Regional Prospector doesn't need an update. Regional Prospector needs to die.
Fuck you. Fuck you and you're stuck up bullshit attempts to tell people how to enjoy a game. Fuck you and all of the other assholes on this otherwise excellent board who use terms like "savescumming" or mock people for how they like to play.
Die in a fire asshole.
Hey now, there's no need to start a flame war, especially when you're pulling off the same stuck up bullshit. I almost agree that Regional Prospector should die as it dampens the experience of OMIGODTHEREWASADAMANTITEANDMAGAMHEREOHCHRISTJESUSDEAMONSEVERYONEOHGODDAMN...
EDIT: Had typed "Anonemoose" below when I meant "MaxVance". Fixed.
My point of view is essentially the polar opposite of mouth breathers like MaxVance . I contend that people should enjoy DF however they see fit: with utils or without. With backup saves or without. Players have the freedom to do as they choose.
MaxVance , who was not only shitting on this thread but the one in the Modding forum as well - for no obvious reason than pure asshatery - seems to feel he has the right to denigrate or restrict this freedom.
With utilities, people are free to the "experience of OMIGODTHEREWASADAMANTITEANDMAGAMHEREOHCHRISTJESUSDEAMONSEVERYONEOHGODDAMN" if they choose. Likewise, if they prefer not to or have already been there done that a dozen times, they can choose to use the utils.
What someone does in their own instance of a single player game in no way "dampens" that experience for anyone else. And to claim it does borders on the outright insane.
These utilities are made by some extremely skilled and dedicated coders in their spare time. They provide more to the community, and their contributions are of such a singular nature, than bile spewing worthless skinbags like MaxVance could ever dream of.