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Author Topic: MUD Discussion  (Read 5966 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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MUD Discussion
« on: August 02, 2008, 10:05:31 pm »

I think there should be a topic on MUDs, because many DF players have the imagination and creativity required to play them, and I know many DFers do play MUDs anyway. I've played quite a few, and gotten hooked for a few weeks, but I just completely lose interest after a while, most of the time. If any of you have dug up one that you really enjoy, or one that you think sucks beyond belief, tell us.

In my opinion, a good MUD requires solid roleplay. Not by all means advanced or complex, but solid and thorough. I like MUDs with strict IC/OOC rules, i.e. no ooc chatting in-game, use chat channels for any questions, etc. (woah, I just used i.e., etc., and parenthesis in one sentence!) I know it's a little off topic, but I am hooked on Cantr II. Have been for months. And I don't see myself straying from it anytime soon. Magic systems are another important topic. They can be great and easy to use, or just complete loads of crap that are impossible to use and get you blown up half the time. So just go ahead and start posting! Thanks.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 11:04:45 pm by Helmaroc »


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MUD's are always annoying because of the "subscription" system most have. You can play for free, or pay money and actually enjoy a relatively balanced game. Also, many of these subscribers are rather elitist in my opinion. I honestly can't stand games that have this standard of "Play for free, Pay to win" concept. While I do enjoy the roleplay, I would prefer a good game of DnD 3.5 with a few splatbooks to balance out fighters. 4e is balanced, but is too much like an MMORPG now.


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It feels like I've played every MUD in existence.

There was a cool one I played a long time ago (which disappeared a couple of weeks later), where you could build towns and villages and all kinds of cool stuff. I wonder if that codebase is still going somewhere, it'd be cool to go back to it again.


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I played a Shadowrun MUD back a couple years ago. It's still around, and much improved, but I don't have the desire for MUDs anymore. It was Awakening 2060 or something like that.

They do enforce good RP though. I recall one time I was wandering somewhere slaughtering gang members and stealing their SMGs and stuff. A GM came by and asked if I was on a shadowrun. I said no. He said I'd need to cough up all the SMGs I had on me and stop it or the police would come. Lone Star would have chopped me up and thrown my remains down the sewer, so I agreed. That's when I realized shadowruns were pretty profitable.

I'm just glad nobody caught me blasting picnickers in the city park and stealing their sandwiches. Anytime I saw a garbage man I'd steal his trash bags, too. Sometimes there were monies in there! And once I found an acoustic guitar too.

So yeah. Fun times. Good game. Good mods. Free 100% would buy again +++.
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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 10:33:03 pm »

I agree with the subscription set-up, I like free, no-gimmick, no-limit play. Heh.

Had to shorten the title, stupid interval limit of doom.

I remember a MUD...I'm pretty sure it was Gemstone. Which is now horrible, with credit-card info required, address and all kinds of other non-related crap. But, a few years ago it was free to trial for a month or something, and it was great. I remember there being a lot of detail, and there were some great surprises. You'd often find locked chests and boxes, a higher level character or a paid NPC would unlock for you. Usually they'd contain money, wands, gems (there were tons of different jewels, which for some reason I really liked.). But once I opened one, and a guy I was talking to and me both got attacked by thousands of spiders, we both died. Slooowly. Good times.


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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2008, 05:24:36 am »

Godwars II (telnet: open 3000) is quite a fun MUD game. The combat and magic systems are quite hard to explain in words, but good fun once you get used to it (how does it compare to other muds? I've only played one or two others).

Basically, your commmand list shows things like "pwc", "ds", which are typed "rp (enter) rw (enter) rc (enter)", and "rd (enter) rs (enter)". The first, if your magic mode is on, will shoot a lightning bolt at the enemy, whilst the latter, if you have a melée weapon, will backslash the enemy. There is a great deal of skill and reaction in this, as it's not turn based.

What else can I say? There's quests, gore, and p2p combat in certain areas. I think it's all free, too. Give it a try, and read the tutorial - it can explain more than I ever could.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 06:12:01 am by Cymro »

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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2008, 07:04:56 am »

 Oh MUD's. At first I was interested in the roleplay aspects. Then I started trying them out, and things got a little hectic.

 Me: What the hell? I can't see!
 MUD: Don't worry, we will help you with your blindness. Press N.
 Me: Ooh, pretty room.
 MUD: Now that you have the basics of movement, we'll show you how to talk to an NPC.
 Me: But how the hell will I know what to say? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY YOU SILLY LITTLE GAME?!
 NPC: I'm sorry, I don't understand what your sayin-
 MUD: Good! Now, lets move on to choosing a class.
 *50 Billion words print out*
 Me: Uhh, I guess I'll take a simple warrior.
 MUD: Good. Now that we have that out of the way, we'll leave you to the world.
 Me: Okay lets see...
 MUD: You are in a city. All the houses look the same.
 Me: Just gotta kee going east. Gotta get out of this city eventually.
 *Fifty East tiles later*
 Me: What the hell?!
 MUD: Here is a pool with all the potental of the game. Go, swim in it blindly.
 Me: How?
 MUD: By swimming!
 Me: Help! Anybody here?
 Random player: *Sigh* Why didn't you take the tutorial?
 Me: I did!
 Random Player: If you did, you would know what to do. I learned everything I needed to know through it.
 Me: The tutorial never told me how to escape from this recursive city!
 Random Player: Then read the guides on the site.
 Me: Okay thanks...
 *Switches windows*
 Me: Lets see... Gah! Theres like, a billion links! And the tutorial one only states there is a tutorial ingame!
 MUD: You grow hungry.
 Me: How do I eat?
 MUD: You didn't see in the tutorial?
 Me: It never taught me anything to do with combat, inventory processing or actual quests/jobs!
 MUD: You should have read the tutorial!
 Me: Oh, I'll show you a tutorial!
 *Hard Delete*

 Sure that only happened in three different MUD's that from what the internet said, were highly recommended. However, I DID see a trend that I didn't bother to want to repeat.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2008, 11:03:57 am »

Three MUDs I've actually enjoyed:

Achaea-  You all know this one.  It shows you this huge world with great descriptions and a really neat method of guild advancement(You actually had requirements, some of which were really crazy.  In order to advance in the Mhaldorian religion you had to do something evil.  What you do is up to you, the default is sacrificing a human child, but it's a bit on the disturbing side.)  Of course, once you feel like you could never quit the game and it owns your life, you reach level 20, and leveling slows to a crawl unless you start buying stuff.  A level 100 character with good gear can cost upwards of a thousand dollars, which is beyond insane.  I still had some good times though.  I still remember when I took my test to advance in the knight's guild of Shallam, and found out "Spike Boots" didn't mean boots with spiked cleats.  I had been running around for several days, a male knight, wearing stiletto heels.  Ohh that was embarrassing.  It only got worse too, after completing the written examination, I had to travel across the map.  I thought I knew how to get there, but I stopped paying attention, and walked right past the exit, and into a huge battle between Mhaldor and Shallam.  I only realized what had happened when I saw a Bloodworm right in front of me.  Whoops.  Combat is descriptive, but the good spells are only usable in PvP, and PvP itself is garbage.  There are like 50 status effects, each with several cures, and there's no way you can use them in time in an actual game, so they just let you use triggers.  This leads to a situation where you see an enemy, type a letter, and watch combat messages fill up the screen and start scrolling.  Intense...

Armageddon-  This one was awesome, post-apocalyptic MUD in a huge desert.  While it's post-apocalyptic, technology is sub-medieval, with metal being beyond rare.  Most weapons and armor are obsidian or bone.  The roleplayers are epic, to the point of actually being scary.  I was once accosted by a partially decayed elf with glowing eyes and sharp teeth.  It turned out when I was running through the slums that I had reached the East Side, and humans aren't welcome in the East Side.  To exacerbate things, I had killed someone.  I threw a punch, he bit my neck, and I passed out.  I bet he was undead.  Anyway, I woke up in a deserted house, and he told me to get down on my knees and beg.  My roleplaying skills shattered under the pressure, and I ran through a spell-effect(Which I now believe to have been an emoted cantrip, not an actual spell) and got away.  Scary stuff.  That reminds me, magic is really rare.  Only the weakest spellcasters can be played by a starting player, the rest you have to unlock by roleplaying well.  Magic is illegal, and if you get caught by a templar, you can expect to be executed.  You might even get to fight a Gaj(Insectoid creature with crazy jaws and tentacles that supposedly whip your psyche as much as your body, I never got to see one fight, but the city I lived in had one for their arena).  Once I started getting into it I got into some more rewarding roleplaying exchanges, like the time I pretended to be a spice(illegal drug) dealer and mugged my potential clients.  I failed pretty hard, and I think I got arrested for it.  Or there was the time a half-giant(Who was also a city guard, and therefore above the law) stole my sword.  I can't remember what happened exactly.  I think I passed out in the desert and when I woke up my sword was gone.  Later I saw the giant(Who I had seen earlier) at the weapons-dealer, selling what was very obviously my sword(I can't remember exactly how I knew, but it was totally mine, and when I asked him about it, it became obvious.  He feigned ignorance, and I would've thrown hands with him, but as said before, he was a half-giant.  He would've thrown me down, curb-stomped me, and sold the rest of my stuff.  The best thing that ever happened was the time I held up the bar.  I pulled up my hood, walked in, and pulled out a crossbow, and started trying to be intimidating.  Apparently I wasn't intimidating, or they were just bad roleplayers, because they ignored me, and then attacked.  I shot, missed, and ran away.  I passed out in the desert and went AFK.  When I woke up, I was on the back of a kank(Riding ant) and the person from before was taking me somewhere.  I apologized for being AFk in ooc chat and she said IN OOC CHAT that she wasn't going to kill me.  She threw me in a pit!  I died when I hit the ground!  It's a really fun game, and by far the best MUD I've ever played.  The only problem is characters have to be approved beforehand, and on a slow day it can be several hours before you get approved.  The first few characters will probably die quickly, too.

Accursed Lands-I'm starting to ramble, so I'll cut this one short.  It's a roleplay enforced MUD with forests and stuff.  It's got a nice parser, and you can build stuff.  I don't remember much more.


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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2008, 01:10:05 pm »

Armageddon is pretty fun, but really intimidating. Most of the players are relatively civil, but most of their characters aren't. And they're really good roleplayers, so that when one starts threatening you, it's actually pretty scary.

Accursed Lands is one of the most codedly solid muds I have every encountered. It seems like you can type almost anything and it will at least try to make sense of it. The exception to this, however is the crafts system, which I hate. The mud's main downfall is that the atmosphere is completely ruined by the entirety of the playerbase living outside the city walls in tiny player-built shacks when there's a nice, safe, city with nice descriptions, roads, and walls 5 minutes away. Then again, if they added apartments and town houses, people would probably live in the city. The problem seems to be that the staff are constantly adding new dungeons, towns, etc, while the playerbase remains quite small and most players will probably never see half the stuff they put in if just because the world is absolutely massive. They could be using this effort to improve the overall atmosphere, rather than just adding stuff.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 01:12:03 pm by Tahin »


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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2008, 03:02:51 pm »

when one starts threatening you, it's actually pretty scary.



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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2008, 03:23:46 pm »

when one starts threatening you, it's actually pretty scary.

I had to google that to figure out what it meant. Even afterwards, I'm still kind of confused. Oh well, such is the internet.


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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2008, 03:26:52 pm »

I remember a MUD...I'm pretty sure it was Gemstone. Which is now horrible, with credit-card info required, address and all kinds of other non-related crap. But, a few years ago it was free to trial for a month or something, and it was great. I remember there being a lot of detail, and there were some great surprises. You'd often find locked chests and boxes, a higher level character or a paid NPC would unlock for you. Usually they'd contain money, wands, gems (there were tons of different jewels, which for some reason I really liked.). But once I opened one, and a guy I was talking to and me both got attacked by thousands of spiders, we both died. Slooowly. Good times.

Oh my God, Gemstone. There's this well in this one town I traveled to (very dangerous route, THE funnest thing I have EVER experienced in a MUD), and when I first joined I managed to make my way out of the non-Euclidean city and go there, where I sat down near the well. Suddenly, these crickets started hopping out of the well. They were everywhere. Eventually they started attacking us. We had to fight them off, and I caught a few and kept them. I made three characters with that trial. Another went on a huge adventure, was mortally wounded, some teleported to me and saved me, and I ended up in this city. They gave me an address and I wandered until my account expired in a neighborhood with some houses reserved for members. The third used a much better viewing system with a HUD and stuff, so I made fast friends and we went hunting in the kobold places, where I was wounded, and forgot about it until it had expired. I tried to go back there, see what I'd seen before, but it wouldn't let me. I had to pay. I figured out how to sneak my way back onto the trial page and returned to the well, but it just wasn't the same. I left, the account expired, and I never went back to Gemstone again.

It really, really was a great game.
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2008, 04:12:18 pm »

INORITE, I know right?  I was agreeing.  They were so intimidating when someone started threatening me I had a tendency to freeze up and misspell things or forget commands.


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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2008, 04:14:32 pm »

I think I may try playing Armageddon. Hopefully my character is still alive, the char making process, while neat, takes quite a while considering you have to right a page or two on your char's descriptions and background. Really deep, though.

Yeah, I agree. Every damn character I encountered was some sort of general spy mage lord with badges and patches and all kinds of confusion. I felt rather diminished, first because I had only begun a day ago, and second because my character was a scrawny thief. They were always whispering, too. I would often listen in, and I would often get in a jam because of it. I never actually had a bar fight, but I got close numerous times.


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Re: MUD Discussion
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2008, 05:04:37 pm »

I remember I played Armageddon a long time ago...

One of my characters climbed on top of a roof and then I guess I slipped, and died.

Another character ended up wandering into the slums and was stalked for awhile by two thieves and then killed for his money.

Another time I tried to steal something from a merchant, was chased by guards and carted off to jail, somehow I managed to wriggle free of the bindings and I escaped for a short time before I was jailed.

Overall a vicious game. Obviously the above scenarios were stupidity on my part, but I haven't been in a MUD since that had those kinds of consequences.
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