Personal Journal
1st Granite, 1054, Early SpringThe year is over. I'm no longer the leader of Axefather. It feels strange admitting it, but I enjoyed this job. Under my leadership Axefather has become a more pleasant place as well as a safer place to live in. It's a shame that the trade road didn't get finished before the end of my rule, but I'm sure my successor will know what to do with it. Axefather may not be the stuff of legends yet, but I've got the feeling that we are headed in that direction eventually.
My last act as a ruler has been to assign myself a comfortable place to live. There's no reason a (former) leader couldn't be offered the same benefits those nobles get, is there? Certainly not since I've done far more real work than they'll ever do.
Well, that's it for my turn then! I've enjoyed this game. In the beginning it was a bit of a change adapting to the building styles of those before me, but that didn't take long. Most of what I've done is just an extension of the work Koji and Nekose have done; I've expanded stockpiles, living space, and the mining project, and have done a bunch of streamlining.
If I'm not mistaken, Kjoery is next. My advice on how to proceed would be to finish the trade road first of all. You don't really need the trade, but it's never a bad thing. You may also want to add one or two farming plots, so you can grow more crops and grow different ones at the same time. The fortress is more or less completely self-sufficient at the moment, so unless something unexpected happens you're pretty much entirely free on what to do.
I'll upload the save file later today.
[ September 26, 2007: Message edited by: Aargh ]