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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods III :: Turn 2 :: Please join! (but STILL under construction.)  (Read 12456 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the mountain
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*Before is a view of expansing desert, In it, at the horizon, rises a glinting yellowish city, its tower domes wrought from gold and towers build from sandstone bricks and large stones. A river flows through the city lazily, forking into two at the middle of the city. On the middle of the joining point, amidst the flowing waters, rises a Tall round tower, its windows made from precious gems and walls build from huge yellowish stone blocks. The banks of the rivers are lush with vegetation and are lined with fields and houses. It is night.*

This... is Akkad. A city, a land, a people. This was the land of legends and magic, of the long nights of danger and intrigue and days of gleam and glamour. Yet, it is a dark place...


Sechmed stared fixedly downwards, into the deafening depths of well of souls. The water was pristine and clear, yet the pool was as black as the blackest night, for its sheer deepness could be "seen" through the waters.
His shrouded hands were raised over the well, in exactly the same pattern as those of the other three.
From above, the sounds chanting was penetrating even to the deepest recesses of the tower. It was the time of the prayer to Sem'seddin and the eternal night.

Then, all of sudden, the four began to chant. Their voice grew louder and became strangely broken, like it was coming from aeons away and yet so near, like a whisper yet a shout, like a speech yet a scream.
Slowly words could be noticed among the chanting, forming sentences.

"We call to thee... Sem'seddin." A pulsating, red light began far down the well.
"Accept our gift... And grant us the full power... of the well"

with these words a scream could be heard from above...

Khaled stared in horror as the people around him began writhe in pain, their blood gushing out from their noses, ears and eyes, their skin ripping as their own bones tried to rip themselves free and a tugging sensation all around them being felt. Now he knew why all the outlying tribes had been forced to the city, and led into the middle of the temple square.
The Akkadians were chanting in all drowning shout around them when the perfect darkness of the deep moon fell.

Nothing could ever compensate the horror Khaled felt as his bones began to pull their way out his flesh, as the unimaginable pain was replaced by images of starlit desert of black sand, where wandering souls wailed in wind as they were dying for eternity. The tortured souls hungering for something to lash their desperation at...

Deep down in the tower the chant continued, bolts of  lightning coloured in undescrible colours now flashing out from their hands, directed into the pulsating light deep down.
Sechmed was shouting clear sentences now in unnatural, broken voice.

"We Shall run the rivers dark with the blood of these innocents in your name! We shall create an army of your will from their tormented bones!"

The chant became louder when a pillar of twirling souls that twisted in agony and shouted in pain was shot through the far ceiling, directing straight into the now sickly twisted looking well of souls that seemed to suck the desperate souls down into it, the souls falling deeper and deeper with outstrecthed hands, as if trying to pull themselves back up.

Secmed let out an inhuman wail as the power surged through him, the flow so strong that the the fibers of his being were slowly being ripped apart.

"It is ready! Let the gate be opened!"

The lightning charges flowing from their hands suddenly burst upwards, forming together into a great ball of lightning... And in the ball, could the kingdom of Akkad be seen.
The red light down in the well burst wider and brighter, rendering the whole cave swelling with the sick light.

"The Gate Stands Ready!"

With these words the liches raised their arms over them, and brought them down furiously, The ball of lightning thrust into the swelling and twirling gate.

The sensation felt by the Akkadians above could not easily be described by words, when they saw the sky and stars somehow getting farther away, the wind seemed to be rising from the grounds, bringing ominous wails with it and all kinds glimpsed horrors passing by the sky at blinding speeds.
Suddenly new stars burst on to the sky and the wind brought forward unknown smells that could be smelled only with unaccustomed noses. The place was... Unfamiliar, yet it was the same. The deep moon was rising back to its position.
The time of prayer had ended.


Deep down in the tower, where the liches were settling in after the passage through dimensions, An ominous shadow lurked behind one of the pillars... It was a middle aged man, not Akkadian, but one of the tribesmen. His name was... Bahad, roughly translated it meant brave and bold.
He had followed the Akkadian military back to the city when they had attacked some of the tribes and rounded up their members. After getting to the city, he had resolved to sneak down into the tower, surpise whoever was in charge in there and take him to hostage with dagger on his neck, and demand the freeing of his people... He had never expected this.

The Akkadians had long since taken up the practice of necromancy, raising and creating undead to serve them to their own needs. They treated regarded these beings as slaves and servants... Little did they know that they were the slaves of the undead.
From what he had knew and thought that Akkadians knew, they were governed over by the four most powerful of the mage organization called "The Magistrates".
But now he saw it... They were liches, ancient mages turning Themselves to undead to preserve their minds and wills on the mortal realms.

He had been here for the whole time... Seeing the whole ritual from beginning to the end, hearing the voices of his people sacrificed to the dark god Sem'seddin that worked through these unholy beings... And now all there was left was revenge. Only that revenge couldnt be served by a valiant sacrifice. He needed to find help.


As the new day rose after the long night, The merchant's guild of Akkad was a flurry of activity. Under the gold adorned dome of the prosperous building the most wealthiest merchants of the city were holding a meeting.

"Don't be daft Effendi! We won't be finding our old tradepartners anymore! Didnt you look at the stars last night after that Ritual with the foul dogs of the tribes? This place... World, is not the one we were! I request that we send out caravans to see for new traderoutes!"

Some of the lavishly dressed merchants looked skeptic.

"How can you know its just not some sideeffect of the Spell? Surely you realise such a great raising of undead might do something... funny. Besides, sending out caravans might be risky business effendi, the profits are great but so are the losses if they dont find anything!"

The argument went on for a few hours but eventually it was agreed to send out two caravans to seek new traderoutes, To the north, and south.


So, here's the summary.
I created a group of 50 skeletons as a starting army.
Two merchant caravans send out, seeking any possible trade partners in the world.
And for you organization players, Yes, i have given you a candidate for joining.

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« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 01:00:27 pm by Nhiphanter »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Bahad could again find no sleep this night, the 3rd in a row. What he has witnessed would be etched into his mind for all eternity, plageuing him with nightmares even when awake. His mind has grown restless, avoiding sleep at all cost, not to sink any further into the void of waking nightmares.

Earlier today he tried to eat some meat. When through the meat the bone became visible, terror overtook his mind, and he was barely able to move for what seemed hours. Infront of his eyes, the lamb had turned into the carcass of his first born son...

In every moment that wasn#t filled with terror, revenge clouded his mind. He just had to find a way

find a way

find a way

Exhaustion had taken his toll out of him, as he finaly drifted into sleep for the first time since 3 days.

He found himself in a completely white desert. No. Not a desert a frozen wasteland. But as a simple man of a desert tribe, he had never seen snow. Strangely enough, he wasn't feeling cold either, though a chill was traveling down his spine, born from the strangeness of this scenery. From afar, a voice called out to him.


"What do you want ?"


The voice was completely non-threathening, childlike. Yet, He was striken with uncertainness that soon turned into fear. Without even noticing, his legs started running on their own, leaving deep footsteps in the snow. He ran, and ran, and fell. He landed on something hard, but he did not feel any pain. What was this strange thing ? Glass ? Crystal ?
Slowly, he ran his fingers over it's smooth surface, and extending from his fingers, like a mirror image at first, slowly grew a figure. Bahad gasped as he realised to whom it belonged. It was his firstborn son.

"Father, it hurts. They hurt me. Father."

"Oh god, what have they done to you ? Tell me, what have they done to you ?!"

"Father, you have to hurt them too."

The sky above his head grew darker, into a clear, cloudless night. From the surface of the icy mirror, a ball of light blue light emerged and flew towards the sky, hanging clearly visible over the north.

"Follow this light, then you will find a way to hurt them....."

Bahad rose from his resting place with a scream, bathed in cold sweat. The window in his room had opened, and an icy wind was coming in. It was still night, but when he got up to close the window, he could see it clear as day. A bright blue star had appeared in the north.


((This star will indicate the position of the artifact. Only bahad can see it))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the mountain
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Peering at the star through the wooden grid on the window, Bahad made his mind. This could be his only chance to find revenge... The only problem was the daytime in the desert. he would need a camel and lots of water.

A few days later...

Bahad was preparing to leave the city, disguised as an Akkadian with a common desert robe and a large turban. He had had to kill one of the citizens to accuire the regalia, and the camel he was sitting on was stolen, laden with waterskins.
He squinted on the bright star, hovering over the horizon in the north, clearly visible even in day.
He could only wonder why none of the city's inhabitants had seemed to notice it.

Night was just falling, and he would have to move. He needed to make it as far as possible during the night, to avoid traveling in the scorching daytime and be unnoticed by atleast the living patrols along the borders.
He made haste to his readily packed camel and galloped through the darkening streets.
Soon, he was on the gates. A gatewatch came out of the guardpost with two skeletons flanking him.

"Halt! Who're you and why do you want to go into the desert?"

Bahad quickly told him the sentence he had practiced.

"Im one of the merchants of the southern caravan! Mehmed is my name, and by the gods can you let me through?! I need to catch up!"

The guard peered at him suspiciously.

"Hmph. Usually you effendis are never late to profit... Fine, go through, worshipper of coin"

And so, Bahad rode north in the darkness of night, following the pale, blue star.

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  • Bay Watcher
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After a few days of organizing things and assigning work schedules, the Emperor decreed that scouts would be sent to search for the other cities, starting with the nearby five locations marked on a large stone tablet set into the wall in the entrance hall to the palace. No details were available as the stone tablet had been worn by centuries and the more detailed maps had been lost aeons ago.
Spirits had been quite high despite the daunting task of rebuilding an empire. Perhaps the rest of them were inspired by the tireless and always calm work of the Emperor. Many had expected the Emperor to start bossing them around meaninglessly, but instead he worked without pause to improve the lot of the people. None had seen him pause to rest once since his return. He rarely hurried, but still managed to keep the workers busy with the plantations and refurbishing the living spaces. The Palace was a secondary objective to getting the food production and lodgings set up. "Vanity comes after necessity", the Emperor explained. The populace agreed that this was sensible.
Fortunately the ruins of Ehn'gha could at the very least provide stone for new buildings. They would still have to find a place to quarry for stone, however, if they were to properly restore the glory of the Empire. This was the secondary objective of the scouting expeditions. They were to report back any sightings of natural resources, be it metal, springs, quality stone and so forth. It was sheer luck that some of the practical skills had been passed down through the Age of Sleep, as the millenia-spanning period of mind-numbing apathy came to be called.

The Emperor stood in the great entrance hall, bathed in the light pouring from a hole in the ceiling and looked at the map stone. Back in the old days of the Empire, he had been plagued by not having direct goals, as simply expanding their borders was seen as a waste of time, as they had no need of more space. But now he had a clear objective.
He shook himself from his moment of daydreaming and slithered outside, heading for the masonry shops. Someone with spare time had started work on a small monument to commemorate the rebirth of the Empire. Slightly premature, the Emperor thought, but it's good to see the new generation in the spirit of things.

The following morning five pairs of scouts equipped with mapmaking tools, long-sight lenses and prospecting equipment were sent to the nearest five spots marked on the map.


Xar reached to the board with a tentacle and moved ten Iraxi figurines decked out in surveying gear across the board to the five tiles marked as ruins.
"They have been surprisingly adaptive to the new circumstances." He eyes the assembled gods with the usual serious look. It doesn't seem he's even capable of seeming less than dead serious, at least to more humanoid gods.
"I have to admit that I am concerned by this anomaly here." The tentacle points to the wide swath of land around 16,39 which is covered with snow and ice out of season.
"....I think we have an extraordinarily shy participant. Whoever they are, they aren't afraid of breaking the climate. Either we are talking about a very careless or very chaotic person."
A brief silence.
"This will be interesting."

((Plus a map for clarity

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« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 04:07:32 pm by Prometheus »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Prometheus, I hope you have asked Armok about the ruins your scouts are going to find next turn. If not, don't forget to do so
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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map experiment
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2008, 04:10:12 pm »

« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 08:23:26 pm by coelocanth »


  • Bay Watcher
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Xhimathl's footfall heralded his way, he swiftly stepped down the hall, the large pipe-organ on his back posing no burden to his gait. He came up to the table, looking around swiftly at the other gods gathered around the table with a feeling of disdain, suddenly turning his attention to the board, scanning over it in haste. Almost in a manner completely opposite of his norm he carefully unfurled something from breastplate, a paper with a smoking rune on it, carefully and precisely, he folded it into the shape of a flag, before casting it onto the board, where it landed and stuck in a palm forest. The instrument on his back rumbles, a low chuckling note.

The Doge gasped for breath, smoke oozing from his mouth, and a flame vanished from around him. He was completely confused, but at the sight of his disoriented Guard and the Loyalist Scum, he kept a confident and commanding demeanor. Almost immediately he began to take charge. Even if he had no idea where they were, he knew he would make Xhimathl proud.

"My Elite Guard! We have the few supplies on us, but we must make camp, use your helmets and whatever you have, Clear the brush! Knights, you are no strangers to labor either, gather some lumber, we must get fires burning, from there we will be safe for now."

Almost immediately the soldiers began to work without question, since birth they had been drilled to take orders and to do the work no one was left alive to do. Glancing around the trees the Doge realized they would never be able to find their way out without clearing large parts of the forest, and so he set himself to the task of forging a new home in the wretched land.

***(1 Week Since Arrival.)***

The Doge looked at the large circle of land his men had cleared, a large mound of broken logs and limbs had formed, almost as a testament of the need for lumber, small clusters of fire pits that were dug, animal bodies slowly roasting over the brilliant flame.

Suddenly an officer of the Elite Guard rushed to him, dropping his cracked helmet in the rain sodden mud. Behind the officer two soldiers were carrying bodies, one of a large boar-like animal and another of a loyalist. As the men were dragging the loyalist's body, the Doge grimaced.

"What happened, what is that flame-wretched thing?!" The Doge growled. "We were looking for a better source of water, that thing came out of nowhere, and from what we can tell, it's not the only one. We most burn the forest, it conspires again us, for the love of Xhimathl, please, burn the forest!" wailed the officer. "Assume the worst, light torches, use whatever firewood we have, we can get more lumber, but men are a valuable commodity we cannot live without." it was a command the Doge had been yearning to say since he first smelled the horrible forest.

The smell of the ash and smoke was the only thing he smelled now, the fires they had been burning for a few hours but had only expanded the ring of barren ground by maybe three meters, but it had kept the animals away, they had gathered a new stockpile of wood and were beginning to make the foundations for houses, but the mud impaired their work.

***(Two Weeks Since Arrival.)***

The Doge stood over the temporary grave of the loyalist who was killed by the boar-creature, as the Doge looked at it the rain slowly washed away the mud revealing a rotting arm. "Edrick, you fool, I owed you my life, and this is how you repay me, dieing over some water!." The Doge screamed at the corpse. The Doge spat out a bit of blood onto the grave before walking off.

***(3 Weeks Since Arrival)***

Amongst the smoking trees the Doge stood, looking at the unburned jungle, the dark things creeping in the brush, large shapes, most he couldn't make out, but one had the eye of a predator, as well as a hint of cunning. Taking one of the last things he had from the old world, a picture of a small child, his daughter, before kissing the picture and tossing it into the jungle, the past would be left where it had started, not here.

The next three weeks the Doge and his soldiers spent building houses and starting to form a city.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 03:36:38 pm by Naze »
Elf: Hmmm an ancient book...filled with spells?!
Fuma Amuisa, elf has been struck down.
Tzeentch doesn't like Elves, please don't teach your Elves to read.


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         /                         \                  || //
/\/\/\/\|   The Forests of (59,23)  |/\/\/\/\      000|| |/
 |.|,|.| \    Near the Waterfall   / |,|,|.| __000()()/-///

Rolitokovo ascended, and looked around. This seemed a rather pleasant place... a bit on the cold side but still quite inhabitable. He noticed 3 natural formations on the terrain nearby, though the details were hard to discern from here. Normally he would go have a look himself but... that would probably be 'cheating' here. Cheating might have dire consequences for all Anqip...

When the townsfolk ascended the hill, carrying lumber up to the top of the waterfall, they spotted Rolitokovo in his avatar sitting on a rock near the edge. Rolitokovo smiled, "Greetings, people!" There was a murmur as they set their materials down and formed an audience. "With a new world comes new challenges!... I didn't think that would be so literal here. I'll be streightforward, the land you are standing on is part of a board for a game of Tacticus." The crowd seemed slightly confused, one digging his claws into the ground to see if the dirt was real. Rolitokovo continued, "In practice this means there are other gods with other intentions commanding other peoples in this world! But it seems we are alone on this continent island, so we have plenty of time to build a nation anew upon it. So, what do you think of it?" A discussion commenced... it turned into a quite positive discussion. Despite the context of 'game', the idea of meeting new cultures was exciting, and building a great nation anew in such a beautiful and cosy place did seem like quite a good deal.

After a bit of discussion, Rolitokovo got to the caves, "There are also 3 natural features, one immediately to the southwest, one far to the west near the southmost point of the island, and one far to the north among some taiga between a spring and a mountain. Not even I know what's in them, but I'm sure quite a few of us would like to find out." Two in the back of the crowd, wearing large backpacks, immediately high fived. Rolitokovo smiled, "I suppose I should go find out who else is involved in this! If I can't make it back in person, I'll leave notes on your town postboard... assuming you get one up soon that is. Thank you all, and good luck!" A feeling of some sort of odd mission being played out fell upon the crowd... After a brief bidding fairwell, Rolitokovo's material avatar vanished as he departed the realm.

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============================== The Game Room

A fog drifts off the board, and descends to the floor behind a chair, getting denser until finally, a green Anqip with yellowish eyes materializes. Rolitokovo looks around, "Wow, nice place you got here! Hey guys!" He smiles, and takes a seat.

()2 weeks pass upon the world's surface()

During this time...


The 2 Anqip that had been so eager to leave spot a cave opening not that far away from the town. Upon closer inspection, they peer inside, and find the cave is full of gold and shimmering gems! What luck! Only a couple weeks spent on this new world and they're already rich beyond their wildest dreams! They hug eachother... then hear a loud crunch! Looking back in the cave, they see a shadow move... a relatively small, green dragon emerges, young and actually kind of cute in a way. He sits in front of the cave, yawning. A dragon... beings of nearly divine wisdom, beings of awesome power. The two Anqip kneel before the dragon in a gesture of respect, "We apologize if we have intruded..." The green dragon notices them, gets up, and approaches. The two explorers continue, "We are new to this land, and seek resources and wisdom to aid us. We have yet to get proper bearings really! As a humble request, are you willing to share your eternal knowledge with us?" The green dragon licks his lips. The two look up to see a large open mouth. CHOMP! The dragon bit the heads off both explorers before either could really get away.

After a brief feast, the green dragon growing in size a little, an enormous red dragon emerges to see what the ruckus is. The green dragon walks back to his mother, licking his lips, then nuzzles against her affectionately. She smiles, and thinks, 'Wisdom? A bit of wisdom for ye explorers, never kneel before a predator larger than you are!' They both walk back into the cave. Just before the young dragon enters, he notices the explorer's footsteps lead northeast...

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a ==== a ======= a a
..,.,,,.,.,,,.,.,.,.. The partially built town of Kavla Niti

Traga notices the musketeer she's chatting with is looking off to the sourhwestern skies. She looks herself, and spots a green speck on the horizon, "I'm gettin' a bit worried about 'em. They aught've been back a while ago now." "Maybe they got stuck in the cave or something?" "I sure hope not!" "Well we could always send a crew to fish them out you know." "I sure hope they stocked up on their food if that's the case."

The green speck reveals itself to be an approaching dragon. "What th'ell is that?" "Well that's not a bird..." "Looks like... a dragon?" The dragon circles the outskirts of town. Traga stands along with a few around. The musketeer speaks, "So... we know what happened to them then?" Traga replies, "Don't jump to conclusions, we'll let him land then hear him out. Bring your guns to be safe, but try to keep a peaceful posture!"

They exit the partially made building. Traga brought her cannon out, but held it down. By now everyone has stopped what they were doing to watch their winged guest. Said winged guest dove streight at a worker, snatching him up before he could jump out of the way. The worker screamed out in pain as the dragon ascended, circling around the town once again. Traga shouted, "You three, guard the center!" As they moved to the middle of town, she raised her cannon, gesturing for the rest to follow her. She led them to the outskirts of town, circling the town in the opposite direction of the dragon. Meanwhile the unarmed townsfolk took shelter wherever they could.

When the dragon circled straight south, he continued on in a straight line. Traga commanded her troops to stop and hold... firing at it with a regular musket at this angle was pointless. Any musketball that actually managed to strike the beast would likely glance away from its thick scales! So, Traga moved behind a wooden sill, crouching with her cannon braced against it. As the dragon flew off, she lit the fuse and aimed carefully at the dragon's soft underbelly, aiming up and leading the target. KaBAM! A plume of smoke and flame shot out, the wood of the sill cracking slightly. The cannonball sailed through the air in an arc. THWACK! It struck the dragon in the leg, glancing away but breaking the bone within! The young dragon let out a brief roar of pain, dropping the corpse. Noticing its meal had gotten loose, the dragon descended, landing in the forest. Traga and her troops snuck into the woods, approaching the dragon.

She crouched low, gesturing for half the musketeers following her to sneak around behind the dragon while she snuck in front. She reloaded her cannon as she moved. As they got into position, she saw the dragon devour the last bit of the corpse... the dragon seemed to grow quite suddenly, and heal spontaneously as well. In the end it was as if he were never even struck! Upon getting into position, she gestures to her troops... aim for the eyes. She herself would aim for the heart. The dragon spread his wings, though just as he was about to take off, he spotted Traga emerging from behind cover, crouched down with the cannon under her arm, the fuse lit.


A brief but thundrous series of cracks ensued as the few musketeers all fired at once, piercing the dragon's eyes. The dragon roared in pain, "RAAA-"


The kick of her cannon pushed her back into a half-standing position, the cannon pointing up, the claws of her feet leaving a short rut in the ground.

The cannonball struck, piercing through. A torrent of blood shot out of the wound! The dragon gasped, gagged with teary eyes, curled up... then the rush of blood slowly stopped. Silently, everyone approached. Immediately a roaring cheer is let loose! One less threat in the world to worry about! Discussions were already underway as to what to do with the dragon's corpse... perhaps make the hide into a rug? Such a thing deserves proud display, right by the town center! The cheer was short lived though... silence retook them, for buried within the dragon's corpse was the remains of a friend.

A distant but unimaginable shriek of sorrow and despair filled the air, echoing off of trees and mountains! It came from the direction of the cave...

Everyone was dead silent for a few moments... "That was... the little one, wasn't he?"

After a brief discussion, it was agreed to move the corpse away from the town... with a little luck it would at least give them time to prepare... though some felt that this spelt doom.

()4 weeks pass upon the world's surface()
During this time...

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 | |*.,aa.*|**|*|*   A natural oddity to the south...

"What the hell..."

"There ain't nothin' here but trees an' f*ckin' webs!"



"Tell the weavers? They say spider web is strong thread."

"... Alright, let's get a sample and get it back to 'em."

After gathering a bit of thread...

"Don't get yourself stuck."

Eventually, an enormous, truly monstrous, man-eating spider emerges out of the trees, hissing loudly.

"Erm, right! That-a-way then!"

They back off, "Damn!"

The two unarmed explorers flee. The giant forest spider stays behind.

"I don't think I'm coming this way for a while..."

"I am! Hah, imagine Traga ridin' one of them critters!"

A little later...

.,|.,aa.________  A patch of land far to the north with nothing but hard stone, where everything that enters, magically falls up.

The field sucked in air quite rapidly... the air inside of it fell up, went undoubtably very high, then fell down upon exiting, creating an extraordinarily tall convection current.


"Bless ya!"

The frontmost sighs, a bit of fog trailing from his mouth.

"So, how do you think it works?"

"Umm... magic?"

"Indeed. Well, it looks like nothing around is being poisoned by it. Perhaps it is safe?"

"I dunno, let's ask when we get back."

The frontmost seems lost in thought for a few moments.

"I suppose, though this might be quite useful..."

He picks up a rock, puts it half in the field, and half outside the field. The rock floats in air, spinning rapidly. He catches it, and feels the torque on both the rock and his hands that the edge of the field causes.

"Here we have a means to construct perhaps a water wheel that needs no water."

"Well..." She notices the torque it produces, "Say, that's not a half bad idea! Maybe we can mark this place for a settlement some day?"

"I would suggest so! Now let us return, the town must hear of this."

During this month, the citizens of Kavla Niti worked day and night to fortify the town against the impending attack... or as some felt, their impending doom.

A sign of great luck, quarriers struck hematite as well as several other needed minerals in the mountains!

A simple metal works was set up while quarried stone was processed to make shelters. A simple stone-and-wood watch tower was put up over the town center to keep an eye out for anything approaching. Traga took station up on top, the extra height hopefully yielding a better range.

The crude stone igloos would not take much of a beating, but at least they were effectively fireproof.

Only near the end of this period was there time to forge new muskets and bullets, but even then, only a small ragtag squad could be put together.

Mere minutes until midnight, the very last of the first 6 weeks.

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,./_0_\.|-=-=-=|.,,,.,.,.===0  The Town of Kavla Niti, bunkered down and as ready as it'll get.

Traga sat atop the watch tower... though there wasn't much of a point now. Night had fallen with a new moon. Everything was pitch black.

Earlier, enough saltpeter and coal had been dug up to make three kegs of 'powder on standby... generally these kegs were used for weapons or special mining purposes only, as gunpowder is not cheap, but drastic times call for drastic measures. A plan was made. If the westward candle is lit, the kegs are to be moved into the forest to the west and hidden, fire archers on the ready to set them off. The kegs were already placed near the edge of town... no need for a dragon's flame to detonate them early. At least in this pitch black the dragon would have a hard time spotting them. The northern candle was an alarm. Those with stone shelters are to retreat into their shelters, or flee, whichever they choose. Those without must flee into the forest. Those with guns use shelters as terrain shields. They would not stay there for long most likely... no need to needlessly risk those within the shelters.

Several minutes pass.

Traga felt rather like falling asleep... It was exactly midnight. It was cloudy above, not a thing could be seen. Just as she felt herself nodding off a bit, Traga was snapped back awake by a deafening roar... from straight above. Not from east or west but directly overhead. She immediately lights both the north and west candles, the lookouts on the ground recognizing this and getting people to action. Traga realizes... she's standing right on top a kill zone! In fact, likely the very plank she was standing on was about to be reduced to ash. Seeing as she was still alive, and therefore in some way still had a chance, she grabbed her cannon and hopped down the tower, letting herself slide down the ladder, breaking a couple rungs to slow her descent. She dove under a stone shield on the bottom. At the same time, a team of 6 rushed the kegs to the west, into the forest. Troops took stations, crouching behind the stone shelters...

The dragon, nearly a full 70 meters long with glowing red eyes, swooped down from above, and opened it's mouth.

The next thing Traga saw was pure yellow... then pure white. She immediately shielded her eyes. Those who escaped saw the entire town glow red and yellow with flame as the dragon breathed down an unspeakably intense flame! Traga felt herself heating up... she was shielded from the flame but the rays alone were burning with heat! Oddly, she hardly heard a thing. When the flame stopped... she emerged from the shield. Only the stone and metal bits remained of the watch tower... yet she was OK. Her ears were ringing.

All around her, anything flammable was aflame. Wood near the center of town was engulfed. Major parts of the rest of the town were alight... doubtless any building not made entirely out of stone would be leveled if this went on... luckily, those inside buildings were inside stone igloos. Meanwhile, exiting the city, the group hauling the kegs barely escaped a rather explosive end! One shouted his keg was on fire, though luckily the next was there to douse it with water from her waterskin. A sigh of relief, and they all continued westward into the woods. Three soldiers, not completely shielded were killed. Fifteen remained alive. The shelters, as planned, had taken the blast for them.

Traga opened the door, its hot metal handle stinging her hand through the armor. "Westward, NOW!" The musketeers changed positions, grouping to the west side of town. The ground shook with thundering force as the dragon landed hard right over the remains of the watch tower, its bulk crusing what was now flaming skeletons of buildings all around. Traga looked up... the enormous fire-breathing creature had landed... right, above her. Seeing as this might be the only chance she would ever have, she braced her cannon against the ground, aiming straight up into the dragon's chest. She lit the fuse, and a moment later, smoke and sparks shot out... the report of the gun only made her ears ring more.

Taking this as a signal, the musketeers emerge and fire a volley all at once before moving westward in an attempt to draw the dragon west, or at least get themselves into a better position. Meanwhile, the kegs were laid down in ruts on a ridge, and partially buried under dirt. One among them had a bow and a couple fire arrows. She stabbed the center keg with a dagger, letting some of the powder leak out onto the ground. She then hid herself behind a tree, the rest of the crew taking shelter. She held her bow and arrow, some flint and iron in her lap.

As the musketeers moved west, one of the slower ones, trailing behind the crowd, was spotted before he could make it to the forest. The dragon breathed a concentrated flame on that one troop. Immediately there was an explosion, followed by a brief scream as leather and skin were burned, melted, and in some parts vaporized. The immensely bright flame blocked all view. When the flame stopped, a charred black figure fell to its knees, then fell face first into the dirt, laying next to a twisted, red-hot metal tube.

A torrent of blood flowed down like a red waterfall from the dragon's chest, knocking Traga over and washing her away from the ruined tower. Her suit was steaming a bit, hot to the touch! It had saved her from getting incinerated back there... As she got back to her feet, the dragon tumbled back, leveling more buildings and caving in a stone shelter. The inhabitant of the shelter was knocked unconscious.

Traga stood, looking at the fallen dragon... that was, anticlimactically easy she thought. No, she realized, the dragon was still moving. The dragon growled, and stood... the would directly to it's heart closed up, as if it had never been struck. There was only one solution, she thought. She alone would have to lead the dragon west to the kegs. As the dragon stood and looked directly at her, she thought, it also meant she had to survive long enough to get there herself.

She moved west, the dragon following. That poor troop... Traga knew she would share his fate if she did not hurry. Indeed, she moved behind a stone shelter which she believed was empty, putting it between herself and the dragon. The dragon breathed a blinding blast of flame! Traga looked behind herself to see flame fanning out in all directions, seeming to surround her, but not strike her. The shelter began to glow with heat. When the flame ceased, the stone immediately exposed to the flame was red hot, some slightly molten, dripping down.

Just as the dragon was about to breath flame again, Traga dove into the forest, keeping low to the ground behind a tree. The forest around her was incinerated, trees set alight all around! She knew she had no time to reload here, and would have to drop some weight to make it in time... alas, this was probably her last act anyway. At least she could leave her cannon, saving it for those who wish to remember her. She dropped it, and as she scrambled back up, she drew her halberd. The dragon was forced to fly low to maintain line of sight with Traga as she made her way into the denser forest.

Meanwhile, the bowman by the kegs, seeing flame approaching, lights her arrow, and readies it in her bow, aiming at the spilt powder. The musketeers approached. The dragon was behind them, but so was Traga!

Traga ran as fast as she could as a constant stream of flame turned the land behind her to a charred crisp. The dragon swooped forth, the edge of the flame approaching. The musketeers gathered in the forest around the kegs. The flame ceased. Traga was finally near the kegs! She looked back to see the dragon swooping in to bite her in half. That moment, she leapt off of the ridge. While airborn herself, she threw her halberd into the airborn dragon's mouth. Traga fell to the ground below. The dragon smacked down skidding onto the kegs.

The dragon gakked and gurgled, trying to cry out in pain, its mouth filling with blood. The dragon tried to breathe flame, finally able to strike Traga directly, but all that came out was boiling blood. Traga saw a flaming arrow whiz by her head.


The entire ridge was blasted open! Scorched soil trailed upwards, the dragon blasted back onto her hind legs. The thundrous explosion echoed between the trees, a ball of flame trailing skyward, leaving a trail of smoke beneath.

The two explorers, returning from the north, witnessed the fires, witness the fireball, and several seconds after seeing it, heard a double-thud. "It seems we are missing the party!" They rush toward town. They had to defend it some way!

Meanwhile. Traga slowly got to her feet... one of her legs was hurt a bit by the blast. The dragon had fallen onto it's side, and now lay curled up in a ball, slowly succumbing to blood loss and pain.

Everyone stood quiet.

Traga felt her armor stinging against her, and taking her helmet off, got to work cooling the plate off.

After a few minutes, people begun to talk to eachother. Just as they begun, they stopped. The dragon opened her eyes, her eyes glowing with a hatred a mother could only hold for the one who killed her son. The dragon stood... she was completely healed. Under the light of flame, the dragon began to approach Traga. They felt it. Doomed. All of them. But at least the troops' muskets were still loaded. They fired their row at the dragon! The musket balls glancing away. The dragon just ignored them, and kept heading right to Traga.

Traga noticed the halberd was still stuck in the dragon's throat. She decided to move uphill to gain altitude, but she had dallied too long pondering the impossible situation at hand. The dragon lunged forward at her. The next thing she knew, all was pitch black, and rather slimy. She was inside the dragon's mouth! The dragon then promptly swallowed her...

She felt a handle hit her leg. She grabbed hold of her halberd on the way down, digging it in and tearing the dragon's guts open as she fell in. The dragon rose up, screaming out with rage and pain!

Traga struck down in the pitch black to stop herself. Fluids from torn organs spilt down all over the place. One of them smelled like a very strong oil. She felt fear for a moment, but put that away. In all likelihood she was dead anyway. Traga yells out and hacks around, slicing open whatever she can as she tries to dig her way to the dragon's heart. The fluids eat away at everything, corroding her armor. Traga is engulfed in a stinging sensation that grows until she herself is overcome with pain.

The dragon twists and thrashes aroudn in incredible pain, trying to take flight but instead ust crashing right back down to the ground!

This seemed almost a fitting introduction to hell for Traga... she held on, immersed in the dragon's guts and blood, her skin corroded away by stomach acid. Her mouth was sull of the gore, the blood of the dragon seeping into her body through non-existent skin. Well, this was the end, she thought. If the flame goo can decimate a town in one breath, then one could only imagine what would happen if it were all set off at once. Traga would've smiled at the thought, if she were capable. She took out her remaining powder charge. Lickily the container hadn't gotten hot enough for it to go off. She took it out, and stuffed it into the hole she made, forcing herself to move despite the immense pain. She stuffed it in with a bit of fire goo, lit the fuse, then let go, letting herself fall into the pool of guts. It was as if in that moment all of the dragon's pain shot into her. She curled up into a tight ball, then all went white!


The Anqip, knocked out by his collapsing shelter, slowly came to to. He excavated himself from the rubble, and slowly stood, holding a small support rod in his hands. Birds all around sang for a few moments, then the singing stopped. There was nothing but silence. A distant thud came from all directions as a blinding flash filled the sky. He grunted, shielding his eyes. The radiant heat stung him, vapor rising up from his clothes!

The glow slowly diminished. He looked west to see what appeared to be a sunrise, trees nearby the 'rising sun' set on fire by radiant heat. A dull rumble could be heard. A spherical shell expanded outward, becoming invisible after a bit, the glow in the center expanding out and dimming slightly.

A wave seemed to disturb trees as it zipped across the land toward him. He dropped the rod, standing as still as a statue. As the wave swept by him, he felt it pass through him. The dull roar was interrupted by a distant but powerful explosion that seemed to sound from all directions. A cloud of dust rose slightly from the ground.

He looked onward. Near the center, winds once blowing everything outward reversed, sucking leaves and debris back inward as the fireball rose upwards, leaving a column of flame below it. All around, a dull but powerful rumble reverberated among the trees and ruins.


"Well, I suppose that means we're the last Anqip?" "Shut up!" The two returning explorers looked upon the mushroom cloud and ruined city. Nobody seemed to be alive anywhere.

Indeed, every single soldier was reduced to charred remains.

Where the dragon once stood, there was now a large, pitch-black skeleton, smoking a bit, half-embedded in glassified, craterized terrain. The area around it was reduced to wasteland.

"It is no good, no good at all."

"No worries bud, not the first time the world has ended!" He chuckles and whistles a happy tune, keeping his mind off it all.

As they approached what appeared to be ruins, they heard a rushing sound. "What th-"



They were both knocked back into the dirt, bits of soil raining down. They stood. Holding their torch forward, they noticed the char-black, curled up mummy-like form, resting within a small crater. The two look at eachother, then look down at it. The charred, twisted form slowly unravels with a crackling sound. Unsure of what this is, they back off. Something seems to be present within the baked exterior. He walked up, and holding his hand out to touch whatever it is, notices it still seems to be, breathing? Gravely injured, but still alive.

"Ho-ly sh*t!"

A few moments pass.

"Lets move whoever it is back to town."

They lift the form up, hauling it back.

"How the hell?"

"I have no idea whatsoever!"

A while later...

They walk into town, finding that if anything more than a foundation remained of a wooden building, it was a charred frame. The only buildings seeming to still stand were the shelters. The explorers noticed that oddly, within one building, reduced to a charred frame, a table with a cup of tea on it remained entirely unscathed inside, everything around it turned to ash. They put together a makeshift bed near it, setting down whoever they rescued upon it, leaving to search the shelters afterwards.

They happened upon an Anqip, sitting near a ruined shelter, looking ahead.

"Another survivor? You ok?"

"That... was a little too real. It reminds me of the twilight... I don't like it!"

They sighed in agreement.

When morning rose, the rising sun shone through dusty skies, illuminating the charred skeletons of buildings in an orangish red. Those who fled into the woods came back unscathed, and those who stayed in shelters emerged OK. These preparations saved most of the town's inhabitants, albiet most of the town itself was no more. 21 were dead, none of the military remained.

Checking up on the person they rescued, the explorers found she had chipped away some of the baked shell... "Traga?" She had healed surprisingly well... overnight? The explorer looked back, "It's Traga, she's alive!" They faintly heard her soft voice, "A little... request?" Immediately he responded, "What do you need? I don't know where our medic is!" "No, food please. I'm hungry enough to eat a cow!" "Alright, we sent someone out to hunt some deer, heh, you'll be first to get a slice!" "Thanks, and bring the rest of the deer too." He was quite surprised... the whole situation seemed absurd in the first place. Well, an order was an order!

Most of the town survived, and even though buildings were burnt to a crisp... at least buildings could be rebuilt. Unfortunately, that day, artifacts from the old world were lost or ruined forever. At least they still had their lives, and perhaps would one day forge new artifacts. At the time being, most were concerned simply with surviving in this new world.



Town: Kavla Niti (59,23)

Population: 82

Pop Cap: 765

Task: Rebuilding the town...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 05:43:27 pm by AlanL »


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
    • View Profile

If someone wonders why the turn is taking so long, here is a very incomplete (and still loooong :( ) to do list:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also, it would be nice if everyone did everything as good writing and much detail as possible, covering the entire time line of the turn.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

The Game Room:

Yet another god entered the games room, his name was Wotan. Wotan sat casually down at the board and inspected it for a while.

"Hmmm, interesting set up you've got here. I'll have to think about this for a bit."

He was silent for about a minute and then letting out a sound of contentment, he drew out a small oval shaped container that was roughly the size of an egg. It was half full with water, and floating on it was a small ship made from wood with men climbing the rigging and generally sailing the ship even though they weren't going anywhere.

He unscrewed the container's lid and carefully reached in and plucked out the ship with care, being careful to not drop any of the men. Carefully, he placed the ship, crew and all on a tile on the board and watched as it suddenly took on a life of its own and moved towards the nearby beach.

The world below:

All was quiet on the beach, when suddenly the air started to crackle. A few seconds later, lightening flashed and a sound like that of a explosivly backfiring car, sounded out three times. And on the third sound, a ship materialised out of thin air, landing in the ocean near the shore.

All was quiet on board the massive ship, for it was about 20 meters high above the water, when a man suddenly appeared from the bowels of the great ship. He was of massive size, about six meters in height and had arms thicker than a bulls width, and was dressed in leather clothes and iron plate armor, mixed with the odd steel section, adorned with fangs and fur, his helm armed with two great curved horns. His wild dark brown hair, which was in a mess around his head, when it wasn't confined by his full steel helm, waved slightly in the breeze. A great double headed war axe, which looked like it was made from sky blue coloured ice and was easily the width of the height of a man standing, peeked out slightly from behind his shoulder.

He quickly ran out onto the spurr of wood sticking out from the front of the ship, clambering onto it with remarkable ease and speed. His eyes widened at the sight of the shore, and he was also slightly shocked by the warmth of the air as well. He jumped back on deck, stroking his half a metre long beard, as slightly smaller men and women, only about four to five meters high this time, clambered out onto the deck timbers, which were bathed in warming sunshine. They had, unlike the first one who has come out on the deck, red and yellow harid, with the men having smaller beards, some with braids and the women had their hair either ponytailed or braided into pigtails. They were also dressed like this bigger man was, but only some were armored with the large iron plate, and few had steel sections in it. However, all carried some kind of weapon, be it war axe, great hammers or spears that looked like they could be used to spit two bears on its length with room to spare. All of their weapons were iron, and all armor were adorned with some kind of animal part, be it teeth, claws, fur or horns. They too were shocked by their surroundings, but this amazement didn't last long.

"All right you lot! Listen up! We've just arrived at our new home and I want everyone to be alert and ready for action if something goes wrong. We need to set up huts to sleep in, and we all need to lend a hand in creating our first village. Subdiroth, take us in to the beach, with speed!"

"Yes, Chieftain Erak! As you command!" replied one of the men who was armed with a spear. He quickly orginised and galvinated the men and women into action, and took hold of the great tiller, guiding the ship into its first port in this new land.

Erak turned back to the beach, and when they got close to the shore, he leaped over the side, splashing into the water, and quickly wading to shore. Once he got there, he inspected the forest around them, noting what looked like a river mouth some distance off to the north. He turned back to the ship, to see others leaping over the rail, grabbing thick ropes and dragging the ship to land, all the activity from all the men and women on board was slightly rocking her as she was beached. They all leaped to the ground, numbering ninety in all, and looked to Erak, listening intently to his commands:

"Alright, this seems like a good place as any, get to work building huts from the surrounding trees, and I want some of you to build a palisade around the site. Once we are established here, we move some of the stocks from onboard the Halycon onto the land. Get moving!"

He stopped nine of them, all of them armored and armed. They came over quickly and listened once again:

"I want three of you to head north near the beach, looking for landmarks and scouting the terrain. Another three will go south and do the same thing, while the rest of you head west, putting the ocean to your backs, and all of you look carefully for any resources tha we may use in construction, or otherwise."

They nodded, and were about to run off when he cautioned them before they left.

"Be careful out there, we don't know what is friendly, or what is hostile. If you find any other intelligent and even slightly orginized life, make no confrontation with them, and report back immediately to me. Don't go too far as well as we need all of you. Now go!"

Nodding once again, they quickly jogged off in their respective directions. Turning back to his people, who had already started to cut down trees, Erak lifted his voice to gain their attention.

"Now that we have arrived on this new and plentyful land, let this place where we have landed, now be known as Halas, Entrance to the great sea!"

They all cheered happily, and immediately got back to work, Erak joining some of them, plans turning over in his mind for the future.

The Hrun have arrived!

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((Hows that for a first time post of the map?))
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 01:03:51 am by Zako »


  • Bay Watcher
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((Armok, i tried to explain a bit more what the renegades are doing, check the EDIT at the end of my post of turn 1. also, if you want me to have a random event, then just tell me what it is :D just please dont kill-off half my members with it  :P))
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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1 week later:

The Hrun were making great progress, their size and strength, as well as their endurance helped them to build quickly, already there were the makings of 7 huts and the palisade was about one quarter of the way finished. Erak looked upon the progress with pride, and was about to get back to hauling a large log when something caught his eye.

A group of animals had come near the palisade, and they appeared to be harmless herbivores, as they nibbled on the grass next to the palisade. To our eyes they were simpily deer, but to Erak's eyes, these were strange creatures that were obviously not of the ice.

He quietly summoned 3 spear users to him, and spoke in hushed tones:

"Do you see those creatures over there? I bet that they would taste alright by the looks of them." At this the 2 men and the woman he has summoned nodded silently to him.

"Why don't you take your spears and go get us some meat from them, it will help bolster our stocks and see if you can find anymore animals. If you do find any, tell me what they looked like and all the detials that you can gather from inspecting them."

The now hunters agreed quietly to go ply their trade, and rose from their haunches and quietly stalked around the palisade, spears at the ready. When close enough, they leapt out of ambush and speared 4 of them, before they ran into the forest, hunters in persuit, calling encouragement to each other.

At night they returned with a variety of kills, dragging the corpses back to the camp and skinning them of their leather before cooking the meat for their compatriots.

2 weeks later:

The Hrun were efficent and skilled builders, despite their obvious warrior looks. Some days ago, they made some rough stables with the huts and had finally taken their fearsome riding wolves from the Halycon and stabled them in the stables. There were only 4 of them but they were as ferocious and as loyal as they come. Standing at 3.5m high each, they were some of the prime riding wolves from back on their native ice world. At the moment however, they were not needed and were relaxing in their special stables.

The half giants had already built 14 huts for them to live in and had issued out the picks and shovels to start mining for stone to make more permentant buildings. The palisade was three quarters finished and the food stocks were plentiful, due to the hunting expeditions and fishing from the ocean. Already they had cleared out a sizeable clearing in the forest and had laid the foundations for a Great mead hall, were they would gather at night to eat together.

However, they were still cautious, the scouts hadn't returned yet, except for the western heading scouts, saying that the land was the same as what they originally saw, and that there was another body of water about a days march from here. They had taken so long because they searched the terrain very carefully and had expected the others to do the same, and take longer because of more ground to cover.

Erak was pleased with the progress so far, and had learned that, while there were some animal preditors in the area, there were mostly herbivores and that they were in plenty and no other civilisations have been soptted so far as they can tell, though the scouts from the west may have missed something. So nonetheless, Erak posted sentries at night by the palisade, and some on the Halycon, which was still in the same condition that they first arrived in.

Erak thought to himself, that this land was different to their own homeland, and that his people, as well as his family which he had brought along with him, needed to adapt to this new world and its challenges. However he was sure that they would be fine and pull through intact through what ever life may throw...

"Chieftain! Chieftain! Come quickly!" yelled a voice from the enterance of the palisade. Erak moved quickly, drawing FoeReaver as he raced over to the man waving to him.

"What is it Jorso?" He yelled back as he rushed over to him.

"Chieftain, we have good news, the scouts have returned, and they say that the river mouth north of here goes inland and northward, it is also wide and deep enough that we can sail boats up it! They are not sure what is beyond the river, but they say that the land near it is plentiful and rich!"

Erak put away his deadly weapon, and grunted in reply; "Good news indeed. We could spread outposts inland a bit easier now, and the river can act as a natural barrier to our foes. Though I think that we should settle in here better, build with stone more and that. I have a feeling that we should also build watchtowers from stone as well, so I am now ordering that after the Palisade is finished, we focus on using stone for more of our buildings. We should also build a proper docking port for our ships later. Go tell the men and women!"

Jorso nodded and rushed off, leaving Erak thoughtfully thinking of the future.

3 weeks after arival:

The palisade was finished, and since Erak had told his people to focus on stone more, the digging for stone had increased exceptionally. They were lucky in that there was no aquifier near the quarry, and there was one under the soil in Halas, lucky it was fresh from the river, so they had a dependable source of water, and by using some buckets that were recently crafted and some spare rope from the Halycon, they rigged up 2 wells in the center of the village.

The Great Hall, as it was now known, was under construction and was about halfway done because of the focus on building it. Some more huts, or longhouses as they had now been named, had been built, as well as a crafting shelter. Some workshops had been setup, two carpenters, two masons, a smithy (which was recently built) and a still had been build, with plenty of space left for more. Watchtowers made from stone had been started and so had the dock (which was made from wood). There was almost room for all and those who had no rooms in buildings could sleep in the Halycon, which could hold them easily.

Erak was pleased and had taken to helping the masons to build the Great Hall, for it was indeed great. Food was still plentiful, but he knew that they had to find a way to get a reliable food source soon, as they would soon enough have to move to not destroy all the wildlife. He was unsure of how to solve this problem as it had always came up in the icy wastes of his homeworld, yet he still had no solution to it and neither did his ancestors.

((The riding wolves have a growth of 20% and live as long as the Hrun do, which is quite a while due to giant blood. The pop cap for the wolves is half of the Hrun, depending on where they are living. Be sure to take this into account.))
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 02:49:27 am by Zako »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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((Descripton of the settlement added.

Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you finaly realized that you do NOT have to wait for other people to come on IRC and wait there for you the whole day. If you want something from them PM them here on the forums, because else they will NOT know what you want from them. In this PM you can easily tell them whatever you want to tell them (Map-improvement/Symbol change/reaction to a dried out river) or ask them to go onto IRC to do some random encounter. Please keep in mind, that if you want to do a random encounter, you need to specify a MEETING TIME, so that the player in question knows WHEN he has to come to the IRC (as opposed to waiting there for you for several hours, or you waiting for them while they are at work/school). And now, if you would be so kind, please PM me about what you want me to do with the map.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 03:55:06 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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BotG3: The Renegades: Turn 1: Divning the Danger Ahead
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2008, 01:41:50 pm »

A few weeks pass, and the only thing of notice for the Renegades is a passing storm, probably the remainder of the storm that had brought them there. The storm doesn't affect them much, only blows some tents away and uproots some trees. Also, the mages sense a weak power moving off the cost towards the east during the second week, but it doesn't get close enough to identify. Nothing that might make any significant problem.

"Well, it has been five weeks," said Poltifar in a overly calm, slow, warm voice, which seemed very out of place, "What have you uncovered of our surroundings?"

"Nothing much," replied the group's diviner, Anna Dreamweaver. "Just... just a few feelings... you know... an idea of what could wait for us out there."

"Do tell," said Poltifar with a smile so large it seemed to split his face into two."

"There seems to be... ruins of some kind. Or structures. I'm not sure how they were left here, or who left them, but they all seem to be hiding something of some kind. One that is close to the north-east has a weak feeling of treasure of some kind. one a bit farther, north, gives a VERY strong feeling of, um... Not good. And... power. Alot of it." She takes a deep breath. "Farther north, there seems to be a location of some kind... I feel there is a lizard. And fire. Surrounded by gold. East of that, near a body of water, I sense... weirdness, and also something bordering insanity. Even the very fabric of space and time seems to shift and break around that place."

"That's all," asked Poltifar in a completely expressionless voice.

After a shy nod from Anna, Poltifar shouted "Aha! I knew!" He started pacing back and forth, muttering to himself very quickly, "I knew there was power. And treasure. Alot of treasure. Power AND treasure, maybe even both together! Or not! and a lizard! a lizard could be useful, yes, yes. And the fire with it, why fire with lizard and gold? Oh yes, gold, gold!!! Maybe the lizard eats gold? Ofcourse! That's why there is fire. A a stove to heat the gold for the lizard to eat! We can't go on eating cold gold, no no, bad for your health it is. So we must steal the gold AND the stove. Maybe its a golden stove..."

As Poltifar kept babbling his nonsense, Terna jumped down from a nearby tree. "It seems Poltifar is a bit... busy to hear my report, so I'll give it to you, Anna, and you can pass it on later."
"O.. Ok..."
"Oh sure," said Klin the rogue as he stepped out from a nearby corner, "too afraid of the insane boss to give to him yourself, are we Terna? And I thought explorers were courageous."
"I heard that," said Poltifar before continuing his pacing and mutterings.
Casting a sullen look at Klin, Terna said "Well, since he seems attentive to us even now, I'll just say it. There are some large structures north of here, so far away our watchers have barely seen the tips of towers. They are very high towers, too, and seem to be made of old, rusted iron. Just though you might want to know Polti."

"YES! AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Exclaimed Poltifar in a gleeful voice, before continuing in his usual, far-away, expressionless voice, "We will definitely need to explore all these natural and artificial occurences and structures. What we find there will definitely be useful in hard times to come. Start the preparations, we leave in a week's time. I'm not sure yet to which we will go, and how many of us will go to each, but all that can be decided later. For now, I have my own... preperations... to make"
Suddenly uttering a maniacal laugh before again seeming completely unruffled and distant, Poltifar moves into the forest, drawing his longsword.

*Poltifar has begun some mysterious constructions*

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Members of the Renegades:
(I've fleshed out some more of them)

-Poltifar Chaoswielder: Master of all arcane secrets known to the Renegades and some not, he is one of the most powerful mages of his race that has ever lived. Very powerful melee and ranged warriormage, using melee weapon (normally longsword) in unison with magic. The leader of the organization. 17 years old (atleast, in appearance...)
-Seandar Ironfist: A grizzled old warrior, favoring the greatsword. He has lived through many battles and campaigns, and thus has alot of experience. 49 years old.
-Jonil Truestrike: Seandar's young son, and an already well-trained user of the greatsword, as his father is. 17 years old.
-Emily Dawnbow: A very skilled bow-user, also dables in the arcane arts, allowing her to shoot magically enhanced amunition. 16 years old.
-Terna Farstrider: An experienced explorer, having seen alot of the old continent and wanting to explore the new one even more thouroughly. Experienced with the bow and spear. 27 years old.
-Ernest Windwalker: A daydreaming scholar who has great power in the wind and weather domains. 25 years old.
-Klin Diceking: A merry rogue and gambler with incredible luck and great skill in stealth and light weapons. 21 years old.
-Farn Earthmover: A stubborn yet sympathetic earth-wielding mage, also a good fighter when using the hammer and axe. 24 years old.
-Inglan Steelshaper: A young magesmith who still hasn't really proven himself. 19 years old.
-Anna Dreamweaver: A spirit mage with a wide array of spells and power, yet most are non-offensive. Also, a diviner and has some powers over dreams. 20 years old.
-Godroy Fireheart: The group's pyromancer, has a quick temper yet is very charismatic. Very powerful in offensive fire magic, but not much else. 25 years old.

The rest: I wanted to flesh-out all members and give them all names now, but I will only give their profession and develop their characters during the game as they are needed. But consider them all as powerful as the ones above.:

-1 medic/healer
-2 swordsman
-1 spearman
-1 crossbowman/hunter
-1 builder/architect
-1 scholar/philosopher
-1 ice mage
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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((I think I have done most that NEEDS to be done this turn, so even if I suspect evrything is not finished I'll go for the next one))
((Because bad planing and so I never discussed what the Iraxi found, so I'll just say they didn't find anything this turn and let them find it next turn instead))
((to keep continuity and prevent cheatin no post shuld be edited from previus turns))
Turn 2:
Late spring year 1
The first 6 weeks has come to pass, and for the first time in 500 centuries civelisations flower as well as nature this spring. The winds from the east bring the message of the nearing summer, and for most times are good.
But whit the great influx of creatures come unbalance, mand many of the entering forms have been dark, some even demonic...
So says Armok, God of blood.
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