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Author Topic: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards  (Read 5684 times)


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2008, 01:31:46 pm »

Considering the lolling amount of bugs in the new version, it's probably best not to switch just yet.

Well, either we continue with the old version, or wait until Toady patches the new one, up to you oh-bloodline-creator, I'm cool with either.

Rusty Mcloon

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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2008, 02:58:12 pm »

We could give the new version a try.  I understand that bugs could be a problem, but there wasn't really a patch for the last major version release, was there?

Edit: I read something in the announcement thread about dwaves not waking up after they go to sleep.  Maybe we should stick to the previous version.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 03:03:26 pm by Rusty Mcloon »


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2008, 08:12:29 pm »

Yeah, I'm not going to update the save to the new version.  Even after patching, it should stay in 38c, since all the new worldgen stuff and creature tags mean it almost certainly wouldn't even run.

By the way, too much stuff (especially new version) got in the way of my turn - I promise I'll play after work tonight until my year is finished.  I will be done tomorrow.  Until then, an update of one month.  (I used Companion to rename a dwarf to be my avatar.)

Journal of Aqizzar Alåthlodok
Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 16th of Sandstone, 1052

I have officially assumed bookkeeping duties from the master engineer.  I was not made aware that his “office” is a, admittedly well decorated, closet with a table stuffed in.  This will change.

Among other minor works, I have designed a small barracks to be built below the trade depot.  Six unoccupied fellows will form the core of our new force-at-arms, and will practice with shields and maneuvering until more metal is obtained.

I'm not sure how they did it, but the masons managed to cram a mountain of doors, tables, and chairs into their worksites.  I fear moving them may cause a furniture explosion, but they will relocate to less obtrusive areas to turn some of this granite into useful building material.  I have in mind a fortified tower of our own over the main entrance.  The goblins certainly know we're here – I've relieved the dwarves gathering junk from outside.  They were only too happy to escape the chorus of hoots and jeers from the black towers.  How they're still alive I don't know.

Trouble brews.  My friend the pumpdwarf was been stricken mute, and began wildly gesticulating, trying to mime out a need for tools.  We'd seen cases like his at the College of Siegecraft, and I had a light craftworks erected in the unused forge chamber.  He seized it immediately, battering passersby aside.  We locked him in for good measure, and he began slipping pictures of turtles and lobsters under the door to us.  I fear he's gone batty and another burial chamber will be needed soon.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 21th of Sandstone, 1052

While retrieving some ore from a slightly premature bit of surface mining, Urist Lolorishen the smith was attacked by the goblins.  She fought off a pair of ruffians for a bit, until a big one with an axe showed up.  Her coffin will have to remain empty for the time being, much to her friends' displeasure.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 2nd of Timber, 1052

Our leader Coelocanth and his lover Adil are officially a couple today, though they're being quiet about it.  I can't help but think it's the pile of furniture in the dining room.

They're already at work on a new tunnel for more ore, and to retrieve Urist's corpse while it lasts.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 07:05:56 am by Aqizzar »
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2008, 11:07:16 am »

I guess we can use 39b now :3. More stable.


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2008, 02:32:52 pm »

I added the map after my turn to the map archive:

Rusty Mcloon

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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2008, 09:10:02 pm »

Sweet!  Thanks for uploading the map.  I've never played a succession game before, and I'm pretty stoked.  Now I can do some research.

The newest patch seems stable, so I agree: It's safe to move over to it.


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2008, 07:05:34 am »

According to Toady, updating saves is iffy at best, and I'm inclined to believe him.  I'll not update it myself - if someone else wants to, be sure to back it up first.

When I said meticulous, I meant meticulous.  Also, you know, new version to play with.  I'm only in Obsidian.  Will, repeat, will finish today.  Also diverted to check an engraving in adventure mode.  Saw a image of dwarves rejecting a dwarf making a submissive gesture.  Turns out it's Coelocanth getting kicked out of record keeping.  Our group's symbol is a picture of a dwarf, and our civ's symbol is a picture of... elves.

Can't get Companion to work for some reason.  Re-updating my name accordingly.

Journal of Aqizzar Alåthlodok
Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 10nd of Timber, 1052

We have retrieved what's left of Urist, and Coelocanth slew the goblins still milling around her.  Migrants have arrived, bringing our number to 44.  Most were desperate peasants of little skill – they'll form a second squad.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 1st of Moonstone, 1052

Winter is upon us.  We have obtained more iron and breached a vein of magnetite, praise be.  A catapult has been constructed to fire out of the main entrance – the injury Zas received from the goblins still plagues her, so I have taken up training in it's operation.  That fool “hunter” Urdim got himself battered to a pulp by a camel.  Too much time under the sky I'm sure.  We've set a room aside against his objections, but no one seems to want to drag the wildman to it.

- And Lorbam the pumpdwarf finally slipped off his cracker.  He now sits where his workshop was with a look of absolute destitution.  I don't blame him – all the bones in the world, but not the shells he needed.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 3rd of Moonstone, 1052

Damn, should have kept him locked in.  Lorbam drug himself into the foundry and dropped into the magma.  His coffin will have to remain empty.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 2nd of Opal, 1052

I'm not sure how they got there, but some mountain goats wandered into the food stores.  They were quickly put down.

Work continues on the fortifications, but I've been mulling over just attacking the Towers directly.  Our military is hardly ready for such an endeavor, but the nearer keep could be easily linked to the magma flow, though I am loath to do so. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to the other southern keep, stronghold of Mistress Ngokang.  She came up to shout catcalls at Adil when she went to retrieve some errant clothing.

On that note, a clother's shop is being erected.  More lead barrels would be a capital idea as well.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 09:56:12 pm by Aqizzar »
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2008, 09:55:51 pm »

I hope everyone else didn't loose interest.  Sorry I've been taking so long, but, well you know.  Just a season left to go - I have to go to work, but I'll finish up quick when I get back, and I should have the save and map uploaded by dawn.  Until then, update.

Oh, and I seriously considered savescumming after my failure to save the mayor's wife, but this is a succession game.  What's done is written, and what's written is done.  Also just noticed our resident Lashmaster is female.  !!!

Journal of Aqizzar Alåthlodok
Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 18th of Granite, 1053

Blast, I was afraid of this.  I'm not sure when or how she did it, but Mistress Ngokang managed to summon help from her foul allies.  A band of a half dozen goblin assassins from elsewhere in their miserable empire tried to break into the fortress, but their shadowy arts failed them when Lady Adil stumbled upon them while working on our fortifications.

She was dismembered before help could arrive.  Hearing her shouts, Coelocanth rushed to save her, and by the time Zan's squad could reach the surface, our mayor had laid into the blighters.  With the recruits' help, all were dispatched, but Coelocanth's poor wife was too far gone.

In retaliation, I've ordered the goblins of the near Tower evicted, with molten rock.  Since we've piled stones in front of the door, they'll have no where to evict to save as airborne particulate.  I don't consider it squandering – we live but once.

Forgive my failure Adil.  Forgive us all.  Curse them!

But the fortress goes on.  ChJees and Kikrost decided to waste no more time and have married – it will be a wedding and a wake.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 23rd of Slate, 1053

More migrants have come – 18 of them in all, nearly half again our former size, bringing the total residence to 62, with too many more pets.  No longer is Sedil Zalės an outpost with one mission, we are now truly a village and Coelocanth truly a mayor.

Most are unemployed farmhands, which we need.  Few among them look worth arming, and I'm having enough trouble keeping the existing force equipped.  Crossbows have will be made for Kivish's squad.

The magma infusion is coming up short it seems.  I've yet to hear any screams of pain.  Water, perhaps-  I smell burning hair.  Success!

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 4th of Felsite, 1053

One of the new arrivals, a weaver, has been stricken by the same crazy muteness that claimed Lorbam.  Having found some of the preparatory cloth and a felled saguaro, he's set to work on something though.

Update: It took him five days, but Momuz the Weaver has finished his great work – Etesbesmar Ugog Vathem, the greatest shoe in the world.  His fingers fly faster than the eye can follow, and his cloth is the finest I've ever seen.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 18th of Felsite, 1053

Perhaps Coelocanth is letting this mayor thing go to his head.  He's officially banned the export of zinc items.  I haven't seen a trace of zinc since I got here. For that matter, I haven't seen any traders either.  He's also been complaining, to me for some reason, that his accommodations are not adequate to his new station. He can't tell me why he thinks he needs an armor stand.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 10th of Hematite, 1053

An ambush!  More raiders have come to aid Ngokang.  These depraved runts carried whips, clearly of the same warrior cult as the Mistress herself.  Not dangerous in themselves, but what a horrible way for that farmhand whats-his-name to die.

The sworddwarf Domas was the first to reach them.  Zan arrived just in time to see her batter greenskins through the air in crimson arcs, a look of awesome rage in her eyes.  Zan and Mosus the Clerk helped rip apart the rest.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.

Rusty Mcloon

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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2008, 08:10:08 am »

Very good writing, Coelocanth.  Your logs are a good read. 

The Kezar Letters
kezar (n): a coating on metal that results from oxidation; rust
Source: Urist's Revised Dictionary of the Dwarven Language

17th of Hematite, 1053
A few years ago, a small group of seven brave dwaves set out to start a new outpost. This is not the first time such a new colony has been attempted by our people, but it is the first time it has been attempted in the midst of a goblin fortress!  That's right!  It's practically right on the greenskins' lawn and has been expanding under their feet. Though the settlers suffered much hardship, their new fortress has flourished and more migrants are arriving yearly. The stress of ruling over a settlement in such close quarters to goblins is enormous. As a result, the Counsel of Elders here at the mountainhomes have determined it best to put Sedil Zalės in the hands of a new leader every year.  From the beginning, I knew I wanted in.

In both experience and education, I have come up wanting. My father, an engraver by trade, same as I, worked overtime to personally engrave the personal quarters of three of the counsel members, but neither this nor all the money would could scrape together was enough to persuade the counsel to choose me as a leader for Sedil Zalės.  As fortune would have it, my father went into a trance.  He was raving and refused food or drink.  I've never seen anything like it!  He grabbed some supplies, locked himself in a craftdwarf's workshop (mother was so worried), and came out a day later with the most marvelous pickax I've ever seen, made of ivory.  It was encrusted with gems, glittering like the night sky, and menaced with spikes of iron! 

Father wouldn't let the thing out of his sight.  He even slept with it, but my mother and I pleaded with him, through tears and screams, that he let us use give it to the elders to win their favor. We were in utter poverty after giving so much to the Council, but a position as ruler of Sedil Zalės could bring to us great riches!

It wasn't two days later when I knocked on their bedroom when neither came out for work.  When I went inside, Mother was there on the bed with a dazed expression on her face, and she just stared at me for a minute.  Father didn't move.  Then, she started weeping with strange, unnatural tears, and said father died in his sleep.  There were bruises on her arms. Still crying, she rose from the bed, pushed the pick into my hands, and told me to take it to the elders as fast as I could.

I am schedule to begin as leader over Sedil Zalės by Sandstone, 1054.


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2008, 10:20:55 am »

Hang on a second. Aren't I next?


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2008, 10:27:47 am »

Huzzah and amazment, I am done.  Rusty McLoon, the fortress is yours.  And not to be a jerk to you or Coelocanth, but you did notice the name of the post on this page right?

EDIT: Or whoever is next.  Good luck, this place is a labyrinth of clutter.

Anyway, I uploaded the map (it's kinda buggy for some reason), and the save is here.  Got a good movie out of it to.  I unknowingly clobbered a stealthed thief with a goblin tower.  Best kobold kill ever?

Journal of Aqizzar Alåthlodok
Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 13th of Hematite, 1053

A human caravan from Gil Cish have arrived, along with a Merchant Baroness.  I was beginning to wonder when they'd show.  I suppose we've contained the local goblin threat well enough that traders are willing to travel here.  Conversing with Coelocanth, we decided to ask for wood and leather, which we have trouble obtaining, their otherwise forgettable alcohols, which we sadly need, and assorted metals.  I slipped in a request for whole turtles, but the Baroness seemed nonplussed.  We had some problems when Coelcanth went off for a snooze in midmeeting.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 24th of Hematite, 1053

Coelocanth woke from hibernation to finalize the trade agreement.  The humans desire mostly trinkets, though the liaison also agreed to pay an exorbitant markup for our armor.  Perhaps word of Likot's craftdwarfship has reached far, or perhaps it was some subtle, human, attempt at humor.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 10th of Malachite, 1053
I'm not sure when it happened, but apparently Captain Cerol got his arm broken in a bit of practice.  I don't know why I wasn't notified.  There's also a mason sleeping in the barracks for no discernible reason.  And for the first time ever, I saw that goldbrick Logem actually practicing with a weapon, taking potshots at the archery targets from seven paces.

New clothing is being sown to replace the now worn attire we arrived with.  And the pig tails were finally harvested, so Momuz can finally spin some true cloth.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 2nd of Galena, 1053

By the gods, but is building above ground time consuming.  How those inbred humans manage it I can't fathom.  It would be quicker the let a mountain form and carve it down.  At any rate, the upper fortification nears completion, but the finishing touches made need to be foisted on the next overseer.

The goblins of the molten tower evacuated to the roof, and Coelcanth, Zan, and I are agreed that finishing them off would be prudent.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 18th of Galena, 1053

The Molten Tower is empty save for the corpses.  Only Mistress Ngokang's dark manor remains.

A glassmaker named Ushat is now the third dwarf to be claimed by The Silence.  He paced with wild abandon and without a sound for a while until we constructed a furnace for him.  Apparently the magma powered one was too good for him, or whatever has seized him.  As soon as it was ready, he grabbed a few handfuls of gems not yet cut and set to work.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 21th of Galena, 1053

More raiders!  A team of vicious masked snipers wormed their way inside, led by a particularly hideous sergeant who announced himself as Olngo, wielding a mighty cleaver.  We can count ourselves lucky that they were too bold to simply set up outside and bleed us slowly – they thought themselves crafty by sneaking into the, now obviously poorly defended, kitchen via the old timber tunnel.  The narrow corridors limited their fire and brought Zan's and Kivish's fighters right to them.

They managed to perforate a few poor dogs in the meeting hall, and put an arrow through the peasent Kol's right eye.  The snipers were felled in the halls, and the sergeant was shot to pieces at point blank.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 24th of Galena, 1053

Ushat completed his work... a toy boat.  Covered in spikes.  Of green tourmalines.

It is quite pretty, though I wonder what could have inspired it.  He claims he could make anything of glass now.  Tragic that this wasteland is too alluvial to make glass from.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 12th of Limestone, 1053

The Liaison has come from the Mountainhomes, riding with the traders.  A mighty train of five wagons, laden with more wood and food than we could ever need. However, Coelocanth has been partying hard down in The Silver Table for a month now and has no intention of leaving.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 21st of Limestone, 1053
It took him another week, but Coelocanth finally drug himself upstairs to negotiate.  The traders gladly exchanged the mass of logs, meat, and fine dwarven liquors, along with a few excellent weapons and emergency turtles, for our masterful clothworks, some meals, and treasures looted (back, I'm sure) from the goblins.  Having no definite needs, we agreed to ask for more wood, leather, assorted metals we have not found, and weaponry.  I inquired about obtaining some bauxite for engineering, but the liaison sadly informed me none was to be had.  They in turn asked for rock scepters, goblets, and blocks of all things.  Surely the Mountainhomes have no shortage of stoneworkers?

I had to drag Coelocanth back to his office to finish the meeting after another party started.  Meanwhile, a kobold tried to make off with some food – Ushat handily tied him in knots.

I ordered a quarter of The Silver Table engraved to further record the history of our thriving village.  It's been liberally decorated with our battles with the goblin raiders, foes felled, and friends lost.

Fortress Log of Sedil Zalės, 1st of Sandstone, 1053

Autumn has long come, and with it by tradition I go.  Of my original goals, the tombs are as good as they need be, iron will never again be in short supply, the military is equipped and well on their way to glory, one critical catapult has been set up and my team and I are well versed in it's operation, and our stock of drink is high and climbing.

My fortified tower has yet to be finished – I must trust it's completion to my successor.  The Captain of the Guard is still laid up with a broken arm, but I've deputized some help and built a proper jail.  So far, there's thankfully been no need.  Urdim the wilddwarf still shouts from his plank as well.  Kol's head is healing fine.  Mistress Ngokang still lives, and clearly her fellow warlords now see Sedil Zalės as a genuine threat.  Some culling slowed the growth, but we are still tripping over dogs as well.

Ah yes, and one last bit of housekeeping, left for me by Coelocanth to complete...

That's one tower left glowing, one left crumbled, one left standing.  And a nation of goblins left to slay.

Sedil Zalės as it stands.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2008, 10:42:06 am »

You took your precious time :P.

Anyway, starts to looking nice :3.

Rusty Mcloon

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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #42 on: July 17, 2008, 02:04:20 pm »

Hang on a second. Aren't I next?
Indeed you are.  At the end of my essay I said I was starting next year.  Hehe, sorry for the confusion. 

Go get 'em, tiger!


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2008, 04:46:16 pm »

Hah. I shall start tomorrow morning after I wake up (and finish it within a few hours most likely).

For now, sleep!.


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Re: [Sucession Game] Angel of Wards
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2008, 02:38:02 am »

It took me half a week, but I still updated every day.

Yo, Wirewraith.  What's happening in Sedil Zalis?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 05:06:09 am by Aqizzar »
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.
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