Doulos twisted and turned, he was having the same dream he had been having for weeks, it was not so much a dream, it was more like an assortment of memories and images. He would see flashes of battles, with unidentified creatures screeching, roaring and shrieking in an indescribable cacophony of sound. Although he knew not what the creatures were, where they were fighting or even WHEN they were fighting, he could recollect every battle. In every scene he was there, weaving among the enemy, causing havoc with his swords, and his Blades behind him, killing all he left behind. The scenes would come faster and faster, eventually just forming a torrent of images of death and despair. Doulos needed know Diviner to tell him what the images meant, he knew war was coming. He had been training himself in the way of the ancients, from what few tomes he could find. Most was myth and superstition, but there were a few gems of knowledge he had found. The most relevant one to him, was 'genetic memory'. Ancients had the power of impressing memories, knowledge, even entire lives into their bodies, so that their descendants would have the knowledge imprinted in them from birth. The memories could be set so that they were only released when a certain condition was met, although it took a skilled ancient to do this. Doulos could only hope his dreams were merely partially triggered impressed images, and not something more sinister.
Doulos had decided to train himelf in the ways of the ancients as much as possible, and that included learning magic. His skills were not battle oriented however, he had started training too late to have any hope of that. He focused on researching the magics of the ancients, and the magics of this new world, so that his battle mages could truly be effective. He had learnt enough to be able to detect magic from a distance, and what he found astounded him. The world was FULL of it. It oozed from every tree, every river, every rock. If only they could find a way to harness all this energy! But even the simplest control eluded them. Their attempts to further control the energies of the lightning enchanted hammer had failed. Doulos had gone so far as to ask the mage with the enchanted to gloves to re-shape the hammer, but had been bluntly told it wouldn't work. They needed more artifacts to study, and with that in mind, Doulos had created his elite corps. He had tested the aptitudes of all his warriors, and given them the weapons suited to their skills. He now had nine soldiers equipped with two long swords from the enchanted gloves (Doulos had two swords as well), five warriors with longbows and steel arrows, and five mages, each of which had a battlestaff of iron and gold. They had all been training the last one and a half months, and it had paid off. They were more skilled than any of the other warriors, and much better equipped, all having steel armor. Doulos was condident they had much more chance against whatever this world could throw at them now. The wall had finally been finished as well, growing into its full height, and then being fused together just as the mages had predicted. Guard towers were being built now, with iron frames, to make sure they were as sturdy as possible. Refugees were arriving by the dozen, and farming and hunting were going well. The village was all but running itself. With this in mind, Doulos and his men were preparing to go find more artifacts, leaving the ones thay had found at the village for more research. They would travel east first, to an area Doulos had divined had a higher than normal concentration of magic.
Mael had been right about the area she had seen. Although she had merely said 'it just looked nicer' on closer inspection it turned out the place was stuffed to the brim with magic. Some refugees had arrived, all magicians, and had told Agethor "Most of the magic here, we can't use, we don't know why. But the magic in this place is plentiful, and close to the surface. It will make a handy reserve if ever we are attacked". That had settled things, Mael said, they were staying here. The warriors had been hunting, while the mages searched for the edible fruits and special herb that had been so plentiful in Apoikismos. The only memorable event was the naming of their settlement, Mael had been giving the privilege, and had named it Mouseion. The building of village defenses had been put off for now, they had too few people to build a wall or traps like the ones in Apoikismos, and the mages seemed to trust in the power of the areas innate defenses.
OOC: Tell me if Doulos 'divining' is overpowered, I'm just doing it to save me a bit of trouble. Also the wall is finally finished, and on examination of Nahkh's definitions, I realised all of my mages are battlemages, except for Doulos. Things continue on as normal in both villages, and Doulos goes on
another adventuring expedition, this time with a bunch of well trained, well equipped soldiers.
Apoikismos Map:
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Mouseion Map:
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