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Author Topic: Story: A Candle in the Snow  (Read 1167 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Story: A Candle in the Snow
« on: July 18, 2008, 05:11:55 pm »

Hallo. This is my first time trying to write out the events of a game of DF into a story, so set your expectations accordingly. You can find four videos of everything* that happened at the end of the story. It should be two, but I kept accidentally hitting ";" and having to save what I had made so far. This particular story takes place in adventurer mode, with one custom race (and entity.) Everything has taken place in There are two parts to the story, and the next one will be in the second post. Criticism on my writing is welcome and appreciated! Please enjoy.

(*) Actually, they're just the parts where the adventurers met the dragon, but it's all I've got!


~A Candle in the Snow~

~Part 1: Fame and Glory~
[Movie 1]

The Planar Theater, a cold world of temperatures ranging from -50 to 0. The year is 120, and it is The Age of Legends. Our vanilla world is given additional flavor with the presence of the floekin, a race of fairy-like immortals of tiny stature (Size:3) and a love of darkness, caverns, minerals, art, creation-- much like dwarves. They cannot fly with their wings, but they have a third eye on their forehead that allows them to paralyze and subdue other races in certain cases. Their only redeeming trait in combat is their speed ([SPEED:500]), which is far more than even the elves are blessed with.

Enter Nisa Skyspin, a young floeko from the northwestern edge of the world. In this deathly cold place she sets out for adventure, heading south. During her trip she kills six wolves with a popular floekish weapon: the "ice wand". Though extremely weak compared to even the most crudely made long sword, it has the benefit of dealing cold damage, something especially painful in this already frozen climate. Our heroine's journey continues to the floekish town of Splashbears, founded by the Wave of Nudity of the Mute Clouds in 31. The local mayor grants her a quest she isn't yet prepared for: to slay the dragon Ziril Parchheated the Golden Diamond in a cave called The Random Shaft.

Determined, if not terrified, she decides to scout around the cave and size up her opponent, making a decision from there. Nisa travels for about half a day along the mountain side, buffeted by freezing winds and threatened by all manner of starving beasts. She manages to avoid most of the dangers of the land and arrives safely at The Random Shaft. As she quietly approaches the dragon's cave, she finds that Zuril was apparently waiting for her outside. There's no turning back; if one is to die, how better can one die than while fighting that which threatens one's people?

Nisa slowly circles the dragon until it unleashes a blast of dragonfire. Being fast even for a member of her small, agile race, she still only just manages to escape the wave of heat. Before she can catch her breath, a second blast echoes forth from Ziril's throat. This time she was better prepared and escapes with room to spare. The third blast catches her off-guard, but her thin shield miraculously repels the fire. She never thought to practice with her shield before and never thought she would need it, something she curses at bitterly as she prepares for the next blast. The sun begins to sink behind the mountains and the cold reaches out of the snow to strangle all who still wander in it.

After a few more dodges, Nisa works up the courage for an attack and charges into the dragon, smashing it in the lower body with the wand and filling a few of its organs with frozen death. Looking back, she spots a kobold child watching from behind a tree. For some insane reason, this kobold child, "Krulin," starts a suicidal charge at the draconic ancient with his bare hands. Staring in disbelief and stunned at his audacity, Nisa watches the dragon tear his arm and hand off. Taking this unexpected opportunity, our heroine starts smashing the dragon with her wand, to no effect. It's simply too big a beast to be hurt much by a tiny fairy. Ziril finishes her meal, splitting Krulin in two. Filled once again with fear, Nisa doubles back and begins a vain attack with thrown stones. Each one simply bounces off of Zuril's scales, not even drawing her attention.

Once this inevitably fails she begins her next charge; the dragon doesn't seem to notice her for some reason, perhaps being busy with the kobold's remains, or in pain from the freezing cold temperature. A lucky hit causes significant frostbite along the dragon's spine. While the weather has slowed the dragon down, it still has enough energy to notice our heroine and attack... Nisa's leg goes flying into the distance as Ziril brutally tears it off with her jaws.

Everything goes black as jaws close upon her head. The tale of Nisa Skyspin has ended at the claws of Zuril Parchedheated, her journey lasted merely a couple of weeks. Night settles on the now ashen landscape, and Zuril slowly crawls out of the snow and into her cave, aching terribly from the remarkable wounds such a small warrior managed to inflict upon her.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 07:07:32 pm by Keiseth »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Story: A Candle in the Snow
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 05:12:50 pm »

~Part 2: Frozen Steel and Dragonfire~
[Movies 2~4]

Narena Ceretheatera, Nisa's childhood friend, had moved north from their home town several years ago. Journeys between towns are always filled with peril, so their contact was snuffed out. A few weeks after Nisa began her journey, a traveler staying at the local tavern mentioned a floeko leaving the city in pursuit of fame and glory. Though uncertain, Narena had a suspicion that it was her friend he was speaking of. Though always reminded of the dangers that lurked in the tundra and loomed down upon them from the mountains, Nisa nevertheless had dreamed of being an adventurer. Although she is filled with stress, Narena decides to wait, and hopefully journey to their home town with traders or other travelers.

A couple of weeks pass and still no one tries to journey south. The wolves have been particularly ravenous and the weather especially cold, even for summer. Unable to wait any longer, Narena collects a few items from her friends and relatives; an ice wand, a special floekish chain-robe and some extra clothing. She leaves early morning the next day. Her journey is immediately interupted by a pack of seven wolves. Demonstrating determination and skill, she dispatches all of them with minor injuries. Her next obstacle came in the night; a sasquatch. Throwing down her wand, she focuses her third eye on the beast, robbing it of any warmth it had and freezing its bones, then dispatching it with her weapon.

Finding Nisa missing from her home, Narena follows clues the travelers and residents offer her and heads south, following her path to Splashbears. She hears that a floeko was given a task of killing Zuril, and finds that it was her old friend. Having not returned after weeks, she has been presumed dead and that her task ended in failure. Fighting back tears, Narena heads south, burning anger coursing through her veins. Though always the more thoughtful and careful of the two, she has given into rage, leaving Splashbears without even announcing her attempt to slay the dragon. Unlike Nisa, Narena's goal is not fame and glory.

Narena arrives at The Random Shaft, consumed with utter despair at the sight of burned ground and ashes, fallen trees and blood. She passes the rotten corpse of a young kobold, limbs liberally strewn about. Coming across a wand and a shield, there is no doubt in her mind that Nisa has been killed. Tears flow freely at the sight of a dismembered, rotten hand of a floeko. Nothing will stop her from putting out this dragon's life, not the eternal cold nor dragonflame. She charges recklessly into the cave, screaming out the dragon's name, tears still falling from her eyes and onto the cold stone. Rage turns to fear and she lets out a startled yell as the cave lights up and a torrent of fire comes flowing through the tunnel. Narena isn't as fast as her friend and only just barely runs back and turns the corner as the cavern walls burn behind her. She carefully glances down the passage and sees only smoke. Picking up a large (by floeko standards) stone and tossing it into the passage, she hears the distinctive response of a thud and a roar. She wastes no time in fleeing the cave, knowing she cannot possibly face the thing in such confined quarters.

Zuril storms out of the cave and up the hill after Narena, and is met by another flying stone. She lets out a blast of dragonfire, which incinerates the stone and chases the floeko across the snow. Narena carefully dodges several more blasts and lures the dragon north, where she spots Nisa's burned and crushed corpse partially buried in ash and snow. All fears dispelled at the sight of her fallen friend, she calls out to the dragon and takes cover down a slope, watching more fire fly overhead. While running away from the dragon she grabs a stone and throws it as hard as she possibly can at Zuril's head, scoring a perfect hit that blackens both of its eyes. Blood coursing from its face, Zuril flees to the south, confused, angry, and unable to see. Narena slips into the shadows as Zuril tries to regain her senses. With speed unmatched by any other sentient race, Narena charges up from behind Zuril and begins smashing her, jumping and turning to try to hit any spot that might be weaker than the others. Despite her flurry of blows only two hits seem to cause the dragon any pain, both to the lower body that fill her body with frost.

The dragon is still disoriented and the cold winds and snow buffet its massive body. With a graceful leap, Narena sails all the way to its face and slams it in the left eye with her wand, freezing it solid. Extraordinarily tired, she retreats behind a tree to rest. The dragon roars in anguish, swaying from side to side, trying to compose herself and fight off her diminutive attacker. Our heroine, blessed once again with confidence and energy, charges out from behind the tree at Zuril, jumps, and swings her wand into the dragon's throat, freezing it solid and shattering it open. Silently, the dragon's head reaches up as she falls over into the snow. Narena continues her assault on the ailing beast as it rises back up onto its feet, blood pouring out of its neck. She continues her assault on the dragon, but her fury weakens as Zuril looks one last time at Narena, tries to roar defiantly as best she can, and falls down dead into the snow.

Narena, aching from her fight, very slowly drags Zuril's massive corpse over to her friend's body, raises her weapon to the sky and screams out to the heavens. Nisa has been avenged, her killer has been slain, but Narena is still filled with sadness. Despite her overwhelming triumph against all odds, she realizes she has just killed a very ancient creature of which there may be no more of in the entire world. She has snuffed out the last candle burning in the snow, and darkness settles upon the world as frozen stars creep back into the sky.


The videos are uploaded here: -- Four parts in one zip file.

Edit: Oh yeah. Should anyone want the custom race for some reason, I'd happily upload it. The only reason I haven't put it in the modding forum is that it still needs some balancing and polish. The fact that a Size 3 killed a dragon might be an indication of that.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 05:24:44 pm by Keiseth »