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Author Topic: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]  (Read 18179 times)


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #60 on: August 16, 2008, 06:52:25 pm »

Go for it.  Just put forward a good case for anything actually being built and don't kill any dwarves that haven't already died (or any other stuff that the game controls).

11th Haematite, 303

The Guild has returned with its wagons.  Hopefully, they brought some decent supplies this year.  We have a glut of booze and food to sell them, not to mention all the glass harps.  Userpay somehow managed to produce a set of glass drums, which frankly boggles the mind.  I've cautiously taken steps to ensure he can't finish any glass axes he might try, though...

13th Haematite, 303

Goblins struck at the trading depot, a band of swordfighters with ranged backup.  Draconus was shot in the thigh as the opening move of combat, followed sharply by one of the humans (who I learned when he was buried to have been called Spibsa) receiving a bolt through the heart and lung.  Moments later, a second squad burst from hiding, comprised of a macegoblin and two hammerers.  By the time Tormy and I even reached the scene it was over.  Although the human guards on hand were of immense help in putting the threat down, I see this as a strong incentive to push on with the larger goal of moving into the sea (crazy as that sounds) and limiting our land access.

Fortunately, Draconus has survived his injury and will enjoy a lengthy period of recuperation whilst we sort out that wound.

14th Haematite, 303

The humans came through for us.  There is indeed a brewery to the north and we have received a vast quantity of liquor for the glassware we provided them.  Drink stores have passed the thousand pint mark.

2nd Malachite, 303

Additional goblin issues today when one of their child snatchers arrived.  The colony cat alerted us to him with a loud hiss and one of the huntsmen, Nomal, shot him in the leg before closing in to finish him off.

27th Malachite, 303

Barring a couple more snatchers, Malachite has been a blessedly quiet month so far.  Progress on the second machine continues apace and today one of the labourers, Kib, gave birth to a boy (her third child) named Lòr.

4th Galena, 303

Yet another prison ship arrived today, which frankly is causing serious overcrowding issues at this point.  Prisoner manifest is as follows.

Minkot Likotudar, Wood Burner
Athel Rushrulfeb, -
Rith Thabumiden, Woodcutter
Rith Såkzulidor, Fishery Worker (f)
Astesh Thobobur, Jeweller
Fath Åbelnebél, Mechanic
Lokum Rerrasdakost, Mechanic (f)
Zon Stinthädbardum, -

14th Galena, 303

Inod Âmkikrost, one of the miners, approached me today in my office with a strange glaze to his eyes.  He pronounced that the work upon the sea dome could not be completed successfully without the blessing of Kerlîg, the god of fortresses, and that he would require materials for an offering to the god.  I tried to explain to him the current shortages in available materials (particularly bismuth bronze, to my annoyance) when he planted his pick straight in the centre of my glass table, cracking it in twain.

He's getting his materials.  Then he's paying for my new desk.

15th Galena, 303

Inod locked himself in the stonemason's shop with three slabs of alunite and gneiss and a dead turtle.  He appears to be pounding the stone into shape with his pick.  Gods only know what he'll do with the turtle.

Inod placed the throne upon the beach, facing the sea.  Gulls flocked across the clear blue sky and he waited, listening to the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore.  Cousteau approached from behind, looking over the artefact appraisingly.  The body of the throne was alunite, though Inod had placed mixed bands of basalt and alunite on the back and encrusted it with diamonds of basalt.  The turtle's shell had been carved into spikes, which extended from the head of the throne to give a decidedly menacing appearance.

"Its name is Låluthdastot Oshot Stisträs," Inod stated prominently.  "It shall be our offering to Kerlîg."

"Pretty nice," remarked Cousteau, whistling.

"Activate your machine," Inod commanded.  Uncertain where he was going with this, Cousteau gave the signal to pull the lever.  Alleit, who happened to be taking stock of the works, ran over to the machinery and pulled.

Unlike the Delver before it, Dee's newest machine took the shape of a great ring of pumps, following a similar design.  This time however the pumps began to activate one at a time in sequence, each one forming a relatively tiny vortex at the point of suction.  As the ring of vortices continued to form, however, the surrounding water became increasingly unstable, wavering and swirling until the ring was complete.  With a thunderous crash the vortices merged and the surface of the ocean caved inwards, a titanic whirlpool forming within the ring of machinery and stretching down to the ocean floor.

Cousteau could feel the air pressure crashing.  Up above, clouds began to form spontaneously in the sky in response, the azure atmosphere giving way with terrifying quickness to grey skies and growing dark clouds.  The thunder rolling in the skies was drowned out by the thunder of the vast, swirling vortex and the machinery that made it possible.

"Gaze, now," Inod instructed, "upon the true nature of Areldolush, the Water Bore."  He spoke forcefully, with a commanding tone that Cousteau had never heard from him before, to the backdrop of a steadily growing storm.  "The earth is a patient beast.  Eternal.  Impassive.  Often she is assaulted, delved by our kind and others, but she endures because in time all is returned to her and all is renewed.  Yet the sea is different in her nature.  Though eternal and ever-flowing, though ever changing she is always one entity, always flowing by her own will.  Here, though, we have balked that order and rent water like rock.  Here we have stabbed a blade into a beast never before cut, and it roars with anger at newfound pain.  Look upon your works, Warden, and despair."

Sparks were flowing along the glass, static charges building and discharging to the sound of a thousand sharp squeals, akin to a orchestra tuning up.  As sheets of rain descended, the spiralling chaos in the sky above matched well the extensive disruption of the sea below, stretching far beyond the limits of the bore the machines had created.  A palpable tension pervaded the atmosphere as torrential winds whipped every creature above the ground or sea, stripping the very sand from the beaches in its fury.

"What happens now?" Cousteau asked uncertainly, feeling a daunting sense of horror at the devastation before her.

"Now," Inod pronounced, "we will learn if the gods are truly with us."  He grasped the throne with both hands and lifted it to the sky, soaked with the spray of rain hurtling off its surface.  For a single, awe-inspiring moment, time slowed to a crawl.  Cousteau watched in terrified fascination as a fine, twisting pillar of light speared upwards, impaling the pregnant clouds above.  Then, with inevitable certainty, a flood of brilliant lightning-fire cascaded back down along the path the pillar had left and everything turned to white.

18th Galena, 303

Somehow, Inod's throne (not to mention Inod and I) survived getting struck by lightning.  He told me to place it in the glass palace as the first piece of furniture with the promise that so long as it remains there, Kerlîg shall protect us from the sea.  Given what I have witnessed today, I am in no position to doubt that.

Areldolush - The Waterbore

Construction underway.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 07:19:08 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #61 on: August 17, 2008, 07:33:56 am »

16th Limestone, 303

The supply ship arrived today, Lokum in tow and looking rather disturbed by what is now an ever-present tempest surrounding the construction site.  The ship did land a touch roughly, even as far out as it did, so I imagine our little bore must be casting some mighty big ripples.  Engaged in some trading and got the pearlash and metal bars I ordered last year, along with plentiful booze and other supplies.

23rd Limestone, 303

Saw vomit on the bank outside the grotto entrance today.  Seems like the first signs of cave adaptation are showing.  It's a troublesome 'disease', given how much work we need to do outside.

26th Limestone, 303

A triple dose of tragedy today as we lost three good dwarves, Sibrek, Rith the fisherdwarf and Draconus the former Hammerer, to a goblin ambush.  A pair of macegoblins ambushed Rith whilst fishing and kicked her into the pond to drown, after which they broke Sibrek's leg and ruptures his spleen, causing him to bleed to death.  I similarly received a broken arm for my efforts fighting the goblins, though I am pleased to say that the other guy came out a lot worse when he was dragging himself away.  Draconus fought bravely, but the macegoblin was able to knock her off a cliff at the water's edge.  By the time she hit the water, she was unconscious and there was nothing anybody could do.  The three will be given funerals with honours, but given the destruction this one attack has caused I have put our hammerdwarf militia back onto full training, this time with bucklers.  We must be ready for this sort of trouble next time.

I have also ordered fresh barracks to be dug out by the trade depot, for a quicker response time whilst the glass fortress is still being constructed.

Rest in peace, my friends.  Your deaths will be avenged.

12th Sandstone, 303

In the wake of our recent tragedy, more souls have been sent to this bloodied beach.  Another prison ship arrived and dumped its cargo on the shore for us to deal with.  It seems that Lokum's missives back to the Mountainhomes suggesting our insane proejct might actually be viable have prompted the Queen to invest a greater percentage of the prison population in our work.

Kumil Unliblibad, Herbalist
Ducim Inethdomas, Animal Caretaker (f)
Shem Gemursolon, Potash Maker
Mafol Zanegtshkad, Butcher
Rigņth Ardesrakust, Ranger
Atīs Koletest, Engraver (f)
Mistźm Gusgashkig, - (f)

I was unable to greet them in person, still remaining bedbound. 

23rd Sandstone, 303

Arnfast informs me that there has been another construction accident - whilst testing the implications of a secondary pump ring active beneath the first, the carpenter Momuz was washed into the ocean proper by the force of the counteracting vortices.  Such a design is clearly destined to fail in the manner in which it was constructed, so I have asked Dee to redesign it to compensate for water flow.

I feel as if I should care more about this young dwarf's death, but strangely my first thought was to examine her file to see if she had any close friends whose work might be disrupted by it.  I feel a little disgusted with the fact that I am growing used to tragic occurrences in this place.

10th Timber, 303

One falls, another rises.  Urvad the glassmaker had a second child today, whom she has named Monom.  I asked Arnfast to send her a roast in honour of the occasion, but once again was too ill to attend the birthing party personally.  I seem to be relying on him a little much these days, which is something I am not entirely too certain about.  Still, Jools has been bringing my meals personally lately and they've all been very well cooked.  I can't seem to shake this cloudiness in my head most days, though, and I should have healed this broken bone by now.  I am troubled.

22nd Timber, 303

The pump operator, Kulet, has drawn herself apart from the rest of the community, shunning any who try to speak to her.  It seems she has entered some sort of ascetic rite and refuses to communicate with the world at large until it is completed.

11th Moonstone, 303

The goblins struck again today, but this time had to face our training militia of eleven wrestlers.  Combat began when a pair of goblins attempted to beat up our pet warthog, succeeding in kicking it to a pulp before the militia arrived on hand to break their necks.  As they were breaking the limbs of the second dwarf, a squaf of four goblin hammerers burst from hiding to attack the busied wrestlers.  In the melee, the child Lņr was struck with a hammer and killed instantly, her mother Kib being flung across the field of battle, the life similarly knocked out of her.  Kumil, one of the glassmakers, was similarly killed in the fight before the wrestlers finally chased the surviving hammerers away.  Tormy fought one of the macegoblins single-handedly, but received severe injuries to his legs and has been hospitalised until further notice.  We bury our dead and prepare for future onslaughts with grim faces and hard hearts.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #62 on: August 17, 2008, 09:14:52 am »

Hell yeah, let us kick some goblin buttocks!


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #63 on: August 17, 2008, 10:51:28 am »

Dee thinks it's about time the airlock flooding chamber defense system is built  :(

Or at least a perimeter wall around the construction site.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #64 on: August 17, 2008, 03:44:32 pm »

Hehehehehehehehehe. It seems I can abuse my position of trust to slip additional "herbal remedies" in to the Warden's food, and no-one's noticed. The only question is - now that I know what I can achieve, who do I feed my limited stock of really powerful hallucinogens to?


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #65 on: August 17, 2008, 04:01:56 pm »

12th Moonstone, 303

Apparently, we have a machine that can generate lightning! Now I am truly freaked out, ever since I found that warm bottle, I never linger in the hallways to long. It's looking less and less likely that I am going to survive this glass-lined pit in the sea. The skull rings beckon to me... but I will not die yet.

At least I have my glass.

how would a Fortress based curse work?

Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Sans context.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #66 on: August 17, 2008, 04:41:33 pm »

What does our population and wealth stand at? And, er, have we struck Just asking. No reason.*puts on innocent face*


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #67 on: August 17, 2008, 05:58:51 pm »

Hidden, surprisingly, not in his beard OR sleeves:

Arnfast Compendia, Series 1, Volume 4
Things have changed in ways I could not have forseen. With my clerical "skills" no longer wanted, I figured I would just fade into the background rumble and shuffle of Areldolush, perhaps form some gambling rings and, when the time is right, hightail it back to my momentuous fortunes, pluralis.

But, indeed, they are wanted.

And I want, in return.

The first step is to secure a spot in the eventual government.

Of course, discretion is the name of the Game

Addendum: Well, the first step is to get recognized and known.

!!!!!: I'll be holding a roast for some Glassmaker's new child.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #68 on: August 17, 2008, 07:10:58 pm »

10th Opal, 303

Kulet went mad today from self-deprivation, babbling about our lack of uncut gemstones.  He was a respected member of the community and loved by many, and when he does eventually manage to kill himself, he will be missed.

Worse, we had another construction accident.  The engraver, Atīs, drowned attempting to install seals on the glass palace project.

14th Opal, 303

The ponds froze again, causing our well to crack.  I have chosen to take advantage of this opportunity and ordered the miners to dig a channel through the ice to create a cistern.  Hopefully we can get a more permanent water source now.

22nd Opal, 303

With the well now reconstructed in the improved cistern, I was able to get some water.

The door sang slightly as it opened, as all the glass doors did.  The noise was enough to wake Cousteau from her torporous half-slumber, so she forced her eyes open groggily, trying to ignore the pain, thirst and hunger wracking her body.  The farmer, Jools, had entered the room carrying a pail of water.  He calmly placed it on the top of her glass chest and drew out one of the Warden's bismuth bronze goblets.

"Ah," Cousteau croaked drily.  "Afnfast had told me the well was nearing completion.  Thank the gods."

"It's been built, yes," confirmed Jools as he filled the goblet with water.

"Thank you.  You can't imagine the pain.  I don't know if it's the dehydration or the injuries or what, but every waking moment burns.  It hurts to breathe, to move.  I can't think."

"Shh," Jools crooned as he carefully measured out the final dosage, sprinkling the dried powder into the goblet and giving it a swirl.  "This ordeal will be over soon enough, trust me."  He handed her the goblet, which she held for a few moments.

"You know, I don't think I ever really thanked you," Cousteau managed.

"It's fine, now drink up," Jools insisted.

"No, really," Cousteau protested.  "Since you came around the fields have really bloomed, as much as lines of pigtails can.  Kats sings your praises regularly.  Even if we find your ethics a touch... baffling, we can't deny that what you do has some merit.  So, thank you."  Cousteau lifed the goblet to her lips.

"Gah!" Jools exclaimed.

"What?  Oh, dear."  Cousteau looked down to where Jools' elbow had knocked the drink all over her shirt.

"Sorry.  Clumsy me," Jools apologised.  "Let me pour you a fresh one."  He took out a new goblet from her box and poured her some fresh water into it, which Cousteau drank gratefully.  This being done, Jools took the other goblet and quietly stepped out of the room, bidding farewell.  As he closed the door, he took a moment to lean against it and breathe.

25th Opal, 303

Following the suggestions of several colonists, we have put a hold on the glass palace project and begun using all that rock we have to build a solid defensive wall around the grotto.  I am getting sick of goblins making a mockery of us.

A conversation on 1st Granite, 304

"I note with some interest that the screw is still alive," came a voice from above.  Jools glanced up, then scowled and returned to his careful seeding.

"I didn't go through with it.  I was... uncertain."

"I see," the voice commented.  Jools heard a striking sound, followed by a curiously pungent scent.  He glanced up to where Arnfast was stood, cupping the bowl of a pipe with one hand he he drew on it.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was out for a stroll through the grotto and decided I would stop by for one of your... midnight ministrations, so to speak."  He glanced around the empty planting fields.  The cavern was lit only by Jools' small hand-lamp, very much giving the impression of night-time in comparison to the ever-luminent hallways of the rest of the grotto.  It was one of the few places in the complex where a pair of dwarves could find some time alone.

"Is that tobacco?" Jools asked suspiciously.  Arnfast nodded casually.  "Where did you get that from?"

"The human traders needed some platinum, off the books," Arnfast commented off-handedly.  "We did a bit of a deal."

"Where did you get-"

"Don't bother yourself with the specifics.  I'm here as a polite reminder that you aren't off the hook."

"I chose not to go through with it, though."

"That is of little concern to me, Jools.  I made sure you were tabled to give the screw her water and food, indeed far longer than the two weeks you originally asked for."

"The extract should have taken effect within a week, I don't understand why it didn't," Jools protested.

"The potency or impotency of your little mushrooms is again of little concern to me.  You still owe me.  I am a little curious as to why you chose to spare her, however."

"She..."  Jools frowned, considering his reasons.  "The next Warden they sent could have been worse.  At least she let me work at the fields.  I wouldn't expect you to understand."  Jools finished planting the little piece of helmet spawn and snorted, picking up his lantern and leaving in a huff.  Arnfast watched him cooly for a few moments, puffing gently on his pipe.

"Well," he murmured to himself.  "At least I can stop coating those goblets with antidote now."  He finished smoking and packed the pipe away in his beard.  Jools was right about one thing; whatever replacement they sent could be far worse.

4th Granite, 304

Our fourth year here begins on a bright note, as the trapper Cog gives birth to a young boy, Fath.  With the new surrounding wall, we pray that it might be a more secure year as well.  They have thrown a party to celebrate.  Whilst not yet well enough to get around much, I made a token appearance to give my blessings.  Arnfast provided an impressive sturgeon roast for the party out of his own pocket, I can only assume he called in a favour from Kats.

"Cousteau," Dee sighed, "I know that the glass palace is the reason we're here, but we can't afford to keep delaying defences in the hope that we can get it built.  We've had construction hold-ups for months now, and the goblins don't really take our schedule into account."  The pair were leant against the wall, the Warden with her arm in a sling, watching the children playing in the centre of the meeting hall.  Some of the girls were braiding their beards.  Most of the adults present were just sharing bottles of rum and discussing general business.

"I know you're right, Dee," Cousteau muttered, lifting her tankard with her good arm and wrinkling her nose; she was still on waters until her arm had healed.  "I had just hoped..."  She sighed. 

"Well, the shield wall is progressing well enough, yes?"

"Aye," Dee confirmed.  "We're working on the gate now, hopefully ready by the time the Elves arrive.  Now, if you'd just consider my airlock proposal ag-"  Dee froze, his eyes glazing over.

"Dee?" Cousteau asked, frowning.

"Midor, the Taker of Yells has witnessed your work," Dee said suddenly.

"Uh, Dee?  That's nice, but-"

"You shall receive a gift, in the honour of Midor, the Taker of Yells!" he cried.

"Oh bloody deeps, not you too."  Cousteau cringed as Dee began to run for the workshops at full pelt.  She looked at her tankard forelornly, then tossed away the remaining water and followed suit.

6th Granite, 304

Dee and I were discussing plans on how to proceed with the glass architecture and airlock problem when he was suddenly possessed by some entity claiming to serve Midor, the Taker of Yells.  He has since locked himself in the brickyard and held Dee's life to ransom, demanding materials.  I honestly hope we can supply them; Dee is integral to the project's success, not to mention a close personal friend.

15th Granite, 304

Dee's possessor is demanding raw gems, and glass isn't good enough for him.  I have asked the miners to start exploring on one of the lower levels, but frankly this doesn't look promising. 

The elves arrived as well, complete with that druid they brought last year.  We've had the machine off for a good month now so the worst of the storm has faded away, though I honestly don't believe he bought whatever argument Arnfast fobbed him off with.  For the first time in this long recovery, I am glad I didn't have to face the elf myself.

19th Slate, 304

A full month of exploratory mining and nothing.  Not a single gemstone, not even a piece of quartz, in all the stone beneath our feet.  Dee's mind finally snapped under the pressure of his possession and there is nothing we can do for him now.  We are trying to make him comfortable, but he refuses to let us.  Instead, he has taken a dagger from the weapon stores and descended to the caverns with it, scratching designs on the floor, the walls, the ceiling.  All of it looks mechanical or architectural, but in his madness every note he has ascribed has been written in either code or some script that none but he can understand.  This is going to take us years to decode; my greatest regret is that Dee will never live to see his legacy fulfilled.

20th Slate, 304

When you think things can't possibly get worse, they do.  A ship arrived today, but not the prison ship we were expecting.  Instead, a private sloop pulled up to the pier directly and with all due pomp and circumstance we were greeted by five dwarves in impeccable dress and their retainers.  I was roused from my bed to receive them.

If anyone wishes to play the Hammerer, Dungeon Master, Tax Collector, Baron (all male) or Baroness Consort, feel free to post below.  Additionally, I will be on limited net connection as of Wednesday due to holiday abroad, so updates for two weeks thereafter will be sporadic.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #69 on: August 17, 2008, 08:16:56 pm »

NOOOOOOooo not Dee  D:

Would it be possible for me have another Dwarf? I imagine it would be Dee's apprentice, who upon learning the fate of her former master, decided to forge a new identity as a prisoner slated to be transported to Waterbore. Specifics of profession (as she's faking it) don't really matter, but I do ask that you choose a female Dwarf if possible.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #70 on: August 17, 2008, 08:27:47 pm »

How about Mebzuth "Doman" Kokebnish, Engraver (f)?

Additionally, the current fortress value is 369,000 stars, of which about 240,000 is just processed food.  We have a ridiculous amount of roasts, thanks to Kats and Jools' obsessive farming.  We have struck no metal whatsoever, not even iron and so must import it, along with any gemstones (which is why we have no raw gems).

Quite honestly, the only things going for this place are the fertile soil, the abundant sand and the magma vent.  It has virtually nothing of value in terms of gemstones or mineral wealth.

With the arriving Baron and his retinue, our population just hit 102, as well.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #71 on: August 17, 2008, 08:34:33 pm »

How about Mebzuth "Doman" Kokebnish, Engraver (f)?

Very acceptable (I forgot to choose a name in my grief over losing Dee :( ). Dee will live on through his apprentice!


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #72 on: August 18, 2008, 04:13:18 am »

Can i please have the New Hammerer
Dracnor if male
Xanim if Female (Ultima reference here)

(p.s. i won't mind if you smash the jail for stupid mandates, or smashing the nobles besides me)
The Worlds Best Trap includes a single left footed -Pig Tail- sock.
Madness? This isn't Madness...This is DWARF FORTRESS.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #73 on: August 18, 2008, 11:10:55 am »

Cousteau emerged from the grotto to see the dwarves standing at the pier.  A momentary flicker of hope for a reprieve was extinguished and her heart sank as she saw the uniform of a Royal Hammerer upon one of the group.  She approached the group as a neatly clothed dwarf with a heavily braided beard stepped forward.

"I wish to speak with the Warden of this colony," the dwarf pronounced.

"You are," informed Cousteau wryly.  "Who might you be?"

"My name is Kib Inodner, and I am the appointed collector of taxes for this region of the kingdom."

"We don't pay taxes," Cousteau protested.  "We don't have any money to pay."

"You do now and you will soon."  The taxman gave a signal and the Hammerer approached behidn the two sharpest-dressed dwarves.  Rising from belowdecks came a shaggy, wild-looking dwarf to accompany them.

"His Lordship Olon Nethrith, Baron Areldolush," the taxman announced, "Also the Lady Baroness Consort, Lokum Logemidräth.  Also Kivish Balrimtar, who is known as Dracnor, Royal Hammerer.  Also Stākud Kadolsefol, Dungeon Master.  By order of Her Majesty Queen Solon Ducimurem, this colony has been pronounced a Barony under the rule of His Lordship.  You are to defer to him in all matters."  At this, the Baron approached with an easygoing smile, offering his hand.  Cousteau reluctantly kissed it in deference, eyeing the Royal Hammerer as she did so.

"Her Majesty has grown concerned by the laxness of your administration," the Baron explained.  "She has sent us to ensure that this colony is brought back, so to speak, onto the straight and narrow."  He smiled.  "There are going to be some changes around here."

The Baron and his men will have to wait for their promised glass accomodation.  For now, I have the miners previously working on exploratory tunnels busy carving some soil chambers for them.  They can pretty them up all they like with a selection of glass statues, but that's all they're getting.  I refuse to gum up what work we've been able to do on the project just to satisfy the aesthetic sensitivities of a handful of toffs.

Additionally, they brought a retinue of convict servants - additional prisoners for the colony's population.

Thīkut Alåthrķt, -, Husband of Bėmbul
Bėmbul Ītonrāluk, Craftsdwarf (f), wife of the above.
Kib Tulonnish, Mason
Edėm Cogkod, Bowyer (f)
Ast Ōmļteb, Blacksmith
Mebzuth "Doman" Kokebnish, Engraver (f)
Thob Eddudoddom, Bone Carver
Cerol Lokumluslem, Cheesemaker (f)
Zaneg Dallithsolon, -
Zasit Semorrigņth, Clothier
Fath Lorbamkol, -
Urvad Nishikal, Stonecrafter
Tholtig Rirasnish, Thresher, husband of Tekkud, father of Fath and Thīkut.
Tekkud Nīlesfikod, - (f), wife of the above.
Fath Mozibudil, Child, son of the above
Thīkut Zonostuk, Child (f), daughter of the above
Feb Bekartirist, Fish Cleaner

The Baron has insisted I establish a guard force.  I have been holding off on any sort of paramilitary force until now because creating a caste of convicts with powers to punish other convicts, within a colony consisting of convicts, seems to me to be a very poor idea.  The Baron seems to think so as well, because he has requested a small cadre of personal guards just in case what could happen does happen.

I'm sure I'll get around to the latter eventually.  Until then I have told him I will assign my best dwarf to act as a royal guard to him, as per his specific request.  My best dwarf is Tormy, who is still recuperating with a cracked ribcage and two broken limbs.  He's getting exactly what he asked for.

8th Felsite, 304

The nobles' quarters are almost outfitted now.  I had the opportunity to hold a meeting with one of the party that arrived with them, Mebzuth Kokebnish, who prefers the name 'Doman'.  It seems she came here semi-willingly as a former student of Dee's, seeking him out (additionally she informs me there were certain issues regarding her tax status back home and she had, with some irony, attempted to flee the Mountainhomes to a perceived tax haven).  She was crestfallen to hear of his descent to madness and took an opportunity to visit the cave where he had made his engravings.  She has promised to study them when she can, but for now has elected to stay and keep her former mentor company during his descent further into madness.  I agreed; it brings me a degree of comfort to know that someone will be there with him towards the end.

"And you say this is the full defensive layout of the colony at this time?" the Baroness enquired, examining the maps in front of her with a critical eye.

"That's everything we have, your Ladyship.  We're pretty reliant on those trap barrages at the main entrance," Arnfast admitted as he handed the Baroness a small curved piece of glass with which to inspect the plans.

"Well, you're completely vulnerable to archer fire from above right now and you don't have anywhere near enough traps to withstand a full siege.  Goblin troops could frankly bypass them simply by sacrificing enough conscripts to gum up the works."  She drew a piece of parchment from the desk and began penning a letter.

"Ma'am?" Arnfast enquired curiously.

"This is a mandate for the construction of additional trap blades, signed by my husband," the Baroness explained as she forged the Baron's signature and stamped the page with the seal resting on his desktop.  "You're likely to get harassed by goblins again soon, now that we've arrived, so as soon as the next attack has taken place you should get people reinforcing the entrances."

"Certainly, ma'am."

"Thank you, Arnfast.  You've been of invaluable help."  She pulled another small scroll from the desk drawer and handed it to him along with the mandate.  "This is a mandate for room excavation across the hallway from the noble complex.  I'd like to have you on hand more easily."

"Very good, ma'am," Arnfast agreed, hiding a smile.  He left, clutching both papers in his hands, as the Baron entered the room.

"Sweetheart?" the Baron asked, looking puzzled.  "Have you seen my seal anywhere?"

"It's right here in your desk, dearest," the Baroness answered smoothly, a picture of sweetness and naļvete.

"Oh," the Baron harrumphed.  "Been looking for it all day.  "What are you doing at my desk, anyhow?"

"Just giving it a bit of a clean, dearest."

"We have servants for that, you know," the Baron muttered disapprovingly.  "You always do this."

"I know, but I just like to give things a personal touch.  I think this colony could do with that, don't you?"

24th Felsite, 304

With the new Baron's Wall completed on the southern banks of the beach, we are safe to begin a little overground planting.  Kats and Jools are both very enthused by the prospect of new plants to work with, and I understand the brewery and kitchen staff are similarly excited.  I have ordered a section of the bank cleared for furrowing.  Interestingly, it seems that a lot of the construction hold-ups in the later part of the glass palace project are due to ripples caused by our continuing efforts to plug up the holes in the base of the first floor.

1st Haematite, 304

I finally felt about strong enough to get back on my feet again today.  After a short examination of the premises I set about gathering sand; it's good to know that the glassworks are in full production right now.

9th Haematite, 304

Dee passed away today, under the ministration of his apprentice.  From what I understand he completed his great work, greeted her quite amiably as if nothing had happened, ate a little soup and drank some rum, then lay down and never woke up.  We mourn the loss of a great dwarf today.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #74 on: August 18, 2008, 11:34:56 am »

The Baron has insisted I establish a guard force.  I have been holding off on any sort of paramilitary force until now because creating a caste of convicts with powers to punish other convicts, within a colony consisting of convicts, seems to me to be a very poor idea.  The Baron seems to think so as well, because he has requested a small cadre of personal guards just in case what could happen does happen.

I'm sure I'll get around to the latter eventually.  Until then I have told him I will assign my best dwarf to act as a royal guard to him, as per his specific request.  My best dwarf is Tormy, who is still recuperating with a cracked ribcage and two broken limbs.  He's getting exactly what he asked for.


Dee passed away today, under the ministration of his apprentice.  From what I understand he completed his great work, greeted her quite amiably as if nothing had happened, ate a little soup and drank some rum, then lay down and never woke up.  We mourn the loss of a great dwarf today.

Ouch, poor Tormy, lets hope he will heal at a superdwarf rate.  ;D Good news that Tormy will serve the Baron, I say...however, if some nasty gobbos will appear, make sure to enlist Tormy to the military..he sure likes to chop off heads with his axe!  ;D

Bad news also...poor Dee... :-\
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