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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods III :: Turn 2 :: Please join! (but STILL under construction.)  (Read 12461 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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((Akroma: good RP, but please try to take the canon abaut the universe, or in this case the multiverse, into acount; first of, there is PER DEFFENITION nothing outside the multiverse, if there is something other than normal universes that would still only be another aspect of the multiverse. The other is not a complaint, just informing you that 3000 years or thousands of planets is a tiny nothing, billions of universes sound better, and is still a tiny fractuion of what a normal god has. As for age that shuld be nonapliable to a god as they exist outside of it, and if they do have an age it would be in the range of a googol of years, not 3000.))
((Polifar: the symbols you had shosen were not the upercase and lowercase of a letter, and therefor not alowed acording to the rules, so I just picked a good leter R for reverants at semi-random, if you have another sugestion that conforms to the rules it is not yet to late to change.))
((otherwise evryone is doing good so far think.))
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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((Armok, first of all, I wrote this turn before you wrote the introduction. Furthermore, he is not entering the mutliverse from outside, he is just stepping into it's light (as opposed to, being hidden in hell). Also, I wrote 3000 millenia, not 3000 years. That would be 3 million years. And I don't care if it's not much, I just HATE how silly the word googol sounds, especialy since milennia simply sounds much better))

((Edit: I am having trouble editing the map in color, because as it seems, Istrian and Prometheus have acces to colors I don't have. So far all I can see are 14 colors. As much as color makes the Map much more readable, we should not use individual colors for each civ. I am unable to edit colors that are not taking from the drop menu, and as such, the number of colors useable are limited, also limiting the choices for new players. Unless people tell me how to get these new and fancy colors from out of nowhere, I will simply use Red for all settlements, to make the map easier to read))
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 11:01:18 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Click, Cli-Click! Thaemin, Started out of his slumber hand to his sword looking about warily. Then seeing everybody staring at him, he looked at the board.
"You could have told me the game had started!" he announced angrily.


Kaen swung his axe int another of the foul creatures chests, Cleaving it asunder. looking quickly around he saw that his ragged battalion was getting swamped by the enemy. To his left his father Rall smashed his hammer into another of the creatures' head, an unrecognisable mass. Creating some space Rall, bellowed:
"To the keep!"
Jorn, his tattered flag flapping feebly in the wind rushed to the gate the weary band following in his wake. In the confines of the corridors, the Daroth had a much better foothold on the enemy, but wave after wave of them slowly pushed the defenders back.
Finally, they were forced into the Hall, the walls stripped bare of anything that could be used as a weapon. With barely 50 soldiers left, they formed a circle, surrounding their possessions, ready to fight to the last. Sven, the compant chaplain stood in the centre of the circle, invoking the ancient power of their God Thaemin to their ade.
Dorin a young siege engineer, took a couple of bags from his pocket, opened them, and threw the contents into the air. Then, taking a match he put it on the floor.


As Thaemin sat back down, a low beaping sounded. He ignored it.


Sven, worried now chanted to the heavens with al his might, praying that some one would answer.


The beeping wouldn't stop, if anything, it got louder. So, Thaemin reached down drew aout a small metal obfect and brought it to his ear.


"It is I, your God. What is your will?"
Sve couldn't believe his ears, The great one was talking to him! with a trembling voce he aswered:
"Lord? We are beset by foul beings and if you do not help us, your chosen will be lost, for ever."
"So, you require my help do you? Well, your out of luck, I'm about to play a game soon, and it is almost my turn."
"What!? B-But we need you!"
There was no answer.


Thaemin put away the phone and smiled. It is time to bring my pieces to the board, he thought.


With a blinding flash, the whole world evaporated. Kael hit the cold, hard flags ano the floor, cursing. He thought he had told Dorin to set them on his command, but now look what had happened.
Kael then stopped. Flag stones didnt feel this rough. and there wern't any pebbles in the hall, he was sure of it. He opened his eyes. He couldn't remember seeing a light on the cieling, he didn't remember the cieling being blue, either.
Sven sat up, rubbing his eyes. His God had saved them after all! Kael stood up and looked at his surroundings. they were next to a cliff, part of a mountain to the north, with woods and rivers on the other sides.
"What should we do?" asked a younger Daroth, hardly out of his 30's?
"well, i want you 5 to go patrol that way, you 5 to go that way and you 5 that way," he said, pointing in turn, "and the rest of you," he grabbed a pick from the pile "start making a home here!" Throwing the tool with all his might into the cliff face, it stooped there, juddering.
"well what are you waiting for? move it!"


Thaemin smiled, his pieces were on the board.


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« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 08:59:55 am by Kashyyk »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Malevolent Manager
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((Zako : I'm making you a race, check your PMs from time to time))


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-=The World Above, Games Room=-

Nerlor extended a tentacle into the rrorolen leather sack at his feet and pulled out a small cedarwood box.  As he deftly flipped open the catch and tilted back the lid, the gold and pearl inlay caught the light.  A pattern of shooting stars shone briefly before the lid fell back upon the table.

He looked over the game board for a few moments before taking a settlement token and carefully placing it in a swamp tile.  He took a handful of figurines from the box and spread them on the table before settling back to watch the other Players and taking a sip of mead.  Holding a dragon shaped figurine carefully in one hand, He cut away the spear it was carrying and filed down the swarf before discarding the figurine back into the box.

Seeing the other Players had taken their turns, Nerlor scooped up a generous handful of frog shaped figurines from the table and sprinkled them over the swamp and nearby rainforest. Shrugging at the odd looks he got from some of the other Players, he carefully placed the spear upright on the settlement token and watched the crocrolen heed its call.  He took a mouthful of mead and grinned broadly while fingering a “Weather system, Large” token.

-=The World Below, central homelands=-

Korkel Selan was hunting carp. He had a strange feeling of being somehow displaced that was interfering with his concentration, but he tried to keep his mind focused as he lay blended on the shore of lake Sicata.

A ripple disturbed the mirror smooth surface of the lake, and Korkel sprung with the bone tipped fishing trident held firmly in both hands.  He landed in the deep water with a splash, and held up the trident to suffocate the struggling fish before slipping it into the catch bag.

-=The World Below, River Sithis=-

Inkala Forsrit was lost in the woods. This is not a normal situation for a crocrolen, but when she went to sleep she was in her hut in Tel Furntul. Now she wakes up, and is on a river bank in an unfamiliar forest. Luckily she still had her knives. Remembering her training, Inkala took a quick meal of wild fisher berries and began to search the area with her mind. There were others here, but no sign of either tel or vol. She would need to gather them, but first, tools of the trance. Searching the trunk of a tree fallen across the river, she soon found what she was looking for.  She sliced the yellowish puffball off near its base and placed it on a flat stone from the river. Taking another stone, she pounded it into a pulp and mixed some ash and bitter herbs from her pouch.

Muttering a prayer to the Ancestor and the Deep One, Inkala scraped up the mixture with her blade and swallowed it.  The taste was foul, but good medicine always tastes bitter. The stars brightened and the shadows deepened.  When the sea breeze scuttled upstream in purple waves, she was ready.
She closed her eyes and opened her mind to the universe. The Ancestor's spear was east, a great distance, but its song called out to her. The world was different, or she had been displaced? The spear seemed to occupy a tel, but the tel was empty of voices. She reached into the past, to the massed minds, but they were silent. She searched around her for the minds she had sensed earlier, ten hands wandered the forest – lost but close. She searched to the east – forty hands in the swamp and a familiar voice...Korkel?

-=The World Below, central homelands=-

{Korkel?} a distant voice echoed in the mind of Korkel Selan.
{Inkala, is that you?}
{Yes, where are you, Korkel?}
{Lake Sitaca, I'm hunting for carp}
{Something is changed, I'm not sure that is lake Sitaca, I'm not even sure we are on Aerith anymore...}
{Huh, what is this...?}
Korkel climbed out of the water and looked around, the nagging feeling from earlier coming back.  It looked like Sitaca, yet there were differences.  The curve of the shore, the island that was slightly to the left of where it was this morning...even the number of carp he had caught. Korkel knew he wasn't that good of a fisherman even with his gifts.
{Inkala, what is going on? Are we translated?}
{Only the Liberator can answer that.  Now listen Korkel, I can't hold this trance much longer. Find Hengist Starforged. It should be close to you, claim it if you have to, but bring the people to it. We need to settle this strange land, and its protection is all we have. I'll get there as soon as I can}
{Claim it...?}
{Korkel, it the legends it sings only when dispossessed...I know you are untrained, but if you can hear me then you can hear it...listen}

-=The World Above, Observatory=-

Nerlor adjusted the focus dials on the macroscope to get a good image of Tel Sarangis. Omniscience is all very well, he thought, but there is something personal about optics. He was faintly amused by the number of prayers he was getting, but the motivational oil he rubbed the figurines with on the way to the game should be enough to inspire the crocrolen to find their own solutions. Panning the macroscope around, he smiled to see the pattern of ridges and furrows in a freshly plowed farm plot.

-=The World Below, River Koss=-

A band of the displaced crocrolen search for their way home. They are surprised to find the sandy northern shore.
“I told you this was not the way to Tel Arun”
“There is no sand in thirty akoms of that place! I told you we are not near home anymore”
“Sand means glass, yes? Glass is something we can trade, wherever we are”
“I'm not working in a dry old sand pit!”
“You won't have to”, commanded Jakalo, “those who want to hunt, hunt; those who want to craft, craft. We have nature's bounty this side of the river, and all the sand we could ever use on that”

-=The World Below, edge of the forest=-

40 Crocrolen led by Inkala are on their way to Tel Sarangis.
“The tel should be on the other side of that mountain range.  We can get around it to the south, but I'm not sure how far, or how much of the journey will be in that savanna out there.  We don't have enough food to all travel without hunting along the way.  So I will lead two hands to scout the path, then we can return with maps.  The rest of you establish a temporary vol here and prepare food for three months”

Population Centres:
LocationNamePopulationPop CapNotes
23,86Tel Sarangis120630Initial Settlement
28,84Vol Tikal40340Building a glassworks
14,83Vol Sundar30280Temporary Settlement?

Characters, Groups & Armies:
LocationLeader NameGroup SizeNotes
15,85Inkala Forsrit10Finding a path to Tel Sarangis
Tel SarangisKorkel Selan-

Points of Interest:
20,89Lake SicataContains delicious carp
15,81-07,86River SithisInkala's Landfall
22,82-31,85River Koss

Tel = a large settlement
Vol = an outpost
Blended = using chameleon type camouflage ability


─────────God View───────────────────────────Civ View───────────────────────────No Special Places─────────┐
80      0        1        2        80      0        1        2        80      0        1        2        │
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104                                104                                104                                │

OOC Comments:
All final positions are reachable in one turn of movement from the starting settlement - artistic license for the story.


  • Bay Watcher
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((Unless people tell me how to get these new and fancy colors from out of nowhere, I will simply use Red for all settlements, to make the map easier to read))

[ color=#RRGGBB ] without the spaces
RR, GG, BB are amount of that colour in hexadecimal

Or I can give you a configurable java app to do it automagically (as used for my turn post)
Its pretty much alpha quality right now, i.e. works but fragile / more bugs than an entymology lab


  • Bay Watcher
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((Armok, i'll use the R and r for my civ, but i think we are missing a third symbol for each race. we need one for hero, one for troops, and one for settlements, right?))
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
  • Huzzah!
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The Emperor and guardsman Xith set off toward the capital city, leaving behind a small crowd of bewildered citizens of Odua. They had been overwhelmed completely by the sight of the pair coming down the steps of the library. After the two had set off along the uneven, unkempt road, they started muttering to each other. The Last Emperor of the great empire of ancient times had returned!

The Emperor with his escort slithered over partially displaced paving stones, overgrown with lichen. He didn't exactly have a plan as to how he would begin the undoubtedly long and arduous rebuilding process. He had been told that the majority of the survivors were living in the ruins of Ehn'gha, and that they had been hit hard by the strange mind-numbing effect that had, according to legend, slowly brought the death of the empire. How would they react to his return? he wondered.

As they neared the gates, they saw nobody at first. When they passed under the ruined arch and entered the city proper, the inhabitants' reaction slowly became clear. They were skulking in the shadows, eyeing the intruding pair with suspicion. The only reason, the Emperor suspected, why they hadn't attempted to mug them yet was because they could sense his nature through whatever clouded their minds. That or the fact that he had an armed escort.
They proceeded down a wide street, approaching the ruins of the Imperial Palace. It was a huge building, partially collapsed and covered in creepers. The banners proudly displaying the symbol of the Eternal Empire had long since rotted away. The beautiful engravings were worn and covered in the ever-encroaching plantlife. Emperor Gizash sighed. It would take years to rebuild this wonder of the ancient world. And this was only one city. The largest, but only one.
Xith began to speak, but the Emperor interrupted. "I know. It was never your fault. Nobody could have prevented this. What is the cause I do not yet know, but I intend to find out."
With that, he stepped onto a raised platform, looking over the plaza in front of the palace. A crowd of Iraxi had assembled, slightly hostile, yet curious as to who had brought them such pretty loot.
The Emperor then spoke.
"Awaken, children of Irax! I have returned at last, and seen the corruption of once a proud and vast empire. For millenia our race has suffered from a disease of the mind. Something we could not have planned for, yet brought the Iraxi crashing to the earth. But I have returned, with a gift from the Great Father! Behold the Staff of Irax, and clear your minds!"
The Emperor raised the metal staff into the air, where it started glowing, surrounded by a wreath of crackling energy. It flashed brighter than the sun, washing the plaza with blue light.
As the light dimmed, the congregrated Iraxi looked around with new eyes. The strange apathy which had dominated their minds for thousands of years had lifted and their minds were once again clear to think and to reason. A cheer went out. It might have been deafening, if there were more than a hundred of them present.
The Emperor turned to guardsman Xith, who was completely stunned by sheer awe for the second time today.
"Come, child. There is much to do."


  • Bay Watcher
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((Poltifar, use the same symbol for hero as troops or any other group away from a settlements - you can put how many people are where in the OOC section of your turn posts.

At least for settlements, the GM will need to know current and maximum population to calculate your growth.))


  • Bay Watcher
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thanks coelocanth, i'll do that. but i dont have pop growth for now, 'cause i'm an organization ;)
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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    • http://(none)

((Vocabulary for this post:
- Glade: City
- Great Glade: Kinda sorta capital
- Tide: Entish length unit, which, by sheer coincidence, is exactly as long as one square. Lucky, huh?))

│24                                                                      │
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With a thundering crash, Futh- Ra collided with the earth, wiping out trees in a few miles in the shockwave. There was an eerie silence some time after, and then the figures started climbing out from the ent. A handful of ents, the only survivors, gathered into a small group some distance away from the crash site. The largest of the group, Lord Ka- Ram, entered telepathical conversation with their champion. Whispers filling his head, he figured out his orders, and turned to face the other ents.

"As you know, we are here to protect the woods of this world. The glade Futh- Ra has cleared for us shall be our new Grand Glade, and our first job here is to secure it and it's surroundings. You four Implings, go straight North, South, East and West. If you find something of interest, come back and report it. Also, if you go forward more than 5 tides, also come back. Now run, maggots!"

The four chosen Implings scurried away, afraid of any punishment should they be lacking in speed.
Ka- Ram then turned to face the rest of the Implings.

"You shall guard the glade and the venerable Everlasting. Any failure will cost your life. Also, you must secure a place for us to store the young."

To the Protectors, he said:

"You shall follow me, being my strike force against whatever our scouts find. You know your duties."

To the Material, he spoke:

"Material, shield the Protectors. Be their armour and weapons."

The Material approached the Protectors, who made them their weapons and armour of choice.

So happened the arrival of the ents.


The scout of the south was the first to find something. It was a tree-covered hill, some twenty meters high, with a hole at the top. His careful peeking inside revealed nothing interesting, so he warily entered. The tunnel, somewhat oval in shape and about 1.5m high, went on for some time, before splitting into two. At that point, the Impling felt nervous, and retreated.

Soon after, the ents arrived at full force. Ka- Ram, four Protectors coated with Material, and 22 Implings. Two were left to guard Futh- Ra.

The Implings entered the caves first. They also noted that the tunnels were smooth, indicating heavy use. However, the ceiling was rough, meaning that the tunnels were slightly larger than what was normally needed. They also used the roots of nearby trees as supports, suggesting some kind of intelligence.

Also, it smelled kinda funny.

The Implings wandered around the tunnels, which divided quite often, every 8m or so. Also, they twisted so much that most animals would get lost. Passing by many other tunnels, it was clear to the Implings that the cave was a vast complex, most likely holding tens or even hundreds of denizens.

After some time, the stumbled upon a dead end. It was slightly wider than the rest of the tunnels, a room of sorts. There was animal waste on the floor, indicating this was some sort of restroom for whatever lived here. Quick examination of the droppings revealed that the creatures living in the caves were carnivoric, and possibly ate fish.

The leader of the Impling squad decided it was time to get out, and let loose a screech. Above them, the Protectors placed themselves atop the sound source. Another screech would have them dig down, to produce an escape route for the Implings. There was also a second use for the screech, to lure out any residents. Soon, a creature arrived.

It was about three meters long, and a meter high, looking like an over-sized ferret, or perhaps a weasel. It had long, menacing teeth and powerful- looking jaws. It's legs were short and stumpy, but it still looked quite fast, and perhaps good at swimming. It didn't look like it was going to attack: however, it still looked dangerous enough to warrant retreat for the time. The Implings signaled for the Protectors to dig them an escape rout. They started tearing through the earth, which clearly agitated the resident creature.  It barked at the Implings, turning away from the hallway to give them a way out. They yelled at the Protectors to stop, and ran out, with more creatures coming out of the hallways to block any routes other than retreat.

The creatures seemed intelligent, and would need to be studied. Two Protectors, guising as trees, stayed behind to catch some. They succeeded, and carried them back to the Glade for study. The following things were discovered.

- The creature wouldn't breed in captivity: however.
- They were quite intelligent, able to recognise simple patterns and numbers, and they were bulky enough to fit two, maybe three Implings on their backs.
- They had sharp teeth: when captured, one of them had bit deeply into a Protector, causing pain but no serious injuries.

The ents started planning for a chance to capture more for further study.


The Glade:

A circular area, some miles wide, and devoid of trees. In the middle, there is a towering figure, that of Futh- Ra. The ents spend their time here, training and preparing for what is to come. There is only one "building" here: a small, damp hole in the ground. The pods of the young ents are stored here, to grow into full- sized ents.

Code: [Select]
♣ Woods
F Fath- Ru
P Pod cave

♣♣     ♣♣ ♣
♣         ♣
♣   FF P  ♣
♣   FF    ♣
♣         ♣
♣♣♣  ♣♣ ♣♣♣

General glade-area


« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 05:53:48 am by Dwarfaholic »


  • Bay Watcher
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-=The World Above, Game Room=-

Armok called out across the table to Nerlor, "What's big, dangerous, and lives in swamps?"
"Giant saltwater crocodile?"
"I'll give you a clue, 'nine'"
"that's right!"
With that, a figurine snapped into existence to the south of Tel Sarangis

-=The World Below, Tel Sarangis=-

The calm morning was suddenly disturbed by the loud snap of a breaking tree. Katan dropped her sack of water snakes and looked up to see a huge serpent's head towering over the trees. Instinctively, she dropped to the water and blended, her eyes circling behind. Relieved to see the neck and body slide past, she looked around for the tail.
With a SNAP, the Hydra's fourth head snatched Katan out of the water and hurled him thirty meters into the air.  She had a few seconds to scream before being caught by two heads and ripped in half.
The thirty three residents of Tel Sarangis saw the Horror of the Swamp and fled, scattering into the swamp and hiding.

The Hydra Sorin Keln is not easy to hide from. The eyes of each head are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, so while Katan was invisible in the infra-red and well camouflaged in the human-visible spectrum, the camouflage is far from perfect in the ultra-violet B illumination of sunlight.

Four more crocrolen met their doom, trusting too much to their blending or not fleeing fast enough, as Sorin Keln rushed forward into Tel Sarangis. She smashed her head through the roofs of several huts, looking for anything tasty inside, ate the drying fish in the smoke house, then departed into the swamp, her hunger satisfied for now.

-=The World Below, near Tel Sarangis=-

The hunter Kiran froze as she heard a hippo roar in the distance. Looking through the night fog, she could make out three giant heads feasting on the fallen hippo. Lying close to the ground, she watched the Terror of Tel Sarangis devour the hippo and slide off to the south.

South, away from Tel Sarangis, but still too close for comfort.

-=The World Below, Tel Sarangis=-

Korkel Selan hopped around the perimeter carrying Hengist Starforged.  The defenses were weak as yet, but the angled wooden spikes should deter such a large beast from charging into the tel or its farms again. Three hunters had failed to return in recent weeks, this paradise was beginning to look like a poisoned chalice.

Population Centres:
LocationNamePopulationPop CapNotes
23,86Tel Sarangis112630Defended by angled sharpened logs
28,84Vol Tikal40340Building a glassworks
14,83Vol Sundar30280Temporary Settlement?


  • Bay Watcher
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Tables Galore -

ps: looks like armok approved a couple more civilisations :)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Leef walked into the sunlight.  The eternal twilight of the portal-realm was now behind him, and a new day dawned, bright and clear.  He turned back and called to the others, “Alright, we’ve made it; come on out.”  Through the portal, a line of Ipetians blinked as they entered daylight for the first time in weeks.  They had been warned that the journey would be long and dangerous, and it most certainly was.  Demonic creatures had assaulted them, sinkholes and quicksand were common, but the real danger was of losing their way in the perpetual darkness.  To be able to stand again in the sun, it was the greatest feeling.

As the others moved off to find a suitable place for a campsite, Leef was joined by Tod and Onschuld, and the three friends began to discuss what they needed to do in the new world.  Leef advocated created defenses around the portal, to prevent the escape of any that dwelled in the dark.  Tod wanted to send out scouting groups immediately, to discover the lay of the land around them.  Onschuld thought that creating a viable town was the best way to start.  Of course, his nature made him adverse from insisting upon anything; so, as usual, Leef and Tod fell to bickering, while Onschuld remained silent.

“It is our responsibility to this world to ensure that we do not infect it with any evil beings,” Leef explained.

Tod countered, “And we have a responsibility to ourselves to make sure that we know where Fenneth has plopped us down at.  Anyhow, the demons that we faced weren’t that tough.”

Leef replied, “Killed five of our best scouts, and you don’t call them tough?  What would you do if one came through that portal right now?”

Onschuld attempted to interrupt, “Umm, guys…”

Tod continued on anyways, “And what if there are enemies hidden in the land that surrounds us?  What would we do then?”

Onschuld tried to get a word in, “Guys…”

Leef didn’t hear him, “We’ll face that problem when we come to it.  Right now we…”

Onschuld raised his voice, “Guys…”

Leef and Tod turned to him in unison and shouted, “What?!”

Onschuld pointed behind them and said, “The portal’s… getting smaller.”  The two looked, and stared in utter horror as the portal began to shrink. 

Leef was the first to recover, “Come on!  We have to stop it!”  The three ran over to the rip in space, and thrust their hands over the barrier.  They could feel the flow of Life returning to normal.  Leef said to the others, “Try to slow it down; I’ll see if I can brace it.”  Tod and Onschuld nodded, and attempted to hold the portal open.  Leef placed his hands on the ground, and two thick branches sprung up from the dirt.  They quickly wrapped around one another, and formed a circle in the air, halfway through the portal.  The portal shrunk until it was wrapped around the branches.  A moment passed, and everyone began to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then the wood shattered as the portal continued to close.  The three friends clutched their arms as splinters flew and dug themselves into Ipetian flesh.  Tod, forcing himself to overcome the pain, shouted, “We have to hold it!  Don’t stop now!”  With cries of agony, the three placed their hands back into the portal, trying with all their might to keep it intact.  But they were doomed to failure.  As the portal got smaller and smaller, it split into three small circles, one around each plainshapers’ hands.  There they held it for an hour, gritting their teeth and struggling against fate.

Then, without warning, there was a crack, as of thunder, and all three Ipetians suddenly found themselves inexplicably weak.  The portals snapped closed around their wrists.  Experiencing a jolt of pain, the youths yanked their arms back, and found their hands still attached to their bodies.  They also noticed that the pain and weakness had vanished.  But none of that mattered; they stared blankly at where the portal used to be.  Now there was only empty space.

A voice from behind pulled the three back into reality.  “Odd, that wasn’t supposed to happen.”  They turned around, and there stood Fenneth, scratching his head.  “That’s interesting…”

Tod, growing angry, demanded, “What’s the meaning of this?  I thought we were supposed to be able to go home.”

Fenneth continued to scratch his head, “Umm….oops?”

Tod couldn’t believe it, “We’re stranded in the middle of nowhere on this god-forsaken world…”

Fenneth interrupted, “Technically not god-forsaken as I am currently here…”

“Shut Up!  This god-forsaken world with no way of getting home, little food, unknown enemies, and nothing to look forward to save a slow death away from our friends, and all you can say is Oops!?”

“Yea…sorry about that…I guess the temporal disturbance was not nearly as permanent as I had thought.  The universes aren’t exactly lined up right…I think the portal has shifted.”

Onschuld picked up this glimmer of hope, “Shifted?  Where?  Is it nearby?”

Fenneth bent his head and closed his eyes.  He looked like he was thinking intensely.  He muttered quietly to himself.  Suddenly, he looked back up again.  “It’s about 20 billion kilometers…that way,” he said, pointing up towards the sky.

Tod threw his hands up into the air.  “Wonderful, let me just snap my fingers and we’ll all just fly as fast as light for a while to reach it.”

Fenneth continued to look thoughtful.  “Actually, it seems to be on a regular rotation.” He began tracing out a path in the air.  “If I’m right, then it should end up,” his finger pointed to the spot where the portal had been, “right where it started.”

Leef looked grim, “And how long will that take?”

Fenneth bit his tongue, “I’d say, somewhere around… 100 years.”

Tod echoed him, “A hundred years!?”

Fenneth nodded, “give or take a decade or two…”

Onschuld sat down on the ground.  “We’re doomed.  We’ll never see home again.”

Fenneth smiled slyly, “Oh, I think there’s a good chance you will.”

Leef looked questioningly at the god, “How?”

Fenneth looked at the three, and explained, “I believe you all felt a moment of weakness, just before the portal closed?”  The youths nodded their heads.  “That was caused by a dweller of the portal realm, a ‘soul sucker’ of sorts.  It has an ability similar to the ancient Dark Ones’, the ability to drain a soul from a living being.  To make a very complicated matter short, when the portal closed as it was feeding on you, you gained a measure of immortality.”

The friends looked at each other.  Tod was the first to speak, “You mean…we’re…gods?”

Fenneth chuckled and shook his head, “No, no, no, it’s similar to Riet’s immortality.  You won’t age, and you won’t get sick.  But a knife in the back will still kill you.  Trust me, you will die.  Forever is a long time to live, and something will eventually go wrong.  But, with a little bit of luck, you will be able to get back home.”

The god glanced at the sky and noticed the position of the sun.  “I’ve got to be going now.  I’ll make sure to tell Riet about your predicament.  I’d suggest forming an outpost soon.  If you look around, you’ll find something really interesting nearby.  I’ll probably be back sometime before the year is out.  Best of luck to you!” and with that, Fenneth vanished.

Tod turned to look at Leef.  “You know, I’m starting to understand why Riet sighs every time he hears Fenneth’s name.”

Leef nodded, “Yea.  Well, it looks like you win, Tod.  We’ll send scouts to check out the immediate area.  I’m putting you in charge of them.  Onschuld and I will start working on getting a viable outpost set up.  Don’t stray too far, alright?”  Tod nodded, and galloped off towards where the others had gone.  Leef motioned to Onschuld, “Come on, let’s get to work making some watchtowers.” 

Onschuld got up “What do you think we should call this place?”

Leef thought about it, “How does Huis Hoop sound?”

Onschuld smiled, “Home’s Hope, I like it.”  As they followed Tod’s tracks, Leef sighed; surviving for a hundred years, how hard could it be?

Code: [Select]
│40                                                                      │
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« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 12:34:58 am by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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a few weeks went by, and the Daroth outpost grew in size. Homes were dug, workshops erected, and the begginings of a farm were put into place. All was well.
Rall, listed the holdings of their new capita, Astmeban:

Total Daroth: 45
Daroth in Astmeban: 30
Current Civilians: 25
Military: 5
Miners: 4
Woodworkers: 2
Stoneworkers: 2
Rangers: 2
Metalsmiths: 2
Jewelers: 1
Craftroth: 1
Admins: 1
Peasants: 2
Fishery Workers: 2
Farmers: 4
Engineers: 2

Axeroth: 2
Hammeroth: 2
Kael, Son of Rall.

Eastways total: 5
Captain: Sall, Daughter of Keat.
Hammeroth: 2
axeroth: 2
Swordroth: 1
Westways total: 5
Captain: Kell, Son of Hent.
Hammeroth: 2
Axeroth: 2
Pikeroth: 1
Southways Total: 5
Captain: Ton, Son of Kent.
Hammeroth: 2
Axeroth: 2
Maceroth: 1

Brief Biographies:
Sall, daughter of Keat.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Kell, Son of Hent.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Ton, Son of Kent.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Dig out an outpost:

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
W= Workshops
+ = Passage
B = Bedrooms
⌂⌂ = Mountain
▲ = High mountain
♣ = Woods
O,| = river
(OOC) do I have to say that the soldiers at Astmeban are training, or do you just assume it? (OOC)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 06:10:19 am by Kashyyk »
Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 6