Cooked up an interesting world with this here:
[TITLE:Fiery deathly]
Most noteworthy points:
-Medium size,
-Lots of smaller mountain regions, lots of places to build a mountain-fort,
-Some small oceans,
-Many rivers,
-Many caves,
-High volcanism, many volcanoes, but still a small number of lower volcanism areas,
-Lots of evil, moderate amouths of good and few neutral areas,
-Plenty of towns for your adventurers to
slaughter trade with.
-Barren, low rainfall, few trees.
Tell me what you guys think
EDIT: on another note, is there any way to prevent my magma pits and volcano craters from sticking around the edges of my terrain? Its realy reducing the number of suitable fortress locations as my comp cant handle areas big enough to encompass both the magma pit and other interesting stuff.