1 miner/stonecrafter
1 mason/engraver
1 woodcutter/carpenter
1 armorsmith/bonecarver
1 architect/mechanic/judgeofintent/recordkeeper/appraiser/organizer
1 grower/cook
1 grower/brewer
1 anvil
26 dwarven wine
26 dwarven ale
26 dwarven rum
26 dwarven beer
31 plump helmet spawn
31 pig tails
4 granite (or any other cheap stone)
1 copper bar
1 iron bar
1 each of every 2PT meat/fish
11 turtles
2 wardogs
I spend the remaining points on bituminous coal (if I know that the map has flux+magma) or tower-cap wood (if the map has sparse or none trees) or extra turtles.
- The miner/stonecrafter gets all the jobs disabled except mining and he starts mining only stone non-stop until Legendary. Then, he proceeds to mine any metal/gems I've found.
- The mason/engraver produces all the basic furniture for 7 dwarves (doors, cabinets, coffers, 1 chair, 1 armor stand), and then he starts churning out blocks until Legendary.
- The woodcuter/carpenter deconstructs the wagon and then is set to depopulate the area of trees, and produce beds, bins and barrels on demand.
- The armorsmith/bonecarver turns two of the wagon's three logs into charcoal and the copper and iron bar into a copper pick and an iron battleaxe. Then he just hauls or turns turtle bones/shells into crafts until I can set up a magma forge to produce a few sets of plate for my future military.
- The architect/mechanic hauls, deals with traders and produces the occasional mechanism, until I need a full-time record-keeper. This guy is usually elected mayor.
- The two growers keep the population fed with raw/roast plump helmets and dwarven wine.
The starting alcohol and food normally lasts until the population has doubled. By then, I can start planting the pig tails to feed a textile industry.
I don't bother with rock nuts until I have produced at least 100 pig tail bags to handle all my seeds/leaves.