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Author Topic: Chaos Reigns <DISCUSSION  (Read 2190 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Unus volatilis angelus, aeria gloriis.
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Chaos Reigns <DISCUSSION
« on: July 13, 2008, 11:35:16 am »

The current release is for a older version of Dwarf fortress. The working temporary version will be released tommorow, with probably incomplete documentation just for public testing. In the meantime, if you have any ideas PLEASE post them, and ill try to be more attentive to postings. Sorry.


+DOWNLOAD LINK+ (includes readme and installation instructions)


Chaos Reigns is a modification which charts the constant battle of the civilised peoples of the world
against the power and fury of the blood god, Armok and his iron will that is bent on becoming the
master of all the fates of those who inhabit the lower sphere.

I am in the process of writing a backstory/chronology which will give you more of an idea what
im basing the construction of the mod on, and the obvious places where inspiration has
been taken!

I believe that this gives me free reign to add what i like rather than relying on converting any existing
universe, and allows me to build upon dwarf fortress in a way thats hopefully pleasing for you all!

However, until this is done, i would like to present to you the current version of chaos reigns, which
is vastly superior to the last version i released!

Ive tried to document most of the changes between this and the last version, which should be found in the readme along with installation instructions.

So without further ado, here are the changes the Chaos Reigns mod currently Implements!

+++NEW RACES+++ (Most races come with their own custom items, armour, weapons, toys etc.)

+Wizards - Men gifted with the power of magic, some believe by The Watchers to combat the new threat from Armok. Even though the relatively new order managed to
destroy the Order of the Forked Serpent, they were exiled due to the accusation that all magic power was derived from Armok, and not The Watchers as was originally
thought. In the Ages between the Age of Strife and The Age of Myth, the Wizard order has grown from a collection of like minded exiles into a kingdom of its own,
creating an army of gifted men and women that strife to hold Armoks tide of darkness back.

-Most weapons are magic staffs, ranging in damage!
-Have no conventional melee weapons, although staff can be used in close combat, and they make, distribute and use enchanted weapons.
-Has no 'hard' armour, only soft armour. They also employ the use of magical items to shield them from attacks, rings that can bend sword blades and divert incoming projectiles.
-Has magical unarmed attacks, and can throw fireballs limited distances, even when unarmed.
-Weak stature means they are slower and more vunerable to melee attacks
-Have pantheon religion, with appropriate religion spheres

+'Eastern' Human Race - Men allied for most of the ages with the elves, and for the most part have avoided the fall of thier race. to Armok.
-Are faster, more agile but slightly weaker than normal humans due to their training style and affiliation with the elves.
-Weapons either do more damage and are heavier, or less damage, lighter but with higher critical hit.
-Have a pantheon religion, restricted to represent their belief systems.

+Orcs - Creatures not seen before the fall of the Starjewel, the method of thier creation by Armok is unknown. Vast numbers of them were
bred during the age of darkness following its destruction, and many survived the fate of destruction and entombment. They continue
the will of Armok, being much more loyal than the original armok footsoldier, the goblin.

-Tower above men and are powerful in close combat.
-Will not flee battles
-Armed and armoured like goblins. Game will generate a random number of Orcs/Goblin civilisations
- Worship dark powers

+Chosen Warriors - Men fallen to Armok during the Age of Strife, and mutated horribly by his dark powers. They are the most dreaded
of Armoks foot troops, being the best armed and armoured, and trained by a life of savagery to believe that only the spilling of blood
in Armoks name is the destiny of them and their kin.

-Wield weapons that do incredible amounts of damage, and wear armour that can turn even a deathblow into only a fleshwound.
-Have no ranged weapons beneath siege engine size - such weapons are not for Armoks chosen.
-Fanatical and crazed, and will fight to the death.
-Worship dark powers
-Can enter martial trance.

+Dark Elves - Elves that assented to the kinslaying the Age of Strife, and therefore doomed their souls to Armok for eternity. The
curse of spilling their owns race blood was harsh, forcing the perpetrators to slowly degenerate from what they once were to creatures
ruled by vampyric urges and lusts, their every waking hour directed only in the perfection of cruelty, torture and blood spilling.

Although they do not assent to Armoks command, they have no choice but to fufil the conditions laid down by the curse.

-Are armed with vicious weapons that are designed to cause the maximum amount of pain to their enemies, and kill them through bloodloss
and poison rather than a swift end. Although  more damaging, this means that the weapons often stick into opponents. Their weapons
are also heavier than those of high elves, having lost most of the finesse of craft they once possessed.

However, their equipment is still lighter than that of human manuafacture.

-Armour provides the same level of protection as human armour, but is lighter in construction.
-Their darkbows are of more use in close combat, sporting blades from the upper and lower limbs of the weapon. The ammo these
weapons fire are also prone to becoming stuck in thier targets.
-Their curse to Armok, combined with an elves natural atunement, has allowed some amongst them to wield powerful, dark magic
with which to unleash death upon their enemies.
-Can enter martial trance.
-Worships evil forces

+Sorcerers of Armok - When men were first granted the gifts of magic, to command the force of The Watchers to standards even
the elves did not have, thier were those who used it for their own gain. These men easily succumbed to the temptations of Armok, and
when they learned that through Armok, they could achieve power and immortality beyond their comprehension, The Order of the Forked
Serpent was founded to overthrow those in power. The destruction of the Order, and the dispersion of its members led to the exiling
of all the practioners of magic within the human kingdoms, a pyrrhic victory for the enemies of Armok.

The survivors of the Order of the Forked Serpent have rebanded under new names and monikers, and continue to work on their masterpiece -
the release of Armok from Empyreon.

-Most weapons are magic staffs, ranging in damage! Being few in number and far older than the Wizards, they have mastered the use of magic, and have access to the most powerful staffs.
-Have no conventional melee weapons, although staff can be used in close combat, and they use possessed weapons.
-Have no 'hard' armour, only soft armour. They also employ the use of magical items to shield them from attacks, rings that can bend sword blades and divert incoming projectiles.
-Have magical unarmed attacks, and can throw fireballs limited distances, even when unarmed.
-Unlike 'normal' wizards, sorcerors are maintained by the powers of Armok, and have none of the physical weaknesses of wizards, and seem to feel nopain, or show any signs of fear.
-Worship dark powers

+Lizardmen - A sentient race of reptiles awakened by the Starjewel, the lizardmen inhabit the jungles and swamps of the world. They show no love
for either Armok or the other children of The Sleeper, who they both deem to be responsible for the pains of the planet and its spirits, and hinder
both sides where they can, especially if either disrespect their territory. Next to the Elves, it is the lizardmen which have the highest knowledge in
the observations of the heavens and natural cycles, and are one of the few races to have this knowledge survive through the Ages of Strife and Darkness. 

-Use more primitive weapons made of wood or minor metals, but are well skilled in combat.
-Are equipped with blowguns, which are favoured over the more traditional bow of other races.
-Live in tropical, usually wet, areas where they build settlements and erect temples to nature spirits.

-Tigermen - Another sentient race awakened by the Starjewel. A proud, physically strong race, the Age Of Darkness further hardened their hearts to the other inhabitants of
the lower sphere, encouraging their already feral, if intelligent, populace to become ever more warlike. They despise Armok, for the turmoils he placed upon their race for their refusal
to join his forces, and what little friendship they had with the other races of the free world vanished when their calls for aid went unheard. In the Golden Age, their
heart only yearns for vengeance, and outsiders are now only welcomed by the sight of their last visitors, grimly smiling down from atop the Tigermens spears.

-Use primitive weapons, but are well skilled in combat.
-Live in tropical areas, where they build settlements and worship spirts dedicated to physical strength and revenge.
+Antmen - Twisted forms created in the ruin of the catacombs by the polluting presence of Armoks evil, these creatures are just one of the many forms the denizens of that
place became. They live deep in the bowels of the world, with no allies, and enemies of all. Such creatures are protected by rebellious watchers from Armoks own forces,
manifest in terrifying forms, who use them for their own gains.

-Are led and grown by a gigantic antman queen.
-Use minor metals, and are limited to only spears and blowguns, which they wield with little skill
-Are poor combatants, and make up for this by sheer numbers.

+Spidermen - Twisted forms created in the ruin of the catacombs by the polluting presence of Armoks evil, these creatures are just one of the many forms the denizens of that
place became. They live deep in the bowels of the world, with no allies, and enemies of all. Such creatures are protected by rebellious watchers from Armoks own forces,
who use them for their own gains.

-Are led and grown by a colossal giant cave spider.
-Use minor metals, and are limited to only spears and blowguns, which they wield with little skill
-Are poor combatants, and make up for this by sheer numbers, and their ability to paralyse their prey with thier webbing.

+Blizzardmen - A lower fimean•va, aligned with the forces of Ice and Storm among Armoks forces abandoned his service when he was entombed into Empyreon.
Hoping to create a empire of its own, the watcher fled from the foes which pursued it to where it knew none could follow - in the wastes of ice which dominate areas
of the lower sphere. In this realm, the fimean•va gathered many other, weaker elemental ubal's/ano's (spirits), and bound itself, ensnaring them in its iron will.
The Watcher took the form of an Queen, dark and as cold as the chill of winter and terrible to behold.
by mortal eyes.

-Are powerful, unarmed combatants
-Armed with enchanted swords crafted by the evil magic of the ice queen, but have no armour save for shields.
-Are elementals, and are therefore made of water.
-Governed, lead and maintained by the ice queen.

+Undead - After the destruction of the Catacombs by Armok at the end of the Age of Darkness, the restless souls of the dead had no place left to dwell, or light to direct them
to the Halls of the Higher Sphere were they could find rest, or reincarnation. Evil lesser spirits, survivors of the cataclysm, took advantage of the lost, capturing their wandering
spirits and binding them to them. Thus, they could utilise their mortal bodies as a new tool to fight the free world. These watchers took the form of brooding wraiths wrapped in impenatrable shadow,
and directed the bodies of their thralls to construct new bastions of evil, and cities and settlements long thought lost in the battles between Armok and The Watchers were revived, the material
remains of the war dead once again animated in the name of chaos and bloodlust. 

-Weak in unarmed combat, due to their bones being much more fragile than those held together by sinew and skin
-The dead use equipment that has rusted and aged during its time unused before the reawakening of their former owners. This means they provide slightly worse protection and damage than normal weapons.
-Since they are nothing more than thralls of the evil fimean•va, they are relentless - they will not flee from combat, and being dead, do not bleed, feel pain, or can be paralysed. They also have no interal organs which can be pierced to deliver a death blow.
-Worship dark powers

+Vampires - During the Age of Darkness, Armok came across those creatures that would become to be known as humans still awaiting to awake by the command of The Sleeper.
By his foul methods, Armok awakened these creatures and decieved them, telling them that he was their creator. His chosen children became the creatures mortals and Elves
now name Vampyres, deadly creatures of the night that maintain their existence by the consumption of blood. In the Age of Darkness, until Armoks entombment, their numbers grew great and the
first awakened, named Nosferatu in their own foul language went forth and propagated thier species in the darkness, preying on any human and elf alike. When the Sun were fixed in the Skies above the lower sphere,
the vampyres, long having fallen to Armok and never seeing the light of the Starcrystal, were burned and consumed by its rays, and could scarce endure its gaze for long at first, and thus the reign of terror
they had caused ceased. It was long ere before they could stand even in moonlight, and after the emtombment, what was left of the vampire race
was confined to raiding settlements in the night just to survive. In the Age of Myth, as Armoks power began to return, they took up residence once again in thier tower of old assigned to them by the dark powers.

-Immortal race exceedingly dangerous in unarmed close combat
-Undead, with only the removal of the head or destruction of the heart killing them utterly. They are also supernaturally energetic, being able to cover ground at great speed and do not tire in combat.
-Vampires do not bleed, do not tire, and have no need for normal sustainance.
-Whilst they use all human weapons, and armour similar to that of the dark elves, they also have ancient weapons that have seen use since the Age Of Darkness. These blades un-naturally sharp, and have higher
damage and lower stick chance than normal weapons of the same type.
-Worship dark powers


Made Playable!

+Goblins - Survivors of the original armies of Armok during the War of Jewelled Star, and the War of Night, now playable to allow
for the satisfaction of human town slaughtering the good old fashioned way, with Armokian steel!

Mostly unchanged from the the dwarf fortress version.

+Kobolds - Remnants of the once great civilisation that dwelt beneath the worlds surface, before the entombment of Armok in his realm
of Empyreon, the kobolds of the known ages are mere shadows of what they once were.

Mostly unchanged from the the dwarf fortress version.

Seperated into seperate subspecies because of the backstory!

+High Elves - Those who survived the kinslaying of the elves, although diminished in power, continue their struggle against Armok.

- Live in cities and have new weapons and armour, tougher, more milaristic, but fewer in number than Wood elves.

+Wood Elves - After the kinslaying, many elves forsook the war against Armok, which they saw as being unwinnable without the
direct influence of The Watchers. Believing themselves cursed and at fault for the destruction of many things in the lower sphere,
they now try to safeguard the life of the world against either of the warring factions. They despise Armok, but equally those who oppose
him at the cost of the other creatures and spirits that walk the wilds.

- Default elves, pretty unchanged from the normal dwarf fortress type. However, their natural affinity has drawn Nature spirits, lower
watchers, to guide them in protection of the forests, and have manifested themselves as great, animated trees which protect
the territories of the wood elves.


-New weapons and Armour, that provide slightly more protection and damage, but are slightly heavier than the standard equipment.
Also, they have been granted a unique weapn, known as a thunderhammer, which is a powerful dwarf constructed war hammer that
competes, damage wise, with some of the two handed weapons they are unable to wield.

-Demon Prince
-Antman Queen
-Colossal Cave Spider
-Forest Spirit
-Ice queen
-Possessed Sorceror
-Spirits Of Fire

-Black Dragon
-Blood Dragon
-Lesser Dragon
-Ice Dragon
-Keen Colossus
-Steel Colossus
-Insane Wizard War Titan

Chimera Added ingame
Centaur Added ingame
Griffon Added ingame

-Giant Lizards
-Giant Snakes
-Giant Hunting Spiders
-Giant Magma Spiders (:P)
-Scarab Swarms (Flying and non flying)
-Giant Scarabs
-Vampire bats
-Sorcerors (wilderness, not affiliated with faction)
-Feral Orcs
-Feral Goblins

-Severed Heads
-Other types of toy axe
-Wizard books and crystals for wizards
-Toy swords for eastern human civilisation

-Mithril, DEEP material
-Impure mithril, mithril that has been contaminated by surrounding rock.
-Keen, an alloy of impure mithril and Steel

+++NEW GEMS+++
-Dragonstones and Starshards from the death of the Starcrystal

+++NEW FUEL+++
-Anthracite, a higher rank coal that produces more coke when processed


3 Evil plants - Blood Reed, Blood Grass and Blood Orchids
1 Good plant - Blue Orchid



+Totally new body structure and system! More joints to snap, separation of organs etc (90% done!) Special body system for certain creatures, such as vampires.

^Some creatures still use old body tokens and not the new body system. Fish and other creatures are also not included in the body system update^


+Many power creatures and demons now use weapons which they will drop on death as a reward.

+Most megabeasts now drop rewards for killing them, that fits into the backstory.

+Evil creatures, like goblins and vampires, that are mainly nocturnal have been given cave adaption to represent their hatred of the sun.

+Giant cave spiders
-now mountable
-have recieved a upgrade to 8EYES, rather than 2EYES
-Cut down in number
-SEMIMEGABEAST. Will get quests to kill!

-now mountable
-been made fliers, and have recieved 2 wings.
-Can learn, can speak!
-Have had more armour added to them!

-New body structure - can survive more than one head decapitation
-More armour

New body structure - can survive more than one head decapitation

+Spirits of fire should appear more, and are now a [POWER]

-Changed body structure
-Frog demons and normal demons now use weapons

+Giant bats now have a blood suck ability!

+Other various creatures in standard and sub changed to be trainable and mountable. (Please tell of any pricing errors, or odd things happening because of this!)

+ Numerous tag changes, too many to list to already existing creatures, mostly just fixing things i thought were missing.

-Find out :P

-All megabeasts trap avoid until they are fixed
-Temporary 'war' system until the Army Arc is released, relying on immigration!

//Special thanks to Deon for donating his middle earth mod body structures which i then expanded to fit more creatures, and to Hishan for his testing of the mod!

If you have survived the wall of text, please try and the mod and comment! I need more feedback to see what
other features you wish putting in!

Fun playing until the new update breaks it XD! And sorry for my absence!

Hopefully, very soon we can have some legendary epic battles going on :P

« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 04:16:21 pm by Deathbane »
Creator of the Chaos Reigns and Age of Heroes modifications.

Developer of the Adventurer Roleplaying game system, assistance required!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 12:32:37 pm »

Cool! =)
And I just wanted to inform you that you have to update your mod tomorrow :P.
A lot of work for us tomorrow.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 12:49:10 pm »

Yay im famous


  • Bay Watcher
  • Unus volatilis angelus, aeria gloriis.
    • View Profile
Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 12:55:47 pm »

Lots of work, but its going to be absolutely awesome!

I CANNOT wait until i can have the epic battles between all these guys going on!

Chosen Warrior supremacy! =)

Also, Giant CAve Spiders with history!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 12:57:42 pm by Deathbane »
Creator of the Chaos Reigns and Age of Heroes modifications.

Developer of the Adventurer Roleplaying game system, assistance required!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 02:27:59 pm »

But seriously guys, its a brilliant mod. I agree, chosen warriors own all


  • Bay Watcher
  • Unus volatilis angelus, aeria gloriis.
    • View Profile
Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2008, 03:37:26 pm »

Just to clarify, none of the Armies of Armok or Alliance are allied to closely knit. The alliance has had many a blow dealt to it during the Age of Strife in terms of trust, and since Armoks direct influence is weak, many of the lesser spirits themselves have broken away from his direct control and pursue their own agendas.

This should make for a very interesting world in the new release.

Also, just to make you guys aware, i will notbe bugfixing this release anymore, but if you find anything please do say, as i will need to correct for the new version, especially if its an item material or plant bug.

*UPDATE* This still has the quiet cave bug, i dont know why or where most of the cave creatures have gone to, and it seems semimegabeasts are not appearing properly, and very rarely. What is causing this is unknown, but it think its to do with the new creatures i have introduced. Ill see if i can eliminate this bug in a future version ,but if anyone has an answer let me know!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 04:06:52 pm by Deathbane »
Creator of the Chaos Reigns and Age of Heroes modifications.

Developer of the Adventurer Roleplaying game system, assistance required!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2008, 04:23:01 pm »

Special thanks to Deon for donating his middle earth mod body structures
Oh, do I? I forgot =). I'm glad that I was someway useful, I'm gonna look into your body structure update, maybe I'll borrow some ideas :P.
And I hope you'll update your mod after update as soon as possible. I'm gonna watch your entities battling each other, it would be fun to see some snatching/enslaving of different races.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2008, 04:54:13 pm »

This still has the quiet cave bug, i dont know why or where most of the cave creatures have gone to, and it seems semimegabeasts are not appearing properly

I could be a similar problem that your races sometimes have Deathbane in that competition is killing them off.

The fact that you have increased the number of megabeasts and Semimegabeasts as well as increase the number of creatures that take over caves (such as Vampires)... Could actually be the problem

Or to sum up: The Lack of Semimegabeasts may not be a bug, they may simply be overrun by Megabeasts and other cave dwellers who may be seen as having priority.

I wonder if the next release will fix this by having other races actually need to run the Semimegabeasts out...

I can't wait to see this once you make the Army Arc Release 1 version. Though fully knowing that a lot of your races will eliminate eachother


  • Bay Watcher
  • Unus volatilis angelus, aeria gloriis.
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2008, 04:32:06 am »

Thats the thing i was thinking about Neonivek, so ill probably see about in the new version, re-adding the creatures last and testing it to see which ones are causing the most problems, if ofc, the new version does not fix it.

Ah, i cant wait for it either, although ill probably have to discard some ideas as theyll throw up problems with the new release.

Mainly because i cant see subordinate undead under elves for some reason, but ill just have to wait to see what new things toady shoves in for us modders in the changelog.

Ive been toying around with the idea of fixing the carp and fish damage if toady doesnt do it, but it just seems wrong :(

We all like Carp Attacks.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 04:34:36 am by Deathbane »
Creator of the Chaos Reigns and Age of Heroes modifications.

Developer of the Adventurer Roleplaying game system, assistance required!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2008, 06:19:01 am »

Mainly because i cant see subordinate undead under elves for some reason, but ill just have to wait to see what new things toady shoves in for us modders in the changelog.
The most funny part would be babysnatching of undead kids which will eventually grow up into undead citizens.

In my Middle-Earth mod Barrow-wights have "essence" name for a child so they're "burrow wight essences" until it's a time for a one to appear.
This could be fun, imagine humans stealing undead essences to "make" (grow?) their own undead warriors through some neat rituals.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
  • Unus volatilis angelus, aeria gloriis.
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2008, 03:47:11 pm »

The new tags are awesome!

Ive almost got most of the creatures from chaos reigns, faction wise back into the game, an dill be releasing a small teaser within the nex ttwo days. Il lstill have to redo most of the creatures with the new body tags and such before hand, and you can expect some races to be dropped, most notably the -men races and the undead.

It will be fun to see chosen warriors dom-- i mean a well generated legend list for it all!

im also intending to add a new race of men as well, probably more viking and dwarfish that the two currently implemented, that although not evil have some traits which will set them off againt the 'good' races periodically
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 04:10:16 pm by Deathbane »
Creator of the Chaos Reigns and Age of Heroes modifications.

Developer of the Adventurer Roleplaying game system, assistance required!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2008, 06:21:27 am »

Just be careful, look at the elves in vanilla, they get slaughtered even 1000 vs 20, so there may be some small thing which leads to huge combat difference.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
✫ Cartographer's Lounge ✫ - a custom worldgen repository


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2008, 02:43:35 am »

This mod deserves a bump


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2008, 05:40:11 am »

But wouldn't it get a bump when it is updated for 39c?  ???


  • Bay Watcher
  • Unus volatilis angelus, aeria gloriis.
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Re: Chaos Reigns 0.9.3 for 38c Release!
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2008, 07:44:26 am »

Just to tell everyone, the new version is coming along really well and most of the races do survive worldgen.

Im currently in the process of readding creatures, and buffing creatures, and arming some of the more humany megabeasts with weapons.

Unfortuantely, spidermen and antmena re out as they seemed to be eating all the cave spaces up, and so are tigermen. Ill probably leave lizardmen in because its nice to have a small change, and they live in towns anyway. Also, im adding a new race to replace the few that went, to finish off my take on the humans in chaos reigns.

The only problem i seem to be having is that sometimes, the evil races do not get the correct conditions to attack and go all pacifist, but this is happening in my vanilla to goblins anyway. Probably need a new entity ethic tag from toady to sort it.

The dark elves seem to survive perfectly fine, as do the high elves, but they still get beaten back by the RNG generator. This is to them retreating adfter they take some losses rather than figthing on, it seems when i look at the legends, that and the defenders must get some kind of RNG bonus. Chosen warriors are orcs seem to win more because they have no fear...

Anyhows, update coming soon.

If anyone has any sugesstions, it would be good to make them now while im finishing it up!

Creator of the Chaos Reigns and Age of Heroes modifications.

Developer of the Adventurer Roleplaying game system, assistance required!
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