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Author Topic: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]  (Read 18176 times)


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2008, 02:29:01 pm »

2nd Limestone, 301

Two meetings today with Kats and Dee.  Kats has requested a wider variety of plants, unfortunately all we can really manage at this time are plump helmets and pig tails.  I don't trust the security of the forest above, but I  told him that when we have a more secure setting we might be able to forage some surface plants and grow those on a small scale.  Even I will admit that nothing but plump helmets all day long will get to you.  Variety is the spice of life and that.  We ended up discussing the details of the next planting season over mushrooms and wine, and suddenly he seems to think he can wander into my room any time he wants, as if we're together or something.  Apparently green glass and mushrooms are the way to a dwarfs heart.  Who would have known?

Dee's request is a little more difficult.  Whilst I do appreciate the value of raw obsidian (and it would certainly break up the monotony) there are serious practical issues in obtaining it without precipitating a doom-flow of magma, thanks largely to the presence of the aquifer.  If there were some manner of diverting sea water into a portion of the magma stream without destroying the magma source as a whole, we might be able to manufacture obsidian in a not dissimilarly renewable fashion to our current method of producing glass.  I have tasked him with devising a suitable design for this, but cautioned that it will be a long-term implementation.

5th Limestone, 301

Apparently Void and Userpay are a couple now.  It seems that being trapped together in a room full of sweltering heat and being forced to blow bottles for the majority of the day is another great aphrodisiac.  This outpost is becoming something of a lovers' haven.

10th Limestone, 301

To my great surprise, whilst out disposing of the cat's latest kill I sighted a ship approaching the cape from the south today; a small sloop carrying a number of crates.  I took a closer look at the flag and found to my great surprise that it was none other than that of The Big Theatre, our own countrymen!  I have given the order to hastily erect some manner of trading tent in the hopes of obtaining supplies and quickly signalled to the ship using my shirt as a flag.  Fortuitously they are making port a little further down the coast than the rocky point where we previously crashed, so we can expect them within the next day.

11th Limestone, 301

Bloody deer keep repeatedly interfering with the tent construction.  We get it up just in time for the supply mules from the ship to reach us.  I recognise one of the dwarves from the homelands, a courtier by the name of Lokum.  He asks for a meeting with me and I am glad to oblige.  Temporarily, I steal Arnfast's desk in order to pretend I have one.  Arnfast had a few choice words to say about this, not suitable for inscription in my memoirs.  He has received an extra bottle of rum in compensation.  Before meeting up with Lokum I did a little trading with the sailors.  Roughly two and a half grand in bottles went their way and in return we got plenty enough leather for sandbags.  Not to mention the anvil, a dog, surplus pig tail seeds and some rough gems that frankly just looked nice.  Additionally, whilst they were waiting Lokum's bodyguards shot the herds of deer and pack of wolves that had been giving us trouble for months.  I'm hoping to get their hides tanned for more bags soon.

"By Teshkad's tail," Cousteau breathed in relief upon seeing the nobledwarf approach, "you're a sight for sore eyes, Lokum.  What brings you all the way out here?"

"Checking up on you, of course," Lokum chuckled, reaching out and grasping Cousteau's hand.  "Plus I've been assigned a position as diplomat to the human nation here, now that we have a presence on their land.  How are you holding up?"

"Not brilliantly.  Booze supplies are constantly near-empty, there's nothing but sand and soil here, and even with the stretch of woodland available, lumber is at a premium.  Our one saving grace is that we found a vent of liquid fire."

"Magma, eh?" Lokum mused.  "The geologers back in the Mountainhomes calculated there might be something like that here, you're right on the edge of a plate.  I'll let Likost know he won the bet."

"You had a bet riding on this?"  Cousteau stared at him, a touch distraught.

"Only a little one.  What do you need out here, then?"

"Well, a skilled team of glassblowers, a master architect and about two hundred masons would be lovely," Cousteau commented dryly.

"Not going to happen," Lokum laughed.  He stroked his beard for a moment.  "Or maybe it could.  I'll have a word with the Queen when we get back about your situation, aye?"

"Great, when can you get back to me on that?"

"Oh, we'll be making another supply drop a year from now."

"A year?!  We've barely made it through the last six months, and half of that has been disrupted by wolves nosing around the food bins."

"Oh, you'll be fine.  Besides, you're not about to go hungry, you're surrounded by food.  What do you need from the Mountainhomes next year, then?"

"Wood.  Lots of.  Oh and skilled labour, did I mention that?"

"Just draw up a list and leave it with the merchants, I need to get on to the human capital."

"Well, I hope the Mountainhomes need bottles, Lokum.  That's one thing we have plenty of."

Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2008, 03:05:06 pm »

3rd Limestone,301

Oddly enough, the Captain actually listened to my request for more crops. through she said it is impossible I may yet get my wish. The plump turtle biscuit will be worth it! Strangely enough I ended up spending more than an hour in her room... time really does fly when you're drinking our less-than vintage brew!

I still dont tire of this haven of green glass... I just wish I would stop refering to the others when they adress me as "Captain". Ironblood and his glassless glacier are long behind me.
how would a Fortress based curse work?

Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Sans context.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2008, 03:53:56 pm »

3rd Sandstone, 301

I am waist-deep in wolf entrails and they keep handing me more corpses.  I really, really wish someone in this bloody hole would come and clean this up.  I literally cannot move for flesh-wrapped crap.

9th Sandstone, 301

I can't actually see for the maelstrom of flies swirling around the abbatoir, like some sort of apocalyptic cloud of pestilence.  I think the door is gummed up with venison grease, because I can't seem to get it open - and yet still somehow people send more corpses into this place!

18th Sandstone, 301

I cannot actually stay in the abbatoir any longer because the stench has reached toxic proportions.  The body parts strewn across every surface have begun to emit violet clouds of noxious miasma and the mould growing from the grease is itself now growing mould.  I shall leave it to Arnfast to deal with this problem.

The diary of Arnfast Sigunkikrost

18th Sandstone, 301

Son of a maggot.  I just got abbatoir cleaning duty.  Screw handed me a bucket and a mop, I told her to just give me a pipe to the magma vent.  Some of this crap is never coming out.

The diary of Cousteau Idenoshar

18th Sandstone, 301

I do so love a nice, clean abbatoir.  Incidentally, Arnfast just got an extra barrel of wine.  This bribery thing works both ways.  Kats keeps calling me 'Captain'.  I'm horribly confused.

19th Sandstone, 301

We just sighted another ship coming in on the coast to the west, again flying the Theatre's colours.  I am surprised they are making another supply run this soon.

20th Sandstone, 301

They were not.

Cousteau and Kats watched with some interest as the various figures disembarked from the ship, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lokum's return with more aid.  Thus they were rather surprised when the ship then departed, leaving the group of ten souls stranded on the black beach.  The party of travellers made their way across the sand, completely bereft of any supplies except the shirts on their backs, until finally catching up to the pair of dwarves.  The dwarf at the front, dressed in silk trousers and tunic with a bear leather robe and a belt full of wicked-looking gutting knives, thrust a piece of paper at Cousteau roughly.

"You the Warden?" he demanded.
"What?  What Warden?" Cousteau asked with a measure of confusion.
"Was told to give the Warden this."  He pressed the piece of wet, oily paper into Cousteau's hand before walking along the beach to the little grotto, whistling as he went and followed by the other migrants.  Cousteau frowned, unfolding the letter with an ever-increasing sense of alarm.


The Custodian of the Outpost of Areldolush, Sodel Idenoshar, is elevated to the rank of Warden and given custody over the Penal Colony of Areldolush and responsibility of care for its prisoners.  She is to oversee the construction of the designated Royal Project and put to noble labour the criminal element of the Realm.


Meng Onamdomas
Royal Advisor

On Behalf of Her Majesty

A penal colony!  This is Lokum's idea of additional labour?  He's damned bloody lucky he's not coming back for a year because when he does he and I are having some serious words.

21st Sandstone, 301

Apparently the convicts came with a list of crimes for which they have been convicted, but one of them has apparently stolen it.  This strikes me as being rather ironic.  It seems their exact circumstances of entry into this place will have to be revealed through personal interview if I can ever actually find the time.  I do have a list of names and basic skills, however.

Oddom Rithstukos, Gem Setter
Kumil Stákudishlum, Craftsdwarf   
Urvad Mebzuthurist, Craftsdwarf, married to Tanfikod [f]
Melbil Mengetes, Craftsdwarf [f]
Litast Astarban, Brewer, married to Litastag [f]
Momuz Râlukdastot, - [f]
Kûbuk "Jools" Lorbamaran, inexperienced harvester [f]
Atîs Tanfikod, -, married to Mebzuthurist
Lòr "Glacies" Litastag, aspiring macedwarf, married to Astarban

I have additionally been able to secure brief interviews with two of the convicts now under my care.  "Jools" was given a sentence of transportation for acts of 'elf-sympathetic vandalism', including the arson of a lumber mill.  As I understand it, the fire caught and burned down the surrounding forest, putting her in ill stead with the elves as well.  Given a choice between transportation and military service, she chose to be transported.  I've assigned her to the fields, since she claims to know a fair bit about planting, but I'll have to keep an eye on this one.  It doesn't do to have young dwarves thinking trees should have equal rights to people.  Just not the dwarven way.

"Glacies", for his part, was given a choice of seven strokes of a hammer or permanent transportation after he was involved in a machining accident in which one of the gears he had built slipped and caused a hallway of water-powered traps to activate, mutilating several and landing him seven counts of dwarfslaughter.  He has expressed a long-held interest in the sea but is reluctant to restart his career as a mechanic, given his previous experience.  Unfortunately, we do not have the weaponry for a proper militia at this stage so I have put his request for macedwarf training on hold and devoted him to machine work until we do.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 04:05:26 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2008, 04:17:12 pm »

OOC: I won't be able to get on a computer for a few days, so don't take inactivity on my part as disinterest. This is an amazing story you're creating!


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2008, 04:36:24 pm »

From the Journal of Dee Stinthädalåth:
2nd of Limstone, 301

My meeting with the Captain didn't go as well as I wished. While she did give me the go ahead to start planning a method to harvest obsidian, I was hoping we could just mine out the perimeter of the magma pipe. Unless I'm mistaken, or this is a rather odd pipe, there should be at least a few feet of obsidian before breaching the pipe itself.

Well, I guess my dreams of lounging in a room of obsidian will have to wait. I'll present these plans to Cousteau tomorrow (or when ever I work up the courage to confront her) and hopefully start laying the ground work for it too.

A series of complex looking architectural and mechanical plans are penned onto the following pages of parchment

Code: [Select]
Level 1 (Z+0)

XLLX   A channel dug out and connected to the magma pipe (L).
GPPX   2 screw pumps (P) connected to a gear assembly (G) Power source not shown.
X                    X
X                    X     Main magma chamber. The preferred size would be 20x20
X                    X     interior squares. Magma will be pumped in to this chamber
X                    X     from the level below via the screw pumps.
X                    X
X                    X
X                    X
X                    X

Level 2 (Z+1)

This is the second level of the obsidian factory. Same size as the first level. It is completely channeled out; when both levels are empty it will effectively create a 2 Z-level room.

F                    X    A pair of floodgates holding back a tunnel filled with water.
F                    X
X                    X
X                    X
X                    X
X                    X
F                    X    A second pair of floodgates. These form the doors to a hallway
F                    X    from which miners will enter to mine out the obsidian on the first

Level 3 (Z+2)

The third level would consist of two or three pumps to remove any left over water in the 2nd level. Placement is unimportant.

The method for creating obsidian is as follows:

1) Connect the magma pumps to the power source via a gear assembly attached to a lever.
2) Wait for the first level to fill with magma and disconnect the magma pumps once the level is full.
3) Open the floodgates on the second level to allow the water to flow into the chamber. The reaction between water and magma should create a layer of obsidian on the first level only.
4) Close water floodgates and pump out any excess water from the 2nd level via a pump or two on Z+3
5) Open the miners floodgates and start by digging out a couple of stairs down to the 1st level. Channeling out the obsidian from the 2nd level would be too dangerous and require too much micromanaging.
6) Once the obsidian is mined out, construct a single pillar in the center of the 1st level and prepare the 2nd level for collapse.
7) Once the 2nd level is prepared for collapse, knock down the pillar via a lever. Make sure no miners or haulers are in the chamber!
8) Haul out all of the raw obsidian and repeat the process.

Edit: do the rest of the dwarves know this is a penal colony or do they think it's just a "2nd chance at life" sort of thing?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 04:42:13 pm by Dogman »


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2008, 05:54:06 pm »

25th Sandstone, 301

I've given Userpay command of the glassworks (because that worked so well last time?) and assigned two of the craftsdwarves as apprentice blowers so that the forges can stay running at all hours.  This has a lot to do with Dee's latest design, which he approached me with last night over venison and wine (did I mention how glad I am that we have something other than mushrooms to eat for once?) at the dining hall (which now needs more tables).

Dee said a lot of very lengthy and complicated words, but his proposal boiled down to getting the glassworks to start rolling out some very lengthy, slightly curved sheets of glass to his specifications.  He has drawn up some exacting plans, but Userpay says he thinks he and Void can manage it.

1st Moonstone, 301

Approached by Dee again today, regarding the plan to manufacture obsidian industrially.  He presented a series of schematics that for once made a great deal of sense to me, so I called Void in to consult on the matter. 

Diary of Void Datanûz

1st Moonstone, 301

So I had to explain to Cousteau (or 'the Warden' as the new folk are calling her) why we couldn't dig into a bloody pipe of molten lava.

The reason we were unable to dig any obsidian was due to the thin outer crust of the magma pipe getting smaller as it went down, ballooning at the top.  Normally, in magma pipes, the 'balloon' of magma forms at an intermediate segment of the pipe, allowing miners to 'skim' a layer of obsidian that forms over the bubble beneath.  In this pipe, however, we did not have that advantage (at least above the aquifer).

Additionally, we would need to get past the aquifer to begin with in order to dig out the requisite chambers for Dee's latest mad project, which we do not currently have the resources to achieve (though I am sure we will soon enough).  The fact that we have a shortage of metal that won't simply melt when you try and pump magma through it doesn't help, either.  I do wonder if we can't accomplish a similar system by use of gravity and ordinary pumps, however.  I shall draw up some plans and consult with Dee later.

Diary of Cousteau Idenoshar

1st Moonstone, 301

Not that I understood a word of it.

23rd Moonstone, 301

Apparently one of the guards from that supply ship died here and nobody bothered to tell me.  He was right on the edge of our territory, mind, but all the convicts saw him on the way in (which would explain why they are all so polite).  I only found out when someone reported a kobold making off with pieces of his armour.  This is of course bloody annoying, as kobolds seem to think when they can make off with one piece of your belongings (even ones you weren't aware of) that next time they can come back with archers and skewer you like a purring maggot.  I'll have to prepare some sort of defence.

I've also had a glass coffin blown for the poor speardwarf and entombed him in the rear caverns.

Don't worry about being off for a few days, I'm out of the country for two weeks on the 20th (expect updates during that time to be sporadic but lengthy).

Additionally, yes.  Everybody here was 'transported' in the British Colonial sense.  They've all done something.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2008, 06:08:02 pm »

This is going very well. Good to know I haven't gotten in trouble, yet, lol.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2008, 06:35:47 pm »

Additionally, yes.  Everybody here was 'transported' in the British Colonial sense.  They've all done something.

Don't worry, we'll get our revenge by enjoying the sunshine, thrashing the mountainhomes at cricket, and every so often teasing them by threatening to declare ourselves a republic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2008, 08:32:06 pm »

11th Opal, 301

Stepped topside for a breath of fresh air, realised I could see it coming out of my mouth.  All the ponds have frozen solid.  Have just had a bit of an idea.

14th Opal, 301

Seventeen pairs of custom blown glass boot blades later, and we're ready.  Declared this a holiday, being the midwinter eve, so everyone's taking the day off.  Even the glassworks are quiet, for once.

"Don't try and walk, okay?" Cousteau tried to reassure Kats, who was having difficulty on the ice.

"Alright, I'll just-" he managed before slipping and hitting the solid surface of the pond for the fifth time.  His beard had grown white with ice crystals by now and he spluttered, brushing them away.  Cousteau helped him up.

"The trick is to glide, just push one foot forward and then the other.  Anyway, weren't you surrounded by ice for years?  I'd have thought you'd have skated at least once."

"We were surrounded by ice," Kats admitted.  "The ice was surrounded by undead elk."

"Granted, I can see that being a good incentive not to go skating," Cousteau admitted.  She leaned on the branch of a nearby willow and looked out across the white-tipped forest, parts of it still green even now.  She had a flashback of the stark, empty tundra from which Kats had come and wondered briefly what thoughts were going through his mind.

"Hey, look."  Kats pointed.  The pair stopped for a moment, watching a passing deer in the snow.  Then they looked at each other in a moment of pure, perfect silence, the sounds of the world muted by the falling snow.

Then Cousteau got hit by a snowball.

"Come on!" yelled Tormy from across the frozen pond.  "We've got teams set up, forgeworkers against planters!"  Cousteau glanced to Kats and snickered, skating after them with fluid grace as Kats kissed the pond for the sixth time that night.

20th Opal, 301

As quickly as it comes, it goes.  The ponds have thawed, and we have saved our glass blades for next year.  Thank the gods for small miracles.

4th Obsidian, 301

That cat we brought (who seems to have picked up the name 'Ast Astasharzes' amongst the colony population) finally decided on an owner.  She adopted the fish gutter I met on the first day the prisoners arrived, Vucar Otinònul.  Strangely, he doesn't seem to be on the prisoner manifest I had originally and I seem to have missed him out of the records.  I shall have to make a note of that when I attend to his eventual interview.

17th Obsidian, 301

Auspiciously enough, given the name of the month, we were able to dig down to a small surplus of obsidian around the magma vent.  I have left it be for now, but once we are in a situation to have marginally more impressive quarters than our immediate holdings (i.e. a hollowed out dirt prison block) I will make sure to fulfill Dee's request for some obsidian to break up the monotony of all the green.  Progression on Dee's other project is slow right now, largely due to my decision to redirect part of the glassworks towards blowing bottles for trade later in the year.  Once we reach our target of one hundred bottles, I will redirect the glassworks' full staff towards the greater project.

28th Obsidian, 301

A somewhat unnerving ring of skulls appeared on the forest floor, not far from the entrance to the grotto.  I am not entirely sure what to think of that.  Just in case, we have left them be.

1st Granite, 302

We have now been isolated here at the far end of the world for a full year.  In that time we have delved sturdy (if temporary) accomodations, braved a frosty winter, had a platoon of criminals dumped on us, started a highly industrious glassworks and found romance.  Not necessarily in that order.  If there is anything that haunts me at this point, it is that we have not even begun the real, dangerous work yet.  I wonder if I have been putting it off for just that reason.

Level B1 Map
Level B1 Map

6th Granite, 302

Tormy is a happy dwarf today.  Having exhausted our meat stocks, I gave him permission to take his axe hunting.  Some might feel a crossbow better suited, but I know from experience that a deer can run away with a bolt in its leg, but an axe blade will take that leg right off!  Then let's see it try and run away.  Granted, the amputation does cause issues when it comes to hauling.  I might have to see about getting a mace for Glacies so he can join in.  Tenderising the venison is superior to chopping it all up, after all.

15th Granite, 302

More bloody kobolds.  At least we saw them well in advance this time.  The foxes have scared them off.

Also, to top off my day, elves have arrived.

"Hey, Narena!" shouted Bilalo from his tree.  "You're not going to believe this!"

"What is it, Bilalo?" the slender elf called, looking up from cutting bits of mistletoe.

"Dwarves!" the tall elf exclaimed excitedly.

"Dwarves?" Narena asked in shock.  "I didn't think we had dwarves this far west."

"We don't!  They just set up an outpost near those human villages."

"By the Force!  But that means..."

"Yes, it does."  Bilalo grinned and Narena followed suit.

"We can play the Game!"

"Yes, the Game!  Oh, I love that Game!"

"Okay, okay, so you'll be the snooty guy demanding they stop cutting down trees and I'll be the one offering them all sorts of useless goods whom they'll try and trade with out of politeness."

"Oh yes, I get to be the tree cap guy!"

"Well, I got to do it last century.  Alright, so you know the drill.  You go in, you spit in their beards and see how much you can piss them off without them losing their heads.  I'll go pretend to trade with them, tie them up in hours of negotiations, then break the whole deal when I see a sliver of wood trapped in one of the items!"

"Hah!  Oh, by the Force, I haven't had such fun in decades!"

"That probably has something to do with our living a monastic, possession-less lifestyle in the branches of trees."


"Oh yes," Narena commented disinterestedly, rolling a goblet in between her fingers.  "Very fine, very ethical craftsdwarfship.  Yes.  Thank you for letting me inspect all hundred and seven goblets personally, of course.  I understand time is very precious to you."

"Very," Cousteau growled quietly.  She was swiftly running out of patience after the third hour at the depot.  The other elf snickered suddenly and she shot him a glance.

"Now, I would be more than happy to trade all of these for my bag of berries-"

"And the pet warthog," Cousteau reminded her tiredly.  "And the barrels.  And the alcohol, which tastes like watered elf piss."  She added the last part under her breath.

"Of course, yes.  Well, I think we can finally shake our hands on this."  She extended her hand, which Cousteau reached for quickly, grateful the meeting was over, only to find her pulling it back suddenly.

"Oh," the elf sighed in mock sorrow.  "Oh dear, the barrel these fine goblets are in is made of wood.  Oh, well, I'm afraid it's all ruined now.  I guess I'd best be going."

"You know what?" Cousteau sighed.  "Wait here one moment.  My friend here will propose a deal which I think everyone involved will find a great deal more equitable."  She signalled to a heavyset dwarf in a leather coat, standing by the grotto entrance.  He calmly stepped forward to the Depot, unslung and brandished his burnished steel axe, then smiled the most polite, most manic smile the elf had ever seen.

"You sir.  Pay."

16th Granite, 302

The elves left, a lot lighter than when they started.  Not a moment later, the Depot was attacked by a band of kobold spearmen, obviously enthused by their earlier captures from our colony.  There were five large pieces of kobold to start with, now there are about eighteen smaller ones.  I am wondering whether or not I should start training hammerdwarves - the labour required for multiple pickups is slightly annoying.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2008, 09:56:59 pm »

Cool idea: I like that you have a sort of end goal and your writing is very good. If you have a spot open for a marksdwarf or bookkeeper, throw me in! The name can be Alleit.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2008, 11:45:31 pm »

From the Journal of Dee Stinthädalåth:
16th of Granite, 302

I saw the carnage that was left in the wake of the Kobold raid today. Even with though they were dispatched handedly by our security forces I still fear for our safety here. Rumors of strange bone circles appearing overnight don't help either. As such, I've taken it upon myself to draw up some plans for a defensible entry way.

My vision consists of a double door airlock system, similar to what we have now but on a larger scale. The trade depot will be situated between the two doors to facilitate safe trading. Normally this would be enough to keep the interior of the fort safe from intruders, but in this environment I'd feel safer if we had some way to deal with hostile parties remotely. For that I've got an idea for a rather ingenious use of pumps and mechanisms in mind.

The detailed designs for an airlock chamber is drawn on the following pages

Level 1 (Z+0)

X = walls
B = bridge

Each bridge will have it's own lever connected to it. The trade depot is situated in the middle, surrounded by walls on two sides and sealed with bridges. The outer bridge will remain open, keeping the depot accessible. The interior bridge will be raised at all times to ensure the security of the fort, with the exception of trading.

Level 2 (Z+1)

X = walls
F = floodgate
P = screw pump
C = channel

This is the good part. The second level of the entry way is a large reservior, 5 tiles wide and 6 tiles in length. It is offset from the trade depot airlock in such a way that the three floodgates are directly above the inner bridge. The two pumps opposite the floodgates will feed the reservior. As the reservior is 5x6 tiles, at full capacity it will fill the trade depot airlock the whole way.

This next part is the true genius: the pump next to the floodgates will pump the water back into the reservior after usage, ensuring rapid reset of the flooding device and will leave the corpses in the trade depot area to facilitate quick looting. Normally such a system would drain into a second reservior or simply let the water flow out via the exterior bridge, spreading the loot all over the place.


1) Fill reservior to full 7/7 water across every tile. Close floodgates to prevent excess flooding. Alternatively you could disconnect the pumps from their power source.
2) Seal the airlock by raising both bridges.
3) Open the trio of floodgates leading to the trade depot airlock.
4) Wait for gravity and water pressure to work its magic and fill the airlock with water
5) Once all hostiles or unwanteds are drowned close floodgates
6) Connect the pump next to the floodgates to its power source, refilling the reservior.

Since the pump won't get ALL of the water back, it will be necessary from time to time to refill the reservior using the pumps opposite the trio of floodgates.


1) Exterior bridge will remain lowered to keep the depot accessable
2) Once traders arrive and have set up, raise exterior bridge
3) Once exterior bridge is raised, lower the interior bridge
4) Commence trading
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 11:52:17 pm by Dogman »


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #41 on: August 15, 2008, 05:50:42 am »

18th Granite, 302

Dee approached me this morning to talk about the recent kobold attack (and our ensuing victory).  He has suggested we build a sort of water-filling anti-moat.  I thought it was no less crazy than anything else here and agreed to it, but I think I'm going to need a third glassblowing station to meet all the construction demands.

"Right, so basically it's a moat and drawbridge, but you put the moat inside the bridges?" Cousteau asked.

"Sort of," Dee conceded after trying to explain it for the third time.  "I  guess you could consider it being like a lock.  Except instead of blocking off a door it blocks off, uh... air."

"So, some kind of air... lock?"

"That's a pretty stupid name, but we'll go with that.  So we set up these bridges as I've suggested here for the 'air-lock',  so when it's activated and any sort of invading force enters it the bridges raise and block off the whole section, then we flood it from a reservoir above.  Afterwards, we drain it out and refill the reservoir with pumps."

"I think I can see where you're going here.  This sounds like a pretty smart system.  Well done, Dee.  Go ahead with your 'air-lock' design."

"Thank you."  Dee smiled proudly.

"Reservoir's a bit unnecessary though, isn't it?" Cousteau pointed out.

"Well, no, you need something to fill it with water from."

"Yes, but we are literally trying to build a city underneath the sea.  It's not as if we're going to lack an immediate supply of water, is it?"

Dee's eyes opened.  He'd just had another idea.

28th Granite, 302

Had to deconstruct our new green glass pier, apparently the water in the region is too turbulent for our initial plans.  I am wondering if letting Tormy go killing was a good idea - we are once again overloaded with corpses.

11th Slate, 302

One of those pesky imps escaped from the magma vent whilst we were digging out a new heat channel!  It chased Void around half the grotto, breathing fire everywhere before Tormy pulled off a rather impressive nine-stroke maneuver in which he manage to cut off the majority of three of its upper limbs (whilst leaving the lower limbs tenuously attached!) and then sending it flying fifty feet along the hallway into a wall!

I should get some fire imp leather sandals made.  That would be a rather 'hot' look.

26th Slate, 302

Have repositioned the vents to be directly beneath the blowing holes now - too small a hole for an imp to get through on his own.  We're damned lucky that nobody was set on fire during the fiasco, as I had a sudden vision when I heard the news of the entire fort going up in flames, one dwarf passing fiery death to another until naught remained but the cat.

The cat, who keeps leaving rats everywhere.  This place is stinking up horribly.

1st Felsite, 302

Another prison ship docked at the coast today and a whole slew of new 'colonists' arrived.  They're trudging up the beach as I write this.

2nd Felsite, 302

Prisoner manifest is as follows:

Kol Likotastod, Tanner
Melbil "Alleit" Ardesrimtar, Accountant (f)
Erush Dumastekast, Leatherworker (f)
Athel Godenothlest, Weaver (f)
Amost Lolorònul, Gem Setter (f)
Lorbam Azinèrith, Blacksmith (f)
Edëm Mebzuthemen, Weaver (f)
Reg Mezumrimtar, - (f)
Kulet Ducimekur, Pump Operator (f)
Litast Kadolnåzon, Stonecrafter (f)
Sarvesh Dastònul, Soaper (f)
Mistêm Kolùshrir, Fish Cleaner
Stukos Ethabvabôk, -
Catten Nêcikònul, Cook
Litast Cattenedëm, -
Ast Belalastesh, Metalcrafter
Shorast Geshuderush, Cook (f)
Meng Fathodshith, - (f)
Mafol Udiltekkud, Siege Engineer -T
Kivish, Ellestèrith, Thresher (f) -T
Sodel Osrammistêm, - (f) -T

I interviewed one of the prisoners, an accountant by the name of 'Alleit'.  Apparently she is here on similar charges to Arnfast - grand larceny and embezzlement, this time of the Most Hill Mining Exchange.  I imagine if she ever gets out of this place, she will be a very rich dwarf indeed - assuming she remembers where it's all hidden.  She seems pretty sharp and has expressed an interest in becoming a marksdwarf, although at the moment I would prefer to focus on hammerers and axedwarves.  However, I have elected her to take Arnfast's place as book-keeper for a few months to give her a chance to know the ropes and to give him a chance to get on with the other work he has back-logged.

On inspection of the manifest, I have discovered that a small number of the prisoners are Tolites, followers of Tolis, the goddess of blight.  I have marked these dwarves and will be keeping an eye on them.

Another Imp got through the vents today.  Evidently they -can- get up the narrowed channels.  Rithstukos, the gem setter from last year, beat it unconscious until the axedwarves arrived to cleave it down the middle.  I am hollowing out a barracks with this in mind and investigating a method of channelling the magma (the aquifer -is- a pain in that respect) so we can put grates in to prevent fire imps attacking the workers.

The diary of Arnfast Sigunkikrost

3rd Felsite, 302

Screw just bumped me out of my office, put some green accountant in my place.  Can't be having that sort of thing happening.  Screw's promised me a lovely room of my own in the magical undersea palace as recompense, but if wishes were fishes...

That gives me an idea.

The diary of Cousteau Idenoshar

5th Felsite, 302

I woke up this morning to find my bedroom flooded and covered in hake.  'Someone' had pinned a construction request for new administrative offices to my bedpost with a glass knife.  I think I might have to give Arnfast that office I promised him after all.  Then I think I'm going to put Tormy in charge of security so this doesn't happen again.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #42 on: August 15, 2008, 07:34:07 am »

if its not too much trouble can i also get a Dwarf?

Name: Draconus
Profession: Forge Worker/HammerDwarf
Crime: Hammered the noblity (gave them the 160+ hammerstrikes because i couldn't make the damn green glass statue even though all i know about glass is one good hammerstrike breaks the stuff)
Personality: Kind to everyone BUT stupid nobles who demand items we can't make...then its hammer time.  (pet kitty is a plus but not nessary)
The Worlds Best Trap includes a single left footed -Pig Tail- sock.
Madness? This isn't Madness...This is DWARF FORTRESS.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #43 on: August 15, 2008, 09:19:15 am »

6th Felsite, 302

Somehow I completely forgot to mention the fact that I have to find room for twenty one new people now.

Another fire imp escaped today.  Userpay was surprised and severely burned, even though he did manage to kill it.  I'm closing off the glassworks until we can get this problem solved.

19th Felsite, 302­

Establishing a more permanent militia force.  Giving Glacies charge of training the two other dwarves beneath him in unarmed combat to begin with.  We can move up to hammers later.  Speaking of hammers, I interviewed one of the prisoners today, a blacksmith by the name of Lorbam "Draconus" Azinèrith.  Apparently she used to be a member of the Royal Hammerers.  The circumstances surrounding her transportation seem to be related to an incident in which a minor baron issued 160 hammerstrokes to a bone carver for failing to blow him a crystal glass statue, after which Draconus opted to deliver all 160 hammerstrokes to the Baron in question.  She apparently is not fond of arbitrary sentencing.  I have kept her on as a blacksmith, for now.

25th Felsite, 302

One of the new miners, Osrammistêm, successfully breached the magma vent today, but it turns out she wasn't a fast enough runner.  She is taking an extended leave from work whilst the first degree burns on her feet are treated.  I will suggest iron shoes in future for such exploratory mining.

27th Felsite, 302

One of the craftsdwarves, Mengetes, went all queer on us.  She started speaking in tongues all of a sudden at plump helmet time (as we've begun to call dinner, still unable to supplement our crops with variety) and knocked over the table (scratching it slightly, so we haven't told Userpay) before running full pelt to the lumber stores.  She grabbed a pair of logs and dived for the nearest workshop and has since started carving all manner of nonsense into one of them.  We are watching her closely.

1st Haematite, 302

Mengetes completed her construction today, after whittling down both logs into nothing more than a tiny, adorned ring.  This begs the question of why she had to start with two whole logs to begin with and why she had to carve all those designs into them, just to carve them away with further ones until finally reaching the finished product.  Unfortunately she says she has no memory of this as she returned to her normal self immediately after taking the aforementioned ring to the centre of the skull circle and leaving it there.

I have chosen to do the same.

"You have done well, my child," Mafol intoned smoothly.  "Tolis is pleased with your devotion and has rewarded you by your own hand.  You built the altar and by Her providence we were sent to you, and so also did She guide your hand to craft Roldethbubnus, the Anguishscoured."

"Thank you, Father," Mengetes smiled, then pursed her lips.  "Father, I have a question?"

"Speak, child."  Mafol's gaze had moved from the young craftsdwarf to the artefact resting at the centre of the ring of idols.  Tiny oaken rings hung all around the smooth, detailed birchen ring itself, its basic appearance concealing its true power.

"Father, the scriptures speak of these things, they say that I should have been filled with the goddess' power, become a vessel unto her-"

"As you did, my child."

"Yes, Father, but I feel no different!  The scriptures say that as a rushing torrent of water, I should have become widened by her passing, blessed with divine insight!  Yet none of this has happened for me!"

"Be glad that you have even a part in these greater things!" Mafol snapped harshly.  Mengetes cowered, flinching from his sudden display of anger.  Then, a moment later, Mafol became calm as the fallen snow once again.  "It simply means that your reward shall not come in this life, but that your place shall be higher within the next," he recovered smoothly.  "Rejoice, for you have laid the first stone in the great road of the goddess' plans."

"Y-yes, Father," Mengetes stammered.  "Thank you."  Mafol nodded, turning back to the ring.  Around it, the first few weeds had begun to wither.

"In all things," he murmured softly, "consider blight." 
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Areldolush - "Waterbore" [Community Fortress/Penal Colony]
« Reply #44 on: August 15, 2008, 09:25:09 am »

This is going very well so far, also its nice to see that Tormy is kicking some butt if its needed!  ;D
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