This is hugely complicated guys just to warn you outright.
Why dont we introduce a ammount of force everything exibits. By this i mean how much force in that thrust, how much force did that titan use to squash that poor kity etc....
and then have biological damage effected by that force, damn this is complicated only with 3 sentances!
If this gets worked in dwarfs, elfs, humans if not all creatures will have realistic blood flows throught thier body and heck, we wont get weird hit locations for your spearman atacking that dragon, i mean this is one hell of a complicated system, but the realisim it brings with it is HUGE
i mean you'll have blood BURSTING from wounds, adventuers deing a painful, slow death from that GCS bite, you'll have a zombies head imploding from your hammerlords mace, i mean the list goes on and on.
I know what kind of coding is needed to do this, and the lag...... But wouldn't be cool to see that body's that you've fired out of your cannon have its arms and legs going flying in realistic directons, you'll have realistic battle sences were that deamon actually cracks the adventuers bones, with bits of bone sticking out of his hidiously ruined corpse, i mean that would be the ultimate fighting system.
I also know its out of game bounds etc, but as people are suggesting throughout the fourms you should be able to chose what or what you don't want in your fort.
Hopefully some people will be supportive of my idea, it adds a true touch of reallism to arbitary 'moves'.