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Author Topic: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game  (Read 207191 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1320 on: January 15, 2012, 12:57:46 am »

The King retreated to his office (which was also his bedroom, dining room, etc.) and summoned his military commanders to his side. They decided to promote Obok Mörulstettad Ticekngalák, Swordmaster, to Captain of the Guard if she would prove her might in battle against the oncoming horde. To this end, she was given the adamantine shield Baladgim, which had been crafted only months before, to defend herself.

She rushed to the western edge of the grounds, followed by another swordsdwarf under her command, to face her foes in combat. On the mountain, she found three goblins, eager to fight. They were dispatched easily, due to the Obok's exceptional swordsdwarfship. She then spotted more goblins on the southern border. These too were dispatched with ease. Tripumhant, she returned to her king, and assumed her position as Captain of the Guard.
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1321 on: January 17, 2012, 11:09:32 pm »

King Kingler slept. It had been a long day in The Eternal Halls. There sieges to repel, traders to rip off, and diplomats to lead around while you get a drink. However, he didn't sleep for long...


The king turned in his Gneiss bed. Did he hear it? Perhaps I have to be louder...


"Shut up, I'ms trying to sleep!" The king shouted, as he rolled over in his bed, trying to ignore the apparition beside him.

"AMAZEing job you did with the statue." said the ghost. "I can see you figured out my aMAZEing riddle. However, you may not be so aMAZEingly lucky this time. The gods were so impressed by your work, that they gave you two seasons for the next megaproject. When completed, it must be no smaller than 7,000 Dwarven Standard Mining Cubes in size. This project must be of aMAZEing quality, if you even figure out what it is!"

"Yep, maze, got it." said the king. "Now can I get some elfin' sleep?"

"I... uh... you... *sigh*" exasperated the ghost, who then vanished.

Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Kringrus! Babak crulurg tingra!
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1322 on: January 18, 2012, 10:44:24 am »

That was aLABRYNTHingly hilarious. Wait, hold on...
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1323 on: January 19, 2012, 01:17:01 pm »

Wow, necrotic succession.  Necression?
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...It should be pretty fun though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1324 on: January 19, 2012, 04:12:15 pm »

How can one kill that which never dies?
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1325 on: January 21, 2012, 07:27:47 pm »

The next day, the king summon his top engraver, Dadam. The dwarf was assigned the task of designing a maze to fit the requirements. He returned with a design 31 units wide by 51 units broad, with a height of 5 units, totaling 7,905 cubic units in volume. The footprint was chosen so that it would fit within an abandoned quarry site on the mountain to the north of the fort, once it had been fully mined out. They would need all the stone they could get in order to construct this maze.
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1326 on: January 22, 2012, 01:00:25 am »

These are great, actually. Glad to see this thing coming back from the grave.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1327 on: January 23, 2012, 05:57:14 pm »

Wait, why are they digging it out, then filling it back in with a maze?
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1328 on: January 24, 2012, 09:38:08 am »

It was already partially dug out.
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1329 on: January 24, 2012, 04:44:44 pm »

Many months later...

"Sire, the maze is nearly complete. All that's left is the roof and the final room at the exit." The messenger dwarf stood at attention in the King's throne room, located in the upper reaches of the fort, with a nice view of the underground river outside it's windows.

"Very good," replied the monarch. "You are dismissed." The dwarf ran off to plan a project completion party, as most of the population had been at work either constructing the maze or hauling stone to the site. "We need to do something to commemorate this event," said the king to Melbil Olontenshed, the Dungeon Master, who personally requested to be associated with the project. "Something that, unlike a party, will last throughout the ages."

"Not much of a partygoer, eh?" replied the Dungeon Master. "I've been to a few that I'll never forget."

"And what were these parties for?" asked the King.

"Um... I'm not sure. All I can remember is that I lost my cape, so it must have been a memorable party."

"Exactly my point, Melbil. We need something that will last, and also let people remember why we did it."

"How about something made of adamantine? That stuff always lasts."

"True, but we have limited supply. I want something everyone will see, and we don't have enough adamantine to build another tower."

The Dungeon Master pondered for a moment, then got an idea. "How about coins? YOu can make hundreds from a single wafer of adamantine, and everyone can have one."

"That's actually a good idea,"mused the king. "I hereby order you to craft a batch of coins, so as to commemorate this event, namely finishing the Maze of The Eternal Halls."

"As you wish sire," replied the Dungeon Master, before rushing off to the forges.

Happy 2 year anniversary since the last save everybody!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 11:27:17 am by Sizik »
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1330 on: January 28, 2012, 04:44:27 pm »

The Dungeon Master returned. "I have brought you a sample of the coins you requested, sire."

"Let me see them." The King inspected one of the coins. The front depicted Kingler's ascension to leadership, and on the back was an image of a coin. "Very nice job on the front. The back... well let's just say that I've seen more interesting coins in my time."

"It's to remind the people that you requested these coins to be made, your majesty."

"I see," replied the king. He browsed through the coins, looking for any misprints, when something caught his eye. "Is... Is that a gold coin?"


"And here's some silver and copper ones as well! Do you know what you've done?"

"I apologize sire. Once I get started smithing, I find it hard to stop."

"Apologies won't stop what you've started. Once the people find out we've created currency, they'll be clamoring to have some of it. Where are the rest of them?"

"I minted them in a forge above the magma pipe. I like to have my privacy."

"Good, good. There's a door there right? I want you to go there right now, make sure nobody's in there, then lock the door."

"As you wish sire." The Dungeon Master quickly left. Kingler slumped in his chair. Today wasn't going to go well, he thought.

"Having trouble?" a voice said.

"What? Who's there?" asked the king.

"I'm here," said the voice, "In your hand." The king looked in his hand. He was still holding one of the adamantine coins. The engraving of himself was staring at him.

"Oh, it's you," said the king.

"Yes, it's me." replied the ghost. "I see you have done well with the maze. I counted out the area myself. I come with news of your next project. You must invert the tallest tower. That is all."

The ghost vanished, leaving the king's face on the coin in its original position. The king sighed, then called in his top architects and miners to design a plan.

Several days later

The plans were set. A circular pit was to be dug under the olivine tower, with a section in the center left undug. This section was to be of a square shape that would continue the footprint of the tower down into the pit, stopping just before the bottom.

After many weeks of digging, the hanging tower was completed. Two dwarves were lost to cave-ins, and they will be missed.

Kingler sat in his study. Predictably, the ghost appeared. "So, how is it?" asked the king.

"You've done well. Once again, you interpreted my cryptic suggestion in a way I did not expect, and managed to finish in time. If I knew you'd actually get things done, I'd have haunted the mayor instead."

"Thanks... wait, what do you mean 'haunted the mayor instead'?"

"His reactions might have been funnier. You were just nonchalant about the whole ordeal, getting things done quickly and efficiently. The mayor would have been a much more fun target."

"I was only doing my duty to serve the gods... wait, target?"

"Oh yeah, the whole god thing. Yeah, I made that all up."


"Oh look at the time, I have things to do," said the ghost, who then promptly vanished.


Edit: forgot to mention a large siege at the beginning of winter. Also, I had [SPEED:0] on the dwarves, which I removed during sieges to make them more fair.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2012, 07:08:21 pm by Sizik »
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1331 on: February 05, 2012, 02:40:20 am »

So... anyone gonna take it or is this just gonna die again?
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1332 on: April 16, 2012, 05:19:18 pm »

Just joined the forums And I found this! If it's not too late, I would indeed love to play.
I want to tell you they were bad men, cephalo.  I want to tell you that with a better overseer the Fortress never would've gotten so bad someone would get offed in a pointless fisticuffs.
But the sad truth charlie?
It was inevitable.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Kringrus! Babak crulurg tingra!
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1333 on: April 16, 2012, 05:30:57 pm »

Go for it. If you actually do play a turn, I'll pick it up after you.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.

Child of Armok

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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1334 on: June 26, 2012, 06:03:29 am »

Come on, LIVE!!!
This is awesome!
I want to play is nessesairy!

I sound like a necromancer.  :-\
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