It's a Intel 915GM something rather, but the real problem is I only have Microsoft's drivers, Intel dropped Vista support on my laptop's chip.
Ah. That would do it. And yes indeed, the GDI Generic driver sure doesn't support anything useful, OpenGL-wise. Sorry!

Looks promising. 
-Shouldn't the levels be closer together? or is that done to allow viewing underground structures?
-Probably a stupid question: how do you generate fdf files?
-Any way to make the surface water see-through as well? (or just several colours of the 'flow'sequence)
Ah, I forgot -- you can change the level seperation with '1' and '2'.
Making the top level of water semitransparent is definitely a possibility: just look for water tiles with nothing above them. The only problem is actually identifying water tiles, which is not always easy/possible, due to the way that fdf-map files are encoded. They're generated from the .bmp exports that DF makes, which don't contain tile information beyond the actual images of the map. Some fdf-map compressors make an effort to identify which tile is which by comparing notes with the font, but it isn't always perfect...
In order to get better information out of DF, I'd have to write a map exporter that read info from DF's memory.
Good job
Something like this would be invaluable in-game... nothing fancy, just a quick 3D overview. A few things that would make it even more usable:- Move each Z-layer closer together
- Connect the Z-layers with slopes... will be sorta tough, but visible slopes would make it even easier to see what is going on
- The camera doesn't feel "right" to me.. maybe have the X mouse movement only swivel on the openGL Y-axis, and Y mouse movement only rolls on the relative X-axis. As is, I found myself rotating to really unusable viewpoints
- When the window is resized, openGL context is lost and the textures die. You can detect a window resize in SDL and force a reload of the textures
- Have the arrow buttons auto-repeat so you don't have to press them over and over to move
- The arrow buttons move in a certain direction regardless of camera facing. Ideally, when the camera is between 315 - 45 degrees, UP moves forward. At 45 - 135 degrees, UP moves right, etc
- When entering 3D mode from 2D mode, the camera shouldn't jump any.. it should smoothly rotate from the current view 2D view
Thanks for this tool, I hope we get to play around with this as it is more refined 
Yeah, the camera's a little bit dodgy, and it's something I need to work on. With the arrow keys, I should make them only work in the top-down mode, and have the middle mouse button work in 3D mode like it does in Black & White: like a hand pulling the landscape towards you, or pushing it away.
The transition from 2D to 3D is a tricky one, because I'm moving from an orthographic projection (i.e, stuff doesn't get smaller as it gets further away) to a perspective projection (in which it does). A smooth transition from one to the other is possible, but I'd need to sit down with a pencil and paper and work out the maths.
Glad you enjoy it