Well wow, this is what I call game support!
http://www.tiltedmill.com/hinterland/pr_content_update1.phpKEEP LOOTING, LEVELING AND BUILDING!
Tilted Mill to Release First Hinterland Content Update
The free update will include:
Two new character types you can play as - The Elf Archer and the Dwarf Warrior
Creature-specific item drops - Rare and unique items, (e.g. Troll Blood) that give the character who consumes them permanent bonuses
Character Info Screen - Details your abilities, and gives information on the town in general
You can acquire resources through economic means - Dig a well for Fresh Water, plant Herbs, import Iron, etc.
Expanded character customization choices when leveling - Three ability choices instead of two with the third choice based on your character’s profession.
Item Sorting – Ability to automatically sort inventory items by type and relative power
Auto-equipping - Townspeople will automatically take items they can use from the town inventory periodically as needed (this can also be turned off if desired)
Miscellaneous balancing, pacing and usability improvements and refinements - made in response to player feedback
I must say, that these guys @ TM are working hella fast. I like this.