As you might imagine, this was extremely painful to load for viewing legends as it went through all of the events for every age.
This is a pocket world set to stay in worldgen until the year 10,000. It started off with an Age of Dragon and Demon (years 1-95), then an Age of Demon (96-159), followed by a long Age of Twilight (160-?, last event in 340, with the founding of a human town). It flicked through the Ages of Fairy Tales/Twilight numbers 2-23 extremely quickly (they all happened between 3840 and 4000, according to the historical maps function) before settling on the 24th Age of Fairy Tales until the end of worldgen.
The only civilisations left at the end are are two peaceful human empires. The elves were wiped out by the humans in 10, in a war waged since 2 over the eating of corpses by elves (though there's apparently still some refugees living in the wild, managing to do absolutely nothing exciting for 10,000 years). The goblin civilisation lasted until 195, though was almost entirely human in population by that point, I'm not sure if there are any surviving goblins. Unsure about kobolds, they were certainly around as one fought (and lost) against the dragon early on, and they may be the cause of the fairy tales, but there's no records of them stealing things. Their main cave was invaded in 43 but there's no record of the battle so I'm not sure if any refugees escaped.
It seems that all of the ages except those first few are completely empty of events, even the 24th Age of Fairy Tales, though they all show as having slightly increasing numbers of events on the legends screen.