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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods III+  (Read 62714 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #45 on: August 04, 2008, 05:42:55 pm »

Turn 4

Late Summer, year 1.

The cold northern winds turn into a calmer, western wind. On the northern continent crops are ripening, and are soon ready for harvest, while the south suffers from drought. Storms near the Ipetian settlements grow worse, breaking trees and driving the wildlife into hiding. As the summer is fading the sharp morning air is a reminder of the approaching autumn. Take heart, settlers, and prepare for the coming winter.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #46 on: August 04, 2008, 05:45:10 pm »

LocationNamePopulationPop CapModifierRaceNext Turn
35,20Astmeban 45230Daroth52
42,27Great Glade591110Ent Impling80
42,27Great Glade021Ent Lord0
42,27Great Glade10375Ent Material12
42,27Great Glade0168Ent Protector0
16,39Tribe71300Nacka Rachti76
20,60Seristis tower15100Mage15
19,70Ehn’gha / Odua140810-405(Drought)Iraxi161
15,84Vol Sundar672800(Food stores 2 turns)Crocrolen87
29,85Vol Tikal87340-170(Drought)Crocrolen106
24,87Vol Sarangis90630-315(Drought)Crocrolen117
24,90Vol Sirtis65540-270(Drought)Crocrolen84
23,83Vol Kendar65385-192(Drought)Crocrolen84
13,44Huis Hoop 117465-90(Storms)Ipetian146
18,46Zuiden Kust20740Ipetian25
34,78Ac Acasid0440-220(Drought)Akkadian0
59,23Kavla Niti 154765Anqip193
46,38(new settlement)69620Hrun79
46,38Halas6310Hrun Wolf Mount8
40,116(unnamed base)38530-265(Drought)Silent Ones44
42,7(new settlement)70545Covad81

LocationLeader NamePopulationRace
36,23(prisoner)1Ent Impling
21,64Qirosh/Zira – prisoners2Iraxi
43,19(scouts)1Ent Impling
34,25(scouts)1Ent Impling
48,31(scouts)1Ent Impling
42,37(scouts)1Ent Impling
42,30Ka-ram6Ents (1,0,4,1)
40,117Doulos5Silent Ones
40,115(scouts)5Silent Ones
40,114(scouts)5Silent Ones
40,113(scouts)5Silent Ones
40,112(scouts)5Silent Ones

27,32Mari NarenaSeyec
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 07:10:54 pm by coelocanth »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #47 on: August 05, 2008, 01:06:03 am »

The game.
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The first week.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Three weeks after the camps setup.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
One week later.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Final week of the season.
At Anmod.
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« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 03:48:10 am by Emperor_Jonathan »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #48 on: August 05, 2008, 03:01:47 am »

Week 1
Celsius group continues towards their destination

Week 2
"Look! Gravemounds."
One of the younger hunters ran towards a group of mounds  that he spotted on a glade. Immediatly, he felt a violent pull on his collar, sending him tumbling to the ground. Celsius had stopped him.
"Fool. If they are cursed and your feet rot off we will let you out in the wilderness to die, you hear me? We are not scavengers. We have a target, and we will keep our eyes on that."

Only a few hundred meters in front of them, a great deal of ruins dominated the forest. The trees had long reclaimed what was theirs, but black rubble and the remains of walls made of obsidian were near everywhere. A stone road, now nothing but a trail of black mess led towards the center of the ruined city. The great tower, easily 200 meters high throned at the edge of a lake, it's pitch black profile like a thorn in the harmony of this place.
The closer the hunters got to the tower, the more intact the remaining buildings were, some looking completely untouched. The reason for their preservance was an unnatural cold that was radiating from the tower, coating the black stone of the walls with a fine layer of white frost. Eternaly guarding the entrance of the tower stood a statue, dressed in shiny platemail, and equiped with a sword of steel.
"Let's send one of the Kharmanathi up there first. if there are any traps, he will show us."
Luckily enough, the stairs were untrapped. Above the portal of massive iron stood the words:

"Let those who seek the Lord on High speak the words of truth."

The hunters tried to open it, but it wouldn#t buldge even a centimeter.

"Celsius, it's hopeless! Do you see that writing above the door? Surely it is hold shut by some sort of magic trickery."
Violently, Celsius grabbed the hunters back of the head and pushed his face against the ancient hinges.
"Do you see that? There is no  magic going on here. These doors are old, rusty, and more importantly, frozen shut. Stop whining about magic and put some force into it."

After a few minutes the 4 hunters finaly managed to force the door open. A cold, biting wind blew threw their hair, suprisingly enough, considering it came from inside the tower, but it mattered not. Taking the sword from the statue, celsius blocked the door, keeping it from falling shut again.
Inside, there was only little light, only whatever daring ray of sunshine was courageous enough to enter through the tiny windows of this pitch black tower. A red carpet, half rotten already floored the room, and big lumbs of ice were lying on the ground. Upon closer inspection, all of them contained a human, their faces full of terror and pain.

"There are two stairways. You three will go down, I and you over there will go up."

3 of the hunters made their way down a small flight of stairs. they were slippery, and it was particularly dark down there, so it took a great deal of concentration not to fall. The basement contained nothing but a small kitchen, something that might have been a room for storage, or a sevrants quarter (the furniture has long rotten away, so there was no way to tell), and something akin of a detention cell. At a rusty hook on the wall was a heavy keychain, which the hunters took with them. There was only one cell, but many keys, so they probably would have use further upstairs.

Meanwhile, higher on the stairs Celsius was trying to break open the desks in a room above. 2 of them were easily opened, bearing some scrools, which the Thalon accompanying them identified as magic spells, which none of the people around understood. Nevertheless,  Celsius pocketed them, one never knows when such a scrool might be useful.
However the last one of the desks was particularly resistant. No matter how much forced used, it would not bulge. The lock was engraved with complicated symbols, probably a spell. Finaly giving up on breaking it with force, the group was rejoined by the ones that checked out the basement, and they climbed further upwards the stairs of the dark tower. Most rooms they found were unspectacular, rooms for servants, dining rooms, the door to a wide balcony, a library full of books of no particular interest. Only one door took the groups interest. A large steel door, lavishly decorated, engraved with words that the Thalon translated to: "What lies herein belongs only to the Highest of the High. He who takes from herein will be cursed with the wrath of heavens, and so shall his sons be cursed, and their sons to the thousandth generation. Let all who would steal from HIM know that his wrath is Mighty, and Righteous."

"Hey, graverobber. Here comes your time. You want to loot something? open that door for me, will you?"
Celsius handed the young hunter the keychain,a nd after a few minutes, a key was found that suprisngly enough, fitted. The young hunter had a hard time actually fiddling the key into the hole, one one side a curse by something that was probably ancient and evil, on the other side Celsius, who was not that ancient, but deffinetly easy as well. Oh cruel fate, you are the most evil of them all....

Nudging the door open, the hunter immediatly ducked away, awaiting to be smitten by fireballs, but nothing. Instead, a great mound of gold, silver, gem encrusted weaponry and armor and all the things that make the heart of the greedy skip a beat.
Celsius snatched the keychain from the hunter, removed the key to the treasury and locked the room again. It's contents were worthless, at least right now. For now, they key shall remain with her.

Further and further they made it upwards the tower, untill they reached a door to the top. Behind it, a great throne room, open to all four sides, leaving a marvelous view of the surroundings. The throne room was circular. In it's middle, a human figure, raising one hand into the sky, the other hand holding a piece of parchament. Around him, armored guards, frozen completely still. On the very back of the room, a lavishly decorated throne, and the also completely frozen figure of a king.

Inspecting the figure in the middle, Celsius took the parcghament from his hand, as well as a small silverkey hanging from his neck.

"Frozen by magic presumably... I can't tell if they are still alive or not."
Celsius drew a knife from her boots and stabbed it into the figure in the middle. No blood. No reaction. Probably dead.
However, those who know celsius know one thing: She is not a risk-taker.

With a few forcefull kicks, she broke of the hands of the armored guards. If they should spring back to live, then at least not in a condition that could take her off-gouard.

Finaly, she approached the crowned figure on the throne. He had a long beard, much to big and voluminous for his thin body, and his his hands was a scepter of the purest of silver. Embeded in it was a big, light blue gem, that constantly radiated a faint blue light. As her hand reached for it, suddenly the king's eyes sprung open.
Immeditaly she jumped back and readied her spear.

 "Who comes before the king of kings? Who dears to threaten the Highest One?"

The Half-frozen mummy attempted to rie out of his throne, but was seemingly unable to. It didn#t matter if he was a frozen corpse that suddenly sprung back to live after a few thousand years. There was no way in hell Celsius would feel intimidated by such a figure.

"Highest one? Then let my inform you that you are about to be de-throned by the deepest one."
She send down her spear in a wide arc, attempting to bash his skull right in with the flat side of the tip. The Ice king, considering his condition, was more agile than one would assume. Quickly he rose his arm with the scepter, and a blue flash of light deflected the attack.
The steel of the spear was vibrating violently, and Celsius shoulder was almost dislodged.

"INSOLENT DOG. Do you not know to whom you speak?"

"Dogs you say?"

Untill now they were only waiting for a chance, but upon a small gesture of her hand, 3 Kharmanathi started to bite and tear away at his frozen flesh. Not letting a second pass, Celsius feign a stab at his lower body, and immediatly rose up up to stab right into his hearth before he could even react. But the king, despite having his hearth stabbed, seemed to be miracously alive. With a few swings of his scepter, he send the Kharmanathi fly, shattering their bodies like glass.

"What an interesting tool you have there, old geezer"
Violently she brought her spear down unto his arm, attempting to break it, but again her spear was deflected by a blue flash. her arm was seriously hurting now, but she forced herself to endure it.

"The fools may not speak to their betters, dog." voiced the king and speaks ancient words of command.
The guards, previously froen, sprng back to live. Only to be taken out by the 4 other hunters, who were observing Celsius fight with great entertainment.

Celius took a new battle stance, holding her spear high above her head. Her right hand hold it at the bottom, the shaft resting on her left forearm. With a speed and force that the king could not match, she began a series os stabs on his head, eventually piercing his neck completely.

The king speaks with difficulty: "I AM IMMORTAL! I...cannot...die..."

"We will see to it that you will, old man"

With a violent yank, Celsius tore his head right of his shoulders. The kings head landed a few meters back from her. No words were leaving his mouth, but his lips were gesturing panickaly.
Celsius took the scepter from his cold claws, and went forward to pick up his head as well. Without a word, she went to the window that had the best viw of the lake, threw his head a little into the air and smashed him away with the scepter like a baseball.
With a  violent blue flash, his head was torn apart.

The other frozen corpses were thrown out in a similar fashion.

On the way back down, the party checked out the magicaly closed desk, now having the key for it. Inside, they found the diary of someone, probably of the person who was now swimming at the bottom of the lake.

"I am writing this in elvish for fear of being spyed upon. I'm certain the servants are reading my papers when I'm away. I just know it."

"That man is getting crazier than ever. He is obsessed with the winter and cold. He insists that he doesn't feel a bit cold up there even during winter. I swear I can see him shaking underneath those clothes. I've seen some of his poems. Creepy stuff."

 "Impossible! He is demanding to be turned into an ice-man. Insanity! As if I could do such a thing. I had to agree though. Gods, howam I going to get out of this one."

"He is pressing on me more and more. Not a day goes by without him asking how am I progressing. Oh gods in the heavens. I'll have to do something or I'll be executed, I know it.

"I think I found something. It should fool him, enough at least for me to make an escape. I just hope there are no side effects."

 "Tonight I will act. Once I release the spell, he'll be fused with ice. I hope he won't know the difference until I'm long gone."

Celsius group is camping at the obsidian tower. They send out a thalon to inform the tribe of their findings, asking them to come here. This would be the perfect place to erect an unsanctuary, introducing the cult of Nagarach to this new world, strengthening his icy grip around the universe...


The Thalon arrives. the Nacka-Rachti are preparing for departure, stocking up on supplies and discussing travel-routes.


((The glacier continues to grow, and the storm around the artifact picks up in strength and size. The Storm now reaches  over the Ipetian settlement))

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« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 03:13:26 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BotG3: The Renegades: Turn 4: To the Ruins again
« Reply #49 on: August 05, 2008, 04:44:22 am »

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today

Turn 4: To the Ruins again
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Turn 4: The Village of the Retarded Worshippers of a Giant Turtle Seamonster (yes, long name :P)
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« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 10:41:51 am by Poltifar »
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #50 on: August 05, 2008, 08:32:01 am »

Could someone take my civ for a bit? I am going away and wont have access to a computer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #51 on: August 05, 2008, 08:44:01 am »

That's a shame.

Well, depending on how long you will be gone, I could take over, but only for some basic actions.

I will make your scouts return to your city, and should your settlements approach the population limit, I will make your guys open some new settlements, so you will have a nice big complex of towns when you come back.

If you want to, you can PM me a list of coordinates for places where you want me to build a town for you.

As for the Entling hostage you took, we will just assume that he is somewhere in a detention cell

Also: How long will you be gone ?

and: seeing how you are still here for maybe a day or so, will you still be able to finish turn 4, or should I do that for you ?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 08:53:01 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #52 on: August 05, 2008, 10:45:18 am »

Two snowflakes falling through the black, circling each other. One the flakes suddenly darts towards the other one and destroys it in a bright blue flash. The remaining snowflake grows in size. A landscape seen from high above. A great mountain range dominates the view with a bustling settlement in a high mountain pass. A ruined city on the ocean floor. Black shapes swim between the rocks, watching.

Seristis Tower - Dining Hall
Summer - Eighth Week
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Seristis Tower - Outside
Summer - Tenth Week
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Seristis Tower - Psychomancy Lab
Summer - Last Week
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

  ⌂♠♠≈   ≈≈≈≈≈≈
   ♠≈     ≈≈≈≈
« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 11:14:02 am by Istrian »


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #53 on: August 05, 2008, 12:21:35 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kell, son of Hent
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ton, son of Kent
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sall, daughter of Keat
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kell, returning to Astmeban
Ton, returns to Astmeban.
Sall, Arrives on Aneqiup island she starts to explore
Astmeban, Process's impling.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

total: 5
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
total: 5
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Civ map:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
God Map:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

@ Akroma: that would be very kind of you. I will be back on the 22nd July so in 2 years game time... Wow. I would just like you to explore the Anequip island, move people to the sweet spot next to the $. And enter peaceful negotation with anyone you meet. ie: don't give them a reason to destroy me B-p
« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 12:38:06 pm by Kashyyk »


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #54 on: August 05, 2008, 01:27:40 pm »

The Emperor looked at the foreigners thoughtfully. The merchants had brought all kinds of exotic goods. Carpets, spices, jewelry, assorted magical trinkets, weapons and armor. The last articles he thought would be a necessary purchase. The Empire was sorely lacking in metal at the moment, and the weaponry would be needed to protect themselves should any other, less friendly foreign powers surface. The armor wasn't made for Irax, but they could be melted down. The metal was of superior quality.
In return, minor, mostly decorative artifacts were brought out to trade. At some point the purpose of the large structure at Odua came up in the negotiations and the foreigners seemed quite interested in seeing the ancient texts. The Emperor offered to give copies of a number of scrolls and books to the desert people, and they readily accepted.
They enquired about setting up permanent caravan routes and the possibility of an embassy set up in Ehn'gha. Emperor Gizash gave it some thought. These people didn't seem to be very aggressive. Even if they had duplicity in mind, there was no reason why trade couldn't continue. The embassy would have to be carefully watched, though. There was something about the foreigners apart from their strange form that nagged at the back of his head, but couldn't quite place the source. In the end he consented to improving the route between the desert and the Empire, as well as assigning a building in the capital city to be the new embassy.
At the very least they could learn something from these dwellers in the desert.


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #55 on: August 05, 2008, 05:31:02 pm »

Preemptive strike time! ((Enough of waiting!))

The hunters had been there since noon, watching the creature infront of them for about an hour since they first saw it. It was fiddling around with something on the ground, and seemed alone.

"What will we do?" said Olon, a male of about 4.6 meters in height. He was armed with an axe and was hiding in a bush as best he could, whispering in a barely heard voice.

"Hmmm,perhaps one of you should try to talk with it?" replied Julith, a female of about 4.8 meters tall. She was also armed, this time with a 6 meter long spear, the thick fur of one of the wolf mounts swaying slightly with the breeze. She was a niece to Erak, and was most capable of looking after herself and the 2 men she accompanied in hunting. Her thoughts turned back to when they were leaving the camp...

3 hours ago:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Two hours after departure:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

What happened to the scout:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Back at Halas:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

At the new settlement:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

((New encampment is now called Stukodia and I have captured the southern Impling scout, and are about to attempt to talk to him the next turn.))
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 01:53:52 am by Zako »


  • Bay Watcher
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Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #57 on: August 06, 2008, 12:29:44 pm »

The portcity of Ac Acasid, several weeks after founding

Jafar surveyed the site of the rising city from his carpet from the sky.
There already was a small temple to sem'seddin built, 3 wooden piers as a temporary dock for the fishing boats, the first wing of the merchants guild at the future docks and some small yellow brick buildings as housing.

There was also the tower. It was halfway through to be finished. It looked quite fancy with its skeleton of upper levels, the walls unbuilded and the wooden framework only just done.
Once the tower would be done, he could continue his research on his book... which by now required more elaborate researchings.

There had also been a message of something big bought by the caravans from some rather barbaric civilization of semi-humanoid species, and he had been assigned to build a ship in order to transport this thing back to Akkad.

He couldnt but wonder what it was that was so important. Anyhow, he had assigned all the workforce into the task. The ship would be finished in several weeks.

*The view suddenly pulls farther away until it spans the whole desert, and fades*

Akkad, tower depths

Sechmed turned away from the mirror in his own personal quarters.
That scheming bastard of a grand vizier was planning to overthrow the sultan, and apparently was thinking this would give him the ultimate power in the sultanate.
It would be soon necessary to establish themselves as a visible power in the sultanate and make it clear. That should ensure that no further usurpers would be seeking the control.

It was a shame they would have to kill Jafar sooner or later. He was the greatest single mage he had seen in Akkad since their own time, and such talent was always a terrible thing to waste.
Nevertheless, as such he might be a threat to the stability of the sultanate.

Ehn'gha, Akkadian embassy

Yusuf stood at the top of the steps of the pyramid, in front of the doorway to the building at the top. It truly was a grand place for an embassy.
He could see the whole city from here, and this was one of the smaller of these stepped pyramids that had these houses built on top of them.
Inside the house was a hatch to the pyramid proper.

They had also gotten orders and instructions from capital.
They were already setting up a summoning circle down there, intending to summon two of the mages into the embassy, for they had requested a stealthy passage inside.

A tradepost was setup near the foot of the pyramid, and the remaining merchants, 8 of them, were just preparing to leave the city with some artefacts and books. Those books would worth more than their weight in gold back in Akkad, and overall the trade here had been incredibly profitable to the merchants.
The weaponry and armour had sold themselves well, and Yusuf wasnt sure if that was a good thing, with that in mind, he had set the gargoyles around the pyramid into relentless vigil, and already the stone things looked like they had always been there and those statues belonged to the structure.
No matter their eyes seemed to follow you and they were strangely free of the moss and vines that seemed to grow everywhere.


Bahad, beginnings part 2

The campfire flickered in the wet of the rain. It seemed to always rain in here.
He could hear the sea to the north, and the constant buzzing and whirring all around him in the rainforest.

He had traveled through the rainforest for weeks now, only to be stopped by the sea. The star loomed to the north, over the sea.
He was weary from the travel, and only the comforting thought of the promised power to make his revenge had given him strength to push on through the thick rainforest, fending off predatory animals left and right, trusting to his lifelong experience with the shamshir.

He had seen many things along his travels, ruins of some ancient civilazitions, strange places with the feeling of power strong around them, he had taken a peek on a city deep within the jungle, its strange residents going about their business.
Yet he hadnt stopped to investigate or marvel on these, for his quest pressed him onwards. He would have to make a raft.

Taking a look on the crude stone axe he had been making by the campfire he stood up and eyed some of the trees. Guess these will have to do.


summary: Bahad begins building of a raft.
Ac Acasid grows and begins to build a ship
Merchants from north and south begin to come back. From both caravans two merchants stay at tradeposts/embassy.

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« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 09:55:57 am by Nhiphanter »


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #58 on: August 06, 2008, 01:27:27 pm »

It was a few nights after Bahad started to build his raft. The night was unusualy cold, and he was turning around on his crude makeshift restingplace, again, with a visitor in his dreams.

He found himself once again in the white desert, but he was completely alone.
The voice of his son was flying through the air, but never from a definite direction.

"Father, beware. Beware, father...the is too big. The waves....will be your doom."

"Then what should I do my son ? Please, tell me, what should I do ?"

To his feet, the snow began to form. Thin lines, as if drawn into the sand by an invisible hand began to stretch like a spiderweb.

They began to form a map:

│≈≈♠♠≈   ≈ç└┐
│   ♠└┐♠♠
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 03:04:25 pm by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods III+
« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2008, 01:32:54 pm »

The world below, Tel Tikal

Gremic brushed himself off and hopped over to where the magic carpet had fallen in the mud.
{so fast, but so hard to control...}
The glassworks was turning out plenty of kitchenware and trinkets to trade with the other settlements, with the best quality glass being reserved for Gremic to make more telescopes.

A batch of weapons, one of the magic carpets, and some of the trade goods were sent upriver as tribute to Korkel Selan.

The world below, Tel Sarangis

The herbs applied by the shamen to the corpse of The Terror of Tel Sarangis had slowed the corruption process somewhat, but every evening there was more evidence of it being nibbled at by wildlife.
Part of the hide had already been tanned before the messenger from Tel Tikal had arrived, it was kept in storage in case the merchants asked about it.
Inkala was happy that her apprentices had mastered the silent speech ((telepathy)) and the basics of herbalism.  They would need a lot more training though before they were ready to serve a Tel of their own.

The world below, Vol Kendar

The granite cliff around the waterfall was hard to work, but the steps carved half way up the rock face would make it easier to reach the malachite exposed by water erosion at the top once they were completed.

Korkel and others had explored into the surrounding hills, but could not find a way through the snow covered peaks to the west. More interesting was the river heading into the desert to the northeast

The world below, Vol Sirtis

The island was everything that had been promised, and the vol established itself quickly, building a range of huts and defenses. The natural harbour on the east side looked like a good place to receive the ships of the landbound. Plans were made for building a pier and a lighthouse, in case they encountered any shipbuilders in this world.

The world below, Vol Sundar

The scout was still sick, and they had no shaman to heal her. The only herb anyone knew the use of were the poisonous mushrooms they had found in the forest, which made a good blowgun toxin. At least the vol was doing well for itself and there were enough animals to hunt in the forest for now.

┌─────────God View──────────────────┬─────────Civ View──────────────────┬─────────No Special Places─────────┐
72      0        1        2        72      0        1        2        72      0        1        2       
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