The name,as I said, should be in lowercase. [NAME:scorpid:scorpids:scorpid]. Also should it "bite" with it's tail? Not strike, not pierce? Also your "tail-biting" attack makes "GORE" damage which is like by a lash. And should it "latch on" with the tail? It's a bit strange

Just in case if you don't know attack types and haven't read the wiki yet:
GORE - mouth/lash attack which damages and causes pain plus if the value is EXTREME it can cut the bodypart off.
SLASH - slashing damage, like a sword or with sharp claws. Can cut bodyparts off.
PIERCE - piercing damage, like from a spear/arrow/scorpion tail. Very likely to damage internal organs and make a mortal wound.
BLUDGEON - bludgeoning damage, can't cut bodyparts off but it can break joints and send people flying. Also causes "headsmash" and "collapses in lump of gore" criticals.
BURN - burning damage, causing big pain, like hot metal/acid. Can damage internal organs.
HEAT - heat damage, in high amounts incenerates target. It is likely to burn internal organs. It can't set the target on fire despite of some myths.
COLD - cold damage, causes "freezing" of bodyparts, it is likely to damage internal organs.
Also make sure that your text file has creature_modded as the 1st raw and the [OBJECT:CREATURE] is there too.
[EXTRACT:scorpid venom:7:0:0]
[CHILD:1][CHILDNAME:scorpid baby:scorbid babies]
There's the full content of the file.
I fixed the name and made it to actually strike with it's tail and make deadly paralysation attack.
Also there's a second attack so if it's tail is busy (i.e. you grab the tail to prevent it from poisoning you) it will bite you.