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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods III+  (Read 62718 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #75 on: August 08, 2008, 02:20:03 pm »

Code: [Select]
  uu       -- --   uu
  ||  Turn  \ /    ||
  nn         v     nn

As the four explorers continued even further northward, they passed across a spring, the source of the waterfall they spotted earlier. Continuing northwest towards the third and final site, they find themselves approaching a cliff with visible mineral deposits, though exactly what mineral was difficult to discern from this distance. The thought of mining it passed through their minds but upon closer inspection, they found someone had already done it...

Code: [Select]
       ___a                 _/____...
       o==oH  aaa          ,.0_|_|...
\,..,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,n.,,n,./             Mineshaft, (56,11)

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Code: [Select]
][ ][ ][

1) Kavla Niti (59,23)

Population: 193

Pop Cap: 765

Task: Building a working government (background). Making a barracks and doing public works.

Code: [Select]

1) Explorers (57,16)

Size: 4

Task: Moving to Kavla Niti (59,23)

Code: [Select]
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Gentleman adventurer
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #76 on: August 08, 2008, 02:57:17 pm »

Turn 6
Late autumn, year 1

Summer has ended, and the first frosts touch the landscape. In colder climates the first snow is falling and trees are shedding their leafy shrouds. Only the stout evergreens break the bleak monotony of sleet and drizzle. Most birds have gone to the south, and nights are darker and longer than before. The last peddlers make their way to their winter havens to huddle together against the coming cold.

OOC NOTICE: The next turn begins on Sunday, 21.00 GMT.
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you will look sweet upon the seat
of a bicycle built for two.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #77 on: August 08, 2008, 03:01:18 pm »

Status at start of turn 6

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« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 03:24:43 pm by coelocanth »


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #78 on: August 08, 2008, 03:41:40 pm »

The Great Glade:
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A- Kor:
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Malevolent Manager
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #79 on: August 08, 2008, 04:33:12 pm »

Crater Forest
Autumn - Seventh week
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Seristis Tower - Grand Council
Later that week
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Seristis Tower - Outside
Autumn - Ninth week
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Southern Iceberg
Autumn - Tenth week
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

((For the record :
Northern Party : Elestris, Dazhmar, Lithios, Partavel, Morticia
Southern Party : Jaleen, Akrashah, Selene, Xanthis, Sirilanai, Athan, Karkish, Inifius, Alexius and the two Iraxi scouts))

Movement map :

│48                                                                      │
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Known map :

  ⌂╞╞≈   ≈≈≈≈≈≈
   ♠≈     ≈≈≈≈
« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 02:43:54 pm by Istrian »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #80 on: August 08, 2008, 05:17:50 pm »

Vol Sundar

Yakar and Kelenor's groups return and report their findings

"The river meets a western sea one moon's journey downstream. We followed the coast and soon came upon the edge of the forest where it turns once more into the same savanna we have east of here. There are two sites with good hunting in the forest and wet ponds."

"The western sea has a bay to the north of here, the area of forest between the sea and the river is small, and we could only find one good site"

Fukrim (leader):
"That is good, we shall wait for Rekkor to return though.  There is still enough hunting in this place for a while longer."

In the northern forest

Rekkor's explorers were following the western side of the river, when they spotted a huge structure towering over the forest. They went closer to explore.
Soon they came upon a large clearing in the jungle, with a huge set of buildings made of some kind of smooth grey stone.
"Be careful, there may be giants living there"
The group divided in two and circled the clearing, remaining in the trees. There were no signs of life from within, so they decided to approach.
The western side had a high opening, and the interior space was large. Dirt and mud covered everything, but they discovered what looked like a giant furnace loaded with dirt covered black and red rocks, and corroded metal ingots on the ground. The other machinery, they had no idea what it was for.
"This is surely the kind of thing Fukrim wanted us to find, we shall return and report"

((Rekkor's group discover a huge ruin at 14,74
and return the direct way toward Vol Sundar, finishing up at 15,78))


As the explorers approached the water gate, there was a shout from one of the towers. Within minutes, the river was surrounded by Akkadian soldiers.
"Come with us, and leave your weapons here", they demanded.
The explorers, outnumbered, obeyed and were marched through the city streets. They had time to admire the detailed facades of the buildings.
Finally, they were taken inside the tower, where robed Akkadians demanded to know who they were and what they were doing here.
"We are explorers, searching for a way through the desert following this river"
The robed figures seemed to accept this, and explained in a patronising tone that the river led only to the sea at the port city of Ac Acasid, but the other branch of the river had a source in a northern rainforest.
The explorers were given a tour of the city, and lodgings in a "tavern", and left the city in the morning to head upstream.

Tel Sirtis

Construction of the pier is completed, work continues on rebuilding the lighthouse
(if the akkadian ship encounters somebody, they would be given directions here)

Tel Sarangis

50 Settlers leave to build Vol Santos (22,93)

Vol Kendar

Building a smelter for producing bronze

┌─────────God View──────────────────┬─────────Western Civ View──────────┬─────────Eastern Civ View───────────┐
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« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 03:01:04 pm by coelocanth »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #81 on: August 08, 2008, 11:26:39 pm »

It was an uneventful turn

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
End map.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #82 on: August 08, 2008, 11:55:08 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New settlement:
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Erak's plan:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #83 on: August 09, 2008, 03:49:13 am »

At Apoikismos:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

By the Cave:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

OOC: Remember to tell me if anythings wrong. I think the traps may be a bit overpowered, but Dekanos is just paranoid like that ;D. Also Akroma can you rename my settlement to Apoikismos, the (unnamed settlement) is driving me nuts. Also Nahkh, I'm not sure if I managed to send you my reply detailing my plan, or if I pushed a wrong button or something, so its outlined in this post  ;D
Quote from: Ampersand
Also, Xom finds people that chug unidentified fluids pleasing.
Quote from: Servant Corps
Ignorance of magic does not give scientists the power to resist fireballs.


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #84 on: August 09, 2008, 05:33:46 am »

The tribe

Crossing the mountains and then wandering threough the forest for a few weeks, they are approaching the Obsidian tower.


Celsius group

Celsius retreated back to the obsidian tower. If she wanted revenge on the biests in the lost city, she would need more men, so she patiently awaits the tribe.

The mind of Jikul Nevercold, the ice-age of the renegades

For many nights, ever since the renegades entered the radius of the eternal winter, Jikul had the same, reoocuring nightmare.

He and the renegades were in the mountains, fighting a swarm of small, dragonlike creatures.

The whole group bombarded the wyrms with everything they had, and it rained their torn up cadavers from the sky. All of his companions did splendid, shooting balls of all elements towards the sky, into the endless swarm of wyrms.

One of the wyrms got out of the group, and soared towards him. It didn't look very threathening, so Jikul simply threw a bolt of ice-magic towards it to freeze it.

The magic impacted on the wyrm, doing nothing.

Suprised, but not scared by this, he once again tried to freeze the wyrm, but his magic bounced off as if he threw a basketball at the creature.

Crashing into him, the wyrm started to tear away at his flesh, riping apart his skin, ripping out his guts. Jikul was near to death, as a fireball from one of the other mages blew the wyrm off, killing it.

Jikul's eyesight had faded, the wyrm ripped them out, but he heared the faint voices of his comrades, which sounded like they were standing over his destroyed body, and still like they were coming from far, far away.

"Haha, that's out Jikul. Always trying to bite off more than he can chew!"

"Yeah, right, he sure is a damn weakling. these wyrms are nothing more than lizards with wings, and he can#t even make them slow down midflight. Hahahahaha"

"Aww mean, he sure got beaten up. Can you heal him?"

"I guess..."

"What do you mean "Iguess" ?"

"Well...I could heal him you know. But I mean, should I? He is a weakling, and we will face much stronger things in the future. Let's just let him be and rot her, he will be nothing but a burden."

"Hmm...yeah, he sure is a weakling. Who else things we should let him die here?"

In unison, all of the renegades shouted "Yeah".


Kasshyks turn:

A group of 20 settlers is send south-west, to erect an outpost at the tower of the old lady.

A group of 5 scouts is send eastwards, to surround the mountains and find out what is north of it.

The scoutgroup on the eastern island travels further northwards
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 10:47:57 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #85 on: August 09, 2008, 10:44:16 am »

If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well

Turn 6: The Children of the Winter Demon
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« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 11:32:09 am by Poltifar »
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #86 on: August 10, 2008, 04:32:12 am »

This was a great day for the Empire. A large part of the population of Ehn'gha would split into five groups and leave for the surrounding ruins and begin massive reconstruction.
The Emperor looked at the throng of people on the plaza. He was, to say the least, rather nervous. Despite his attempt to clear whatever was clouding the minds of his people, there were still behavioural aberrations. He feared that the thought-numbing illness would resurface later. Something would have to be done.
At least some good news had reached him. The group sent south had found indications of ore and were beginning extraction. The first new pieces of metal in the Empire in thousands of years.

After an inspiring speech, the Emperor watched one hundred Irax leave the city, dividing into groups of five. Twenty would migrate to each of the ruins.
With some effort the ruins would turn into habitable cities in a few years.


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #87 on: August 10, 2008, 10:39:46 am »

Ehn'gha, embassy

The two mages, Khmer and one other, were sitting around the crude summoning circle the merchants had set up and frowning. This wouldnt do, not at all. It had managed to sustain the energy of summoning them from the desert to this place, but it could never sustain jafars plans that they were supposed to prepare and finally carry out.
The bigger summoning circle they would manage to draw, the better.

Supposedly they were in the city of some creatures that called themselves "Iraxi" and these creatures were said to resemble squids. They would need to insert parasite to someone soon to spy a little on this city...


There was a great deal of things happening these months in the capital of the sultanate, for a great deal had happened to affect the happenings.
There had been foreigners visiting the city which had aroused a lot of curiosity among the citys inhabitants. There had been some activity around the lodgins these creatures had taken after their visit to the tower, but to the disappointment of the entertaintment hungering citizens, nothing had happened to them and the frogmen had next morning continued north.

This had homever aroused some discussion among the magistrates about the safety of the planned mining city of Jyarez, whiches founders would probably be sent to the western mountains soon.
The decisions were homever set back because of more pressing matters of preparing the raising spell for the hydra the merchants had bought from the crocrolen.

The ship, shores of the swamps.

The crew had just landed onto the soil of what was known simply as southern swamps, and was known to be the homeland of peculiar creatures called crocrolen. They had been sent to this humid and wet place to fetch the body of one of its more legendary inhabitants. The hydra.
Supposedly some caravan had bought it from the crocrolen at great price.

They had homever seen somesort of activity near the shores and were going to visit the place for directions to the hydra parts and maybe guidance through the swamps. They would need to construct some wagons first homever...

Bahad, New lands

Bahad, drenched in seawater and his clothes stiff from salt, emerged from the sea. The scattered pieces of his small raft were floating on the shallow water of the rocky shore around him.

Pulling himself out of the water, Bahad took a look on the lands before him. It was rainforest before him. Cursing under his breath for the curse of the rainforests, Bahad tried to see if there was anything salvageable in the remains of the raft, but to his dismay, all the supplies had toppled off into the sea. Even his stone axe.
Luckily he still had his old steel shamshir that had been tightly tucked under his belt during the voyage over the strait.

As he walked deeper into the shore he could already hear the screeching of birds and the moaning of apes from the rainforest, and could spot some threatening looking clouds rolling over from the west.

So this is north...


-The ship arrives to Crocrolen swamps and searches contact, after which crew members will build several wagons to carry the hydra pieces across the swamps.
-A settler group leaves to western mountains to create a mining colony.
nothing else map affecting happens this turn

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« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 12:28:29 pm by Nhiphanter »


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #88 on: August 10, 2008, 02:00:48 pm »


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« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 10:52:15 am by Heph »
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #89 on: August 10, 2008, 02:54:01 pm »

Code: [Select]
              |Turn   -- --  -  |
              |        \ /   |  |
              |         v    -  |


Code: [Select]
 /\   aaaa
.,|.,.o==oH,.,..,..,,++++++ The four make their way back to Kavla Niti.

All except for the driver watched the sun rise. "1426 gold, it turns out to be." "We'll need to pick up some swords and maybe a gun or two too, you think they got a good smithy's open by now?" "Yeah, It's gunna get a bit nippy too, let's get some better coats first." "And food that won't be damaged by the cold." "Yeah that too!" "So, you think 1600 gold would cover all that?" "Probably..."

0 A while later... 0

Code: [Select]
    0 a-a
++++====== The Bank... the 4 returning were quite surprised to see the town in good shape, a network of roads and infrastructure present!

"1600 even." "Sixteen -hundred-?" "Yeah, 1600."

The teller looked through his papers, looked through them again, then hesitated for a moment.

"One moment please..."

The teller vanished behind a moment...

He told Kafar, "Problem, the group Ziken wishes to withdraw 1600 gold and erm, well... you loaned out a lot of it it looks like, there's not 1600 in the vault for them." Kafar replied, "They WHAT? I... hold on..." She left the back room and went to the vault. Only she and the trusted vault keeper knew the proper sequence to open the lock. Upon opening the door slightly, she looked around, "There's over 5000 in here total..." She shut it, and returned, replying to the teller, "It doesn't matter who's account the loans came out of, just give them their 1600." "Wouldn't that be, well, not their 1600, ma'am?" Kafar looked directly at the teller, "That doesn't matter anymore, it's a change of plans, we're consolidating the debts. Tell the rest of the staff too." "Alright then, as you wish."

It took a while to load, but the large sum of gold was transferred to the wagon. The smithy's was open and well stocked. There was a barracks underway, but it wasn't done. Luckily, that meant the smith wasn't all that busy with it, and the 4 didn't have to wait long for their weapons. It took a few days, but the end result was four shortswords, two muskets and associated equipment, and no adornments. They paid the smith in excess, which the smith seemed very happy about indeed! Surprisingly happy, actually.

On the way out of town, they noticed a sign stuck in front of a small shop... the owner had defaulted on her loan, and now the shop was property of the bank.

"Eh I don't recall forclosures happening all that much..." "It happens though." "Let's go up to the mine first, then revisit our rat friends on the way back." "Yeah we'll have more time to practice with these things too, they won't be worth much if we don't know how to use them!" "Let's go, you checked the barrel right? Last thing we need is water getting in the powder if it rains you know!" "I checked it twice already!"

Everything as it should be for them, the four set out.


Vinn was just getting done making a late dinner, "How was it?" Kafar replied, "Errh, someone took out a fortune today and I had to consolidate everything." "I told you, loaning out of people's accounts is a bad idea!" "I just wish people could leave the damn gold in the vault!" "Kafar, it's not like people are going to trade with I-O-U cards!" Kafar sighed, "I-O-U cards..."

She paced for a moment, then sat. After a brief period of silence, something seemed to occur to her. Her frustrated expression became a wide smile. She immediately walked over to Vinn, grinned, and kissed him, "You're a genious!" "Well that's news to me!" She chuckled, "This isn't a problem Vinn, It's an opportunity... Gold, silver, copper, they're all heavy and inconvenient for carrying around and all that, dont'cha think?" "What are you getting at?" "We've got plenty of funds, we can pay someone to set up a press and make notes exchangable for gold." "I don't know if that'll help anything or not." "I dunno either, but it's worth a shot, if it catches on people will trade with the notes and leave the gold with us, heck, we can print more notes than we have gold for and nobody'll be the wiser!"


"Yes, my love?"

"I don't think this is right!"

"Why not? We're not stealing from anyone here. We're just making trade a little more convenient, that's all!"

"Making money out of nothing, Kafar? Remember what I said about the 25 gold rice grain? In the time it takes to mint 25 gold, one could print 25,000 notes..." "The townsfolk will generate more wealth and expand. An easily expanded source of currency would actually help them grow!" "I suppose, but still, this feels wrong." "Don't worry Vinn! I'll just experiment with it, and see how well it works. It'll be a boon for us all, I promise!"

Vinn thought about it... more money, convenient to use, WOULD cause business and trade to blossom, but printing more notes than you have gold to back, making money out of nothing... it seemed that sooner or later it would cause serious problems. He vaguely remembered, wasn't there some old text that cited words from Rolitokovo himself that warned against printed "currency"?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 04:53:53 pm by AlanL »
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