I might have mentioned it before, but I'm heading off to Norway for a school year. As per usual, I have managed to choose auxiliary program that have absolutely nothing to do with my chosen major, so I will be stretching myself thin in as many different directions as possible.
Sooo, yeah... I'm majoring in film, the school will hook me up with a band (I'm frantically learning to play 'lectric guitar, since idiot me had to sign up for the band before actually starting to practice with a friggin' instrument. If worst comes to worst, I could always play lead triangle), and I'll have activities that include outdoorsmanship, sailing, history, and a few other things that I've forgotten since signing up for them.
Furthermore, this is a case of someone who does not really have a lot of experience in social endeavours (talk? With those people?) getting thrown into a rather social environment for an extended period of time. Hell, I even share a room.
At least the school's nice. Of the nine months I'll be going there (well, not really nine months. It's more like eight months and a few days, but I still get school funding from the Norwegian government to last me nine months), half the time will be spent on vacation, and half the remaining time will be spent either preparing or having a party. That, and the film class has a trip to Cuba planned. Better work on my Santana (they'd like that, right?).
I'm screwed, hoping to get screwed in good time, experiencing terribly deep philosophical revelations, realizing many facets of my life that I had taken for granted may never again feature in my existence, and also highly optimistic.
With a little luck, I might be a pretty damn good psychopath. Heh.
Anyways, just figured I'd give you guys a little heads up. I wasn't here to do that for the India trip, so I may as well extend the courtesy now. And no, I'm not going to stop updating Death and Glory just because I'm at school. To misquote Everybody In Dune; "the blood must flow".
Oh, by the way, I'm leaving for Norway this Saturday.