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Author Topic: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.  (Read 30561 times)


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #60 on: July 15, 2008, 05:33:59 am »

Turn: [From the P.O.V of one of the workers] It just another normal cycle in colony four. Nothing special interesting happening except for a Head murdering another Head over a mother bug, again. There had been calls for a new colony to be founded somewhere to the south as the hovels were becoming crowded again.

Hir'd was working away with his food collection duties when all of a sudden he heard a loud crash coming from the mountain way. He quickly dropped the Macher berries he was carrying and sense a distress smell coming from the source of the noise. Scurrying across the forest floor he arrived at the mountains floor. Only to find several worker bugs piled under several tonnes of collapsed trees. A nearby Head sent out a distress tone and within minutes several more workers arrived. After the wood was cleared, and the dead buried, the lone survivor had a tale to tell.

"Forg'd (a fellow food gatherer) was gone for long time. Coming back for meal and drink only. "As he said holding up a small, rock with a handle of wood covered in thin strands of Roitcha (Basically vines)."Forg'd made tree claw. It makes trees fall better. Forg'd called group over to see his new thing and show us what did. And then tree fell on us."

Hir'd demonstrated by hitting the tree at an angle and the sharp tool sliced a full four inches in.

[With no-one to teach people how to re-make this, it takes my people quite a long time to re-discover how to build these tree claws. But once they finally learn how to make them, workers adopt the ability to cut down trees, allowing them to clear land and use it for planting.

Mean while, a new colony is going to start up after lengthy discussions between the Heads of each colony and the mothers. Planned expansion into O-19. It will reduce the number in each colony by about 100 and move them to the new colony. Farms and food collection increases to compensate colony five before it can become self sufficient. Making it about 500 or so colonists. This includes a small amount of mothers, 2 or 3, 2 heads and the same proportions of warriors to workers.

Depending on how much EP I get. 4 EP into tree cutting. New skill, not 2 EP into tree cutting tool making. They can now make basic tree cutting axes. 1 EP into New Colony Establishment, colonies become quicker and easier to set up. 1 EP into food management, food is gathered more efficiently than before.

[OCC - NonAnon, have our species come into contact with each? Cause if they have then that'll change my turn quite a bit. Or, we could just ignore it and pretend the mountain is in the way, well at least so much so that my creatures cant walk over it.]

Question at Fualkner - In the later years or what ever of our races would it be possible to combine skills into one skill?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 09:51:48 am by Nilocy »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #61 on: July 15, 2008, 08:26:41 am »

Can you describe at least the basic guidelines for a turn? Do we have to explicitly state how we gather food and what happens on the inside of the colony (RP aside), and what tasks are presumed to be carried out "by themselves"?

They gather enough food and water to survive, but no more then that. Everything else must be stated. More things will be happening on later turns, so the game will become more interesting as play continues.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #62 on: July 15, 2008, 09:11:33 am »

 Well, I guess I should start my turn. Need something to do while figuring out the new options for DF.

 The Southern School of Shrike decide that there is not enough food to be had here. As much food as they can get feasting on the creatures of the bay and the occasional Kadesh, there is not enough food to support all four schools. So starting this turn, they start migrating south. They cannot enter deep water, just the shallows near the land.

 The other schools just continue to hunt, surviving off the various marshes around the bay. One even decided it is a god idea to harass the Kadesh, although no major attacks are done. Just the odd one that strays from their groups.

 I'll wait for you to award EP, but whatever it is, I'm going to invest some.

 Language: 5EP
 With basic methods of transmitting ideas through body language, these creatures can communicate with eachother. One of those methods is altering their hunters organ to make varied electric fields. This is mainly to aid in the hunt.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2008, 11:26:40 am »

Nilocy (d% roll: 8 ): The colonizers move out into the desert, hailed as heroes as they leave. However, the first food caravan that tries to find them can't. When they return, only half of them are unharmed. Nearly all of the warriors are babbling odd phrases. The workers tell tales of the sand attacking and biting them. The warriors came to help, and took the brunt of the attack until the caravan was far away enough to escape. The warriors eventually return to sanity after 4-6 months, but most are just a bit too odd to fit back into society. They are mostly sent out to guard remote locations where they won't bother anyone else.

(Loss of 500 bug colony, along with 250 warrior bugs that are just not right in the head and are essentially useless.)

(d%: 58): Worker bugs examine the tree-cutting tool, but to no avail. Perhaps a dedicated team could figure it out.
(d%: 91): Inside the trees that were felled, your worker bugs hear some suction noises. Cracking the trees open, you find large maggots. They are weak, but seem to eat wood voraciously. (You may say what you wish to do with them.)

Nilocy's EP:

Base: 5
New enemy: 1
Failed expansion: 0
New creature discovered: 2

Total: 7 EP

« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 11:30:29 am by Fualkner »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #64 on: July 15, 2008, 11:41:57 am »

This is one the first know writings of the Morrosur, a plain marble slab upon which has been chiseled the words of the Elders.

Grimoire of Morrosur
My name is Toth’tam’tatarkatan, elder of the Bone lord’s tribe, and I lay these words truthfully, on my honor. 

First Row
The true tale of why we chose to leave our caverns will likely be forgotten in time eventually, so I tell now our origins, so that it may be remembered by the wizened.

We could not know what lay beyond our dark homes, and in fear and doubt we indeed may have remained there to this very day, were it not for the War. As you no doubt know, chief among our beliefs is in the power of the bones-structure or all life, order and perfection and strength. Long after out flesh is undone the bones remain and the spirit lives on-if the bones were to be destroyed the soul, while immutable, would be cast to the Void Halls for eternity. Such a fate is reserved only for the vilest criminals, and so the great wheel turns-a vile criminal was the precursor to our exodus. His name is long forgotten, and his clan is long dead we hope, for he was a destroyer of life and order with no respect to the ancient traditions. His will was great, and he attracted the weak to his service, and is doing so he became stronger himself. His clan claimed home after home, slaying those who would not leave. We were forced closer and closer to the surface, and they dug deeper and deeper into the Earth. This cycle of self-destruction could not continue forever. Eventually he realized the error of his ways-the caves can ill support such numbers, and he was consumed by the very monster he had created. The clans that decided to stay in the caves began to fight amongst themselves and are now gone to nothingness, and those of us that left had changed so that we could live in the upper world. In the next row, I will tell of our present and future.

Second Row
Here was food aplenty and space unending, and other odd things. Imagine our surprise when water, such a valuable resource in the deeps began to fall from the blue roof in unending torrents-one could place out a hollowed shell and catch enough water for a day easily. There are great pillars that reach up to blue roof, brownish in color and strong as stone yet easier to carve. There are also other creatures; some hostile and some skittish-though few will dare to come near when our clan is aroused and shouting warbooms. Our great size makes it difficult to for us to catch smaller animals, but the larger ones are simple enough to catch and crush. A great variety of fungus grows here, such as flavor and texture much greater than what we had before, I find myself catching their scent as I walk the great pillars in morning meditation.. And so we are here-and more arrive every day, many clan less and needing a home. Many who arrive already begin to feel the affects of living under the blue roof-the weakening of our hands to dig and our ability to hear the Earth. We know must learn to construct new hands to replace our lost ones, though it will not be easy. Another difficulty is attempting to talk to rival clans, as our language is primitive and hardly unified. I have called a meeting of all the clan elders, so that we may from a unified system or words for all, but it too will require much effort, as violence has already occurred and if we do not learn to live as one, we will end up the same as those who languish in the caves. But my bones are not yet wearied, and many I teach to continue my work when I leave.

Non RP
For my turn we are collecting wood and stone and learning our crafts for each. We’re gathering food through foraging, and hunting parties occasionally embark upon the nearby plans to hunt larger game. A unified language has begun to be developed, but for now only clan Elders and their students know it in any useful amount. Tensions amongst the clans are high, and even the children are making wards against evil. Most of race is leaving the mountains, but at least 25% of the clans still remain near the lower slopes to provide resources-namely stone, fresh spring water even gemstones if they can be found easily.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2008, 12:20:57 pm »

Question number 3 faulkner, should i have 8 or 7EP? not to sure how the additional EP gain system works.


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #66 on: July 15, 2008, 06:22:04 pm »

Once upon a time Nonrot the Smartstalk came to his friend Bigtwig the chief, and told him that the Plantwe were becoming too plentiful. Bigtwig said that there was a lot of soil, but Nonrot replied that soil will become bad of too many Plants will grow from it. Then Bigtwig said that not even a Sapling would just stop growing, but Nonrot replied that they didn't have to and could just go somehwhere. Finally Bigtwig said that they were plants and plants stay in one place and eat one kind of fly, but Nonrot said that they were actually Plantwe 1), and could move if they wanted. This debate went on for very long, until Nonrot said that there is one way to solve their disagreement, and if Bigtwig could solve his riddle, than he would go away and not bother him with his nonsence again, but if Bigtwig cold not, than he would do something. Bigtwig agreed and was asked this:
*moves* *but* *isn't* *water* *grows* *but* *isn't* *shadow* *eats* *but* *isn't* *locust*. *what* *is* *it* *?*
Bigtwing thought until sundown and asked if it was the sun, because it moves across the sky, and eats the puddles on the ground, but Nonrot said no, because sun doesn't grow. then Bigtwig thought until sunrise and asked if it was a lily, because lilies float down the river, and grow, but Nonrot said that lilies don't eat. Bigtwing thought until noon, and said he gives up. "*It* *is* *you*" 2) said Nonrot, and Bigtwig agreed to help.
Bigtwing wanted to go ahead all at once and settle a new territory, but Nonrot told him that if all the Plantwe went away to a different location that there would be too many of them there, and it would all be pointless, instead he suggested they send out scouts who could find out if it was better there. Bigtwing then rounded up a few Plantwe and told them to go into the desert to the east 3), but Nonrot said there would be no water there, then Bigtwig said then he shall send them into the southern sea, but Nonrot said there was too much water. Bigtwig said that if Nonrot was going to make fun of him, he can do it all by himself. Nonrot said he was sorry, and they should send the scouts along the riverbanks, because the would be water there, but also soil...
-- excerpt from "the collected olfactorial tales of ancient Plantwe".

what is going on:
There is an expedition sent to R22 (from S23) and U25 (from T26). 150 Plantwe each. These Plantwe are fit 5-6 year olds, and in fact most of them are the pride of their respective tribes.
in addition to that Plantwe try to deal with salt water environments, without much direct success.
offscreen are much more mundane efforts to develop food preservation techniques, to make movement of large numbers of Plantwe possible.

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I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #67 on: July 15, 2008, 09:07:59 pm »

Up until evening, the day had been fairly routine.  However, now, in the evening light, a dispute was arising between a young male and an older, more experienced one.  Perhaps mostly by luck, the younger male managed to knock the elder out of the canopy.  His victory was somewhat short-lived, however, as the branch he sat on suddenly broke as a result of the prior stress.  Avoiding a narrow death at the hands of gravity, the branch landed hard on the body of the now dead elder, audibly smashing the bones into tiny pieces!  A spark of insight struck, then.  The young male paced around, then hooted for the others to come contemplate the possible use of this impromptu discovery...

[OOC:  Try to imagine the fall to Richard Strauss's Also Sprach Zarathustra.  It was a lot harder coming up for anything to do RPwise with a culture this primitive :-\.  And, Nilocy, based on the way it looks from the map, I'd say the Jhiar'd are seperated from the Nahuantl by a mountain range.  Wouldn't be much interaction aside from frightened/angry hissing from the Nahuantl if they met up right now, though.]


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2008, 01:23:40 am »

Question number 3 faulkner, should i have 8 or 7EP? not to sure how the additional EP gain system works.

8. It's summer and I don't use math in summer. Sorry.

Duke (d%: 21): The rogue fish eats a stray Kadesh, but his friend spots the Shrike and manages to give a general description to the others of his tribe.

Expansion (d%: 75): The waters to the south are warm, and plentiful in prey. In this environment, the Shrike thrives and its population increases quickly.


Base: 5
Successful Expansion: 2
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 12:39:07 pm by Fualkner »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2008, 08:31:53 pm »


Havesting Resources d%=24: During one of the many stone gathering expeditions, several workers all pull a large stone out. That stone triggers a large rockslide that crushes the spring and kills many Morrosur. A total of 600 Morrosur die from the rockslide or its collateral damage.

Hunting d% = 64: The hunting is successful, and casualties are very minimal. The meat that is brought home feeds families well, allowing them the time to learn the unified language (+1 EP to unified language)

Ward-making d% = 8: The wards seem to have some sort of evil presence about them, and more fights break out. This causes the Morrosur in M27 to divide into two clans, making trade and sharing of resources between them impossible. This lowers birth rate and productivity in that hex until the issue is resolved.


Base: 5
Unified Language +1


(To be done later)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 09:35:46 pm by Fualkner »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #70 on: July 16, 2008, 09:11:11 pm »

Ehh...  Do I need to write more for the Nahuantl or something?


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2008, 09:30:24 pm »

Curse the Dice Gods for our bad luck!
+2 points to language, as we scramble to avert diasaster
+3 points into Tool Making, as we learn a painful lesson in humility

You took in account of the tremor sense ability in the casualty numbers correct?  :P
Surely some of them would of gotten out of the way....*throws a hail mary*
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #72 on: July 16, 2008, 09:32:39 pm »

Ehh...  Do I need to write more for the Nahuantl or something?
I'm just slowly updating. I've had a horrible headache all day, and I just can't bring myself to write more then one result post at a time. I'm sorry about that. Yours will be done soon.

Oh, didn't notice the Tremor Sense, I'll take off 150 deaths.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 09:35:32 pm by Fualkner »


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #73 on: July 16, 2008, 09:35:37 pm »

Get better soon dude, I hope its not the flu.

Edit. Thanks, we need all the help i can get lol
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 09:38:24 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Evolution: Not a debate, a forum game.
« Reply #74 on: July 16, 2008, 10:43:09 pm »

Get better soon dude, I hope its not the flu.

Heh, it's a retainer. I'm 15, just got my braces off and the retainer was badly made, twisting my right I tooth and giving me a horrible headache. They re-did it today and I'm picking up the new one tomorrow. Nothing to worry about  ;D

EDIT: Ah, what the hell, I'll finish these updates. Hopefully the others post their moves tomorrow or I'll be forced to skip.


R22 Expansion d% = 24: The land here recently suffered drought, and the existing plants have used up the resources. The Plantwe die out. (This area is converted to a semi-desert)

U25 Expansion d% = 83: The soil here is nutrient-soaked, and the prey is slow and stupid, being herbivores that like plants that have similar leaves to Plantwe. The Plantwe thrive here. (+5% birth rate this turn)

Salt-Water Adaptation d% = 6: One of the Plantwe gets too close to the edge and tumbles in, crumbling the dirt edge of the shore. It opens a breach into the fresh-water aquifer, and the salt-water pours in, contaminating it. The Plantwe grow sickly and cannot spawn seeds at all (No birth this turn in that hex, also 1,000 dead from poisoning.)


Base: 5
Failed Expansion: 0
Successful Expansion: 1
Birth Rate up: 1
Birth Rate down : -1
Good RP (I liked the riddle =P): 1



Branch Incident d% = 35: The Nahuantl do not make the connection between gravity and the stick, and instead think the stick is a great and powerful weapon. They bicker over it for a while, and a dominant male claims it. He hands it down through his family as time goes on.


Base: 5

TOTAL: (Bet you can't guess)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 11:05:58 pm by Fualkner »
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