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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods III+  (Read 62702 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Battle of the Gods III+
« on: July 31, 2008, 12:02:50 pm »

Welcome to Battle of the Gods III!
The official successor of Battle of the Gods II, and hopefully will turn into just as griping a tale.

If you want to join, please start by writing a description of your race in the OOC tread

Relevant links are:
OOC for BotG3:
BotG I:

We are ALWAYS in the need of more players, and space is plenty, please join!

Oh, and everyone involved in the game or wanting to join are very welcome to the IRC chanel to discus it. (go to then type in '/join #BotG dwarf' , or just click this: irc:// )

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Game masters:
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There have been problems understanding the map, so here is a short explanation on how to work out the coordinates:
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« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 04:27:08 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gentleman adventurer
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2008, 12:03:48 pm »

Regarding turn length and cutoff time;
Turns last for three full days (previously two), and the turn ends (and begins) at 21:00 GMT. This is for practical reasons, as I prefer to be the one do declare a turn change and I live in GMT +2. I'm sure you can figure I why.
If it looks like you aren't going to make it in time, reserve a post for yourself with your movement info. Just a few lines will do. You can flesh out the post with better time afterwards.
I feel that two rules are necessary for this:
If you do not make a post before the next turn is announced, your turn is forfeit. It is assumed that your civ will continue doing what it was doing, such as finishing construction, your units will move towards their destinations (if they have such). The specifics will be dictated by GMs.
If you post a placeholder, you must fill it out during the next turn. Failing to do so will cause the turn to be forfeit. After that no editing. Doing so will be considered cheating and will be punished. By dragons.
The only way to circumvent these rules is by making an agreement BEFOREHAND with a GM.

Further GM rulings, in no particular order:
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A glossary of magic:
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And regarding magic in general, there are some rules of thumb:
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Army movement and supply:
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As this game becomes more battle-oriented, it's becoming a bit difficult for me to keep track of everyone's shenanigans. For this reason, I would request that whenever you make a bigger military action you notify me by PM. Bare-bones is enough. Thank you.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 10:34:11 am by nahkh »
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you will look sweet upon the seat
of a bicycle built for two.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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The Map
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2008, 12:06:33 pm »

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« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 07:56:50 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Current game statistics (reflects the latest status of the game)
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2008, 12:12:32 pm »

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Population Cap & Growth for each race
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Movement Table
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List of Players/Civilisations
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« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 01:28:23 pm by coelocanth »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2008, 12:15:34 pm »

beginning of spring
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Turn 1 stats
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2008, 12:16:41 pm »

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« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 01:18:23 pm by coelocanth »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2008, 12:17:04 pm »

And so it came, that the gods sat down for yet another game. For fame ? Out of boredom ? Little did they know...

From the depths of hell, so deep that neigher light, nor even the warmth coming from the eternal fires of the everburning furnaces of torture, a single entity once again, creeped into the light of the multiverse. Cocytus this place was called, the ever frozen hearth of hell, and Nagarach was it's lord. For the last 3000 millenia, his icy shadow was cast across the land, grasping it with his long, skeletonfingers, in a steely grip that no land ever escaped from. Thousands of planets, and even more souls were permanently trapped, tranformed into his servants. He had taken on the battle of battles. The battle against all creation. The amound of sous is limited, and ever has been, and this is, why one day, creation would surely perish. His time, once again, grew near.

The heavens... will tremble...


With a sound like a whip ripping through flesh, the portal closed behind the last survivors of the Nacka-Rachti. They were hunt into extinction, and fleeing from the old world took the last of them. Their cruel master demanded the live of 300 of them, in exchange for a safe harbour. And now, only 65 of them remained, in this unknown, hostile world. But their will to fight on, shall never be broken...

Curious looks were going through the eyes of the tribe. They were stranded in a forest, thick with ground vegetation, trees whichs leaves had an unknown shape. Birds were singing songs never heard before, and it hurt their ears. It had rained lately, and through the everlasting chill of the frozen skull, the woods were slowly overgrown with a white veil of frost. Withing that mass of confused eyes, it was only one who did not hesitate.
Celsius was kneeling next to a thorny bush, inspecting droppings on the ground. Suddenly she, raised her voice.

"Herbivores, about 120-150 kilogramms, probably wandering the forest in groups. They were here only 3 hours ago."

She pointed her finger at the elders, without even looking at them.

"You will summon a swarm of the crystaldragonflies. Scout the complete terrain for a month or so, then let them return and start manufacturing a map."

Now she pointed her fingers at a group of civilians, again, not even turning the head in their general direction.

"You will check out what is left of our belongings. Replace everything we have lost. And you..."
Now she was pointing at the hunters.
"follow me"

With that, she swung her bow over her shoulder, spear into her hand, and speed of into the forest, before the others could even react.

"Okay then, we don't want to lose any time, right ?" The leader of the elders stepped forward, broke some ice from a frozen puddle, and placed it infront of him. With a small stone knife, he scratched a 7 pointed star into the ground, around the shard of ice, and without hesitation, like it was nothing, cut open his finger, letting small drops of blood rain unto the ice. Chanting words that were neither elven nor human tounge, nor any tounge spoken in any world of creation, in front of his eyes the ice began to form, like on does form clay. Slowly, the features became sharper, clearer. Legs, addorned with the tiniest of hooks broke out of the frozen mass, wings thiner than a hair, and yet filled with a fine pattern shaped by tiny veins. A dragonfly, beautiful, and yet a mockery of creation. A mere corruption of the original. When close to you, it could never hide it's hideousness from your eyes. The eyes, these fishernet marbles, now an empty ball of glass. How it could see, a mystery. But it could see, I tell you. You could feel it looking at you, it stares through you, like looking through empty air and you can feel it. And the mouths, adorned with tiny, hairy, feelers, that would not hold still for the blink of an eye. Between them, jaw completely unlike the original. The jaws of a human, shrunken to a tiny crystal denture, jammed into a gapping hole of it's skull.
Opening these cruel jaws, the abomination rose it's voice, sounding as human as any, speaking in clear, dialect free elven.

"What is my task, my master ?"

The Settlement consists of a loose group of big Hemispherical tents made of leather, wood and bone. The Nacka-Rachti just place them as they please, so there is no deeper order in it, however the biggest tents, the tent of the elders, is usually in the middle, containing the artifact. Amongst the tents you will find quite a number of wooden wagons, which double as store-room, and sometimes as a workshop. They are designed in a fashion that they can be pulled by Kharmanathi.
They spent the 6 weeks reconstructing what was left on the other side and restocking on many basic supplies.
They also store lots of meat in frozen blocks, for times when they have to travel through terrain without much wildlife.

((the tribe arrives in the new world, and summons a group of 3 dozen of these dragonflies, and send them to scout the area. Because they are so many, i will not add them to the map. Next turn they will retun and start drawing a map of everyting in a 23 tile radius. The river source to the west is affected by the artifact and frozen over, meaning that the river coming from it is currently running very very low, almost dry. As a result, the lake it fuels is standing lower than ever. I believe the Ipetians wanted to settle there, so it is relevant to mention it. I will only mention the effect of the eternal winter when it is relevant))

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----------part2, in response to Nhipanthers renegade--------

Bahad could again find no sleep this night, the 3rd in a row. What he has witnessed would be etched into his mind for all eternity, plageuing him with nightmares even when awake. His mind has grown restless, avoiding sleep at all cost, not to sink any further into the void of waking nightmares.

Earlier today he tried to eat some meat. When through the meat the bone became visible, terror overtook his mind, and he was barely able to move for what seemed hours. Infront of his eyes, the lamb had turned into the carcass of his first born son...

In every moment that wasn#t filled with terror, revenge clouded his mind. He just had to find a way

find a way

find a way

Exhaustion had taken his toll out of him, as he finaly drifted into sleep for the first time since 3 days.

He found himself in a completely white desert. No. Not a desert a frozen wasteland. But as a simple man of a desert tribe, he had never seen snow. Strangely enough, he wasn't feeling cold either, though a chill was traveling down his spine, born from the strangeness of this scenery. From afar, a voice called out to him.


"What do you want ?"


The voice was completely non-threathening, childlike. Yet, He was striken with uncertainness that soon turned into fear. Without even noticing, his legs started running on their own, leaving deep footsteps in the snow. He ran, and ran, and fell. He landed on something hard, but he did not feel any pain. What was this strange thing ? Glass ? Crystal ?
Slowly, he ran his fingers over it's smooth surface, and extending from his fingers, like a mirror image at first, slowly grew a figure. Bahad gasped as he realised to whom it belonged. It was his firstborn son.

"Father, it hurts. They hurt me. Father."

"Oh god, what have they done to you ? Tell me, what have they done to you ?!"

"Father, you have to hurt them too."

The sky above his head grew darker, into a clear, cloudless night. From the surface of the icy mirror, a ball of light blue light emerged and flew towards the sky, hanging clearly visible over the north.

"Follow this light, then you will find a way to hurt them....."

Bahad rose from his resting place with a scream, bathed in cold sweat. The window in his room had opened, and an icy wind was coming in. It was still night, but when he got up to close the window, he could see it clear as day. A bright blue star had appeared in the north.


((This star will indicate the position of the artifact. Only bahad can see it))
« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 05:01:45 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
  • Malevolent Manager
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2008, 12:17:41 pm »

Aurea, Elchandaar Universe
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Mages and Runeblades
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Diviner's Quarters
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The Expeditions Depart
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Portal Preparations
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((The main HQ consists of only one building : a single tower with a large entrance. The tower has a radius of 150m and a height of 500m. Images later. There is also a teleportation pad in construction on water. Images above.))
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« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 12:21:27 pm by Istrian »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2008, 12:17:53 pm »

The arrival of the Ipetians:

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Code: [Select]
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« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 01:36:11 pm by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Crocrolen / Nerlor turn 1
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2008, 12:20:50 pm »

-=The World Above, Games Room=-

Nerlor extended a tentacle into the rrorolen leather sack at his feet and pulled out a small cedarwood box.  As he deftly flipped open the catch and tilted back the lid, the gold and pearl inlay caught the light.  A pattern of shooting stars shone briefly before the lid fell back upon the table.

He looked over the game board for a few moments before taking a settlement token and carefully placing it in a swamp tile.  He took a handful of figurines from the box and spread them on the table before settling back to watch the other Players and taking a sip of mead.  Holding a dragon shaped figurine carefully in one hand, He cut away the spear it was carrying and filed down the swarf before discarding the figurine back into the box.

Seeing the other Players had taken their turns, Nerlor scooped up a generous handful of frog shaped figurines from the table and sprinkled them over the swamp and nearby rainforest. Shrugging at the odd looks he got from some of the other Players, he carefully placed the spear upright on the settlement token and watched the crocrolen heed its call.  He took a mouthful of mead and grinned broadly while fingering a “Weather system, Large” token.

-=The World Below, central homelands=-

Korkel Selan was hunting carp. He had a strange feeling of being somehow displaced that was interfering with his concentration, but he tried to keep his mind focused as he lay blended on the shore of lake Sicata.

A ripple disturbed the mirror smooth surface of the lake, and Korkel sprung with the bone tipped fishing trident held firmly in both hands.  He landed in the deep water with a splash, and held up the trident to suffocate the struggling fish before slipping it into the catch bag.

-=The World Below, River Sithis=-

Inkala Forsrit was lost in the woods. This is not a normal situation for a crocrolen, but when she went to sleep she was in her hut in Tel Furntul. Now she wakes up, and is on a river bank in an unfamiliar forest. Luckily she still had her knives. Remembering her training, Inkala took a quick meal of wild fisher berries and began to search the area with her mind. There were others here, but no sign of either tel or vol. She would need to gather them, but first, tools of the trance. Searching the trunk of a tree fallen across the river, she soon found what she was looking for.  She sliced the yellowish puffball off near its base and placed it on a flat stone from the river. Taking another stone, she pounded it into a pulp and mixed some ash and bitter herbs from her pouch.

Muttering a prayer to the Ancestor and the Deep One, Inkala scraped up the mixture with her blade and swallowed it.  The taste was foul, but good medicine always tastes bitter. The stars brightened and the shadows deepened.  When the sea breeze scuttled upstream in purple waves, she was ready.
She closed her eyes and opened her mind to the universe. The Ancestor's spear was east, a great distance, but its song called out to her. The world was different, or she had been displaced? The spear seemed to occupy a tel, but the tel was empty of voices. She reached into the past, to the massed minds, but they were silent. She searched around her for the minds she had sensed earlier, ten hands wandered the forest – lost but close. She searched to the east – forty hands in the swamp and a familiar voice...Korkel?

-=The World Below, central homelands=-

{Korkel?} a distant voice echoed in the mind of Korkel Selan.
{Inkala, is that you?}
{Yes, where are you, Korkel?}
{Lake Sitaca, I'm hunting for carp}
{Something is changed, I'm not sure that is lake Sitaca, I'm not even sure we are on Aerith anymore...}
{Huh, what is this...?}
Korkel climbed out of the water and looked around, the nagging feeling from earlier coming back.  It looked like Sitaca, yet there were differences.  The curve of the shore, the island that was slightly to the left of where it was this morning...even the number of carp he had caught. Korkel knew he wasn't that good of a fisherman even with his gifts.
{Inkala, what is going on? Are we translated?}
{Only the Liberator can answer that.  Now listen Korkel, I can't hold this trance much longer. Find Hengist Starforged. It should be close to you, claim it if you have to, but bring the people to it. We need to settle this strange land, and its protection is all we have. I'll get there as soon as I can}
{Claim it...?}
{Korkel, it the legends it sings only when dispossessed...I know you are untrained, but if you can hear me then you can hear it...listen}

-=The World Above, Observatory=-

Nerlor adjusted the focus dials on the macroscope to get a good image of Tel Sarangis. Omniscience is all very well, he thought, but there is something personal about optics. He was faintly amused by the number of prayers he was getting, but the motivational oil he rubbed the figurines with on the way to the game should be enough to inspire the crocrolen to find their own solutions. Panning the macroscope around, he smiled to see the pattern of ridges and furrows in a freshly plowed farm plot.

-=The World Below, River Koss=-

A band of the displaced crocrolen search for their way home. They are surprised to find the sandy northern shore.
“I told you this was not the way to Tel Arun”
“There is no sand in thirty akoms of that place! I told you we are not near home anymore”
“Sand means glass, yes? Glass is something we can trade, wherever we are”
“I'm not working in a dry old sand pit!”
“You won't have to”, commanded Jakalo, “those who want to hunt, hunt; those who want to craft, craft. We have nature's bounty this side of the river, and all the sand we could ever use on that”

-=The World Below, edge of the forest=-

40 Crocrolen led by Inkala are on their way to Tel Sarangis.
“The tel should be on the other side of that mountain range.  We can get around it to the south, but I'm not sure how far, or how much of the journey will be in that savanna out there.  We don't have enough food to all travel without hunting along the way.  So I will lead two hands to scout the path, then we can return with maps.  The rest of you establish a temporary vol here and prepare food for three months”

-=The World Above, Game Room=-

Armok called out across the table to Nerlor, "What's big, dangerous, and lives in swamps?"
"Giant saltwater crocodile?"
"I'll give you a clue, 'nine'"
"that's right!"
With that, a figurine snapped into existence to the south of Tel Sarangis

-=The World Below, Tel Sarangis=-

The calm morning was suddenly disturbed by the loud snap of a breaking tree. Katan dropped her sack of water snakes and looked up to see a huge serpent's head towering over the trees. Instinctively, she dropped to the water and blended, her eyes circling behind. Relieved to see the neck and body slide past, she looked around for the tail.
With a SNAP, the Hydra's fourth head snatched Katan out of the water and hurled him thirty meters into the air.  She had a few seconds to scream before being caught by two heads and ripped in half.
The thirty three residents of Tel Sarangis saw the Horror of the Swamp and fled, scattering into the swamp and hiding.

The Hydra Sorin Keln is not easy to hide from. The eyes of each head are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, so while Katan was invisible in the infra-red and well camouflaged in the human-visible spectrum, the camouflage is far from perfect in the ultra-violet B illumination of sunlight.

Four more crocrolen met their doom, trusting too much to their blending or not fleeing fast enough, as Sorin Keln rushed forward into Tel Sarangis. She smashed her head through the roofs of several huts, looking for anything tasty inside, ate the drying fish in the smoke house, then departed into the swamp, her hunger satisfied for now.

-=The World Below, near Tel Sarangis=-

The hunter Kiran froze as she heard a hippo roar in the distance. Looking through the night fog, she could make out three giant heads feasting on the fallen hippo. Lying close to the ground, she watched the Terror of Tel Sarangis devour the hippo and slide off to the south.

South, away from Tel Sarangis, but still too close for comfort.

-=The World Below, Tel Sarangis=-

Korkel Selan hopped around the perimeter carrying Hengist Starforged.  The defenses were weak as yet, but the angled wooden spikes should deter such a large beast from charging into the tel or its farms again. Three hunters had failed to return in recent weeks, this paradise was beginning to look like a poisoned chalice.

Population Centres:
LocationNamePopulationPop CapNotes
23,86Tel Sarangis112630Defended by angled sharpened logs
28,84Vol Tikal40340Building a glassworks
14,83Vol Sundar30280Temporary Settlement?

Characters, Groups & Armies:
LocationLeader NameGroup SizeNotes
15,85Inkala Forsrit10Finding a path to Tel Sarangis
Tel SarangisKorkel Selan-

Points of Interest:
20,89Lake SicataContains delicious carp
15,81-07,86River SithisInkala's Landfall
22,82-31,85River Koss

Tel = a large settlement
Vol = an outpost
Blended = using chameleon type camouflage ability


─────────God View───────────────────────────Civ View───────────────────────────No Special Places─────────┐
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104                                104                                104                                │

OOC Comments:
All final positions are reachable in one turn of movement from the starting settlement - artistic license for the story.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2008, 12:36:02 pm »

It came to the ears of Xar that the Battle of the Gods had begun. Initially it did not hold much interest in him, but when he saw the board, he knew he would join in.
From the darkness of the void, he emerged. A large, dark mass with three eyes set in a triangular pattern, surrounded by clawed tentacles, the Watcher from Beneath slithered his way across the hall. He took his time, because he knew it would make him look more solemn. Once he arrived at the board, however, the effect suffered as he placed a masterfully crafted aluminum cabinet next to a pillar. It was opened. A light winked on inside, revealing a large variety of refridgerated foods, most rare beyond imagining, some defying reason and logic. Among all those was crumpets, nestled between hoary marmot roast and cat tallow biscuits.
"I believe you requested snacks?"


A while later, Xar lounged on one of the thrones, holding a glass of Sunshine and peering at the board.
"There's been some changes around from when I last set eyes on this world. A few dozen millenia does that to planets with life and/or active weather."
His eyes focused on a certain area on the southern continent.
"Interesting. I'd have thought they would have gone the way of all the other great empires of the time. It does look like they won't last long at that rate."
He pulled a small metal object from thin air, holding it above the board. A small metal figurine crawled out to grasp the object with a number of tentacles.
"This should help them a bit. It'd be such a shame to see such a promising creation go to waste because of no fault of their own."
The spot where the figurine stands is in the following spot:

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Meanwhile in a dark chamber, deep underground...
"Would you stand up straight for once?"
"Nothing ever happens around here and nobody ever comes around to check on us. Why shouldn't I take the opportunity for rest?"
"This is an important assignment! We watch over the vault of the Emperor until the day he returns an-"
"Yeah yeah, heard it a thousand times already. You keep reminding me every five minutes and keeping me awake."
"Don't you care at all about doing your job?"
"The Emperor didn't exactly give us a date as to when he returns. Who knows if we'll still be guarding the vault when he wakes up? 'sides, it's been, what, five or six thousand years? You really think he's still even alive?"
"Also, suppose he does come back. You can just wake me up once that happens. Just let me have my freakin' nap. Sheesh. No wonder nobody wanted to work the same shif-"
The two Iraxi guardsmen froze when a loud, grinding noise came from behind them. The vault door, sealed for thousands of years, was opening. It ground to a halt. The dust settled. The guardsmen were still staring at the door, shocked. Then they looked at each other. A furious scrabbling ensued as they tried to make themselves presentable, putting on those damned uncomfortable helmets, picking up their glaives and fastening armor straps. They were so busy that they were caught off guard by a calm voice.
"Oh, is there some important event coming up?"
The pair froze again, turning to look at the third Irax that had appeared in the doorway. It was wearing a fine mantle, with flowing, wide strips of silky material hanging down the sides. Its shell was apparently carved with strange patterns and symbols. It held in its tentacles a large staff of an unknown, dark metal. It is masterfully crafted, with engraved glyphs and sigils, glowing blue. What struck them most, however, was the third eye.
The guard complaining about lack of rest promptly fainted, collapsing into a pile of quivering tentacles with a clatter.
The Eternal Emperor looked down at the unconscious Irax and shook his head in an amused fashion. Then it turned to the one left standing, who was overcome with a sense of fulfilled duty. He had been at least partially attentive when the Emperor awoke!
"Would you kindly show me the way outside? I am feeling like some sunlight."
The guard found himself unable to speak, and just nodded.

Outside, on the upper tiers of the Great Library, the Emperor looked at the surrounding terrain. It was different, but he hadn't expected things to stay exactly the same. The jungle looked like it was thriving. What wasn't thriving was the thing that worried him most. He saw the great city of Ehn'gha, in ruins. This had been quite unexpected. The Eternal Empire had been thriving when he last saw them. For them to have lost their very heart would have needed a disaster of cataclysmic proportions. Or a slow, slow stagnating death. He knew better to ask the guard. He was young, and apparently not very well versed in history. History. What he remembered like yesterday was ancient history to this generation.

No turning back now, he thought, and set off for the ruins of Ehn'gha, to try and see if he could fix things up a little.


The Emperor and guardsman Xith set off toward the capital city, leaving behind a small crowd of bewildered citizens of Odua. They had been overwhelmed completely by the sight of the pair coming down the steps of the library. After the two had set off along the uneven, unkempt road, they started muttering to each other. The Last Emperor of the great empire of ancient times had returned!

The Emperor with his escort slithered over partially displaced paving stones, overgrown with lichen. He didn't exactly have a plan as to how he would begin the undoubtedly long and arduous rebuilding process. He had been told that the majority of the survivors were living in the ruins of Ehn'gha, and that they had been hit hard by the strange mind-numbing effect that had, according to legend, slowly brought the death of the empire. How would they react to his return? he wondered.

As they neared the gates, they saw nobody at first. When they passed under the ruined arch and entered the city proper, the inhabitants' reaction slowly became clear. They were skulking in the shadows, eyeing the intruding pair with suspicion. The only reason, the Emperor suspected, why they hadn't attempted to mug them yet was because they could sense his nature through whatever clouded their minds. That or the fact that he had an armed escort.
They proceeded down a wide street, approaching the ruins of the Imperial Palace. It was a huge building, partially collapsed and covered in creepers. The banners proudly displaying the symbol of the Eternal Empire had long since rotted away. The beautiful engravings were worn and covered in the ever-encroaching plantlife. Emperor Gizash sighed. It would take years to rebuild this wonder of the ancient world. And this was only one city. The largest, but only one.
Xith began to speak, but the Emperor interrupted. "I know. It was never your fault. Nobody could have prevented this. What is the cause I do not yet know, but I intend to find out."
With that, he stepped onto a raised platform, looking over the plaza in front of the palace. A crowd of Iraxi had assembled, slightly hostile, yet curious as to who had brought them such pretty loot.
The Emperor then spoke.
"Awaken, children of Irax! I have returned at last, and seen the corruption of once a proud and vast empire. For millenia our race has suffered from a disease of the mind. Something we could not have planned for, yet brought the Iraxi crashing to the earth. But I have returned, with a gift from the Great Father! Behold the Staff of Irax, and clear your minds!"
The Emperor raised the metal staff into the air, where it started glowing, surrounded by a wreath of crackling energy. It flashed brighter than the sun, washing the plaza with blue light.
As the light dimmed, the congregrated Iraxi looked around with new eyes. The strange apathy which had dominated their minds for thousands of years had lifted and their minds were once again clear to think and to reason. A cheer went out. It might have been deafening, if there were more than a hundred of them present.
The Emperor turned to guardsman Xith, who was completely stunned by sheer awe for the second time today.
"Come, child. There is much to do."


After a few days of organizing things and assigning work schedules, the Emperor decreed that scouts would be sent to search for the other cities, starting with the nearby five locations marked on a large stone tablet set into the wall in the entrance hall to the palace. No details were available as the stone tablet had been worn by centuries and the more detailed maps had been lost aeons ago.
Spirits had been quite high despite the daunting task of rebuilding an empire. Perhaps the rest of them were inspired by the tireless and always calm work of the Emperor. Many had expected the Emperor to start bossing them around meaninglessly, but instead he worked without pause to improve the lot of the people. None had seen him pause to rest once since his return. He rarely hurried, but still managed to keep the workers busy with the plantations and refurbishing the living spaces. The Palace was a secondary objective to getting the food production and lodgings set up. "Vanity comes after necessity", the Emperor explained. The populace agreed that this was sensible.
Fortunately the ruins of Ehn'gha could at the very least provide stone for new buildings. They would still have to find a place to quarry for stone, however, if they were to properly restore the glory of the Empire. This was the secondary objective of the scouting expeditions. They were to report back any sightings of natural resources, be it metal, springs, quality stone and so forth. It was sheer luck that some of the practical skills had been passed down through the Age of Sleep, as the millenia-spanning period of mind-numbing apathy came to be called.

The Emperor stood in the great entrance hall, bathed in the light pouring from a hole in the ceiling and looked at the map stone. Back in the old days of the Empire, he had been plagued by not having direct goals, as simply expanding their borders was seen as a waste of time, as they had no need of more space. But now he had a clear objective.
He shook himself from his moment of daydreaming and slithered outside, heading for the masonry shops. Someone with spare time had started work on a small monument to commemorate the rebirth of the Empire. Slightly premature, the Emperor thought, but it's good to see the new generation in the spirit of things.

The following morning five pairs of scouts equipped with mapmaking tools, long-sight lenses and prospecting equipment were sent to the nearest five spots marked on the map.


Xar reached to the board with a tentacle and moved ten Iraxi figurines decked out in surveying gear across the board to the five tiles marked as ruins.
"They have been surprisingly adaptive to the new circumstances." He eyes the assembled gods with the usual serious look. It doesn't seem he's even capable of seeming less than dead serious, at least to more humanoid gods.
"I have to admit that I am concerned by this anomaly here." The tentacle points to the wide swath of land around 16,39 which is covered with snow and ice out of season.
"....I think we have an extraordinarily shy participant. Whoever they are, they aren't afraid of breaking the climate. Either we are talking about a very careless or very chaotic person."
A brief silence.
"This will be interesting."

((Plus a map for clarity

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« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 12:47:43 pm by Prometheus »


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the mountain
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2008, 12:37:09 pm »

*Before is a view of expansing desert, In it, at the horizon, rises a glinting yellowish city, its tower domes wrought from gold and towers build from sandstone bricks and large stones. A river flows through the city lazily, forking into two at the middle of the city. On the middle of the joining point, amidst the flowing waters, rises a Tall round tower, its windows made from precious gems and walls build from huge yellowish stone blocks. The banks of the rivers are lush with vegetation and are lined with fields and houses. It is night.*

This... is Akkad. A city, a land, a people. This was the land of legends and magic, of the long nights of danger and intrigue and days of gleam and glamour. Yet, it is a dark place...


Sechmed stared fixedly downwards, into the deafening depths of well of souls. The water was pristine and clear, yet the pool was as black as the blackest night, for its sheer deepness could be "seen" through the waters.
His shrouded hands were raised over the well, in exactly the same pattern as those of the other three.
From above, the sounds chanting was penetrating even to the deepest recesses of the tower. It was the time of the prayer to Sem'seddin and the eternal night.

Then, all of sudden, the four began to chant. Their voice grew louder and became strangely broken, like it was coming from aeons away and yet so near, like a whisper yet a shout, like a speech yet a scream.
Slowly words could be noticed among the chanting, forming sentences.

"We call to thee... Sem'seddin." A pulsating, red light began far down the well.
"Accept our gift... And grant us the full power... of the well"

with these words a scream could be heard from above...

Khaled stared in horror as the people around him began writhe in pain, their blood gushing out from their noses, ears and eyes, their skin ripping as their own bones tried to rip themselves free and a tugging sensation all around them being felt. Now he knew why all the outlying tribes had been forced to the city, and led into the middle of the temple square.
The Akkadians were chanting in all drowning shout around them when the perfect darkness of the deep moon fell.

Nothing could ever compensate the horror Khaled felt as his bones began to pull their way out his flesh, as the unimaginable pain was replaced by images of starlit desert of black sand, where wandering souls wailed in wind as they were dying for eternity. The tortured souls hungering for something to lash their desperation at...

Deep down in the tower the chant continued, bolts of  lightning coloured in undescrible colours now flashing out from their hands, directed into the pulsating light deep down.
Sechmed was shouting clear sentences now in unnatural, broken voice.

"We Shall run the rivers dark with the blood of these innocents in your name! We shall create an army of your will from their tormented bones!"

The chant became louder when a pillar of twirling souls that twisted in agony and shouted in pain was shot through the far ceiling, directing straight into the now sickly twisted looking well of souls that seemed to suck the desperate souls down into it, the souls falling deeper and deeper with outstrecthed hands, as if trying to pull themselves back up.

Secmed let out an inhuman wail as the power surged through him, the flow so strong that the the fibers of his being were slowly being ripped apart.

"It is ready! Let the gate be opened!"

The lightning charges flowing from their hands suddenly burst upwards, forming together into a great ball of lightning... And in the ball, could the kingdom of Akkad be seen.
The red light down in the well burst wider and brighter, rendering the whole cave swelling with the sick light.

"The Gate Stands Ready!"

With these words the liches raised their arms over them, and brought them down furiously, The ball of lightning thrust into the swelling and twirling gate.

The sensation felt by the Akkadians above could not easily be described by words, when they saw the sky and stars somehow getting farther away, the wind seemed to be rising from the grounds, bringing ominous wails with it and all kinds glimpsed horrors passing by the sky at blinding speeds.
Suddenly new stars burst on to the sky and the wind brought forward unknown smells that could be smelled only with unaccustomed noses. The place was... Unfamiliar, yet it was the same. The deep moon was rising back to its position.
The time of prayer had ended.


Deep down in the tower, where the liches were settling in after the passage through dimensions, An ominous shadow lurked behind one of the pillars... It was a middle aged man, not Akkadian, but one of the tribesmen. His name was... Bahad, roughly translated it meant brave and bold.
He had followed the Akkadian military back to the city when they had attacked some of the tribes and rounded up their members. After getting to the city, he had resolved to sneak down into the tower, surpise whoever was in charge in there and take him to hostage with dagger on his neck, and demand the freeing of his people... He had never expected this.

The Akkadians had long since taken up the practice of necromancy, raising and creating undead to serve them to their own needs. They treated regarded these beings as slaves and servants... Little did they know that they were the slaves of the undead.
From what he had knew and thought that Akkadians knew, they were governed over by the four most powerful of the mage organization called "The Magistrates".
But now he saw it... They were liches, ancient mages turning Themselves to undead to preserve their minds and wills on the mortal realms.

He had been here for the whole time... Seeing the whole ritual from beginning to the end, hearing the voices of his people sacrificed to the dark god Sem'seddin that worked through these unholy beings... And now all there was left was revenge. Only that revenge couldnt be served by a valiant sacrifice. He needed to find help.


As the new day rose after the long night, The merchant's guild of Akkad was a flurry of activity. Under the gold adorned dome of the prosperous building the most wealthiest merchants of the city were holding a meeting.

"Don't be daft Effendi! We won't be finding our old tradepartners anymore! Didnt you look at the stars last night after that Ritual with the foul dogs of the tribes? This place... World, is not the one we were! I request that we send out caravans to see for new traderoutes!"

Some of the lavishly dressed merchants looked skeptic.

"How can you know its just not some sideeffect of the Spell? Surely you realise such a great raising of undead might do something... funny. Besides, sending out caravans might be risky business effendi, the profits are great but so are the losses if they dont find anything!"

The argument went on for a few hours but eventually it was agreed to send out two caravans to seek new traderoutes, To the north, and south.


So, here's the summary.
I created a group of 50 skeletons as a starting army.
Two merchant caravans send out, seeking any possible trade partners in the world.
And for you organization players, Yes, i have given you a candidate for joining.

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            and so...
The Tale of BAHAD, Begins!

Peering at the star through the wooden grid on the window, Bahad made his mind. This could be his only chance to find revenge... The only problem was the daytime in the desert. he would need a camel and lots of water.

A few days later...

Bahad was preparing to leave the city, disguised as an Akkadian with a common desert robe and a large turban. He had had to kill one of the citizens to accuire the regalia, and the camel he was sitting on was stolen, laden with waterskins.
He squinted on the bright star, hovering over the horizon in the north, clearly visible even in day.
He could only wonder why none of the city's inhabitants had seemed to notice it.

Night was just falling, and he would have to move. He needed to make it as far as possible during the night, to avoid traveling in the scorching daytime and be unnoticed by atleast the living patrols along the borders.
He made haste to his readily packed camel and galloped through the darkening streets.
Soon, he was on the gates. A gatewatch came out of the guardpost with two skeletons flanking him.

"Halt! Who're you and why do you want to go into the desert?"

Bahad quickly told him the sentence he had practiced.

"Im one of the merchants of the southern caravan! Mehmed is my name, and by the gods can you let me through?! I need to catch up!"

The guard peered at him suspiciously.

"Hmph. Usually you effendis are never late to profit... Fine, go through, worshipper of coin"

And so, Bahad rode north in to the sunset, following the pale, blue star.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 02:00:05 pm by Nhiphanter »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: BotG3: The Renegades: Turn 1: Stormy Beginning
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2008, 12:52:39 pm »

Turn 1: Part 1:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Turn 1: Part 2:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 04:31:58 am by Poltifar »
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2008, 12:54:02 pm »

Code: [Select]
         /                         \                  || //
/\/\/\/\|   The Forests of (59,23)  |/\/\/\/\      000|| |/
 |.|,|.| \    Near the Waterfall   / |,|,|.| __000()()/-///

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Code: [Select]
       /             \
      /               \
============================== The Game Room

A fog drifts off the board, and descends to the floor behind a chair, getting denser until finally, a green Anqip with yellowish eyes materializes. Rolitokovo looks around, "Wow, nice place you got here! Hey guys!" He smiles, and takes a seat.

()2 weeks pass upon the world's surface()

During this time...


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Code: [Select]
B      B B
      (*)       B
  --       --- 
  || |   ||| | |
a ==== a ======= a a
..,.,,,.,.,,,.,.,.,.. The partially built town of Kavla Niti

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

()4 weeks pass upon the world's surface()
During this time...

Code: [Select]
   B      BB B
     B      BBB
/\/\       /\ /\/\
 | |*.,aa.*|**|*|*   A natural oddity to the south...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A little later...

.,|.,aa.________  A patch of land far to the north with nothing but hard stone, where everything that enters, magically falls up.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Mere minutes until midnight, the very last of the first 6 weeks.

Code: [Select]
   \ /      ==.    ==.
   | |                    ==
,./_0_\.|-=-=-=|.,,,.,.,.===0  The Town of Kavla Niti, bunkered down and as ready as it'll get.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)



Town: Kavla Niti (59,23)

Population: 82

Pop Cap: 765

Task: Rebuilding the town...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 01:16:18 pm by AlanL »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods III+ (not reconstructed yet)
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2008, 11:12:06 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Down below:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Silent Ones have teleported onto 40,115 (if thats the river source way down on the bottom, correct me if I'm wrong) with 51 able workers!

One Week Later:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

OOC: For convenience a stretch is a tile.
Quote from: Ampersand
Also, Xom finds people that chug unidentified fluids pleasing.
Quote from: Servant Corps
Ignorance of magic does not give scientists the power to resist fireballs.
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