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Author Topic: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas  (Read 1848 times)


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The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« on: July 18, 2008, 03:15:31 pm »

The following is the story of a Dwarf that went it alone for a long time.  She didn't follow the hermit challenge per se, but I killed off all the extra dwarfs to keep my framerate down.  This is her story.

The Diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas

  I met with the king today, to discuss my failure.  In no uncertain terms he told me that the bolt the pierced his sons heart was my fault, for having produced such poor quality steel armor.  I'm no expert, but I've been working the forges for a long time and know that no steel is proof against a goblin bolt.  My punishment for this horrible failure is to escort six dwarfs who have also failed the king to a site in the mountains to the north, and see that they "trouble me no more", as the king puts it.  If I can complete this task, my execution will be stayed, and I will merely be banished.  To allay suspicion, I'm to take them under the guise of founding a new fortress, to be named  Zolakalath, Blizzardbolt.  I think the King thinks the name a sort of mean joke.  Among the six are the princes failed bodyguards, who have now been stripped of their weapons and told they are never to wield another, as punishment. 

Year 1, Day 1

I have arrived at the sight.  I must say that I am less enthusiastic about my pardon, as I have become friends with some of the prince's guardsmen.  Asmel and Degel aren't as stupid as most of the military dwarves I've met.  I feel bad that I've been tasked with their "removal". 

I've surveyed the initial site, and came across a pleasant surprise.  There is a magma vent that we weren't aware of, and what's more, it opens into a natural cave, which would be quite easy to wall in for defensive purposes.  Even a single dwarf could easily bar access to it, with some effort. 

Year 1, Day 12

Well, the king's work is done, but not by my hand.  Men of fire and small fiery demons rose from the pits and attacked them while we were examining the cave.  The imps were easy prey, as soon as they got close, but there were several and the men of molten stone were not such easy prey.   Degel fell into the lava dodging a blow from one of them, and though Asmel survived and killed all but one imp, the last imp he chased through the plateau for days, and though he killed it, he fell victim to it's fire afterward. 

I am alone now, save for the animals.  It is a frightening sensation to be alone with no home to return to. 



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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 03:52:57 pm »

Year 1, day 14

I've taken stock of what supplies I have.  There is plenty of alcohol, but very little food.  I bribed the quartermaster with some of it to give us some cheap ores and coal to use as fuel.  I hope I did not make a mistake in doing so.  I have no weapons, save for a steel axe, and a copper pick.  I've carved a large staircase several stories down, which will be my shelter soon.  Now I need to hunt, or there will be no supper.

Year 1, day 28

I have carved out a dwelling and storage space.  I also have felled my first animal. It took me hours to catch up with it, I cornered it on a cliff and slew it with my pick.  I never thought such hunting tasks were in the least bit difficult, until I tried it, but now that I've done it once, I'm sure I can do it again.  To protect my head, I have fashioned a helmet from the skull of the imp that killed Asmel.  I think wearing it will  be a fitting tribute to him.  I also fashioned leggings and gloves from the bones of dogs that fell with the guardsmen. 

This is a lonely life.  My only companion is the hunting dog that accompanies me.  It follows me wherever I go now. 



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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2008, 05:35:13 pm »

Year 1, day 45
I've become accustomed to hunting my own meals.  There is a certain satisfaction in eating something you killed yourself.  I've set aside an area for butchering the corpses, but find the work quite repulsive.  I find I'll take any excuse to do something different instead.  I've managed to make some decent leather equipment to protect myself when hunting.  I've also had time to make myself a crude bone crossbow, though I've had no time to practice with it, and no cause to use it.  I've also dug out a large room as quarters, and another for a dining room.  Just because I'm alone is no reason to live like a savage. 

Year 1, day 78

Finally a lucky break!  I was carving a staircase into a cliff so I could hunt the animals on the many small plateaus near my home, and came across a large cluster of magnetite!  I also observed a cluster of coal, and some gem clusters clearly visible from cliff walls.  I've not the time to dig the ore from the stone now, but I will find time eventually.  I love iron and think some iron goods would greatly improve my life.  I've decided to start a small farm, hopefully it will be an easier method of producing food.



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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 07:06:26 pm »

I hope you continue soon, this is getting good. Sort of Urist's antithesis, as it were. Does she have an anvil? The story makes no mention of it.


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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2008, 01:40:24 pm »

Year 1, day 112

I've smelted a few pieces of iron for use in my new furniture.  I never knew how slow and difficult a process it is to smelt iron.  I do know that I'm no metalsmith.  I can make armor and weapons as well as any smith in the mountainhomes, but that's not what I'm doing.  At least I'll have the resources to produce some decent armor now. 

Year 1, day 160

A caravan of humans passed the mountain today.  I think I'll build a small traders shop and fly a flag so that caravans will actually come by in the future.  There's plenty of metal here but bringing it back to the vent is far too difficult for me to obtain a decent amount.  I did make a few pieces of furniture for my bedroom and dining room, of that beautiful iron. There's a chasm a fair distance to the northeast, and I found that it has a supply of limestone.  If only I weren't so difficult to transport it back, I'd be able to haul it to the magma vent, and make a bit of steel to work with.  Oh well.  My hunting dog had a litter of puppies a few weeks ago.  I constructed a crude cage (I can't even really bring myself to call it a cage, It's some sticks connected to each other really) for them, so they won't get into any trouble. 

Year 1, day 208

Curse him!  The King sent another batch of unwanteds to my new home.  8 dwarves showed up and demanded jobs.  One of them had a letter of introduction from the King.  In no uncertain terms it said that there was no place in the mountainhomes for these immigrants, and that I was to do what I could with them.  Blast him, I'm not his executioner.  Still, I don't want them here.  I asked each of them their profession, and found that I was left with a bunch of cheese makers, threshers, and gem workers.  Not a single useful dwarf among them.  I don't know what I'm going to do with them, I don't want them here and I certainly can't send them home, lest the King send his military to take care of them and me.  The poor fools don't even understand their predicament, they think this is going to be their path to fortune and glory.  Nelas help me, one of them brought a child with them. 

Year 1, day 210

Cursed fools, they've drunk most of my alcohol, and eaten half of my stored food.  I've a plan to be rid of them for good, but I don't like what has to be done.  I've begun work on an "altar" to Nelas in front of the vent (a fine place for one, I must say).  When they go to offer respect, I will throw a lever, and they will be violently tossed into the vent. The Mechanics involved are not complicated, even for one who has never even dabbled in such things.  There should be no evidence they were ever here, save for this record. 

Year 1, day 212

It is done. The dwarves went to worship, many were flung into the volcano.  Another who wasn't on it rushed underneath it as it was coming back down and was crushed. I feel sick.  Mezbuth, the child of one of the immigrants still lives, but I can't bring myself to raise my hand against her.  She seems unaffected by the loss of her family and everyone who came here with her.  She goes about her day, playing in the room where I keep the puppies and pack animals caged.  I can't bring myself to return to the forge and continue work there, as the altar I built is a bare 15 feet away.  I think I'll go make some bolts in the crafts shop instead. 

Year 1, day 238

I can't shake the feeling of malaise ever since I got rid of those dwarves.  I've spent days in the crafts shop, just avoiding going near the altar.  I've made bone bolts and then decorated them with other types of bones and some shells I had left over from the original supplies.  They are nice bolts, though I don't think anyone will ever want to fire them.  Maybe I can trade them for something else.  Yes, I will build a nice traders shop.  Must keep busy. 



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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 02:33:21 pm »

year 1, day 301

I've built cage traps surrounding the entrance to my home.  I'm worried about some of the wildlife around here, I saw an alligator yesterday and am not eager to become it's lunch.  With this in mind, I made a full suit of iron plate armor.  When I put it on I was disconcerted by the difficulty moving in it.  The royal guard prance about like it weighs nothing, I always thought it was a simple thing.   Being here has been quite a learning experience, everything I took for granted or thought was simple is problematic here.  Still, there is no substitute for experience, hunting in this armor may be slow and difficult, but it's what I need to do.

Year 2, day 1

I've survived a full year here.  I made some tuber beer, and am going to celebrate with it. 

Year 2, day 81

I woke up today to find an alligator trapped in one of my cages.  I'm not sure what to do with it.  I widened the room I keep my dogs in (the population of which has grown greatly) and put it down there.  I've also added some pack animals.  It's become a small menagerie of sorts.

Year 2, day 147

I caught a kobold thief today.  It was trying to steal the fine bolts I crafted.  I slew it with my pick.  I think I will make it's skull into a totem and hang it from the shop as a warning to future theives. 

Year 2, day 187

After it's flesh rotted away. I added the kobolds bones as decoration to the bolts.  I think it's somewhat poetic.  He wanted them, now he is them. 

Year 2, day 214

A dwarven caravan appeared today, and setup in the space I'd designed for caravans to trade at.  I want nothing to do with the mountainhomes and told them to begone.  The outpost liaison insisted I meet with him.  I humored him but I just want them gone. 

Year 2, day 228

Something unexpected happened today.  The caravan left to run straight into a bunch of goblins.  The goblins must have followed them here.  Most of the merchants escaped, but I found a destoryed wagon.  Left behind were some decorated bags and ropes, a bit of food, and several bars of metal and several coloured diamonds.  I've no real need for them, but I might as well make use of them.

Year 2, day 234

Another group of immigrants.  12 this time.  I've no pity left for these fools.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2008, 09:28:50 am »

It reminds me of Robinson Crusoe.
Only Minkot has been exiled.
And "disposes" of people.
At leas he feels bad about it.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2008, 05:04:00 pm »

Year 2, day 239
I've rid myself of these troublesome immigrants.  They were appalled to find I was the only person living here, as they thought this was a full fledged settlement.  Instead of simply removing them, I've decided to make use of them.   One of them requested work in one of my shops, but I declined and asked him instead to help me with something else.

I've dug a mining shaft to the layer of marble in the chasm.  I've asked the immigrants to carry them to natural cave that houses the vent.  I'm now digging out more coal as well.  I'll be able to make enough steel to make some armor.  It might come in handy if the goblins attack. 
Year 2, day 264

The goblins came again. 8 of the new arrivals died trying to defend this place.  They were heroic but ineffective, in the end.  I slew the entire squad myself, using my pick. 

I don't know what to think.  I can take care of myself out here, that much is evident, but I can't protect these people.  One of the survivors now spends every day sobbing about the death of his wife.  Another has been following me for days yelling at me about everything that is wrong here.  I just want them to be silent. 

There was a child who lost his mother as well.  She seems entirely unaffected by the tragedy.   

Year 2, day 270

Save for the two children I am once again alone.  My grieving friend tossed himself in the volcano, and lacking patience I tossed my complaining friend in a short time later.  I'm left to my relative solitude. 

It's some small consolation that I will be able to make a fair quantity of steel now. 

Year 2, day 303

I woke up and went outside to discover an interesting sight today.  An alligator had wandered into one of the traps the surrounds the entrance to my home.  I've built a small menagerie of sorts.  It's humorous to look at the dogs and feed the alligator, while the imp spits invectives from it's cage in the corner.  The children spend all their time in there now.  One of them stuck their finger in the cage and got a burnt finger as a reward. 

Year 2, day 332

I've finally made the armor I had been working on for some time now.  It's the finest work I've ever done.  The chest plate is an exceptional piece of work, and I'm quite proud of it.  I tried it on and it fits perfectly.  I crafted an armor stand and have left it there. 

I've never been one for aesthetics's, but after making that fine piece of work I think I'll craft something nice, perhaps a fine iron table for my dining room. 

Year 3, Day 1

Another new year begins.  This time last year I stopped and took stock of the changes that occured in my life since I left the mountainhomes.  I'll think of it no more.  I'm not of them anymore, now my destiny is my own.  From today on I look only to the future. 

Year 3, day 49

I've begun, and use the term begun loosely, work on a fine Iron table.  The table itself is of decent quality, but is nothing special, but I've worked into nearly a dozen types of metal.   Most of the metal makes up spikes, rings, and studs that surround the table.  On the surface I've designed images, of a mule, and some trees and plants.  This is not yet a complete work, as I plan to add the diamonds and a few other gems I've obtained to improve it further.   While I admit that some of the additions are crude, there is no dwarf in this world who would not be proud to own this piece. 

Year 3, day 74

Elves have arrived, with trade goods.  They've little of use to me, but in exchange for some fine foods, they've traded me a fair number of animals.  Amongst them is a fox, an animal I've never seen before this day, as well as the normal array of pack animals, and a few small reptiles.  I've placed them in the menagerie, which is now much larger. 

The children only leave there to eat and drink now.  They seem to have become fast friends.  I hope this place treats them well, their short lives haven't had a great deal of good in them. 


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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2008, 05:20:11 pm »

Great Story! 

I like so far.  ;D


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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2008, 06:10:14 pm »


I've got to say, this is pretty much an overview of the early days, as the fort is currently in its 16th year.  It's not chronologically accurate, but it's pretty close for the actual events that occured. 


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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2008, 07:21:03 pm »

I'm liking this too. I can't wait to read the rationalization for when the kids grow up enough to be enlisted.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2008, 10:28:07 am »


I've got to say, this is pretty much an overview of the early days, as the fort is currently in its 16th year.  It's not chronologically accurate, but it's pretty close for the actual events that occured. 

That's a pretty long time even for a normal fort, let alone a lone dwarf.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2008, 05:06:18 pm »

I really like how you value the lives of children, unlike most players.  :D
Urist Mcsurvivalist has been accosted by edible vermin lately.

Goblins: The fourth iron ore.


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Re: The diary of Minkot Nomalsuvas
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2008, 11:22:20 pm »

Year 3, day 113

Mezbuth has disappeared.  I questioned Bembul as to her whereabouts, and was told a short smelly things put her in a sack and ran away. 

It is a cruel fate for a child.  The goblins are likely going to eat her, but I've no means of saving her. 

I've been having trouble with kobolds as well.  They are more bold in their theft attempts all the time.  I slew one myself not long ago.  I need a solution to take care of these intruders.

Year 3, day 131

I've been training dogs.  My trusty friend has had more litters than I can count, and while I generally just toss the puppies in the kennel and feed them when they get too loud, I find I've now a gaggle of dogs on my hands.    I've staked ropes to the ground, and have trained the dogs to attack anything that's not a dwarf, or if they can't reach it to at least make a great deal of noise, alerting me to the problem.  I hope this will cut down on theft and hopefully keep Bembul safe.  I explained to her what happened to Mezbuth and she seemed to understand, but once again she seems unaffected by the tragedy that has befallen her.  She still spends all her time in the menagerie. 

As I sit here with my dog I realize I've never named her.  She has been my trusty companion for several years now, perhaps I should come up with a name for her. 

Year 3, day 183

Today I have finally completed my iron table.  It is a beautiful work, encrusted with many gems and various metals, both precious and otherwise, and adorned with several images.  On top of the ones already listed in this journal, it also has a picture of a moon and some more plants.  I've placed it in my dining room. 

For the first time since I've been here, I'm truly excited.  I find myself going into my dining room just to sit next to it and look at it.  I've got some fantastic ideas too, on two ends of it there are studs and grooves designed to allow it to interlock with two other such tables that I've yet to even begin working on.  It should be beautiful when it's completed. 

I need more practice working furniture, and encrusting it with gems.  It's not as complicated as I'd been told by gem workers at home, but it's more complicated then I'd imagined.  I have a very limited supply though.  Perhaps I should allow the next caravan from the mountainhomes that passes to visit?  They are the only ones way I know to obtain gems, other than mining the very limited supply here. 