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Author Topic: dwarven Multiverse  (Read 11636 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #90 on: August 12, 2008, 09:21:29 pm »

that giant eagles a real bitch, I accidently killed it with a lone hunter was a real wtf moment. Nice looking fortress. Seems people have gone a real different direction than me. Though eventually I assume you'll be deramping the hills?

D3c0y2's Universe

Gaulgaths Journal
4th obsidian, year 56.

Well the fort is coming on leaps and bounds, in 5 years we've become one hundred fourty population fort. Three times this year the goblins tried to seige us this year, and three times they were rebuked, the first time a dog single handedly staved of the seige, this stray hunter dog, nicknamed now "herodog" or "Windog" by the chaps charged the macelord and bit his heart and left lung clean out. Unfortunately herodog lost his back leg during a return swing from the macelord, before it breathed its last breath and fell. In haste we Ran to the battlements and managed to cover the heroic mutt from the goblins, who turned and fled. Alas the missing backleg proved to much for the poor dog, who passed out onto a trap and died. He is now buried in the memorial to the Heroic Canine, a marvelous tomb with two wardogs chained outside.

In other news my lover, udil fell down a chasm and broke her leg, she's tough, she'll be fine. But it gets lonely on the battlements without her. My tomb in the Hall of Heroes has been finished, I feel honoured to be chosen to get a tomb there, and now i will rest easily in the after life now.  Our fort now is a mechnical wonderland, with catapults along the battlements, and training catapults in the depths of our fort.  the defences have a bit of a rearrangement the trap canyon only has one entrance now, which is funnelled from a point in range of our catapults. Another great dining room has been carved out into the rock, as well as the begining constructions on our tower cap farm. However beds are still short and we've lost three dwarves to trap related exghaustion.

enclosed below is a map I had a cartographer draw up.
yours Gaulgath

haha Aqizzar, mine and your fortresses share the same list, down the side. XD


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #91 on: August 12, 2008, 09:54:05 pm »

Indeed they do share their hyperlinks.  I'm guessing the map archive was never designed to file in different versions of the same fortress, since all the reference data is the same.  Somewhere, a peice of code is very confused.

I'll try to change up the name so they'll differentiate.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #92 on: August 12, 2008, 11:13:33 pm »

Cajoes' Universe Story
Warning: Mighty wall of text! Raise the shields!
Chronicles of Government Dwarf.

"We barely leave spring with this wall of text... Stuff happens a lot now adays."

11th of moonstone

Noticed Din-Dan was a legend in mining, put him to stone detailing duty.

12th of moonstone

Unassigned mister Gaulgath from military duties until further notice. Didn't take it too well and simply dropped all his equipment in the dining room.

Which is coming along nicely by the way, we've installed the tables and now we just need to carve some nice thrones. Pity

we didn't have any wood to spare for furniture, but a dwarf simply will use what he has available.

Going to bed now.. head a little foggy...

19th of moonstone

It's a marvel watching Din-Dan work, his copper pick striking the rough flint wall in a blur, showering sparks everywhere as the rock gives way under his furious assaults. Although I no longer hold the pick like a lass (no offense Miss Jennifer), I am nowhere near Din Dan's level of ability.

10th of Opal

Our dining room is complete, sort of, we have chairs and mister Gaulgath enjoyed a plump helmet meal in it, so I guess it means it's open for business. Even if it resembles a cave more than a dining room. It is a rather BIG cave. Quite impressive.

14th of Opal

We really need to get a cat.. The food stores are crawling with two legged rhino lizards. Jennifer insists that they'd make for "Gu'd eatin'", bit of a old country girl I suspect.

8th of Obsidian

Moved all our beds to a string of rooms further into the fortress, should be far away enough to drown out the noise from the workshops, I know Din Dan has looked rather... droopy. Taking many breaks between workshifts... Jennifer, Baughn and Antila were none too happy about being thrown out of beds and rooms, but it can't be helped...

15th of Obsidian

Aqizzar our rarely mentioned mason has created a masterpiece granite throne! Good for him!

26th of Obsidian

Today I can officially be called a miner. Woohoo, the moment we get immigrants I'm giving the pick to the first best dwarf who comes through the door.

27th of Obsidian

7th of Granite

Ordered the trade depot to be torn down and rebuilt in silver. That always impresses the merchants.

10th of Slate

Immigrants! Finally! 20 brave dwarves came through the desert, with pets and much needed. Among them a extra miner, three metalsmiths and a few craft dwarves of various specialties. I entrusted my pick to one of the peasants and resigned to my office.

Today our excevations begins in earnest. I had to wall up a unsightly... blemish in one of the hallways, it makes the style of the architecture in the area look odd but it can't be helped. I'll install a statue there to smoothen over the quirk...

Under no circumstances is that wall to be removed.

14th of Slate

Baughn has organized a party in our dining room to welcome the newcomers. I ordered.. er, kindly suggested to Mister

Gaulgath to brew up some rum for the party. I've handed my pick to a young lass named Mörul Stukoslolok, she seems a

reliable sort, slow to anger and not a risk taker. Good traits for digging through the hearts of mountains.

20th of Slate

Assigned Antila to plant processing duty. Our stocks of pig tails and quarry bushes are starting to clutter...

3rd of Felsite

Dakost Logemrilbet has been taken by a fey mood, just standing in the dining room with a strange expression, his hands twiddling and twitching as if in the process of putting something together, when I suddenly remembered we had no craft shops, due to our until recent lack of craft dwarves. I ordered a shop to be put up and not even before the construction dust has settled our possessed runs off through our glorious, if unsmoothened halls to put together.. heavens only know. Should he be successful it will be the very first artifact of this fortress.

And it apparently will involve bones of a dark gnome and turtle shells...

9th of Felsite

Our brewer has stepped out of the shop, sweating rivers and proudly presenting over his head a cage made of turtle shells, he has dubbed it Ìnalmeng, "lulllashes". It appears to be encircled with the dark gnomes bones and menaces with spikes of turtle shell.

I'm so totally placing it in my office. Despite its meagre value.

27th of Felsite

Noticing a lot of dwarves are using the dining room as a bedroom. This won't do. I'm heading into the carpentry to make some more beds, depths knows we've dug enough space.

Wow, we're really having notable stuff pouring in... It's barely spring, I notice. As I step out into the glaring sunlight for the first time in weeks. - Mainly because most of us are scared of that blasted eagle.

17th of Hematite

The dwarves lounging on top of our entrance spotted some humans moving towards us. Not big enough for a siege, guess they're a trade caravan.

19th of Hematite

Where's all the rum gone?

26th of Hematite

Gonna take a nap before I see what the humans want... We have some silver goblets left over in case I see something we could use. I should probably get cloth production running as well, humans seems to like cheap trinkets like that. Oh yeah, I better commission a quern for dye production... So much to do, too much to do, I better get some of the peasants working in administration. Before I snap. I pray daily for as little trouble as possible... Yes, must.. slow down.. mind creaking.. a gear will break before it bends. And a brain will bend before it breaks, but even a bent mind is of little use. Focus, Geraldé! These people depend on you! I mean me! - Oh God... Who consoles the consoler?

Where has all the rum gone...
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #93 on: August 13, 2008, 02:24:13 am »

I'm gonna build that Thud! board if it's the last thing the fortress does!

Not one season after the HFS does my Lead dwarf get a fey mood, build a artifact coffin and become a legendary miner. I think the game is trying to tell me something...
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 02:36:21 am by Cajoes »
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #94 on: August 13, 2008, 07:59:10 am »

hehe, g-dwarf became a legendary mech on my game, it seems hes destined for greatness on everyones game.

However, 3 artifact mechanisms are like pretty shocking, I took that as armoks meaning I was meant to be technological utopia.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #95 on: August 13, 2008, 01:16:34 pm »


Gaulgaths Journal. early summer 58.

Well alot has happened in the past year and my yearly reports are growing pretty far in distance. its hard keeping up with them. We developed our seige defence systems and now have 5 legendary trained seigedwarves on hand, and catapults set up at defencive points. Unfortunately at the first seige to test these the specially developed channels brought the enemys to far to the catapults and the seige engineers were unable to hit them. The traps and me and my squad finished them of, I killed four goblins that day and was "awarded a title" a great honour im sure, but being known as Pantschannel the luxury is not so fun.

My girlfriend will soon be out of bed im told, having been bed bound for a year, a long lonely year. I visit when I get chance but my duties as head of the military are long. Whilst cutting out the tower farm we hit admantine and with fore sight I ordered the complete halt to digging in that direction. I dont want the king showing up here at the moment, we're a mechanical fort for sure, but our living accomadations are stretched to breaking already.

Work has started on a keep put forward in the desert by the entrance to our new channels, channels that should lead the landing zone of the catapults projectiles. Rather than up next to said catapults, like before.

The engineer who designed the previous system has been relegated to mechanism duty, Whilst G-dwarf personally created this new one. He's been a bit depressed since he got replaced as mayor, but he held on to the manager position, which I think was good enough for him.

the civilians have been given basic training in the crossbow and will now man the battlements around the fortress itself, whilst me and my squad will be stationed in the forward keep at the front line.

Though Im told eventually the forward keep will have underground chambers for our beds, a kitchen, a dining room, and stockpiles for our basic necesities. So hardly "frontline trench warfare", And atleast I wont be under a mountain held up by 5 pillars, I mean really. Thats just asking for trouble.

its hard to think that only 7 years ago this fort was a little hamlet under the mountain. My how we've changed. I've tacked the latest royal chartered map onto the end of this update. if someone ever reads this, then you shall find that useful.

Yours Gaulgath, Pantschannel of luxury.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #96 on: August 13, 2008, 06:29:05 pm »

D3c0y2s universe.

22th slate 59.

Gaulgaths journal


What the hell is going on. half the mountain collapsed in on us, trapping some poor sod in his bedroom and destroying the seige workshops 4 levels below, as well as punching two skylights into our castle. On top of that part of the mountain collapsed again, wounding Din-Dan and putting him in bedrest for along time to come. Then 7 peasents get trapped outside and killed by goblins and the entire new squad I put Rithath got destroyed when they sallied out to protect their leader amongst the peasants. and when you finally think its over the king bloody turns up!

Work has began on a grand mauslium, putting the keep on hold, and we've started work on the kings chambers.

In lighter news, my girlfriend woke up and we're engaged! G-dwarf is going to be my best Man.

Alas the most experienced marksdwarv in my squad, Tunlan died after jumping of the battlements in a mad attempt to save his dog on the ground below from the goblins. Unfortunately his ankle twisted as he hit the floor and he was swarmed making him the first dwarf to be inherred into the hall of heroes. we replaced the tunnel at the back of our fort with an underground pathway, so that travelling during seiges would be easier, and so idiots would stop going up on top of it to sit and finding themselves trapped outside during a seige.

Baughn had a narrow run with death, he got caught outside during a seige and trapped in a corner, surrounded by the seige leader and his right hand man, I ordered our catapults to open fire, 3 rocks flew through the air, two hitting mere goblins in the maaurading army, but the thirdflew further and flung the general and his fellow goblin into the wall, were they were crushed.

A lucky escape indeed.

Din-dan should make a full recovery, unless the wells rope snaps again.

Yours gaulgath.

(OOC: the well stopped working at one point causing some people to get thirsty, and the tunnel caused pathing glitches that caused people to go outside.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #97 on: August 14, 2008, 04:31:08 pm »

End of Year Report
Written by G-Dwarf, trader, manager and broker of the fortress.

This year, our fine hamlet of thirty-nine hardworking dwarves has made great progress. A pick had been procured from the caravan which we used to mine out an area for a well above the cave river. Gaulgath has resigned from hunting to stay permanently in military service. His skills match that of an elite now, and this is from killing the many river beasts that strayed to close to the fortifications that had been erected.

There was the unfortunate loss of three dwarves who, consumed by the desire to craft mysterious items, soon became insane when their demands for materials were not met.

Besides that, we have begun working on a system to grow tower caps so we have as much wood as we'll ever need, no longer bound to the supplies of traders.

EDIT: Well... that's pretty bad. G-Dwarf, who was elected mayor, demanded lay pewter items. When we couldn't satisfy the demand, he ordered Baughn beaten, as I didn't have a jail. That meant my dwarf, being the captain of the guard and having no fortress guards, was sent to do the job.

Sorry Baughn, but you didn't survive my onslaught. That means two of our founders are now dead. :(
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 06:07:34 pm by Gaulgath »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #98 on: August 15, 2008, 06:19:36 am »

Baughn  died cause you beat him?

thats why I never set a captain of the gaurd till late on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: dwarven Multiverse
« Reply #99 on: August 19, 2008, 07:33:18 pm »

Cajoes' Fortress

1st of Malachite: 52, mid-summer...

I have given Gaulgath the position of Sheriff, as well as a modest office in our lower levels. I am certain he will prove a capable agent of the law.

6th of Malachite:

Assigned some engravers... I'm tired of living in a cave and those peasants weren't doing much anyway.

10th of Malachite:

Concluded a trade with the humans, their greed rivals that of certain dwarven nobles I won't mention by name! But I managed to get away with some pretty fair deals.

18th of Malachite:

Some dwarves have asked about the strange architectural quirk on the "Forbidding wall". I quickly fabricated a tale that it was to be a small shrine dedicated to Lanlar. Nothing else of note happened today...

Spoiler: Meanwhile... (click to show/hide)

4th of Galena:

One of our metalsmiths have been taken by a mood.. Hopefully he won't hurt himself in the process.

14th of Galena:

The metalsmith Iton Nishdostik has put together a lovely Iron blade. Dubbing it Sosaddasël. The Ivory Heaven. Engraved on the pommel gem in iron is a image of a hide root. - I am not sure if it actually means anything, but this.. artifact. Is proof enough the dwarf is a expert in the field. A legend, one might even say.

I'm making a note here to not allow him near the smiths when we fashion the training weapons for the recruits.

It has however inspired me to calm down a bit. Whatever comes our way, we will strike it down and use it as pavement for our progress. We are dwarf. And I am the Goverment of it. Atleast until I can hire some assistants.

Oh and only minor kobold incursions this year... I have taken to afternoon naps and doing as little work as possible and I simply feel fantastic.

15th Limestone

Due to some architectural hiccups our trade depot was blocked by several bridges and scaffolding structures, - Only allowing merchants with a mere pack animal to enter. - I watched the great caravan roll on by by the horizon and concluded some small trades with the merchants that had managed to arrive. I apologized profusely and promised the grand entrance would be clear of obstructions come spring.

Oh yeah, and our dining room kicks ass.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
23rd of Limestone:

Concluded this years trade meeting. asked for Fine Pewter and black bronze for a secret side project to take my mind off of things...

11th Moonstone:

Strangest thing happened at the shrine party today. Baughn got this curious look about him and hastily departed after just one drink! And snuck up the stairs towards our workshops. I'm sure it's nothing...

16th of Moonstone.

"And this is...?" I asked curiously. Admiring the masterpiece band of metal on my granite desk.

Baughn only mumbled "Samansheget" and scraped his feet. It was a beautiful ring, decorated and encircled with bands of cave spider silk from the last caravan.. Menacing with spikes of iron. The Courageous Horn was a ring fit for a warrior king.

Needless to say it will probably just take up space on our growing pile of national treasures. But I'm certain our metal crafts will be the talk of the land come the coming years.

I commended Baughn on his efforts and gave him permission to return to the party.

1st of Granite: Year 53...

Another winter, another spring. Another year in office. Not that there are enough dwarves here to warrant a mayor. Despite our astounding progress, dwarves are hesitant to move here. I can't say I blame them. Oh hey, a note from the farmers telling me we're low on several vital food and drink items.. I better get back to work. Or find water fast.

And that concludes the second year of my particular fort.. Everyone is still alive, but progress is... Almost glacial. Oh and we're ALL out of food and drink, I have no idea how that happened.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 07:35:13 pm by Cajoes »
Quote from: Roman Proverb
Do not argue against the sun. For it is a lot brighter than you are.
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