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Author Topic: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2, Now accepting new deities!  (Read 26504 times)

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2008, 06:42:58 am »

I don't get which turn it is now (I made... 4 turns. Is this the 5th?)

I'll make the turn anyways. Thanks for the heads-up Dwarmin.

1EP into physique.
3EP into Social Organization. With the first clusters of homes starting to appear throughout the land, Mii'Ari chiefs take it upon themselves to organize the smaller families into large clans, and form large villages, each guarded by its governing family. One of the first to appear is the village of Arimaya (you could roughly translate that to "people's settlement"), that eventually became the largest, and most important on the southern plains.

As the scouting groups started to return, the chiefs held a meeting again, in the depths of the forest. The news from the first groups, of ancient forests and fertile lands full of food, filled the younger chiefs with joy for their people, as it meant they could travel to these new territories if life ever became too difficult in this region. The older chiefs, especially Eer'Ra, often known as the wisest of the meeting, were unmoved. They knew that those who met the least danger would return first, and patiently waited for the others to come.
Several weeks later, the groups from the north returned, and many bore on them marks of battle, some could barely stand on their feet. The news they brought were of desolate lands and strange creatures and plants that inhabited them. The Kaerrah, the Misshapen Wood, was regarded as a possible danger, and it was agreed that the families of the northern territories would keep watch of its borders, and forbid anyone to enter it.
News from the east came latest of all. The scouts were weary, many were injured, some did not return at all. The dangerous creatures of the eastern rivers were discussed at length, and finally a decision was made to attempt to remove the creatures from the river, as they were of no value as food for the Mii'Ari, and were a danger to anyone who attempted to travel through the region. Three hundred of the best hunters were to assemble in seven days, and attempt to clear the eastern river of the threat, using own skill and hunting weapons.
The new plants were examined with great care, as their effect on the scouts who brought them seemed to hold them in its grasp. Though naturally curious, the Mii'Ari chiefs frowned upon the use of this plant. Left out of control, it could become a threat to all of the people. Already those who brought it long for it again. The meeting, persuaded by the older chiefs and the authority of Eer'Ra who first resented the plant, agreed to keep the true effects of the plant hidden, and instead present it as a poison that affects the perception of surroundings, until ways to control the effect can be devised. To this effect, samples of the plant are left in the care of the largest family of the eastern territory, and its use is forbidden until its true purpose can be defined.

Meanwhile, the construction of shelters continued through the entire land. Large parts of the forest were stripped of every thick bough and thin tree that was to be found there. None but the most experienced hunters could see the changes this done to the forest, as the mangled trees started dying slowly, and small flying beasts with high-pitched voices fled from such places.

The villages spread far and wide, not least because the Mii'Ari like when there is an extent of space that they claim as their own. Some even started delimiting this territory, defining it with single sticks equally spaced along a line around their home. The notion was noticed, and soon became widespread. Fights over territory were rare - all understood that outside of the village, land was plenty for all of them, and the shred of it around the shelter meant very little, but was still comforting.
Eventually, the idea progressed, and vines were added to the sticks, which created a somewhat soft, but clearly visible limit of territory. While rarely used to define the borders of individual homes, this design was frequently used to protect the borders of settlements in the more dangerous northern regions.
It was the farmers growing the new vines outside of Arimaya that took the idea to a new height. The vines, as well as they understood, wanted to climb upwards, as they did on trees. Originally, small patches of trees that sometimes occured were used for such farming on the open plains, but one day, a farmer noticed how a long stray vine began growing up using his own shelter as a support! In frustration, he tore it down, but then it occured to him that he could use the long sticks that comprised the frame of the shelter to create artificial support for the vines. Using what skills in construction he had, he created a single sheet of wooden sticks, and placed it upright over a patch of newly-planted vines. In several days, he saw the vines eagerly climbing up this construction.
After the idea was relayed to the farmers of the plains, they all started attempting similar designs.

in short:
No scouting or any "EVA" this turn. The villages are mostly just conglomerates of shelters, sometimes with borders defined, sometimes not. Each major village houses around a thousand Mii'Ari, and is guarded by warriors and hunters from a major family that united the families comprising the village. Smaller settlements also exist. You can roll for whether the "racks" augment vine harvest.
The fungus forest is left untouched, but guarded, so in case anything invades, long-range communication (vocal signals heard from up to a mile in calm weather) will ensure some time to prepare.
The force to drive the reptilians out of the rivers will be armed with the "spears" and the vines, for attacking and restraint. The aim in this case is to drive them out, not destroy them. The force of 300 will remain as population in O27.
The red plants brought by the scouts are revealed to the populace, but as a token of warning. The effects on the scouts are explained as sickness from the poisonous fumes of the plant.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2008, 05:37:36 am »

brings me a population program that works, so we can finally continue.
seeing how this obviously isn't working... here, have this:
the only problem is that it seems to favor short living large littred species (actually this is true-to-life becuase we are all severely underpopulatedl. Accoring to earlier posts the population is supposed to plateau out at 100'000 per FD point), wich I find unfair.
so there's this plain version based solely on current and maximum sustainable populations:
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2008, 02:34:40 pm »

Why do you need a population program anyways? What does it do/track that you can't on paper?
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2008, 06:26:02 pm »

Sean: I suck at maths.
Will update pops and scores soon...just glad to get started again.
Turn 4 Results


Food search D10 D%=30
Scouring the seabeds, they can find little in the way of additional food. The whole area seems covered in empty shells and bones-locals say that strange sounds and lights are sometimes seen and heard at night…and all who have approached them never return…

Food Search C11 D%=13
The concerted attempt to find better food sources in this area doesn’t go well. Your scouts find a new form of prey, one that is not only meaty, but it doesn’t even try to run away! They are brought back for a grand feast, but the problems start soon. Many Shrike fall ill and die-others go mad and tear into their own clans, and it is realized that the prey is infested with some sort of disease that spreads itself by manipulating the minds of its host. Needless to say, Shrike armies descend on the area, lock it down and destroy EVERYTHING. Even innocents are not spared, as they cannot know who is infected or not. It was a small area though, but nothing can ever live there again.
-3000 population

Food Search C31 D%=97
The vicious waters hold no more fear the battle hardened Shrike, who even consume their own weak and infirm with fanatic zeal. The area is scoured, and a nearby reef reveals races of semi-intelligent Annelid-they are peaceful, and quickly subjugated for their weakness. They outnumber the shrike 10 to 1, but are terrified of them and obey their orders. These new slaves make a good food source, and are forced to gather food for their masters.

    *Predators: The abundance of predators takes its toll on the Kadesh…an organized response came too late, and not good enough-luckily the water shielded them from all but the flying ones…
-1000 population in all squares.

Base: 8 
Colony Held On: 1
=Total: 9

OOC: Language and cultural skills are need for any advanced tech. Your limbs will be capable of basic movement on land at 10EP, and full movement at 15EP-you’ll also need to raise the Strong trait to reach full potential. This translates into battle and land colonization bonuses, as well as doing anything else on land. At the moment your shock does little on land, and only works at short ranges-it is a useful defense though, and the blur are more wary of attempting to snatch and grab. In the water, your shocks become greater, especially when combined-It takes nearly a dozen Shrike to take down something larger or of roughly equal size than them, but small fish and squid are easily caught.

2. Nahuantl

Construction, Lacquer D%=24
The Claw had worked night and day for a month on his strange constructions, shutting himself off from society, when he finally found the right type of resin, and had produced a simple work of art. As he raised a fist to the sky and damned the Gods for testing him so greatly, his own quite poor roof collapsed upon him under the weight of the fungus, crushing him and all his work. No one would know what he wrought in last moments of life, and he would be remembered as a fool for as long as he was remembered.

Martial Arts Training D%=63
in a way, relearning how to fight without weapons was more difficult than the other way around. The fangs were diligent, and they soon they had a revelation- looking at the corpses of Jhiar’d there noticed were weak spots-the lungs, joints and eyes-on their bodies, just like with themselves. So was developed a maxim that would be handed through the ages-“The hasty stroke goes oft stray-apply all your force to your enemies weakest point, and they will fall.”
+2 New Skill, Martial Arts

Gathering Forces D%=48
Many of the Nahuantl who do live on the border hardly believe the stories; even when clear evidence is produced. Nevertheless, many warriors are glad to fight something other than their fellow Nahuantl.
You can raise an additional 5% of your pop max for the next battle you have.

Beast Hunting D%=10
The beasts had quickly lived up to their fearsome reputations. Many Nahuantl found themselves victims of mind controlling fungus, forcing them to walk off cliffs or attack their friends-and as they’re numbers fell, the beasts ganged up and picked them off one by one. Few returned, and the loss of troops would sorely test the regional defenses against the un-slowed creatures.
-1000 population from all squares

Base: 8
Martial Training: 1
Failed Hunt: -1
=Total: 8

3 Jhiar’d

Plantwe Scouting D%=88 (A1s rolls D%=21)
The scouting of the Plantwe is carried out flawlessly. Apparently only armed with little sticks, the creatures were unable to defend themselves from the organized hunting parties. They were found to be nearly inedible, save their sweet tasting roots-and about 10 were captured alive and brought back, out of 100 that died on the way.

Animal Husbandry D%=87
The taming of the maggot was not easy, but Jhiar’d inventiveness won the day. They found the creatures responded to simple aversion training-if it hurts, don’t do it. In this way they could keep them from attacking their own walls and workers, and soon even the offspring began to prefer to feed on what was given to them. A new, reliable source of protein has been established for most of the higher ups, and even the common bug can enjoy some on holidays every few years. The applications to construction were mostly useful for clearing away rotting vegetation from build sites, and it saves a lot of labor.
+2 New Skill: Animal Husbandry
+2 Construction
+1 FD to 4 different squares of your choice-will default to highest population if no answer, so no problems.

Fungus Farming D%=75
With the new food being available, few even noticed the basic dabbling in farming going on. Facing a food crisis potentially far in the future, the growing of the fungus was a wise decision, if ahead of its time. It was difficult to separate out the harmful and nutritious plants, and disease and parasites often took out more than half of the crop before harvesting. Nevertheless the experiment was a success, and the food was much easier for the lower class Jhiar’d to acquire-as an additional effect, the maggot tamers were glad to have a reliable source of feed.
+1 New Skill: Farming

Expansion Q21 D%=5
Marching over the corpses of the previous failed colony, they foolhardily went to the same fate. The forces of the “Blur” had only grown, and now they had a full size nest across the river. The muddy ground was as worse as before, and the Jhiar’d were left to the mercy of the elements too long. Without food or shelter they were all wiped out in a single fateful night, barely a month after settling there. The victory songs of the Blur echoed out from across the river, a song that spoke of death and consumption, and nothing else.
-4000 population
Colony Failure
New Blur Nest in O23

Expansion P16 D%=7
8 the desert was not kind to the Jhiar’d. The force was quickly scattered by sandstorms, and they spread to all directions looking for each other, compounding their problem more. The colony was never seen again-and few dared to go to the desert and tempt the same fate.
-4000 population
Colony Failure

Expansion R16 D%=45
Finding the “ghost hive” as it was called by the superstitous locals was fairly difficult, as few remembered anything about it, and none who had lived there had survived. Eventually, with the help of local trackers, they found the entrance to dilapidated nest. Old carapaces were strewn about, a grim testament to the final days, and most seemed to have died painfully. The most surprising find was that their was still a remnant of the Jhiar’d living there! They were suitably insane, and attacked the small band, which wisely fled. They estimated there to be nearly 2500 of them, secluded in the place, feeding on their strange bugs that had doomed them in the first place.
The small expansion into the abandoned colony was not a total failure, but it was decided that more bugs must be sent to re-colonize the area and destroy their poor brothers.
Colony Failure

*New Foe, “the Remnants”: These sad things are insane and mindless, somehow surviving without a queen, natures cruel mockery of what the Jhiar’d are now. They only breed and eat and dig, and have no intention of doing anything else with there lives other than that. They have no weapons or tactics, but seem to be physically stronger than an average Jhiar’d. Also the labyrinth of the nest they have constructed is its own defense. The party said there was close to 2500 that they could counted-they said that there was at least 2-dozen for every one of them.

*Predators: The abundance of predators takes its toll on the Jhiar’d…an organized response came too late, and not good enough.
-2000 pop in all squares.

Base: 8
Colony Failures: -2
Farming and Husbandry: 2
New Foe: 1
=Total: 9


Great Hunt D%=57
The Plantwe assault on the worm beasts was a debacle. The strange fungus that surrounded them attacked and ate away the Plantwe skin, and it seems the spores were even interfering with scent-based communication, causing mass confusion The worms shrugged off the assaults, chuckled in their guttural language and began spreading closer to the Plantwe homes in revenge! The forced migration killed many, as they abandoned their ancestral homes to the vengeful worm beasts.
-1500 pop from all squares

Animal Tasting D%=33
Tasting the many new animals and plants didn’t reveal any great discoveries, but they at least learned what was harmful and not.

Expansion R22 D%=39
The Plantwe who moved North were the more wrathful ones, those who had lost seed relatives most of all. They were on their way to building a strong colony when they came under attack by the Blur… these were different and yet somehow similar to the other bugs who attacked them. Their attacks were not very often, but they were brutal- and they didn’t even consume the slain, merely killed for pleasure…Eventually there was only 1000 desperate Plantwe left, but the colony still stood
-3000 population
Colony success

Expansion U25 D%=93
The expansion into the nearby plains was a peaceful one-hidden from their foes by the wide green lands, they found an area amazingly fertile and free of hostile life. Another find was herds of plant eating mammals-they were merely grazers, and it seems they didn’t like the taste of Plantwe at all, and rarely bothered them. They do a fine job of chasing away large predators, and actually contribute to the defense of the land.
Land is easier to defend
Colony Success

*Jhiar’d Contact-A race of vicious insects raided your settlements! They killed with no mercy, and even captured some alive, and their destination was no doubt horrible. The Plantwe are angry and scared, and demand something, anything is done…
-250 Population

Base: 8
Failed Hunt: -1
=Total: 7


Reptile Repellant D%=74
    The long tailed reptiles make easy prey, being quite stupid. The      rivers are quickly cleared of these menaces, and they are forced into an adjoining river, which suits them just fine. The same thing happens on all the Mii’Ari shores, and now the young and elderly alike can catch a bounty of fish safely from the shores.
+1 FD on each Mii’Ari tile by water.

    Red Plant D%=53
    The Mii’Ari banning of the plant only makes it more mysterious to the foolish and defiant-most of the rest understand that it was banned for a reason, and abstain. Those unlucky few who become its slaves are a minority…but others cynically realize that the plant can be used to gain power over others for themselves….

    Defense D%=76
   The blockade around the fungal forest was a sound idea, as the sentries began to be attacked very soon by prowling beasts-the use of calls makes sure that the Mii’Ari gather when trouble calls, and they limit the effect on the civilian populace, but the military faces a long and brutal campaign. They win, but many brave Mii’Ari fall.
-1000 population in each square

Base: 8
Brave Defense: 1
=Total: 9


Psychic defense D%=55
The Kadesh, spurred on by the consumption of the fungus have begun to develop psychic power. It is weak, and controlling even that small amount is exhausting. But the stress of their lives spurs them to greater heights-it is often that a psychic individual is called upon to unleash their power against the Blur and other foes, though they often die or lose their minds afterwards, many lives are saved. The toll taken is heavy, but the Kadesh survive…
-750 pop from all squares

Domestication D%=40
The worm’s primitive, but cunning minds speak to the psychics with some time. They are unanimous in the fact that they will not be enslaved, and they nearly kill the psychics that try-instead they ask instead for an accord to be reached…
*The Deal: What the psychics could gather from the worms faint thoughts were that they were hungry. If a tribute of food were to be given to them, they would turn their efforts to halting the spread of the worse fungus to Kadesh shores. The psychics themselves said that these creatures’ minds are filled with darkness-not literal as in evil, but they were guarded creatures that did not trust even their own kind. Betrayal is of course a concern…so is refusing the deal and risking their wrath, whatever it may be. The burden weighs on all, but the leader of the Kadesh is the one to make the final decision.

Base: 8
Psychic Awakening: 1
=Total: 9

OOC: Yeah Bloodthirsty lol-I meant that even little frog creatures :P would take advantage of an easy kill, which is what it was. You be surprised how cruel the weak are when they get in a rare position of power.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 07:28:40 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2008, 10:31:10 pm »

[OOC]  Dwarmin, remember in the old thread when the Xahutec essentially burned up the entire mountainside by mixing two incompatible plants together?  Shouldn't that be perfectly reproducible, if not uncontrollable?  Also, would I need to put EP into construction and resin production and use in order to get what I tried to from the previous turn?

And have the 10 EP I received from my previous turn's results been accounted for yet?  I had planned for it to be used as such:  +3 tool making, +3 construction (ropes and such with vines), +1 electromanipulation, +1 language, and +2 tactics.  Just in case you might have missed that post.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 10:41:44 pm by Nonanonymous »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2008, 04:24:45 am »

[All OOC]Alright, we're moving again.  This is just too stylish to let die.

Asking this publicly since I'm sure others will need to know.  What do the worms eat?  Or is The Deal as ominous as it sounds and I'll just have to find out by deadly trial and error?

Are we know truly on Turn 5?  Oh and to save Sean the trouble, you forgot the Mii'ari EP earns.

I was going to ask why there was no global event, but I guess it really isn't needed.  Welcome to Mushroom Planet!  Population: Screwed
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 04:26:50 am by Aqizzar »
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2008, 04:40:42 am »

[OOC] Woo! Go Dwarmin! Erm just a few little questions, I'm not entirely sure how much EP I have left over? (Theres that 2 Left Over EP still hanging around on my character profile... lol) And will those character profiles get updated soon? Oh and, this game is too classy to die out, I acctually salivate when i see my turn to find out whats happened that how much enthusiasm i have for it!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 04:42:21 am by Nilocy »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2008, 06:22:17 am »

[OOC] I'm not entirely sure how much EP I have left over?
seconded. Also, I just looked at the Plantwee profile thoroughly and it seems to be missing some stuff, while having other I didn't describe. weird.
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2008, 06:42:36 am »

 And uh, apparently my fish didn't evolve this turn.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #39 on: August 15, 2008, 08:58:16 am »


Reptile Repellant D%=74
    The long tailed reptiles make easy prey, being quite stupid. The      rivers are quickly cleared of these menaces, and they are forced into an adjoining river, which suits them just fine. The same thing happens on all the Mii’Ari shores, and now the young and elderly alike can catch a bounty of fish safely from the shores.
+1 FD on each Mii’Ari tile by water.

    Red Plant D%=53
    The Mii’Ari banning of the plant only makes it more mysterious to the foolish and defiant-most of the rest understand that it was banned for a reason, and abstain. Those unlucky few who become its slaves are a minority…but others cynically realize that the plant can be used to gain power over others for themselves….

    Defense D%=76
   The blockade around the fungal forest was a sound idea, as the sentries began to be attacked very soon by prowling beasts-the use of calls makes sure that the Mii’Ari gather when trouble calls, and they limit the effect on the civilian populace, but the military faces a long and brutal campaign. They win, but many brave Mii’Ari fall.
-1000 population in each square

Well, that was interesting. If a little short. :) I think you are quite determined to make this world a desolate fungi wasteland. ;)

If I'm any good at prediction, I see 9 EP coming my way, with 8 base and 1 for either the driving out of reptiles or the organized defence that still led to casualties (at least the Mii'Ari have proven themselves in combat this turn).

I'm not sure why there are 6 spaces in "the      rivers", I suppose "east" was going to be there. I got no specific info on the farming and stuff as well, but I suppose that was relatively unimportant anyway. Also, I think I have a drug problem on my hands. :P Speaking of which, is that thing a relative of the catnip by any chance? 'Cause it does rather different things to felines...
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #40 on: August 15, 2008, 07:20:51 pm »

Back, back you fiends! I mean FRiends! Har har har
I was really going to finish this yesterday, but…*insert poor excuse*

Nonanonymous: Nah, I’ll assume that 10 points into construction and you can get lacquerware automatically. And yeah, assume that anything I write, or Faulkner wrote is “Canon” and you can do whatever you what with it. Do things that surprise us.

Aqizzar: The worms like to eat any kind of meat or fish; as such foods rarely wander into their kill zones of poison fungi. Most of the time they are forced to any plant life grows near them.

Nilocy: I’ll do it now….

A1S: Give me any new descriptions for any of your skills, and tell me what your missing skills-PM or here.

Duke2.0: Humbly sorry sir. *Brands self with shame mark*

Sean: I meant all rivers bordering your lands, those crocs get around you know. The casualties were shared by most of the larger more aggressive races-those that would make good prey. But it would have been worse if you didn’t do anything. I honestly can’t think why I didn’t make yours longer. The “drugs” are at the time a non-problem at the moment, but your looking at problems in a couple turns if the criminals get more power than the rulers…and you can never make it go away permanently, save mass imprisonment and genocide. If it makes you feel better, they’ll be exporting the drug to all the other races when mass trading begins, heh. 

Everyone: Don’t worry the fungus plague will soon end! To be replaced by another plague! Like asteroids, the ice age, the A.I rebellion and post modern nililism.

Really though, In these first turns expect an angry and extreme environment-it is essentially the main protagonist until your races all start shooting plasma rifles at each other in outer space. On the bright side, you can take all the revenge you want once your pop is advanced enough. Burn the land, boil the seas, take the sky for yourself. Did I miss anyone?
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #41 on: August 15, 2008, 09:43:40 pm »

I manged to find the following posts:
I'll spend 1 EP to speed the Plantwee up (Movement 2, from experience a better regimen of rest and movement is developed to get a sustained speed of 0.4 miles per hour)
Also (off-screen  ;D) 5 EP go into food storage (Food storage 5: by sucking the insects dry rather than digesting them, a durable source of food can be obtained.)
And 1 EP goes into object manipulation (for a total of 6)
//it would seem I didn't get EP last turn (or any rolls really, all my [very simple] actions had just enjoyed moderate sucess). I'll just assume I got 5. I'll develop movement by 1 more point (to 3), object manipulation by 2 (to 8 ) and 2 go into language (to 11)
After rereading I realized that "food storage" makes no sense, and should be part of storage (for 9 points total, which now says "*Plantwe* have a small sack near the roots called a *Rootsack*, that contains about a day's worth of fertilizer, in refined form for when it is unplanted. Once that is used up, the *Plant* has to increase his animal food intake tenfold or face rapid starvation. A technique of preserving insects by drying has been developed to supplement this, further enhancing scouts' ability to move without replanting")

So it should be:

Movement: 3 "a *Plant* can unplant itself and slowly (0.4-0.5 miles per hour sustained, 200 feet in a minute if there is urgent need) move to a better location"
Object manipulation: 8
"*Arms* can stick to things allowing effective use of tools"
Language: 11 -||-
and I have 9 (Or 5, with the other going to tools and weapons by design? how did that work?) unspent EP from turn 3, because they were posted before my turn (with the rest of the turns) :-\

P.S. I plan on developing tactics and coordination, will my language levels be enough?

edit: formatting
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 09:51:05 pm by a1s »
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #42 on: August 16, 2008, 04:49:31 am »

Well i've fixed it now I hope. I knew there would be some confusion with I took over, so I'm glad we are getting this over with now. I'll give you +9 EP, and Your language is good enough-I guess make sure your tactics does'nt go higher than language and your fine. This was the turn you got tool making/weps in...make sure to tell me if anything else is amiss.

Tool Making D%=80
The councilors arose from their lofty seats-before they even “spoke” out loud the scent of affirmation had already begun to spread through the chamber. Bigtwig was given the go ahead to procure more of these tools, and teach others how to gather and use them  The naturally inquisitive Plantwe quickly adapt-Bigtwig even figures that some can be used to kill and others can be made to build.
+3 Tool Making
+1 Weapons
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #43 on: August 16, 2008, 07:42:45 am »

Thank you very much Dwarmin. Your doing a massive workload for us forum users :D. I very much appreciate what your doing here! I'll get my turn posted asap.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 09:24:15 am by Nilocy »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game 2
« Reply #44 on: August 16, 2008, 08:28:15 am »

There all your points are in. I've made some minor tweaks..
-Battleaxes are a bit too advanced for 1 point, so i've just changed it to handaxe. Its just flavor text though..
-"New Colony Establishment" has been changed to "Pioneering" Again same thing diffrent word. It just sounds better to me.

Now you offcialy should wait for the next turn to post your response, so you can respond to anything that happens, but if you remember to edit your post all is well.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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