I've been trying my hand at worldgen for a while, trying to create my ideal embark site. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a pain in the butt to find, but there are a couple things I'm getting stuck at.
My goal is to have a 2x? or ?x2 embark, with flux, a river, a magma pipe, and HFS. (With the non-2 dimension being 7 or less.) That in and of itself isn't too bad. What makes things difficult are that I also want humans, goblins, and elves nearby, and I want most of the embark zone to be Evil. My goal is to have decent trading early game, then eventually declare war on everyone and have wars forever. Having humans is important because they seem to be the most interesting race to be at war with other than goblins.
I've been running into two problems with my plan.
The first is that my custom world_gen seems to have a lot of trouble producing places for humans to live. Every time I get a world actually generated, I can't seem to find any humans. I doubt they're just getting killed off, because history generation usually stops around year 50, and elves seem to be everywhere. Probably not enough grasslands, but I don't see why that would be happening.
The other is that I keep getting the "No controllable entity definitions available" rejection error. This is pretty minor, because it only happens 1-2 times on average before a world is accepted, but I just don't know why it's happening. I read it's related to a lack of mountains or non-savage areas for dwarves to settle on, but I still don't know why it's happening. (Probably relevant stats: My elevation range is 80-400 with 1600x1600 variance, and elevatiion weight is 5:1:1:5:10. Savagery is 0-100 with 1600x1600 variance, weight of 1:1:2:2:2. Peak number is 150, oceans 0, volcanos 75, and good/evil square counts are both 2000:20000:40000.)
I have the good square settings high because I'd like a chance of finding an evil area with some good tiles on it, but I mainly just want sunberries for sunshine. Any idea what influences whether or not the elves will end up bringing some sunberries and/or sunberry seeds with them? Do the elves have to be set up in a good biome?
Including the worldgen settings below. They're based on the "Workin" setup from earlier in this thread, with a lot of tweaks.