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Author Topic: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]  (Read 18169 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #90 on: August 23, 2008, 09:17:27 am »

5th Granite, 305
Tormy rose from his sickbed for the first time in almost fifteen months, his shins finally healed and ready and willing to get back to duty.  I've ordered him to stay as an honour guard and get a bit of hand to hand training in for the moment, at least until he's fully back on his feet.

Hurray!  ;D 8)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #91 on: August 23, 2008, 01:27:02 pm »

So I was crippled by a kobold, then killed because I was retarded and rushed into the front line? That's pretty pathetic on my part. Officially requesting someone from the next immigration!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #92 on: August 25, 2008, 10:05:42 am »

8th Slate, 305

The miller, Kogan, just built a scale replica of the Mountainhomes in flour.  Now he wants more materials.  I think we all know where this is going.

17th Slate 305

Glacies' wife, Litast, has given birth to the second member of his household now, a boy they have named Sarvesh.  I am quite pleased to learn that they plan to bring him up to follow Teshkad.  Lokum, the mechanic, has thrown them a party in their honour.

Additionally, I have prepared a coffin for Kogan.  He wants raw gems.

2nd Felsite, 305

Another prison ship arrived today, bringing along with its usual cargo of miscreants another member of the upper classes; an ascetic of Teshkad by the name of Logem.  I am not as yet certain why he has come here, but although he is exempt from the requirement to pay for possessions, he insists on no special treatment or opulent quarters.

I think I may like this noble.

Prisoner Manifest:

Nomal Asreråblel, Clothier
Udib Imikcilob, Siege Engineer (f)
Solon Mengzeg, - (f)
Ònul Regerith, Metalsmith (f)
Obok Dodokrómek, -
Besmar Oshursodel, Cook
Tun Uristromlam, Trapper (f)
Deler Idengigin, Metalcrafter
Asmel Cattenostath, -
Iden Ònullogem, Metalsmith
Dîshmab Semoratîs, Metalcrafter
Kivish Nishuzol, Craftsdwarf
Kib Geshudemet, Armourer
Ïngis Såkzulusen, Fishery Worker (f)
Udib Nishstorlut, Dyer
Datan Omerilral, Miller
Urdim Íkthagfeb, Butcher
Deduk Kikrostgemsit, Animal Trainer (f)

24th Felsite, 305

Urvad the glassmaker gave birth to another child today, their second son whom they have named Sigun.  She has expressed a wish to start her own clan, the idea of which concerns me greatly.

27th Felsite, 305

And the miller just went mad.  This one really dragged on.

I'm getting a little worried about how inured I'm becoming to all this death.  Equally, the massive unemployment resulting from holdups on the construction project is becoming a problem.  We have issues getting the pumps primed to test the latest redesign and the glassworks can produce no more blocks at this point due to our stores being completely filled.

11th Haematite, 305

A single human diplomat arrived today, the usual merchant wagons absent.  I am concerned by this development and shall need to address it with him during our meeting.

13th Haematite, 305

This 'Crazy Ghoul' really does not give up, it seems.  Scouts spotted another three warbands today coming along the hills.  One group of eight pikemen and six conscripts led by a hammerer, one group of five bowmen and seven conscripts led by a chainmailled pikegoblin and eight pikemen and four conscripts led by a goblin lasher.

"I think I've an idea who that one is," muttered Burger, leaning over the wooden railings atop the wall.  They creaked unsteadily against the combined mass of his gut and platemail.  He pointed to the lasher at the head of the group of pikemen.  Glacies leant forward similarly, peering, causing the railings to groan further.

"He's fast," he muttered.  "Covering ground like an elf.  What's his name?"

"Zom Strappedthief," the human diplomat spat, leaning over to peer as well.  The railings squealed.  "We call him the Submerged Glee."

"Why do you call him that?" Steelheart asked, adjusting his pair of axes as he clambered up the ladder to the top of the wall.

"He's one of their fortress masters," the human, whose name was Nilun, explained, "put in charge of their naval work here."

"Naval work?"  Glacies raised a bushy eyebrow and stroked his beard.  "Don't believe I've heard anything about that."

"They daren't take their ships this close to your outpost, not with that infernal machine of yours ripping up the water at any time you please.  First time you activated it, about a third of our fishing fleet grounded.  You don't have all that many ships sailing here, either.  We're heavily dependent on port trading, though, so they like to hit our merchant vessels.  Strappedthief has a fleet of six frigates at his command and they've been tearing through our convoys like a knife through a wet blanket."

"Who's the other green, then?" Steelheart questioned, leaning on the railings with the rest of the group.  The wood protested plaintively.

"Aslot Flickernightmare," Nilun growled.  "She's been heading up their land assaults on our caravans, having duly earned the title of the 'Mirth of Brigands'.  She is an absolute devil with a pike, though."

"Good thing we have our shields then," came the deep growl of the Captain, Tormy, as he ascended the ladder.  He leaned heavily on the raillings, which shook slightly, squinting out at the arriving forces.  "This all of them?"

"Aye, Cap'n," Burger confirmed, saluting.  "They all seem to be in from the hills, but we haven't seen-"

"Captain!" yelled one of the marksdwarves from below.  "We've got a fourth group just tunelled up through the sand!  Six pikes, six conscripts and a hammerer!"

"To arms, men!" yelled Tormy, grasping his axe.  As one, all four dwarves launched themselves from the wall, axes raised.  With a resounding crack, the railings splintered, sending the human diplomat flailing off the edge with a yelp of surprise.

Sarvesh, Amost and Ast yelped in horror as the two bands of goblins began to converge upon them from both sides.  Trapped between the two encroaching bands they ran desperately into their midst in the hope that they might simply be let go through mercy, being unarmed.

They were wrong.  With sickening crunches, Amost fell first, along with the colony cat and one of her offspring caught in the melee, followed with cruel swiftness by Ast and Sarvesh.

"Shouldn't we help them?" one of the marksdwarves asked, frowning.

"They were dead the moment the goblins appeared," Tormy remarked with features of granite.  "We will kill more and lose less if we remain behind these fortifications.  Let them come to us."

As the goblins indeed did come to them.  With their appetites for blood whet, the goblins began stripping the three dwarves for trophies and loot.  A grisly minute later the deeds were done and Aslot raised her pike, barking orders.

The goblins immediately fell into rank and file...

"Alright!  Drummers, sound the march!  Every one of you worthless lumps had better get in line right now or I'll have your faces on my new boots!"  The goblins immediately fell into rank and file with far greater discipline than the prior bands that had raided the fortress.  The first band charged through the line of collapsing walls, teeth gritted and shielding themselves best as they could against the heavy rock striking them.  A handful of new traps sprung into action, pits springing open beneath their feet and capturing some prisoners but the hardened troops simply trampled over their heads, using them as bridges over the pits.

Suddenly and surprisingly, one of the dwarves waiting in the wings rushed into the morass of traps, hefting a steel warhammer and shrieking a warcry.  She plunged straight into the gang of pikegoblins, fully intent on taking as many with her as she could on her suicidal rampage.  With one mighty swing she launched a conscript into the sky, elbowing aside one of the pikegoblins in his rush for the archers.  Aslot narrowed her eyes, hefting her pike and stepping into a stance before thrusting with lethal precision.

Erush, 'Ileg' to her friends, roared, kicking and battering her way through the throng of heaving goblins surrounding her, her goal in sight.  As she swept up a conscript with her hammer, she locked eyes with the goblin captain.  For a single, powerful moment, nothing else seemed to exist in the world save the two combatants.  A sudden, unearthly clarity filled her mind as she stepped backwards, elbowing a goblin attempting to creep up on her in the process, hefting her hammer.  Similarly, the pikemaster seemed to be experiencing a moment of clarity as she too moved into stance.  The pikemaster launched herself, pike heading inexorably for the dwarf's chest.  Still locked in that moment of perfect clarity, Ileg stepped to one side and brought up her hammer, connecting sharply with the goblin's chin.

Aslot felt a sudden, heavy crunching and the splintering of her jawbone, then the sensation of weightlessness followed by several sharp thuds as she bowled over several fellow pikemen in her flight.  Then a breathtaking crunch as she hit soft sand, far from the field of battle.  She could feel pain everywhere, but she could still feel pain.  She was out of the fight, but not dead yet.

Ileg strode through the crowd of goblins, absolute concentration draining her face of any hint of emotion or pity as she brought her hammer in swings, crushing the chest of one goblin, breaking the legs of another, grasping a third and swinging it into the face of a fourth before bringing her hammer through both their skulls.  A pikeman leapt onto her trying to pull her down, followed by a mass of other infantrymen in an effort to simply crush the dwarf with their weight.

One of the hammerers struck at her with his hammer, which she deflected sharply with her shield.  The hammerer then tried striking her with a crown.  Ileg recognised the ivory from time spent hauling the dead; dwarf bone.  She knocked a goblin in between the eyes with the hammer's hilt as she flipped it, punching the hammerer in the back of the hand with the hammer's flat.  The goblin yelped in pain, the bloody crown hitting the floor as his fingers were no longer able to hold it.  Ileg brushed aside the mob at her heels with a heavy grunt, pursuing the yelping hammerer with ruthless intent.  The hammerer raised its broken hand in a plaintive gesture, screaming for mercy as the steel hammer came straight down on the conveniently presented forearm before returning again and again on the creature's other limbs.  Ileg felt the focus leaving her as she continued to beat on the defenceless goblin and gave it a final punt into the air with her hammer befor spinning, preparing to face the three goblins surrounding her.

Em, Ngokang and Dosngosp surrounded the dwarf, circling her.  Em thrust first with his pike.  The dwarf ducked to the side as she brought her hammer down on his right thigh, followed sharply by his calf.  Em growled in rage, stabbing at her blindly as Ngokang broke formation and sided closer to Em, using him for protection.  The hammerer's iron hammer clanged to the ground right next to her as the body continued to sail through the air, whilst the dwarf pulled off another pair of ruthless strikes, hitting his other thigh and cracking Em's right shin harshly enough that the bone ripped through the flesh, causing him to collapse from the pain.  The dwarf continued to grimly execute her hammerstrikes as the surviving pair decided that this was in no way what they had signed up for and simply ran for it.  In what was swiftly becoming a signature move, the dwarf launched Em's flaccid corpse through the air before turning on the goblin sneaking up behind her.  Two strikes broke in the left side of his face and took the breath from his chest, sending him straight to the ground as she finished up with a series of loud, wet thuds.

Tekkud crept through the battlefield, carefully wringing the necks of the paralysed or heavily wounded goblins as the crazed hammerdwarf continued to smite the platoons of goblin infantry ahead.  He glanced over to Ileg, who had just finished beating a goblin to a pulp and stopped for a moment to rest, leaning on the handle of her hammer and getting a few breaths in.  A thick spray of blood covered her features, which mixed with her grim expression gave her an appearance of terrifying inevitability.

"Ibrukngobol Imgoz," Tekkud pronounced in awe. "You are Ileg, the Ashen Glumness."  Ileg spat a little blood, smirking slightly before hefting her hammer.  It was time to get back inside.  A final conscript made a last rush at the young recruit, but Tekkud brought his knee sharply into the goblin's groin before letting him flee.

14th Haematite, 305

The battle is done.  It seems the Whipmaster who has been giving the humans such trouble at sea turned tail and retreated once it became clear the forward troops were doing so badly against a single dwarf.  Regrettably, the body of the Pikemaster has not been found, either.  It seems Ileg knocked her clear of the battle in the melee.

In commemoration of the battle, I have comissioned three iron bucklers, one for each of the dead, as well as preparing coffins for them all.  Additionally, the diplomat met with the Baron, lodging a formal complaint about the tidal disruption the Bore has caused and explaining that a Guild representative would be forthcoming to discuss the matter.

17th Haematite, 305

The human caravan and their guild representative arrived.  It seems that now the goblins have been routed (at least for the moment) the pathways here are safe enough to travel upon.  Indeed, no less than six wagons arrived today, three times as many as before, with three extra muskoxen, two donkeys and two camels trailing behind!  Needless to say they were carrying a suitably wide assortment of goods for trade.  It seems that whatever I may think of dwarven politics, the elevation of our colony's status to a county seems to have had a strong impact upon mercantile affairs.

Additionally, we have melted enough copper from goblin weapon hauls to complete the Countess' latest minting mandate.  She took no more than a cursory glance at the coins, exclaiming how pretty they were and how pleased she was with the design before being completely distracted by some ornamental pig tail arrangments.  I honestly don't think she even cares, and her request for an additional jetty and fishing boats completely baffles me; why do we even need more fish?  I am beginning to suspect this is all just another ploy from the Count to mess with me.

"Guildmaster Fanu," the Count greeted the merchant representative with a courteous bow.  The human returned the bow gracefully, removing his hat.

"Your Countship," Fanu greeted him formally.  "I bring greetings from the Guild and our interests here in Asmuromon.  We are more than pleased to greet our friends from Etägstinthäd."

"Etägstinthäd receives you with open arms," the Count responded equally formally, adding: "on her soil."  There was a brief tension in the air, which eased instantly.  Both man and dwarf were practised courtiers.

"We are pleased to find the weather here has been calm as of late," Fanu commented, beginning the first round of combat.  The Count smiled as they walked through the statue-lined dining hall, gleaming with green glass furniture broken by the solid black and grey of the sand and stone walls and the gentle golden flicker of the lanterns nestled in alcoves on the walls.

"We are similarly pleased," he agreed smoothly.  "We felt that given the difficulties the Guild has been facing lately, it would be best if we were to focus upon preparing construction materials so that disruption will be minimised when the next phase is undertaken."

"We would be quite pleased if the weather continued to stay this calm," Fanu suggested.

"We would be quite pleased if our construction was completed with a minimum of disruption to all," the Count explained, "but it cannot be put off indefinitely.  Perhaps if the Guild would suggest when it appreciates smooth weather most we might be able to accomodate."

"Perhaps you might," Fanu agreed noncommittally.  The pair stepped into the Count's chambers.  Whilst now heavily glazed, the Count felt a twinge of annoyance that he did not have a true throne room, though he concealed it easily.  Fanu did notice this however and seemed to gain a certain boldness from it.

"We must congratulate you on the fitting of your personal chambers," he offered smoothly, gently pointing the discrepancy out.  "Perhaps if Etägstinthäd performs a personal visit we may entertain you in our grand halls."

"Perhaps you may," the Count agreed noncommittally.  He had just lost the second round, but the third was not difficult to win, given the current circumstances.  "We must offer our sincerest apologies," he admitted, ringing a small bell as he sat at his desk.

"Oh?"  Fanu raised an eyebrow, sitting as well.

"Our cleaning crews were unable to finish clearing a path for your wagons.  I am afraid that the bodies from the siege have been very numerous, as you may have seen."  The Count had of course ensured that the dwarven bodies were taken off the scene immediately, leaving a clear picture of goblin devastation to the approaching caravans.

"They were not too great a difficulty," Fanu smiled.  "My sympathies for the losses the attack must have incurred upon you."

"Indeed," the Count sighed.  "I have had to issue a formal reprimand to the one soldier who rushed out there and slew most of them.  With none of her squad able to take part, it showed a deplorable lack of discipline."  He paused in the appearance of thought for a moment before adding: "I understand she may have lamed one of them, I forget the name.  'The Mirthful Bandit' or something?"

"The Mirth of Brigands," Fanu murmured, the colour very faintly falling from his face.

"Ah yes," the Count smiled.  "One hit, as well.  It is only a shame that she knocked her clear from the battlefield, for she would have made an excellent prisoner."  The third round was his.  A servant arrived with two glasses of heady whip wine, from which both sipped diplomatically before continuing.

"We can see that our land routes with you will be secure enough," Fanu confessed.  "We are curious as to your current use of the surrounding waters."

"Beyond construction we use the sea for little more than fishing," the Count smiled peacefully.  "Why, my wife loves fishing so much she is asking for a little private jetty of her own."

"There would be many benefits to allowing for maritime trade," Fanu suggested with a casual tone.  "Although your work to clear the surrounding countryside for now has allowed us to bring a much larger caravan, bulk goods would be far easier to transport by ship.  We understand you were looking into establishing a steelworks?"  The Count cringed internally; the Warden's lack of foresight would make him lose this round.

"Indeed we are," he admitted without betraying his thoughts, "though our industrial efforts have been strongly devoted towards the greater project at this time."

"We would be more than happy to help you to start out this new industry.  The Guild is always looking to invest in new ventures."  Fanu smiled.  He had won that round, and it was an important one.  "Of course," he continued smoothly, pressing his advantage, "the bulk goods required for that would be best moved by ship.  Perhaps we could arrange for one of our convoys to approach Areldolush on a permanent basis?"

"We could not slight you so," the Count recovered quickly.  "With no suitable pier or docks in place, especially as rocky as the cape is, we feel it would be unwise at this time.  Perhaps you have too little faith in the success of the land caravan."

"Perhaps," the Guildmaster suggested noncommittally.  That round was a draw.  The pair sipped their wine again as another servant entered, bearing a plate of syrup-glazed longland flour cakes, from which the pair both nibbled in perfect ceremony before the next step of the dance.

"There has been some debate in the Council," Fanu sighed with an air of boredom, "as to whether our choices to invest this heavily in your venture were well placed.  Of course, such doubts are only the work of naysayers and troublemakers, but there is reasonable doubt regarding the strength of your home economy.  Without a market for our wares, we can hardly afford to send caravans this large on a continuous basis.  If we could have some proof of stability in your market-"

Fanu was cut off as the door to the chambers burst open and the Countess waltzed in, gurgling baby boy in one arm and mahogany case in the other.  Fanu immediately rose to bow.

"Dearest, just look at this year's coin design!" the Countess blurted.  "It's so much better than last year's, don't you think?"  She seemed to only then notice the Guildmaster, blushing intently and curtseying to Fanu's bow.  "Oh, I am most terribly embarassed," she exclaimed.  "I do apologise, Guildmaster, I had thought your meeting later today."

"Quite alright," coughed Fanu, a little ruffled.  The Countess smiled sweetly, ruffling her son's hair before setting the case down and stepping out of the room.  The Count casually stepped over to the box, lifting the lid open to reveal copper coin designs from 304 and 305.  He looked at them, then seemed to have a moment of inspiration.  With a smile, he handed the box to the Guildmaster.

"A token of our gratitude," he offered, "to the Council for their patience on this matter."  Fanu gave a smile, cursing inside.  The Count had won the last round.  "Now, why don't we get to the business of this year's treaty agreement?" the Count suggested, knowing full well that the terms had already just been set.

"So how did it go, my dearest?" the Countess murmured, draping her arms around her husband's neck as he sat at his desk, polishing off a tumbler of river spirits.

"Hit and miss," the Count revealed, refilling the tumbler from a glass decanter.  "We made a vague agreement to keep the machine inactive for a certain number of months per year to start with, but he was able to press for larger concessions once he realised we didn't have as much power at our hands as we would like."  He nodded to the chambers around him.

"I do miss the old throne room at your father's hall," the Countess sighed wistfully.

"We got lucky with the goblin siege, really.  It was a sufficient show of strength, especially with that one mad dwarf who ran out there and took them on single-handedly, to ward off any agreements on letting them police the trade routes.  Our men are quite capable of that themselves."

"What about the sea?" the Countess asked with a hint of concern.

"Nothing solid, which is a relief.  They won't send us additional goods via ship, but they won't send a convoy either.  We lost ground on the pig iron thing, though.  Without a sample, I couldn't bluff that we'd already started the project.  The Guild secured full 'expeditionary' import rates on flux, about twice its real value.  They'll want to claim a piece of that in the long run, as well.  Good thing you brought in the coinage, though.  They're convinced our economy is strong enough to merit full caravans like this, for now."

"We'll get there, Olon," the Countess promised, kissing him on the forehead.  "This place is going to prosper yet."

23rd Haematite, 305

After six days of loading up the trade depot, I have secured us a favourable trade agreement.  We have offloaded the majority of the goblin clothes we captured (apparently a hot collectors' commodity in human lands) in exchange for a great deal of precious metals, wood and leather.  Given our current population, I have laid out plans for further expansion and cheaper living space.  I am strongly hoping the project makes some progress soon, as we are otherwise likely to face great difficulties employing this many people.

13th Malachite, 305

Besmarber was released from gaol today and the caravan of wagons similarly made their departure, stocked heavily with goblin castoffs.  I am somewhat concerned for his health, but after his incarceration I want to make sure this does not happen again.  The taxman's mandate for pig iron (he may be trying to impress the Count) is annoying me immensely, however.

20th Malachite, 305

After his long battle with insanity, Kogan the miller finally passed away today.  He has been stored in the catacombs as is now custom.

24th Malachite, 305

Having learnt nothing from how this works one of the animal carers, Ducim, has become very withdrawn and started working on a 'personal project'.  I have ordered another coffin blown, just in case.

28th Malachite, 305

A little thing that made me smile today.  Amidst the near constant reports I get of the flagging economy, the shortages of wealth and land space, I saw a dwarf moving out of one of the cheap rooms in the blocks.  I asked Kolræsen about her (he seems to have fallen into place as a sort of advisor on the populace for me) and he informed me that she was one of the unskilled labourers.  Fearing an eviction, I had him pull her credit record for me from the treasury.

908 stars.  She's moving up in the world, not down.

3rd Galena, 305

Ducim emerged from hiding today clutching a bracelet carved from alunite.  Whilst rather pretty (and covered in green glass and copper, something I am sure Kats would appreciate), it is not the most spectacular item to have emerged from the throes of madness in this place.  For her own obscure reasons, she has carved an image of a seashell on the face.  She has dedicated the piece to Teshkad, however, which I fully approve of.

Additionally, I went down to the barracks today to watch the sparring for a little amusement.  Glacies has developed an amazing degree of skill with that buckler he uses.  People have started giving him little gifts for his combat displays, calling him the stuff of legends.  Given public opinion of him, the taxman dare not call on him for rent and he seems essentially exempt from ordinary economic rules.

8th Galena, 305

Another birth today.  Sodel the artist gave birth to a young boy named Mosus.  Her fellow masons have carved her a number of small toys for the child, which were received well.

From the journal of Tekkud 'Tormy' Lolumkol

12th Galena, 305

Transferred several dwarves out of the guard.  Neck injuries sustained during sparring prevented them from ever really engaging in melee training again, so they have been relegated to the marksdwarf squad.  I shall have to make up the shortfall with six new guardsdwarves, however.  Fortunately, seven recruits practically volunteered for the job last night.

Volunteered is a loose term.  I arrested the entire gang for drunk and disorderly behaviour.  Apparently someone had gotten hold of a stash of gutter cruor from the human merchants, off the books, and sold it to them.  I have confiscated the cruor for my... personal contraband store.  Once I have sampled it to, uh, ascertain its illegality, I will present the new career plan to the young dwarves in question.

From the diary of Cousteau Idenoshar

13th Galena, 305

Tormy informs me that we have seven new constables in training.  I don't know how he can find the dwarves for it, but I congratulate him on his devotion to the job.

26th Galena, 305

One of the dwarves Tomy reassigned, Tekkud, has given birth to her second child, a girl named Degël.  It is fortunate that she does not have to engage in such a dangerous profession as potential melee defence of the colony in the event of an attack.

1st Limestone, 305

Dracnor growled bitterly as he threw the slops for the prisoners across the floor.  Disgusting filth as the goblins might be, dwarven law forbid him from torture of any kind, and the Count wished them kept for interrogation.  Worse, one of them seemed to have gone mad and started laughing.

"What's so damn funny?" he roared, pushing the goblin's cage over in irritation.  The goblin laughed harder.

"It's autumn!" the goblin cackled.

"What's amusing about autumn?" the Hammerer grunted suspiciously.

"Don't you see?" the goblin grinned psychotically.  "Birds fly south for the winter."

16th Limestone, 305

The scouts spotted him arriving quite a distance away, but there is little doubt from his terrifying visage as to whom our visitor is; the dragon Kovest Fashshaketh, the Diamond Furnace.  Nobody here can be certain of his intentions, whether he has come with purpose or simply ventured this way on his travels.  I have mobilised all our troops in defence of the colony, but Tormy informs me that Burger has a plan that might avoid the necessity.

17th Limestone, 305

As the great Diamond Furnace soars towards us over the dense forest of the cape, it seems that Lokum and the supply ship are just pulling into dock.  With luck, they might get here before the titan does.  Much as with the human ship, our recent elevation to the status of a county has merited a far higher supply of wares than was available as a simple prison colony, perhaps eight wagons' worth.

On the 18th Limestone, 305

Dwarves began to mill to and fro as the dragon approached the walls of the colony.  Members of the guard rushed into positions as Tormy and Burger barked orders, grabbing equipment and heading for cover.  As the heavy wingbeats of the dragon struck over the entrance yard of the fortress, barrels and bins of goods for trade were tipped over by the force of the winds and children and the shorter dwarves were pressed to the floor.  A collective sigh of relief by the inhabitants of the colony as the dragon flew past their walls and homes was gradually replaced by dawning horror as he swept inexorably towards the arriving supply ship.

Lokum hit the deck hard as the dragon swooped down across the ship, shattering the mast with one wing and digging his talons into the ship's timbers.  One of the ship's axedwarves, Kib, attempted to strike at the dragon but was knocked back across the deck by a slap of his tail.  The dwarf scrambled to his feet and scored one of the front claws of the beast before the annoyed dragon brought his wing down on the dwarf's right upper arm, cracking it.  The dragon then neatly bit off both of Kib's left limbs, following up by burning both of his right limbs away in a terrifying burst of dragonfire.  In a moment of twisted malevolence, the dragon turned upon the pair of axedwarves, Olon and Edem, bearing down upon him.

Kovest brought his wing down roughly on the first axedwarf's leg, then bit it off for good measure before ripping his torso open with a claw.  A sharp, ringing pain began emanating from his torso, around where his liver was.  Kovest turned his head to see; the other dwarf had lodged his axe firmly in between his scales and had begun trying to twist it.  Not one to mess around in an actually serious situation, Kovest simply bit off the offending arm at the elbow.  The dwarf flailed back, screaming at the loss of his limb, so Kovest silenced the annoying pest with another burst of dragonfire.  The wreck of the mast caught fire with the second blast, causing a marksdwarf waiting in the crow's nest to hit the deck, breaking his arm.  Kovest realised he was getting a little tired from his exertions at this point, so he bit the dwarf's broken arm off and, in a moment of inspiration, picked it up with his claw and beat the unfortunate marksdwarf to death with the amputated limb.  Feeling a little peckish, Kovest then decided to roast a pair of the livestock on board (casually setting the deck and cargo alight in the process) before enjoying some snacks as the crew of the ship dove for the relative safety of the water and began swimming towards the docks.  Finally, he decided to do what he came to do and launched himself back into the air towards the colony.

"All in position?" Tormy cried, glancing to the squad of marksdwarves waiting beside him behind the wall.  Each of them carried a modified harpoon and crouched in anticipation, listening to the fast approaching wingbeats from behind the wall.  They all shouted affirmation.

"Dwarves, at the ready!" shouted Burger, tightening his belt.  The five other dwarves on the wall braced themselves, sparing quick glances to the opposing wall behind which the marksdwarves waited and to the approaching dragon ahead.  Burger tightened his grip on the strange glass contraption he held, hoping to the gods that Void's invention would work.

"Now!" Burger shouted as the dragon just came within breathing distance of the city.  As one, the line of dwarves turned around and presented their rears to the titanic fiend.  The dragon roared in rage and indignation, flying straight for them in favour of less offensive targets.  He he passed over the wall, Tormy shouted a command and suddenly a line of harpoons with attached ropes soared through the air, piercing the dragon's side or wrapping around its wings.  The dragon careened through the air, its wings suddenly bound by the ropes, passing over the colony walls to crash into the forest beyond.  As it passed over the wall, the six dwarves leapt from the wall and grabbed onto ropes, trying to anchor the creature and moor it to the ground.

The dragon thrashed, breathing bursts of flame that incinerated the surrounding trees and grasses and sending two of the dwarves flying from the ropes, clattering into the stone walls and immensely grateful for the platemail saving their hides.  Glacies and Melbil ran around the creature, trying to bind its wings as Ileg and Steelheart tried to bind its legs.  Burger leapt to the creature's neck and tried to hold on but was thrown by the dragon's force, followed swiftly by another gout of flame.  Seeing the glass contraption flying from his hand, Steelheart dived to catch it and ran for the dragon's neck, leaving Ileg to deal with the lower limbs.  Drawing his axe, he tried to plant it in the dragon's side, only to have it slip and fly away with the thrashing of the beast.

"Not again," Steelheart cursed, then remembered the spare axe.  He planted it soundly in the beast's neck, using it to pull himself up onto the creast of his head.  The dragon continued to breathe streams of fire at everything in his mad rage, Steelheart trying to maintain a solid grip on the ridges of his skull.  Finally, as the dragon drew in another breath to exhale again, Steelheart clamped the glass muzzle over the dragon's maw, locking it.  He pulled himself right next to the dragon's ear and growled.

"Now listen here," he told him, "that little gobstopper is made of glass.  Now, sure you can try and melt it, but the way I see it there's two ways that goes.  Either it seals your jaw shut once and for all, or it leaks down and blocks up that nice, long, throat of yours."

The dragon roared with his shut jaws, snorting smoke angrily.

"Why don't you come with us and have a little chat?" Steelheart offered with a grin.  "I'm sure we can find a cell for you easily enough."

Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #93 on: August 25, 2008, 10:09:02 am »

Long updates, still haven't gotten around to the dwarf profiles yet, sorry.

Hopefully 'Ileg' will do as a nickname, 1138!

More to come as and when it gets done.

Hopefully we might actually have the lower bore working at that point.  There's trouble with water movement on multiple z levels, that or on the sea floor.  Currently having fun just trying to turn the machine on.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #94 on: August 25, 2008, 11:59:53 am »

Burger grimaced slightly as he drunk from a mug of fine plump helmet wine. The aftermath of the siege was still taking it's time to break through the walls of his mind. First the goblins tunneling through the sand into the fortress: cunning. Perhaps the only cunning part of the invasion. Heck, that was really the only part OF the invasion. They killed three civilians, sadly, but war is a dirty buisness. Very dirty...

Then there was Erush. The very thought of what happened to the prepared goblin hoard brought a smile to his face. A single dwarf, killing greeny upon greeny upon greeny. She was something. Although he did think it was a shame she got all the action, nothing makes the stress go away faster than wringing your hands around something's neck and breaking it.

Though there was something... A nagging doubt in the back of Burger's mind... The goblins were sending their leaders to fight now? Had this fortress really became all that important?

His thoughts were ended as the cries and screams of "DRAGON!!!" "Man the stations!!!".

"Oh man" thought burger, almost mockingly. "This place IS important."


Yeah, I kind of realised I didn't really make all that much effort on the creation post, so I'm trying to go for a little roleplay :D

So who were the casualties for the dragon attack? Very nice writing going on, I must say. Keep up the good work!!!
Perpeptual Motion Machines

Dwarf Fortress' way of saying "Up Yours!" to physics


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #95 on: August 25, 2008, 02:32:02 pm »

If you're not using the dragon and you can actually tame it, can my children have it as a pet?  :P

Glad to see I'm leaving a legacy.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 07:17:04 pm by Glacies »


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #96 on: August 25, 2008, 04:40:24 pm »

Awesome story so far!  :D


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #97 on: August 25, 2008, 10:08:45 pm »

Long updates, still haven't gotten around to the dwarf profiles yet, sorry.

Hopefully 'Ileg' will do as a nickname, 1138!

Perfect! Many thanks.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #98 on: August 26, 2008, 04:10:43 pm »

Arnfast Compendia


When you wake up in the morning, consider [expletive removed] [expletive removed] [expletive removed] [expletive removed] goblin [expletive removed] incursions. They didn't get as far as last time, but they only need to get past the defenses once for me to lose my precious life.

I absolutely detest losing my precious life.


[expletive removed] DRAGON!
Are dragon chunks in demand?


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #99 on: August 28, 2008, 05:03:56 am »

21st Limestone, 305

We have been scrambling these past few days to make burial arrangements for the mercenaries lost in the wake of Kovest's rampage, blowing a series of new glass coffins to store them in.  I understand that the Dungeon Master is keenly intent on interrogating the dragon, but I seriously hope that whatever she does makes it worth the while of attempting to keep a dragon chained in our very midst.  She is quite literally playing with fire here.

Additionally, damage to the supply ship was too great and losses were too heavy for any real chance of trading.  We are helping them repair the ship as well as we can for their journey back, but there will be no time for the unloading and reloading of goods amongst all that.  Void has suggested that some of the wares might have been knocked from the ship in the attack and stand a chance of being salvageable, though no doubt we will receive less than we might have traded for.

Lokum was able to carry out his usual liasing, having survived the attack without injury.

A conversation on the 27th Limestone, 305

The Dungeon Master stepped into the cavern, smiling at the chained dragon who snorted hot smoke in irritation.  She straightened up, then bowed until her head touched the floor, which seemed to placate the creature.

"Hail," she cried, "Kovest Fashshaketh, the Diamond Furnace.  Will you consent to speak with me?"  The dragon eyed her suspiciously for a moment, then lowered his head in agreement.  She approached the beast's sealed maw and adjusted the glass muzzle, loosening it enough for the creature to speak.

"I should cremate you for this indignity," came the voice of Kovest Fashshaketh from the great muzzle.  It was a deep, masculine voice, one strongly refined and curiously civil.  "For what reason do you dare to approach the Diamond Furnace?"

"I approach him with the offer of alliance," the Dungeon Master stated loudly, even her powerful voice almost tinny in comparison to the Diamond Furnace's terrible majesty.  She was met with a derisive snort from Kovest.

"There can be no alliances between unequals," the dragon boomed.  "There can only be servitude.  You have brought no tribute and I stand in chains, so perhaps you think you shall not submit to me.  Know then that I shall never submit to you.  I would rather you slay me and let my glory fade from this world than be a slave to lesser beings."  The Dungeon Master considered the fell beast for a few moments, then snapped her fingers.  A pair of decidedly nervous-looking dwarves brought in a glass banquet table lined with steaming roast meats and savoury dishes, followed swiftly by several chests of trinkets and shining coins.  Kovest continued to glare at her but his eyes flicked once, betraying his interest in the treasure.

"In a friendship," the Dungeon Master explained casually, "one friend does another friend a favour and the other friend will pay them back.  Now, neither friend is unequal, even if they may not share the same strengths.  For example," she suggested, nodding to the dragon's claws, "you cannot very well carve furniture or smelt gold, but we can.  We cannot, say, breathe fire, but you can.  So there is ample opportunity for a trade of services."

"Why should I not simply take your furniture and gold that you have made for yourselves, if I can breathe fire and you cannot?" Kovest pointed out, amused by this concept.

"For one, you would hardly be able to ask us for specific designs.  Secondly, we have proven to you that we are capable of killing you, should you choose to simply rampage and take from us."

"At heavy losses to yourselves," the dragon pointed out.

"The losses to us would be somewhat inconsequential from your viewpoint, given that you would be dead, no?"  Kovest did, admittedly, show a slight hint of uncertainty at this suggestion.  "Why take the risk when you can enjoy a life in a home built to your preferences, freedom to roam, easily available food and a choice of valuables for the simple exchange of your aid in defending this place?"

The dragon seemed to consider this for a long time.  Finally, he lowered his head again.  The Dungeon Master approached and very cautiously began to undo the muzzle.  The other dwarves began to fidget nervously.  When it was done, the dragon reared his head and grinned, flashing his many, wickedly sharp teeth.

"I believe," Kovest thundered, "that I should like a place high up.  You can manage that, yes?"

"I think," the Dungeon master said with a smile and a slight lump in her throat, "we can probably accomodate you there, yes."

28th Limestone, 305

So now we have to build a bloody tower.  Hooray for the Dungeon Master.  In other news, I was presented by a coalition of metalsmiths who were troubled by the lack of our metalworking industry.  Without a source of metal in the ground here, however, there is very little that I can do to help them.  I have given the usual advice regarding construction work, but they seem unhappy with my answers.

13th Sandstone, 305

The labourer Sarvesh gave birth to her second son, Kulet, today.  She and her husband form a reasonably sized family with the two children, but neither are particularly well off.  A curious glimpse of the poorer section of the populace.

15th Sandstone, 305

We have received bad news from both the Guild and the Mountainhomes.  Apparently, both have exhausted their supplies of flux materials and we have no access to such here.  Even with all the coal in the Mountainhomes, we cannot produce any pig iron for steelmaking because we simply cannot get hold of the necessary materials.

Fortunately, the tax collector understands this fact and has mitigated the unfortunate metalsmith's sentence to twenty six days.  Apparently once these things are on the books, they cannot be undone completely.

19th Sandstone, 305

A fresh prison ship full of 'colonists' arrived today, complete with passenger manifest.

Oddom Ekirushat, Stoneworker (f)
Thikut Geshudmurak, Engraver (f)
Atis Nirgoden, Furnace Operator (f), married to Muthkat Mafolthak
Muthkat Mafolthak, -, husband of the above
Nish Monomsashas, Mechanic (f)
Edem Nobdumat, Soaper
Rakust Timnarmosus, Trapper (f), mother of Sodel and Nil
Sodel Roldetherith, Child, son of the above
Nil Aransolon, Child (f), daughter of the above
Erush Stakudgidthur, -, recruited into the Guard.

11th Timber, 305

Kovest has proven decidedly unwilling to cooperate in ordinary manners, so we have hollowed out a pit for him until he becomes a little more civil.  Hopefully he may at least prove useful in the event of venturing kobolds.

16th Timber, 305

Another group of dissatisfied workers today.  It seems that a number of tanners and butchers arrived here in the past hearing about the deer herds we previously had, and sought to make a living (not to mention the whole criminal transportation issue).  I have given them the official line on construction labour but it failed to sit well.  Most of them are in a state of outright poverty due to lack of work.

23rd Timber, 305

The thresher, Cog, has given birth to yet another child, a daughter named Shem, making her fourth.  Her husband, the marksdwarf Kubuk, is both proud and overwhelmed.  Cog has babies coming out of her beard.

27th Timber, 305

Arnfast put in another request today for management of the new shopping district.  Whilst I have received a degree of pressure from the Countess on his appointment, he simply has no skill with bartering.  I am forced to refuse, but I fear this may have repercussions in the long term.

5th Moonstone, 305

The siege engineers of the colony have formed something of a body and raised the issue of a lack of work for them.  I naturally told them there was plenty of construction work to be done, but in respect of their particular skills, I have allowed the construction of a catapult - it might prove useful after all.

On the 18th Moonstone, 305

Deler pushed the bit of herring around the stewpot, poking it idly with a wooden spoon.  Herring was one of the cheaper fish the docks had to offer and prepared meals were costly even at the heavy discount the state was making them available at.  Still, the heat from the forges was free and they were hardly in use, so Deler cooked his own stew and waited for work to show up.

"You should throw a bit of quarry leaf in that," Atis pondered listlessly.

"Sure, if you can afford any leaf to put in it," Deler pointed out.  Atis shrugged a bit.

"Why do you stick around here, anyway?" she asked.  "There's work elsewhere."

"Yeah, but if I'm elsewhere when the work comes, I won't get the job, will I?"

"You might not get it anyway," Atis grumbled.  "There's plenty of work at the smelter, but the bloody Dungeon Master has it as her own personal plaything.  She does it for free, even, out of some sense of artistic temperament.  Same thing with the forge and Ast, the one that wrought that bracelet everyone is so hot about."

"It is a very nice bracelet," Deler admitted glumly.  He glanced to one side as another pair of metalworkers sat down by the forge vent.  There was a brief comparative silence, if the sound of the ever-productive glassworks nearby could be considered silence.

"Always a demand for glass," Deler noted.

"Endless supply of the stuff," grunted one of the smiths who had entered, Iden.  "Not as if you can say the same about our metal stocks.  No ore in this useless rock.  Don't know why I came here."

"It probably had something to do with the armed robbery charges," the other smith, Dishmab, pointed out.

"There is work, though," Deler frowned.  "We just aren't getting it."

"What do you mean?" Iden asked.

"There's metal here, we get plenty of it," Deler thought aloud.  "Goblins keep bringing it to us from their forges across the sea.  The way I see it, there's work for the forgers melting their crap down and there's work for the smiths turning it into stuff.  Only thing is, the Dungeon Master has her stupid monopoly on the smelter and we keep losing work to Ast and Onul."

"What's so special about Onul?" Dishmab questioned.

"She's a Teshkadian, isn't she?" Iden snorted.  "You know the Warden's one.  Tesh's girls stick together and that."

"So what should we do about this all?" Atis demanded.

"We should do something," Dishmab affirmed.  "We need to put our cases to the government, get heard!"

"We already did that," Deler sighed.  "We got the construction work line, same as everyone else."

"Then maybe we should do something more," Dishmab insisted.  "I don't know... form a Guild or something!"

"You can't just form a Guild," Iden muttered.  "You can shout all you like, but you need to make the people in charge hear you.  A Guild is nothing without enough clout and friends in the right places."

"Perhaps," came a voice from the edge of the group, "I might be able to help you out there in both those categories."  The figure grinned, drawing on his pipe and exhaling.  "If you want to be my friends, of course."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #100 on: August 28, 2008, 05:09:39 am »

Short update today.  There's more, but the dramatic aspects aren't written.

I am afraid the dragon, whilst tamed, had to die because any time he was released he would try and kill everyone (and also nearly died of thirst for some reason whilst kept in a pit).  A little post-mortem analysis in the Legends screen answered the problem; he had become an enemy of the Big Theatre, the parent civilisation, after slaughtering four of their merchant guards (we lost no home citizens).

Hopefully next time the megabeast might hit the traps before he hits the travelling merchants.

Additionally, a few screens of dwarves in the fortress.  Arnfast's bedroom is on display here to point out how obscenely wealthy he has become.

Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #101 on: August 28, 2008, 09:12:26 am »

Could I have a dwarf from the "immigrant" boat?

Name: Oddbod
Profession: The mechanic?
Oddbod "The Odd" was born about eighty years ago in the Great Brass City of Olonkulet, or Gearabbeys. This place was the absolute pinnacle of dwarven engineering, rumored to have an enormous golem powered by a fire in its belly.
Unfortunately, the fortress fell when the machines in the city went wrong, halting the production of brass, tea, crumpets and coal, so the population went quite insane overnight.
Young Oddbod managed to escape, but to this day he is rather quiet about the machines of his home.
He does like brass though.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 11:40:26 am by Maggarg - Eater of chicke »
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #102 on: August 28, 2008, 01:32:55 pm »

Arnfast Compendia

As if I were some two copp. coin tanner that's decided to become a scrivener overnight!
As the human adage goes, you reap what you dig.
(Or is it sow? My way is better, all the same, but it would be nice to know which one is the correct-

1. Money and influence.          <-------
2. Internal discourse

Time to set plans in motion.


I thought of some other ones:

You collect what you plan for, weeks ahead and weeks before (respectively).
Better never than late, when a Hammerer is involved.
Actions speak louder than words, especially if you wield an axe.

In all things, consider sedition!



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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #103 on: August 29, 2008, 10:03:27 am »

24th Moonstone, 305

It appears that the dragon, Kovest, has chosen to die than serve us.  This is obviously a great disappointment to us all, as we had all hoped for a firebreathing ally.  On the other hand, there is something vaguely satisfying about having held a dragon prisoner, then executing him by marksquad for disobedience.  Unfortunately, he never revealed any information about why he might have come.  Tekkud, the new mother of the squad, claims credit for the kill shot.

He has been given a coffin of his own in the caverns, however.

4th Opal, 305

There was an unpleasant and nearly tragic accident in the forges today when the smelter collapsed during a routine melting operation.  The Dungeon Master narrowly avoided a spray of molten iron, but the smelter has been put out of operation for a few days whilst repairs are conducted.

5th Opal, 305

The metalsmiths came into my office today asking about work again.  They suggested that with the smelter needing to be repaired, it might be an idea to add a second vent to allow for a greater volume of smelting.  This does seem a reasonable suggestion, so I have given orders to make the necessary adjustments.  They did seem more confident in their request than previously, which intrigues me.

9th Opal, 305

So mid-way through a bloody snowstorm, one of the miners starts screaming like a mad-dwarf.  She strips off her clothes, runs into the snow and comes back half an hour later with an ice sculpture, explaining that she wants to 'make it real'.

If making it real involves uncut gems, I'll see if she can sculpt an ice coffin first.

12th Opal, 305

It does.  She is, unfortunately, one of our best miners as well.

Something about our current designs for the machine is simply flawed, so Doman has proposed a piecemeal construction method, returning to the original Delver design for the deeper sea constructions.  Additionally, she has reviewed the old smelter and seems convinced that there is no way the forge could have broken away like that unless some sort of serious structural damage had been inflicted upon it.

I have passed these concerns over to Tormy and the guard force to consider.

22nd Opal, 305

The Countess has given birth to her second son, Kikrost, cementing the presence of the noble line just that little bit more in this place.  Not surprisingly, the Count mandated another public holiday, setting back construction work further.

At least he didn't mandate celebratory pig iron.

On the 6th Obsidian, 305

"We've got the Warden's attention and he's going to set up that forge," Deler frowned as the four forgers strode through the quiet tunnels of the colony's mines.  "Why do we still need to meet this guy?"

"For one thing, we owe him now," Iden growled, glancing back to the smaller dwarf.  "He set it up so nobody would be around at the time we broke the forge and he's not the type to do anything out of the good of his heart.  Unless any of you have the money to pay him?"

"There's four of us," Dishmab pointed out.  "Why should we do what he says?  We can take one guy."

"Guys like this one," Iden drawled, "never have just one group of muscle."  He raised his lantern and nodded to a small hollowed pocket in the mining complex.  A group of dwarves in dusty aprons were waiting.  Some of them looked quite burly.

"Greetings," one of them grinned, a touch unnervingly.  "Iron-'t we glad to see you forgies, eh?"  The others groaned.

"Kol, give it a rest for once," muttered a dwarf with a nasty-looking implement at his belt.  Deler recognised him as one of the butchers, Mafol.

"Why?" Kolræsen asked with mock curiosity.  "The incident with that smelter is a hot topic around the grotto.  Some people's ears are burning over who it might be that did it."

"Could you at least not emphasise it every single time you make a pun, Kol?" groaned another of the group of four waiting dwarves, a tanner named Minkot.

"What's this all about, then?" Dishmab interrupted.  "The clerk just said to meet up here."

"There's a job going," spoke up the fourth dwarf, the thresher Kivish.  "What with money being as short as it is, seems reasonable."

"What sort of job?" Deler asked uncertainly.

"The sort where you meet up in quiet corners of the grotto to discuss them," Mafol stated flatly.  "What sort did you think?"

"Gutter cruor," came a cheerful voice from behind them all, preceded by the scent of tobacco.  Arnfast stepped onto the scene in a dimple dyed silk vest, cloak and trousers, set off by emerald silk shoes, gloves and a vermillion cap.  "In some quantity, now that the docks the Countess so obligingly mandates are complete."

"Cruor?"  Deler seemed a bit shocked.  "Isn't that stuff banned because of what it does to your head?"

"And your liver, kidneys and gut," Kolræsen added cheerfully.  "That's why they call it gut-ter cruor!"

"You don't need this many people to bring in cruor," Atis noted suspiciously.

"Not if you're just bringing it, no," Arnfast agreed with a sharklike grin.  "However, if you're shipping things out as well it becomes necessary.  We have the good fortune that one of the fisherdwarves is happy enough to take us out for an evening without any questions."

"What are we shipping out?" Atis asked.

"Full of questions, aren't you?" Arnfast noted.  "I'd suggest a little less curiosity in this line of work.  Not that it matters.  We have plenty of clothing just right for them and, of course, the odd spot of weaponry saved from the melting pot that we can't use."

"Arms dealing is such a sword-id business," Kolræsen cackled.  "Not to mention the dragon.  Now there's a hot set of items, but I'm not sure if we're getting a good enough pay scale."

"Kol, shut up," Arnfast snapped, then recovered his composure.  "Really, you should never let on more than you have to."  He sighed.  "There is the matter of the buyer for those dragon bones."

"I've seen those bones," Dishmab claimed.  "How're you going to steal them from that glass tomb without anyone noticing?"

"Why pull a heist when you can play the long con?" Arnfast asked, rolling a large brown jasper from his sleeve and twirling it in his fingers.  "I'm not going to steal the bones.  I don't have to steal the bones."

"I don't follow," Mafol frowned.  Arnfast sighed, slipping the jasper back up his sleeve and leaning on the wall.

"It might be best if you look at this as a series of coincidences," Arnfast explained patronisingly.  "You see, it's a coincidence that we got hold of a dragon and that lunatic Dungeon Master convinced him to join us.  It's a coincidence that the screw had all these big lunches cooked up for the lizard.  It just so happens that, coincidentally, I have a friend who's very good with mushrooms.  Got all sorts; good, bad, and just plain ugly.  And maybe one of the ugly ones is so ugly it can drive a guy mad.  Even a dragon completely maggot-crap, out of his skull crazy.  So maybe, coincidentally, this lizard gets scheduled to be put down.  Maybe, then, I've got a friend who's a butcher, and maybe, coincidentally, I happen to know enough about carpentry to make birch look like bone.  In the end, maybe you can't tell the difference between some carved wood and kitten meat wrapped in rhesus macaque hide and a rotting dragon corpse, when you're seeing it through a frosted glass coffin."

"Oh," Mafol stated simply.

"I'm not doing this," Deler objected, putting up his hands.  "Breaking forges or moving a bit of cruor is one thing, but arms and dragon bone dealing with goblins?  No, this is just plain illegal."

"You're talking like you have a choice, Del," Iden pointed out.

"Hey," Deler said, backing away, "don't you threaten me, I haven't agreed to nothing!  I can tell the Warden about this whole thing, you just-"

Before he was entirely aware what had happened, somebody had him in a lock and there was a small steel blade at his neck.  He could see the distinctive bone handle, engraved with an image of a plaintive-looking kobold.  He suspected a high probability that the handle was indeed made of kobold bone.

"Now, now," crooned Kolræsen, stroking his neck gently with the edge of the knife.  "Let's not cut this business arrangment short.  There's no need for anybody to be put in a mess, or we might all get our hands dirty to clean up.  It can be embarassing for everyone when one dwarf loses his head over little worries, especially as short-staffed as this little coup may be.  Why don't you work on this one little job for us, see how it tastes to you?  Then we can talk about severing ties."

Deler, to his credit, stayed statue-still.  He gave a tiny, imperceptible nod, and Kolræsen drew away the knife.  Arnfast gave a warm smile.

"Welcome to the crew," he said.  "The boat's waiting at the docks now."

12th Obsidian, 305

Winter seems to be a big season for births in this colony (likely due to the quantities of alcohol drunk during spring).  The woodcrafter (we have woodcrafters?) Lorbam, wife of one of the guards, Dumat, gave birth to a daughter named Edzul today.

16th Obsidian, 305

The first of the new shops in the bazaar has been constructed and was bought by the former potash maker, Shem Gemursolon.  He has set up a clothing store.

"Trading License?" Shem frowned.  "I thought you could just buy the shop and that would be it."

"I'm afraid the Count's office has imposed a new tax, as it were," Iden postured, glancing around the shop.  Kivish and Kolræsen busied themselves nosing around the merchandise.

"Well, shouldn't the tax collector be around to do this?"

"This is a direct collection, on behalf of the Royal Guard," Iden insisted.  "Think of it as insurance."

"Insurance against what?" Shem asked suspiciously.  Kolræsen picked one of the small lamps from the alcoves in the nearby glass wall and suspended it precariously on two fingers over a bin of pigtail socks.

"Very fine wares you have," he commented gaily.  "Excellent, dry clothing.  I think this place could be a blazing success."  He grinned toothily and Shem twitched with anger.

"I see.  Why don't you clear off and maybe I won't call the Guard?" Shem threatened.

"With all respect, we are the Guard," Iden insisted.  "The Guard answers to the Captain, who answers to the Warden, who answers to the Count.  Whose word do you reckon the Count will believe?  It's hardly any secret they don't get along."  Shem narrowed his eyes, then spat at Iden.  He thrust a fistful of silver coins on the table.

"Just get out of my damn shop," he snarled.  Iden picked them up and nodded.

"See you next month."

24th Obsidian, 305

Meng just snapped and has started trying to kill anyone she can see with that pick of hers.  I've ordered all the elite guardsman on her position immediately.

Meng's rampage caused a large number of serious injuries to one the armourer, Kib, who suffered multiple spinal and limb injuries during the onslaught before eventually bleeding out.  Meng herself was brought down by a pack of war dogs who tore off her left arm before bringing her down.

1st Granite, 306

We have now been in effective exile from the Mountainhomes for five years.  In that time we have started to perform the impossible, been held up for a lengthy period, formed a colony and become both a city and county in our own right.  We have turned a tiny stretch of shore into a fortress (simple and unadorned as it may be) capable of withstanding sieges and rending the very sea.

Where things will go for here, only the gods can say.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #104 on: August 29, 2008, 09:47:39 pm »

If possible, could I get a dwarf from the next immigration wave?

Name: Mystry
Gender: Male preferred
Vocation: Swordsdwarf (w/ Shield + Armor as usual)
Quirks: Has a penchant for vengeance and is very good at 'investigations'

I'm sure you can think of a lot of stuff for the latter trait :p
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