Why are you even talking about spore if you say that you arent interested in creating things yourself?
I don't know, how about guiding a creature through the evolutionary process, eventually leading a mega-space empire that can terraform planets and engage in diplomacy? That seems more interesting that "creature creation".
the dev only compared the first stagfe, a 2D game where you can move in more then 4 directions while eating stuff pacman...even though you had weapons. the other phases were more like diablo as he said. 3D, a wide variety of creatures to fight and/or run away from (because the game puts in monsters stronger and weaker then you) you can fly if your on land and swim if your undwerwater. you have projectiles, you can make your creature learn by combining verbs such as eat + move = pull corpse....the only way its like pacman is that you move and eat stuff.
actually the reason i liked that game was because the cell stage seemed like freaking endles amounts of fun because with 3 million people making 6 billion different types of cells so i would never run out of unique things to fight in a 2D world. The water/land stage seemed awsome because i could once again go up against billions of playermade creatures all different and try to survive while growing (BASED ON PHYSICS). Tribal phase because it seemed there were a lot of things to teach you guys, but i would of liked to jump to the civ phase. which i liked because it looked like an RTS with customized machines against....once again....millions of vehicles in a never ending new experience. and then space stage..... looked freaking awsome since i could fly around the universe with (they litereally said this in another video) 2 million planets to explore and mess with. search for lost tech on a molten planet, send 50 species to one planet and see how they fair, make my own awsome planets with my own customized plants and animals and terraforming, and then blow everything up.
but what did EA do? well thankfully they kept the cell stage similiar but limited the shape of your creature to 1 blob or 2 blobs stuck together....maybe 3 if you wanted. and the player creatures were hardly ever put in, all i saw were maxis made creatures, maybe 2-4 player made ones....i wanted a freaking entirly new ecosystem everytime i played but nooooooooooooooo. Then the creature phase...learning = gone, other creatures attacking your nest = gone, any type of balance = gone, physics = gone. when i say balance i mean a small 1 foot high creature with 1 eye a leg and a beak could potentially kill a 50 foot tall blade weilding monster because the status are garbage.
tribal...not learning, you basically walk all your guys over and attack, or walk all your guys over and play simon says. 5 times....thats the phase
civ. well the worlds seem to have gotten smaller the city shaps dont change size when you zoom out and all you need to do is activate your super weapon or spam planes and you win. and the status are even worse with this one as its based on percentages. add one part, 100% in that category, making it equal to something with 50 parts and high detail and design into it, having only 40% 40% 20%.
you get attacked every minute, and when you have more then 1 planet, you get attacked once for evey planet you have every minute. you can only have 9 types of plants and 6 types of creatures on each world, and since you cant edit plants all your planets are probably gonna look the same. your terraforming comes down to changing the color of the water or sky and making a mountian shaped like a flower, enemies can attack you in space but you cant attack them....hell i couldnt even get through the first freaking section of solar sytems due to all the flying back to my 8 planets, and im suppose to protect 100 planets? doesnt sound like you can conquer the galaxy anymore. O, and it seems the 30 turrets you have on your planet dont fire unless your there watching. you can make war planes too but they dont do anythign either. and as for the enemies....more maix creatures,a few player creatures, and apparently with the millions of races out there the game seems its a good idea to put in one race for 5 DIFFERENT CIVILIZATION! so im allies with the sporians, while fighting with other sporians, while being neutral with other sporians, while not knowing there are orobably 100 other spoarians through the galaxy. and considering they need ME to fly all the way to all their planets whenever they get attacked too, it just becomes an impossible game to play.