The World of Dawn
Libashurem - "Axefather"Spring 1051
The heat was intense, and the swarming bugs were worse. Despite the fact that it was still early spring, sweat streamed down the faces of the entire expidition--members of The Green Crypt who had decided to excavate The Fancy Tower. Even as we untied the horses from the wagons, I had concerns about their safety. We had seen harpy nests on the way in, and something about the land felt a
My grizzly bear leather dress felt oppressively hot. We all wore dresses. It's the style in Abalthidasdastot. Suitably so, since the name means "The Pale Frilly Sword." There's a story in the annals of history about how this all came about, but honestly...let's get back to the matter at hand.
We had drawn lots for leadership of the expidition, having each equally funded it. I knew little about the excavation and construction of a proper fortress, but Monom and Unib assured me that they could handle things. I set about moving our food into a pile and wishing Thikut well as she went off to hunt alone.
Thikut managed to get the drop on a brood of harpies! She told us of how she was able to bring them down with her crossbow before they could harm her. I pray that all our challenges are this easy.
Wonderful. The river teems with turtles, and as I speak, Thikut is carrying a carcass of some sort back to us. For lack of anything better to do, I have begun engraving designs on the outer walls of the fortress. We have no exploits of our own to rave about (yet), but the symbols will tell of our history, where we come from, and what we hope to accomplish.
I have laid out a basic design for the workshop. At my early days in the guild, I became well acquainted with the tools and workspace an artisan needs. Unib finds it "too esoteric", but he's not the leader, is he? I spent the day engraving an image of the demon Usp Mellowsunder, who legends say was imprisoned in adamantine deep within this very mountain. Other symbols kept popping into my mind as well, so I engraved them. A Dwarf, to represent the Pale Frilly Sword, and Griffons, the symbol of The Green Crypt. That day, I heard the shouts of the miners inside--we have struck copper AND brass!
That night, I dreamed of Thikut. Her firm, stocky form stalking the savannah like some great cat. She was the huntress, and she had brought down my heart. But how to tell her?
I have come up with an ingenious design for our entrance, despite my earlier misgivings. A long corridor leads to a single door, beyond which the hall diverges. One passage leads to the workshops, while the other is currently a dead end. I suppose eventually we may build some living quarters there, or perhaps a kitchen and dining hall.
Curses! There was a river hidden underground and it nearly drowned both of our miners! They survived, but this will severely alter my plans for construction...
I had some beds put out in the halls for us to sleep on between shifts. It's nothing fancy, but it's better than sleeping in the mud. I noticed Thikut had dragged a warthog carcass to her bed and fallen asleep like some short, overmuscled jaguar. She truly is beautiful.
Spring Report: We've dug out the rudiments of an outpost. We've got a small number of workshops up and running, and we've found a bit of metal. Things are going swimmingly!